Author Topic: Christine L. Sweat AKA Redhawk woman  (Read 20678 times)

Tom Bailey

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Christine L. Sweat AKA Redhawk woman
« on: February 23, 2005, 11:22:22 pm »

  I'm very pissed off right now. I've got alot better things to do, then try to put out shit storms for the Michilimackinac Metis, that all lead back to you. When you were elected clan mother, I told you how careful you have to be, because no other position is looked at as hard as yours. Since then, (1)your name has shown up on the indian fraudbusters site, claiming you related to everyone! And they're right! You do claim to be related to eveyone! I have the whole Brant family tree here. I won't show it to you, because you already claim to be related to me. NOT TRUE!  You're a name grabber! I saw one of your emails to Pat, listing a bunch of Brooks names, asking him which ones he was related to. Anyone he would've picked, would have somehow been a relative of yours. Amazing. That's how you got into the different fraud sites in the first place. You can't blame Robinhawk either. She didn't even know about the new name. How did it get there? Then you didn't even seem to care! Speaking of Robinhawk, she's just another problem you've introduced to this group.
   (2) In talking to Pat, he told me about how you want a status card, so you can get your "Indian Tooth" fixed. What the hell is a indian tooth? There isn't one!! Try pulling this one on someone who doesn't know any better! Besides, you'ld have to be an Indian, if that was the case. I doubt you have enough blood to qualify. I feel bad that Joe has to pay 5 or 6 hundred bucks a year, to check for cancer. But that's life. To me, it sounds like you want a status card, just to get something for free. Not gonna happen. If you think getting adopted will get you the same benefits as a status indian, then your sadly mistaken. Also, just so you know, I've advised mom, not to adopt you.
   By now, you're probably pissed off. So what! I hope you are. (3) When I talked to you on the phone from Pats house, you told me you weren't going to the Metis meeting because, "I don't feel like it". Those were your exact words. Then I hear that Christine & Wayne carried the message that you were sick. The tribe even had a prayer circle for you. Not only did you LIE, you asked an elder to carry the message for you! How low is that? You also told me that a Metis card wasn't important to you, because you saw yourself as a "Native Woman". Not a Metis. I see you as just another white woman, who wants something you don't deserve. Even if you do have some Native blood, which you very well may, you sure act white. I don't think you can be trusted, at all!!
    (4) Poor Rachel got caught in the middle of this card mess, because of what YOU told her! You can deny it all you want, I don't care, I know you did it! You told everyone in the band, just about the same thing, at the first meeting here, the day you were elected clan mother. Only it was the RED CARD then. You told her she was getting a status card! You told her she would be getting casino revenue! You told her there were medical benefits! You've already proven yourself to be dishonest, so go ahead & deny it. I know better!
    (5) When Proof of your heritage came into question over this card mess, you made a comment you being Native,  That was even mentioned in Rachels email to me, which I'm sure you've seen. If you haven't seen it,  I Won't have anything more to do with you!! After the way Jim has defended you, over & over again, how you could say anything about him, is mind boggling to me.You can't be trusted!
     You can forget about being in the Ongwehonweh League of Peace. You will never get a card!! If I it was my desision, you won't be getting a Michilimackinac card either!  For all the good you did in the beginning, you have turned into more of a detriment, then you're worth! The U.S. and Canadian Governments will never give the Metis people full recognition or any recognition without help. The best we can hope for is repect as equals, among the traditional Native people & for them to come to bat for the Metis. This is what you've put in jeopardy!! Like I said, you can deny everything, like you did before, but I know the truth. The next post about you on ndnfraudbusters, just might be made by ME! Don't call me, don't write to me & don't try to have anyone speak for you to me. If i want to hear lies, there's plenty of 'white folk' around here I can talk to.    



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Re: Christine L. Sweat AKA Redhawk woman
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2005, 07:19:57 pm »

Did I miss something here?

I didn't think this was a place for what sounds like a private grudge.

Offline JosephSWM

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Re: Christine L. Sweat AKA Redhawk woman
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2005, 08:03:05 pm »
Many names mentioned in that letter. The name Pat - is that Pay holley perchance. His name comes up a lot with "red cards" especially the selling of the name.

