Author Topic: Werner Rusterholz AKA Heart of Gold Faux Online Cheyenne Shaman  (Read 42290 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Werner Rusterholz AKA Heart of Gold Faux Online Cheyenne Shaman
« on: November 18, 2018, 10:31:07 pm »
Need to find his legal name. The most ludicrous claims in a long while.
Google gives the auto suggestion Heart of Gold shaman fake.
ETA: Added the name of the site owner since there's no ign HoG actually exists.

The Family Personal Photo Album:
Big Bird: My father was the Great Apache Chief
Water Pearl: My Grandmother was an Apache Woman, pure, gentle and protective.
Big Knife: My Grandfather was the Great Cheyenne Sorcers.
Flower of Life: My Grandmother was the Cheyenne  Healer
Black Eagle: My Grandfather was the Great Apache Chief

Eti Enne  doesn't recommend Heart of Gold.
October 14 ·
This is an organization peddling lies and disinformation. This is not a shaman but a collection of writers paid for by a company to prey on vulnerable people looking for healing. This is an outrage and totally disrespectful to real indigenous healers and their wisdom. A close friend was contacted to work for them and when they heard how these organization are operating they refused to have anything to do with them.

Offline Diana

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Re: Heart of Gold
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2018, 02:18:00 am »
Those pictures on the website look like Edward Curtis pics. If I can copy them I'll put them in Google images and see what comes up.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Heart of Gold
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2018, 02:29:56 am »
Those pictures on the website look like Edward Curtis pics. If I can copy them I'll put them in Google images and see what comes up.

I made a screenshot of one of them (without the text). Have to postpone later work. Please continue, Diana.
Big Knife: My Grandfather was the Great Cheyenne Sorcer[er]

The person depicted is "Fat Horse, with insignia of a Blackfoot Warrior." Photograph by Edward S. Curtis:


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Re: Heart of Gold
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2018, 02:34:53 am »
IWS International Web Services AG offers "products and services" "through its website".

The website belongs to IWS International Web Services AG Industriestrasse 47 6300 Zug.

We are committed to respecting the legislative provisions set out in Swiss law as well as the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

IWS International Web Services AG

 Company status: active
Legal form: Company limited by shares (AG)
Sector: Corporate/business consultancy
Industriestrasse 47, 6300 Zug

Board of directors
Werner Rusterholz

authorized signatories
Werner Rusterholz

The address given in the directory listing above is the same address as listed on the website in question:

Due to increase in demand, personalized services provided by Heart of Gold through the website are electronic services. These electronic services are exclusively offered for entertainment purposes, with the stipulation that applicable laws and regulations are followed.

Check out


I don't know yet if this is our Werner Rusterholz

If it is, here is his book:


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Re: Heart of Gold
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2018, 03:02:27 am »
This company wants your full name and birth date. Don't give it to them. Definitely do not give them money.

This supposed book is bizarre:

I'm googling on the title and various phrases. My guess is that he grabbed text found online such as and which are both from The Path on the Rainbow, edited by George W. Cronyn, [1918] .


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Re: Heart of Gold
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2018, 03:09:41 am »
Results of my free reading:

Your animal Totem is the Goose. Like him, you symbolize perseverance to the point of exhaustion. Faithfulness, determination, caution, stubbornness, a demanding nature, loyalty, constancy, resentment, ambition, punctiliousness, alertness, perseverance, and purity, these are what characterize you. But by being too demanding with yourself and others in your constant desire to go ever further, you risk forgetting what is really important and no longer knowing how to enjoy your achievements!
Important note: By adding my email to your address book you will receive all my messages without worries. Otherwise, they may be blocked by filters.
Your new Shaman friend who will take care of you,XYZ, I must confess that I feel a particularly strong connection between us. I will come back to you very quickly because I have important information to share with you


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Re: Heart of Gold
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2018, 03:27:13 am »

I assume this is in other languages too.


barney martin mckinley   on December 20, 2017 at 4:46 pm

Hi or kia ora as we say in our native language,my name is barney and I’m part souix thru my granmother from sitting bull but my question is does anyone know a shaman whom goes by the name of “HEART OF GOLD” he’s a cheyenne shaman.I have made contact with heart of gold on a web site and I would lke to know if this is person is not ripping people of or if he is for real.I am from NEW ZEALAND and I am MAORI a native of my country thank you


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Re: Heart of Gold
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2018, 03:51:38 am »
I've no clue why, but many of their email scripts are currently available online. I assume this all will disappear soon.

