Author Topic: A Declaration on behalf of Blue Planet Mother Eart  (Read 7011 times)

Offline Ganieda

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A Declaration on behalf of Blue Planet Mother Eart
« on: May 01, 2006, 08:54:09 pm »
a message posted to my group.... did a bit of research....interesting....

A Declaration on behalf of Blue Planet Mother Earth
 ? Grandmother Councils and Clan Mothers of Great Turtle Island
 ? With full presence and the power to love
 ? Declare our responsibilities as Women of dignity
 ? To Behold our Earth as Mother.
 ? Recognizing Women are Life Givers and Water Bearers:
 ? We recognize Sovereign lands and the language of the many
cultures of Great Turtle Island.
 ?  ?  
 ? We bind spiritual responsibility to Men and Women to discuss
before acting aggressions upon the Earth with weapons of
destruction, manipulations of borders, and natural resources and
imposing environmental heath hazards to incite a world plague and to
annihilate the balance of natural elements leaving our Blue Planet
uninhabitable for the present and future generations of all living
 ?  ?  
 ? We issue and rule the removal of hierarchal patriarchal
democracy, in place of Sovereignty Peace making councils by Women of
Authority to be respected by Men of family and communities whose
responsibilities are to serve and protect with Honor and Peaceful
 ?  ?  
 ? By our mutual decree: We impose the end of Pornography, Rape and
Crimes against Blue Planet Mother Earth, her children, women and our
 ?  ?  
 ? No government shall be influenced or weaponized by religious
evangelism. ?
 ?  ?  
 ? By Our Clans and Councils of the Great Turtle Island to the
World we represent Integrating education through our inherent
cultural wisdom, elder respect and plant and food medicines through
sustainable ecology.
 ?  ?  ?
 ? Healthy Planet, Healthy Governance, Healthy Communities, Healthy
 ?  ?  
 ? Elk Looks Back
 ? Clan Mother
 ? Deer Clan, Mazatepelt
 ? tlamco@...

apparently forwarded from:


Who is.....Carol Petersen-Perez

Carol Petersen-Perez is an indigenous woman. Her insight comes from direct experience. She believes that to know yourself you must have an understanding of your family tree. Who are your ancestors? What mythologies do you relate to? She sat at the tree. She climbed it and swung from the branches and ate of the forbidden fruit. In the darkest of times, she only had the tree to lean on. The tree of life is also your spine. In your spine is the genetic code. She has a sense that humankind has celestial origins. She is a student of consciousness and believes that genetics exhibit the key to consciousness and divinity.

Carol is a story teller, visionary and a humorist. Carol is teaching everyone to exercise the funny bone. She says the funny bone is connected to all the bones in the body.

"Laughter is a mechanism that strengthens the heart and increases the nervous system's capacity to receive and sustain emotional love. While most of us feel more comfortable giving than receiving. The quickest way to shed amour is to laugh." Laughter is the key to open the gate of defenses.

Today she adheres to knowing that, "When you wish upon a star it doesn't matter who you are." All humans have an origin in divine consciousness.
her site mentions.... Chief Selo Black he for real?

Chief Selo Black Crow
Oglala Lakota,
Wanblee, Pine Ridge Sioux Indian Reservation, S.D.

Chief Selo Blackcrow is a living legend and my friend. He has opened the Sundance to all sincere people for 30 years or more. If you are interested in knowing more and helping yourself to walk in a good way in your life please contact.


The Worldwide Event Co-ordinator is Carol Petersen Perez, a Gift of Spirit to the Harmonic Concordance. ? Carol is the mastermind who knows all, at all times.
? This link has a pic:

Might also find useful info at:
*May the Sun warm your Heart, The Moon light your Path and Sacred Mother Earth embrace and protect you always.*

Offline educatedindian

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Re: A Declaration on behalf of Blue Planet Mother
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2006, 04:37:15 pm »
Black Crow was pretty well known and respected (just passed a year ago) and as far as I know was never accused of exploiting. He did allow non-NDNs to Sundance, but what he taught doesn't seem Nuage at all.

Some exploiters do use his name to seem legit, like Randy Tate.
From email recieved from 'Chief' Tate on Tuesday, August 13, 2002 8:41 AM:
'Forgot to mention my Brothers I met in Denver, Selo Black Crow, Pansyhawk Wing, Wallace Black Elk and they didn't have a Problem with RedNation Of The Cherokee...'
Kinda odd that if they have blessings from Cherokee Elders like they claim below in "New Cherokee nation born in Andorver" Tate would name a bunch of Lakhotas to back him up rather than these mysterious Elders.

