Author Topic: I'm back, bet ya didn't miss me  ;)  (Read 19037 times)

Offline TimberlineWarrior

  • Posts: 98
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I'm back, bet ya didn't miss me  ;)
« on: April 13, 2005, 03:06:21 am »
Hiya all,
well I'm back and I have an interesting one based in the UK.
I met this woman personally a few years ago at that time she was a typical white british wican/pagan born and living in London. She said she liked my NA music so I did her a disc of wavs.
Next time I heard from her was about 6 months later and she's got herself set up on PalTalk with a name something like Sacred Raven Woman, claiming to be a Cherokee Medicine Woman, doing on line healing and playing music. I wonder where she got that from? I lost touch with her for a year or so, but then heard from her again, now she has the name Sacred Skies, she actually is so dumb she couldn't understand why people were attacking her with the names she had had- Sacred Raven etc and even Sarced Raven 2 (Thats her spelling, not mine).
She now hosts a room on PalTalk called The Sacred Medicine Wheel where you can go and talk to her, she being a cherokee medicine woman, listen to music and get her EBay shop rammed at you. She's also known as Sacred again boasting about her sacredness and shop!


Offline Barnaby_McEwan

  • Posts: 861
Re: I'm back, bet ya didn't miss me  ;)
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2005, 08:48:20 am »
Hello T.,

Is this something to do with her?

[Warning: cheesiness ahead. Whoever put the site together is also unable to spell the names of some of the native artists s/he presumably has 'respect' for]

What's this person's name? Does she have a website?If what you've written is true, people need to know about her.

Offline TimberlineWarrior

  • Posts: 98
  • I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Re: I'm back, bet ya didn't miss me ? ;)
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2005, 10:19:02 pm »
Thats one of her sites. She has at least 2 and as many names as a snake has scales. I know she has Sacred and that advertises another site.
Every word is true, I didn't mention the detailed description she placed on that site about smudging and certring though, but it is there for all to see.
Note a good laugh is to read her site, or as she calls it sight, thats just one of loads of typos, errors and general display of dumbness.
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 12:00:00 am by TimberlineWarrior »