Author Topic: Essiac / Flor Essence  (Read 33773 times)

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Essiac / Flor Essence
« Reply #15 on: December 28, 2014, 04:31:40 pm »
not about clinic to show makayla is well did not relapse. family use traditional medicine Ongwehowe Onohgwatri:yo  not chemo. makayla is csncer free today. essiac come from traditional medicine and work to if prepare right
Ongwehowe Onongwatri:yo: is not essiac.  Ongwehowe Onongwatri:yo: is prepared by traditional healers.  It's not a recipe you can find in a book.  I fully support our traditional medicines and healers, I do not support questionable medicines promoted by white people.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Essiac / Flor Essence
« Reply #16 on: December 28, 2014, 06:52:08 pm »
I agree with Ingeborg. Ian, do not spam the forum with unsourced, already-disproved, anecdotal claims, or links to unrelated articles. Unsourced ancecdotes by random people (usually sockpuppets of people who sell quack "cures") will be deleted. I have deleted some of the spammy posts.

Traditional Indigenous healing, including herbalism, is something many on this forum support and participate in. Some of the people here are trained in these ways, work with them daily, and are dedicated to keeping these things from being exploited. 

That is the reason we are speaking out against essiac. Essiac has nothing to do with traditional, indigenous healing. It is is an ineffective herbal remedy concocted by a white person, who misrepresented it as Native, and white people have continued to misrepresent it as indigenous in order to make money from selling it. Those pushing essiac are harming and exploiting people with cancer, as well as harming Natives by misrepresenting the cultures. What is most tragic is when Natives believe the lie.

Supporting Indigenous people's rights to use their traditional medicines means we need to continue to speak out against  essiac.
« Last Edit: December 28, 2014, 07:12:30 pm by Kathryn »

ian bear

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Re: Essiac / Flor Essence
« Reply #17 on: December 29, 2014, 12:19:49 am »
not about clinic to show makayla is well did not relapse. family use traditional medicine Ongwehowe Onohgwatri:yo  not chemo. makayla is csncer free today. essiac come from traditional medicine and work to if prepare right
Ongwehowe Onongwatri:yo: is not essiac.  Ongwehowe Onongwatri:yo: is prepared by traditional healers.  It's not a recipe you can find in a book.  I fully support our traditional medicines and healers, I do not support questionable medicines promoted by white people.

I know that sky. we have to agree to disagree on essiac/black root medicine. thank you for being kind. I am not Bill truth and will not post again.

Offline Jkewageshig

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Re: Essiac / Flor Essence
« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2016, 05:20:37 am »
I've been reading through the forum to learn more and finding a lot of great information here. I agree that "essiac" and any of the variety of herb combinations sold as essiac are not cures for cancer. Cancer is not a simple thing to treat.

In the case of Makayla Sault, I do not know what herbs or traditions the traditional healers who worked with her used. Its not my place to know or ask. She DID NOT, however receive any "traditional treatment" from the Hippocrates Centre. Her family went there for "vacation".... Whatever, perhaps the Hippocrates Centre sought publicity and notoriety through having Makayla and family there. I am not defending the Centre or any "quack" ideas of easy cures. The mainstream media is who made up the idea that Makayla received treatment at the Hippocrates Centre.

I am only posting here to share a statement from Makayla's family, which explains how and why the family made the decisions they did. I know its an old thread, but this story should be shared.