There was also a man involved in the Annae Mae Aquash case, Ecoffey, who falsely claimed Black Crow as his grandfather.

Sac Be, or, is run by Carlos Barrios, a Guatemalan criollo living in California posing as a Mayan priest. Petersen-Perez also is listed as a friend of Teton Rainbows, exploiter Benny LeBeau's group.

For someone who headed the harmonic convergence because she supposedly "knows all, at all times", at the very least she has blind spots. "Keeper of the Atlantean and Pleidian"? That's warmed over Edgar Cayce. And the Stargrail site is a hodgepodge of UFOs, Christian legends, and Hinduism.

Really, I'm not sure whether she's just a flake more than an exploiter. I don't see her selling anything, just looking for attention with bizarre bits like quoting Disney movies as "wisdom". Or this bit:
"Last year I was a burning bush. Homeless, crippled, I watched my car get totaled in a four-car collision while it was innocently parked alongside a curb downtown Yucca Valley. I was living month to month on a $450 disability check, and my rent and utilities were $400 a month.
 The great thing about my situation was that I had a Jacuzzi tub with a huge window that looked out across a beautiful valley. I spent every moment in prayer and bathing, and God spoke: "People need to know how much they are loved."
 So I decided that the words "I Love You" should be printed next to the dateline on the front page of all newspapers in America....So I walked up onto the porch, where the door with its screen was open.
 "Hello," I called out friendly-like. A voice said, "Come on in." Smoking and drinking three cups of coffee, I spilled my misfortunes to the man inside. I shook. Then I said, "What would you do for the sake of love?" He thought about it less than a week: he paid my rent. In March I moved in with him, and we've been together ever since....He took a chance moving a total stranger into his house. I burned for love - that was all he saw. Our dog, Inca, moved in the same way I did. She initiated me into knowing about love just from her stare....On Christmas Day 2003, our house, ourselves and Inca were the center of the end of a rainbow."

This seems more desperate, sad, and hopelessly lost than inspiring, at least to me.

She claims to be indigenous, but never mentioned a tribe anywhere. My guess is she'd say something like "I'm indigenous to Mother Earth."

