General > Frauds

Tdom Bah Toden Xkee aka Giovanni de Carlo aka "The Flute Keeper"

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--- Quote from: Ingeborg on March 13, 2011, 10:45:59 pm ---But perhaps this is not so much a miracle. His partner Jackie Fischer adjusted her site announcing she will organize events with a Mexican person by the name of „El Abuelo Koli“ who is a flute player, author of books, and maker of instruments. Now doesn't this sound familiar?
The name gets explained as 'el abuelo' meaning 'grandfather' in Spanish, while 'koli' is said to be Nahuatl for, well, grandfather. This is almost true as research on different language sites indicates that koli seems more in the way of elder than an actual grandfather.
The alleged Mexican grandfather and Ms Fischer will organize seminars on 2012:

--- Quote ---Author, musician and maker of instruments from Mexico, Koli spent many years researching the ancient ways of life of the American peoples with an emphasis on the culture of the Aztecs, Olmeks, and Mayas and has gathered much information regarding the events in 2012.
--- End quote ---

So Senor de Carlo's business has seen an expansion which clearly means to appeal to nuagers. Consequently, his most recent events were/are organized and promoted by nuagers, as e.g. this one:

--- Quote ---A day with Koli Abuelo in Kelheim
Workshop: Do your own „Native American Flute“
Seminar: 2012 Maya Calendar etc
Concert: Relaxing melodies, played on ancient indigenous instruments
March 6, 2011
[…] Hotel, Kelheim
Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Workshop: Native American Flute (Indian cedar flutes)
Instructed by Koli, an author, musician, and maker of instruments from Jalisco/Mexico, participants will learn how to do their own „Native American Flute“ and how to play it. In a three-hours' workshop, Koli will explain step by step so that every participant will succeed in having made their own Native American Flute in the end.

Workshop, Seminar and Concert:
Fee: € 200 per person
Concert: € 22 per person
--- End quote ---

The seminar was announced this way:

--- Quote ---2.30 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Seminar – Maya predictions for the year 2012

The seminar will concentrate on the analysis and discussion of what people have heard about the Maya predictions regarding the end of times in the year 2012 and what these really mean, as well as further predictions, also from other cultures.

Koli from Mexico, and expert in this field, will then direct an open roundtable in which participants may exchange opinions regarding these events and discuss them. Koli spent many years researching the ancient ways of life of the American peoples with an emphasis on Aztec, Olmec and Maya culture and has gathered much information regarding the events in 2012. Will this mean the end of the world or are we in a changing world which will start a new era?
--- End quote ---


De Carlo meanwhile produced a website, a blog and is to be found on facebook in his newest incarnation of 'Koli Abuelo', like e.g.:

--- Quote ---The Performer, The Crafter, The Writer.
--- End quote ---

Senor de Carlo is also advertising his 2012 seminars on esoteric websites, e.g.:

--- Quote ---Time: January 20, 2011 at 6pm to March 31, 2014 at 7pm
Location: EU
Website or Map:
Event Type: 2012
Organized By: Abuelo Koli
Latest Activity: Jan 20

Dear Paul:
My name is Koli and I have been invited to participate in a seminar in Germany relating the events of the Mayas for 2012.
I am looking for people who may be interested in having me over to have other seminars while in Europe (I am form Mexico) and you can read a little about me in my site
I would be in Germany and it is not a problem to travel in the EU.
I also include in the seminar a concert with music from the prehispanic times of the Mexican people (teponztle, flutes, rattles, ocarinas, etc)
I am not a shaman and I dont pretend to be an expert in anything, just another scholar who has taken the time to gather information and a very open view of the events that can take place in 2012
Thank you
--- End quote ---

--- End quote ---

Received a message from Luis Alfonso/Koli. He says that DeCarlo and the promoter made false claims about who and what he is. He descibes himself as a Mexican of Spanish ancestry who does some teaching and instrument making but who never presents himself as an expert. He even has done some speeches where he warns people about frauds. Bolding below is mine.


Dear sir/mam
I have received a link to a page in your site that mentions my name and that I am in some way related to another person.

My name is Luis Alfonso Alba and have taken the name Koli (old person, grandfather or elder as you may want to translate) due to the fact that I have reached the elders age in our traditional ways.

I am a Mexican born and raised in Lagos de Moreno Jalisco where me and my whole family resides and have been doing so for the last 100 years.
My Family is from Spanish background who arrived in America over 400 years ago and have mixed in different ways with local people of Zacatecas and Jalisco.

Recently I was invited by a promoter in Germany to travel there and do some work with my crafts and my music as well as with my lectures of some of the books I have worked on. At that time I was invited to fill in for another person who could not make the engagement and then on to the presentation I did for the same promoter.

For what I read (and had translated for me just like I am asking a friend here in Lagos to translate this mail) it seems that this page is mixing me with another person and somehow implying that I am this other person.

The facts are:
I am a Mexican and have been since I was born.
I have travel a little in my life but due to my income and my lack of property I cant not get a Visa to travel or to visit the EEUU
I am a teacher and a crafter here in my home town of Jalisco and have lived here for the past 35 years while living also in Guadalajara and Xalapa Mexico and never outside of my own country for more than few months.
You can ask anyone in town wher I live and they will direct you to my house. Been there for the past 50 years and my grandparents before me and now me and my mother live there.

My special skills are:
Teacher of ancient history
Making handmade instruments for children (at the local art school and others in other cities)
I make Teponaztles, Ocarinas and Flutes and play Guitar Banjo in an Spanish Flamenco Style - do a little of mixing with North American Flute during my shows but it is not my main instrument and do not call myself an expert in any of them.
I learned to make North Amreican Flutes but I do not claim to be a North American Flute Player (wish I could play as good as some of them players....)
I am not from Argentina and never have had the opportunity of visiting that country.

I have been invited to do other presentations regarding the events of 2012 but again just as a mediator.
I do corporate work talking about shamans and how some use cold reading and such to sell their so called skills to poor people and to people who believes in them. (like you would say Fakes).

Please have someone contact me to answer your questions and to ask the person who has placed the information to clarify (and to remove my name and do not mix me with others).
Luis Alfonso


The internet does have an effin good memory - and it often manages to produce a surprise or two...

Now, although we were supposed to shed a tear for Senor de Carlo who said he passed away in 2010, he showed up at an event in January 2011.

However, this was not the last time Senor de Carlo was able to perform months after his demise:,-Supercool-_arid,168782.html

This is a report about an Oktoberfest in the town of Bassum, dated 10/10/2011 (Bassum is a small town in the North of Germany, south of Bremen). The article contains the following paragraph:

"One attraction in Sulinger Strasse was Tdom Bah with his booth who, among other goods, sold guitars made from cigar boxes and okarinas (Mexican flutes made from clay. Tdom Bah is a Kiowa Indian and comes from Oklahoma. The contact was made via the Maverick Lines Dancers who performed in the city centre during the afternoon."

It seems that Senor de Carlo, either as a fake Kiowa or a fake Aztec teaching Maya beliefs, was rather out of business in 2012 and 2013.


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