This looks to be an automated operation. Many of the emails replied to are spam email addresses, including porn. My guess is that once people pay money, they may get responses from actual people, or maybe just better scripts.

Some examples:

Hello Bahattin,

For many years I lived in a small cabin in the middle of a forest of cedar trees.

Winters were extremely long and sometimes it was difficult to believe it possible to hold out until spring, because I was so cold and hungry.

Fortunately, my grandfather “Black Eagle”, a great Apache chief, had passed on an incantation to recite when times were hard.

As you are now a member of my tribe, I’ve decided to pass this incantation on to you.

Don’t forget you can still receive the interpretation of the volcanic stones.

I can feel that you’re concerned about the well-being of animals and I wanted to share with you the secret that I call “the animals’ song and prayer.”

A few days ago, I sent you the incantation that was passed down to me by my Grandfather, the revered “Black Eagle”. Even if you haven’t yet done the necessary to receive my help, I still want to thank you.

Hello Bobert,

Last night the sound of the drum and the rattle enabled me to go into a trance for you.

I went into a deep trance to thank you for being part of my clan Bobert.

With my help and the spirit of the Thunderbird, a beneficial shower will soon fill your life with the happiness that you’ve been waiting so long.

My most positive thoughts go with you.

Your shaman friend who is watching over you

Dear Mehran,

It’s incredible! This is the third time I have had the same strange dream about you – a dream where I see you dancing with a big white swan on a dark lake right at the top of the mountain!

This is a sign that must be taken very seriously.

Discover right away the rest of the revelations that concern you:

The links in the various scripts don't seem to be available to the public, maybe they are password protected, or they are temporary.


After all that has happened for 24 hours I still can not believe it.

I felt my body stop and if the benevolent spirits of my ancestors had not been there I would never have been able to write you this message today.

I will be eternally grateful for your kindness, your trust and your support.

I am still stunned by this incredible event; it is so rare because normally I resist all snake bites.

Never has the bite of a rattlesnake or other venomous snake been able to defeat your invincible shaman friend!

I also have to tell you that the spirit of Black Eagle, my Great Father, appeared to me and he told me that the rattlesnake had felt that I was ready to receive his power.

The problem is that the snake is a being with great sensitivity.

He feels and sees everything that no human being can see! Even for the most awakened shaman, if the spirit of the snake discovers the slightest trace of darkness in its victims soul then its venom can become dangerously deadly!

I was fortunate to be appointed to receive the snake's Power and it is not for nothing.

So I will hurry to put it into service today for your benefit.

You will receive the greatest of bounties in the coming days.

Your shaman friend who watches over you,

Offline Sparks

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Re: Heart of Gold
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2018, 05:30:27 pm »
I've no clue why, but many of their email scripts are currently available online. I assume this all will disappear soon.

Wow, more than one thousand (1,000) pages of emails!?

Check out

When I clicked that, this message rolled down my MacBook screen:

Discover your animal totem here and now
Heart of Gold offers you a FREE PREDICTION
Still available for [Maximum 6 minutes]

You're chatting with Heart of Gold, the Great Shaman - He will reveal to you your animal totem for 2019
Monday 19 November at 18:07
I am Heart of Gold
A vision has just flashed before me
Right in Oslo
Something is afoot
and it's about you
I am offering you a free prediction right now
are you « a woman » « a man »

Terms & Conditions - Contact - Privacy Policy
When you make use of our website, you can enjoy One (free) trial and some premium Products under the heading "Occult Shop" . The prices and rates of our Products and Services are always clearly indicated. Our website lets you pay online through a completely secure banking network. Any opinion, response, advice, suggestion, predication, information, and/or other service provided is provided for entertainment purposes only. Depending on factors, experiences from the readings will vary from person to person. See our terms and conditions conditions for more information.

