Author Topic: Halito, Chahta Sa Hoke  (Read 4969 times)

Offline Ben

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Halito, Chahta Sa Hoke
« on: April 07, 2008, 02:26:41 am »
There has been plenty written about me under the non-fraud thread by others. I had originally joined to find information about people who are suspected of being fakes, and I had mentioned to a few friends that with all the finger pointing that takes place, I wouldn't be surprised if my name had ended up on some list. I hadn't realized how prophetic it was going to be.

I had found that someone referred to my organization as an exploitative group. I found this on MSN, and was able to communicate with the lady and she responded that someone she had trusted passed the information to her. When she tried to obtain corroboration and the original source, she received no response. She apologized and removed it from her page. She also told me that it has been reposted in many other groups which she could not recall. So it is a matter that I will have to deal with as they arise throughout my life.

I am very cautious about this type of finger pointing based upon hearsay and innuendos. My reason is based upon my prison experiences where people had been wrongfully accused by other inmates of some grievous wrong, and were brutally beaten or stabbed or raped or murdered.  I learned to not repeat rumors that I have not substantiated myself. If I am concerned enough, I'll certainly follow up on it and if I don't receive a response then I have at least afforded someone an opportunity to address the matter.

Even Anna Mae Aquash was supposed to have had the opportunity to defend herself against the accusation of being an informant for the federal authorities, but she was still murdered. Even if some members of AIM did actually pulled the trigger, I still will state the blame lays at the offices of the FBI who began the rumors and created circumstances to support the suspicions.

Many of the people we know as bonafide spiritual leaders have been accused of exploiting or charging for ceremonies. Some may be true and other may have been borne from jealousy or other contrite reasons. It would be a life consuming task to investigate and substantiate all the allegations that have been made against those spiritual leaders. But somewhere it has to be done with actions to bring those harmful matters to an end. As I remember being told some years ago, it was at Phillip Deer's Youth and Elders Gathering in the mid-1970's that the Elders issued a statement for the nuagers and exploiters of Native spirituality to cease. It was said they would be given three warnings and then the warriors would be empowered to take action to stop them.

In either 1992 or 1993, a group of warriors followed their obligation and went into the backyard of Hank Niesse (sp?), a Univ. of Maryland professor, and cut down his Sun Dance tree. This course of action was embarked upon due to a direct observation of his Sun Dance in which he would pour water upon a female dancer who obviously wasn't wearing a bra and poured it over her breasts. To the observer, it appeared to look like a wet t-shirt contest. Mr. Niesse had long been said to have charged for performing Lakota ceremonies for individuals or groups.

In Oklahoma City, Ed McGaa was sponsored by a local meta-physical society to come and conduct a seminar with another woman who claimed she was a Metis Cherokee. They would also being performing soul repair ceremonies for those whose soul needed repairing. A few individuals and myself went to his seminar where someone had attempted to charge me for admission. I told him I was native and did not have to pay for admission so my friends and myself walked passed this person. We entered the large room and saw quite a few people there who were purchasing books, "smudge sticks" and an array of paraphernalia. The "door man" who could not get us to pay an admission fee told Ed McGaa who came to me and said we had to pay to come in, but that if we caused any trouble he would have to notify the police since the conference area had been paid for and they were on private property. I asked Ed if he was charging for the soul repair, and with a straight face he said they were not charging anyone for anything except the merchandise on the table, and the admission was for the metaphysical society to recoup their expenses for renting the facility. At that moment, a woman, who was obviously his secretary or assistant, walked up behind him and said that he had clients waiting in three other rooms and they each had paid their $100.00 to meet him. Mr. McGaa immediately sent the woman away and told us we had to leave.

We saw no point in staying, so we left. Some of the local people who were there and had supported our issues were quite upset with me that I had shown such disrespect to "their" spiritual leader they wouldn't listen to what I had to say about him and the things that he had done.

That experience showed me that the direct approach is not always effective. I could have called a press conference, but it would not have probably changed anyones minds. My tactic has been to incorporate the fact that our spirituality is not for sale within my presentations. I've also told women that if they feel that someone is touching them inappropriately in the lodge to take that hand and place it on the rocks, especially if the rocks are hot. I don't know all the tricks of their trade, but I often tell people about some that I have seen just so people can be made aware of what to watch for, especially the obvious ones.

It is a sad state of affairs that we find traditional ways being exploited for status, sexual favors and financial gains. It is especially depressing that those who are seeking spiritual comfort have been taken advantage of in this manner. I've seen the disillusionment by those people have such deep negative consequences.

Since most have heard that I am a Sun Dance Chief, I want to state that I never asked for that honor, it was bestowed upon me and I have done what I can to honor this way of life. I discourage people from revering me as a "Teacher" and to never place me on a pedestal, because I am only human and as a result I will only disappoint them. If there is a teacher, that would be the Creator because it is through this entity that we learn the lessons of life of how we are all related to one another.

My life has been hard, but I've continue to keep good thoughts and prayers in my heart and things have always been good. It is through those difficult times that we can learn a lot about ourselves and find the strengths to come through it all without anger or bitterness. It is a good life.

« Last Edit: April 08, 2008, 09:01:46 pm by Ben »

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: Halito, Chahta Sa Hoke
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2008, 06:51:49 am »

Offline earthw7

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Re: Halito, Chahta Sa Hoke
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2008, 06:05:06 pm »
Hi Ben welcome to the site
In Spirit