To the person that posted this and the one called David Michael Wolfe. I have a question. Are you asking the members here to look into these people? I have an odd feeling that you are trying to use us here for some reason. Could you clarify your posts please.



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Re: Christine L. Sweat AKA Redhawk woman
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2005, 05:23:59 am »
Please remove this post it was unitentenionaly pasted and not edited by myself ,this was a personal email not to be placed on the web
my name is tom and I am new to this board
thank you Tom

 ?  I'm very pissed off right now. I've got alot better things to do, then try to put out shit storms for the Michilimackinac Metis, that all lead back to you. When you were elected clan mother, I told you how careful you have to be, because no other position is looked at as hard as yours. Since then, (1)your name has shown up on the indian fraudbusters site, claiming you related to everyone! And they're right! You do claim to be related to eveyone! I have the whole Brant family tree here. I won't show it to you, because you already claim to be related to me. NOT TRUE! ? You're a name grabber! I saw one of your emails to Pat, listing a bunch of Brooks names, asking him which ones he was related to. Anyone he would've picked, would have somehow been a relative of yours. Amazing. That's how you got into the different fraud sites in the first place. You can't blame Robinhawk either. She didn't even know about the new name. How did it get there? Then you didn't even seem to care! Speaking of Robinhawk, she's just another problem you've introduced to this group.
 ?  ? (2) In talking to Pat, he told me about how you want a status card, so you can get your "Indian Tooth" fixed. What the hell is a indian tooth? There isn't one!! Try pulling this one on someone who doesn't know any better! Besides, you'ld have to be an Indian, if that was the case. I doubt you have enough blood to qualify. I feel bad that Joe has to pay 5 or 6 hundred bucks a year, to check for cancer. But that's life. To me, it sounds like you want a status card, just to get something for free. Not gonna happen. If you think getting adopted will get you the same benefits as a status indian, then your sadly mistaken. Also, just so you know, I've advised mom, not to adopt you.
 ?  ? By now, you're probably pissed off. So what! I hope you are. (3) When I talked to you on the phone from Pats house, you told me you weren't going to the Metis meeting because, "I don't feel like it". Those were your exact words. Then I hear that Christine & Wayne carried the message that you were sick. The tribe even had a prayer circle for you. Not only did you LIE, you asked an elder to carry the message for you! How low is that? You also told me that a Metis card wasn't important to you, because you saw yourself as a "Native Woman". Not a Metis. I see you as just another white woman, who wants something you don't deserve. Even if you do have some Native blood, which you very well may, you sure act white. I don't think you can be trusted, at all!!
 ?  ?  (4) Poor Rachel got caught in the middle of this card mess, because of what YOU told her! You can deny it all you want, I don't care, I know you did it! You told everyone in the band, just about the same thing, at the first meeting here, the day you were elected clan mother. Only it was the RED CARD then. You told her she was getting a status card! You told her she would be getting casino revenue! You told her there were medical benefits! You've already proven yourself to be dishonest, so go ahead & deny it. I know better!
 ?  ?  (5) When Proof of your heritage came into question over this card mess, you made a comment you being Native, ? That was even mentioned in Rachels email to me, which I'm sure you've seen. If you haven't seen it, ? I Won't have anything more to do with you!! After the way Jim has defended you, over & over again, how you could say anything about him, is mind boggling to me.You can't be trusted!
 ?  ?  ? You can forget about being in the Ongwehonweh League of Peace. You will never get a card!! If I it was my desision, you won't be getting a Michilimackinac card either! ? For all the good you did in the beginning, you have turned into more of a detriment, then you're worth! The U.S. and Canadian Governments will never give the Metis people full recognition or any recognition without help. The best we can hope for is repect as equals, among the traditional Native people & for them to come to bat for the Metis. This is what you've put in jeopardy!! Like I said, you can deny everything, like you did before, but I know the truth. The next post about you on ndnfraudbusters, just might be made by ME! Don't call me, don't write to me & don't try to have anyone speak for you to me. If i want to hear lies, there's plenty of 'white folk' around here I can talk to. ?  ?
 ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?