So because of automatic detection of my IP address they know that I am presently located in Oslo [Norway]. I didn't want to send any reply, I left it with that. I guess many people who fall for this kind of scam will believe it's by magic (clairvoyance or whatever) that their whereabouts are known to "Heart of Gold, the Great Shaman"?


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Re: Heart of Gold
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2018, 06:38:31 pm »
IWS International Web Services AG

Company Number
Company Type
Registered Address

        Industriestrasse, 47

Previous Names

        Herbal Products Direct AG

Business Classification Text
    Erbringung von Beratungsdienstleistungen im Bereich des Marketings und der Unternehmensentwicklung, im weiteren Herausgabe und Vermarktung von Büchern und elektronischen Datenträgern sowie Entwicklung und Vermarktung von Software; vollständige Zweckumschreibung gemäss Statuten

Google translation of the Business Classification Text:

Providing consultancy in the field of marketing and business development, further publishing and marketing of books and electronic data carriers, and development and marketing of software; complete purpose description according to the Articles of Association


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Re: Heart of Gold
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2018, 07:32:17 pm »
From my teepee


Create:    2018-11-17

Dear Zoe,

Every morning I drink a cup of strong black coffee which rasps my throat.

I always add a drop of old whisky to make it easier to swallow.

I have also seen the White Swan of the Wakan spirit and that is a sign Zoe that cannot be mistaken.

I can feel that you are afraid and a little anxious.

You may feel a little reserve about all these changes that I am telling you about and I quite understand.

Your resources are not looking too good at the moment and that’s why I have sent you this magnificent vision that I received concerning you:

I only hope that malicious tongues won’t prevent you from receiving the help that I have prepared for you.

This life is not for you and you must regain confidence in the good and great things that life can bring you after all the disappointments and problems that you have experienced.

The Great White Swan of the Wakan spirit really exists.

It is a sacred animal which belongs to the chief of the tribe who has given it unimaginable power. The Great White Swan of the Wakan spirit is a healer, an prophet, a protector and a miracle-worker.

I have drawn up a parchment for you in which you just have to choose several symbols.

Your life will soon be filled with prosperity. All you have to do is accept my help by filling out your participation form.

Your shaman friend who is watching over you, Heart of Gold


Offline Sparks

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Re: Heart of Gold —Werner Rusterholz
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2018, 08:18:43 pm »
Board of directors Werner Rusterholz
authorized signatories Werner Rusterholz
I don't know yet if this is our Werner Rusterholz […]

I found that name at the bottom of this page:

I created a new topic about that online store and shop in Switzerland:
[Eagle Feather Trading — Andy Schumacher (Rüti, Switzerland)]

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Werner Rusterholz AKA Heart of Gold Faux Online Cheyenne Shaman
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2018, 09:17:51 pm »
The photo of HoG's supposed mothers is actually a historic photo of a Hupa woman, not Apache.

The photo of supposedly of him is actually Red Sleeve or Red Arm Panther, a Cheyenne scout 150 years ago.

Moved to Frauds. I hope someone in Switzerland takes Rusterholz to court, jails him. Changed the title, hoping it will show up in searches better.

ETA: Two mistakes of mine corrected, now bolded with correct information.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Heart of Gold
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2018, 01:19:14 am »
This supposed book is bizarre:


It looks like a book, but nothing is mentioned about author or number of pages or any other information given when you try to sell a book. And in fact, no such book exists, according to this website:

The "cover" photo is this:

About this Item
Joseph--Nez Percé
Summary Photograph shows Chief Joseph, half-length portrait, facing front, wearing war bonnet and several necklaces.
Contributor Names Curtis, Edward S., 1868-1952, photographer
Created / Published c1903 November 28.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1466
Re: Heart of Gold
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2018, 01:51:51 am »
It looks like a book, but nothing is mentioned about author or number of pages or any other information given when you try to sell a book. And in fact, no such book exists, according to this website:

Not even the price is mentioned! Anyone dare try ordering it just to check the price of this non-existing book?