Offline educatedindian

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Re: A Declaration on behalf of Blue Planet Mother
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2006, 05:25:05 pm »
Hold on, found this. She and her friends are ceremony sellers. Ones with arrows need to be looked at further. The others strike me as out there but not exploitive for what we usually talk about.
"Ceremonies - Held in the Medicine Wheel in Eden.
Guest Presentations - Quarterly workshops and private sessions
Jan and Johnny Mirehiel Astrology - Intensive readings with Johnny applying the spiritual perspective of "Mirehielian" astrology...Ascended Relationship Programs...
 Robbie and Bill Spransy gained Enlightenment in October of 1997 through a Celestial Soul Clearing and began living wonderfully expansive multi-level lives.  Greatly influenced by the writings of Machaelle Small Wright, they began an extensive study of self healing, working with the Great White Brotherhood, the Devic, Nature Spirit and Angelic kingdoms....  
>>Carol Perez Petersen...spun her first wheel at the third indigenous gathering of Elders on the grounds of Big Bead sacred to the Navajo.  A keeper of the Sacred Midewin Pipe, a secret Ojibwa Medicine Society, Carol has been a massage therapist for 30 years and is a gifted ceremonialist.  In 2002, she returned to Ometepe in Nicaragua where she witnessed the geomatrix of the earth's sky body then guided by an inter-dimensional star fleet.  Back in the United States, after her car was totaled, she landed in the laps of Jan and Johnny Mirehiel, becoming an event promoter for the Harmonic Concordance....currently writing an experiential novel.  
 Healing Facilitation and Seminar Leader - Phil Gruber...
 Jodi Serota is a leading metaphysical educator, speaker, vibrational healer...
 Dale Colton...Special Event Coordinator for The Harmonic Concordance II Celebration...established The Teaching Alliance Network...authors, teachers and organizations who present workshops and lectures.  
 Claudia Thompson...astrologer...Emmy-award winning Hollywood make-up artist  and hair designer.  She's co-creator and publisher of, a website dedicated to...the magic of lunar rhythms....The Moon is her doorway to the Universe.
>>Ramon Alviso Mendoza, aka; Lone Eagle is a traveler who teaches from his own experiences in the world.   He is a Metis (a mixed blood Indigenous American) who has studied with many shaman worldwide.  Eagle Lodge is the domain of Lone Eagle’s wisdom.  Ramon’s stated intent is to impart the multicultural knowledge that he has been given...He offers to share what he has been taught about self-empowerment for both himself and those who can keep up....
>>Betty Gann Brown was the seventh child of a psychically gifted mother and the granddaughter of a Cherokee medicine woman....many years ago, a voice announced in her ear, "I am your guide and my name is Joseph."  He hasn’t left her side since.  Among his services is the bringing of spirits from the other side to deliver messages to their loved ones....Joseph and Betty function as a team in classroom workshops and private readings....760-365-9797 or email here.  
>>Hohanna Running-Waters lives and practices in our Morongo Valley community.  Her classes in Shamanic Journey teach, among other things, how to find your Power Animals and Guides, how to contact your deceased relatives...she is looking for mediums to participate in a Brazilian Depossession Circle.  The Drum Circle operates on love donations, while the The Depossession Circle is a one time love donation of $20.  Her other services include extraction and soul retrieval work and Reiki.  Please call Hohanna at 760 363-7175 for more details and or directions.  
 Isaac George channels the Archangels Ariel and Michael, the Ascended Masters Jesus and St. Germain...offer discourses on personal and planetary empowerment...facilitates a transformational, spiritual technology entitled “Mystery School for the New Millennium???
>>Dr Jude Currivan PhD...cosmic geomancer, who has directly experienced multi- dimensional realities... worked with and learned from the elders and shamans of many wisdom traditions and has just completed her first book entitled, Many Voices, One Heart.
 Abaji Mony Vital, PhD, Author of Ageless Living (Freedom from the Culture of Death) workshops on: Physical Immortality, Breatharianism, Pranic nourishment and Clearing, >>>Getting rid of Death urges (???!!!) 888-225-7501 Energetic Balancing – Raising life force 24/7, to help stop aging and body deterioration.  This advance quantum physic technology combined with a modern Tibetan prayer wheel sends millions of healing resonance frequencies directly to the participant.    
 Pat therapist, she is a Shambhala Master, EMF Practitioner, and spiritual counselor.  Email:
 Ian Henderson...founder of the Online Spiritual Community...Shambhala Master Teacher  
Joanna Bristow-Watkins...Reyad Sekh Em is Joanna’s ultra high vibrational Egyptian healing system combining five elemental healing rays (earth, fire, water, air, spirit) with colour breathing, sound, crystalline and angelic energies...escorts Harmony Journeys to sacred sites in UK, Egypt, Peru etc.  
 Thérèse Marie Quinn -- the visionary behind Mother Touch© (a system of healing through Love's natural extension) -- is a mystic, priestess, performance poet, Reiki Master, tarot master, Attitudinal Healing facilitator, spiritual counselor, teacher of A Course in Miracles...Morning Bird Ministries.   For Reiki or counseling appointments, tarot readings, Attitudinal Healing facilitation, workshops, circles or ceremony in the Mid-Hudson Valley, NY region...
 Melanie Myers is an Acupuncture Practitioner...studied under great Master teachers of Qi Healing (Energy Body Work), Tui Na Massage Oriental Medicine and Acupuncture...
 Mark David Gerson is a sound master, spiritual teacher, visionary artist and inspirational mentor who works with the ascension energies of Melchizedek, Archangel Michael, the Hathors and many others from the galactic and etheric realms.Truly a Troubadour of the Divine, Mark David has spent the past year driving back and forth across America, singing languages of light older than time....his voice carries light codes that realign and recalibrate all your bodies"

I swear, I couldn't make this stuff up.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: A Declaration on behalf of Blue Planet Mother
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2006, 07:28:40 pm »
"Midewin Pipe"? Do they use a pipe in Midewin ceremonies? Since non-Anishanabe people are included in this cerewmony, to my knowledge, this clown could make up any story.


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Re: A Declaration on behalf of Blue Planet Mother
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2006, 12:19:59 am »
I have my doubts that she actually has one, and I doubt if she is Obijway.  She says she is Indigenous, no reference to any Nation.  frederica