Got a request about him. Here's what I found, but anyone who knows the communities would be a help."Blackfoot medicine man Rod Skenandore's name ought to be a household word. Rod is a founder of the American Indian Movement and helped get the 1978 Freedom of [Native American] Religion Act passed. He is honored by his people for being a protector of the oral traditions and ceremonies of the Star Visitor, White Buffalo Calf Woman, who gave the Plains Indians their true history, ceremonies and spiritual culture, and healing practices. As Medicine Man he has helped bring back the sacred Sun Dance as an annual observance by many tribes. But it is this Red hero's humility which is his most striking attribute. He freely acknowledges having spent part of his earlier life doing things of which he is not proud. But after getting back on the Red Road and recovering his spiritual heritage, Rod made up for lost time. Skenandore spoke about being up on a craft of the Star Nations. What the White Man calls "extraterrestrial encounters" are nothing new to Native people. However, Indian people consider such contacts to be sacred events, since the Star People are such spiritual entities. And Skenandore, the proud fighter for Indian justice, has been tempered by his spiritual contacts. He spoke of his defining vision: "A warrior has become a hunter, looking for flowers.""Rod Skenandore, Blackfoot spiritual teacher, former NASA contract engineer and experiencer, spoke of the world transition which has begun. "We need to take the positive from the Fourth World and set aside the negative as we enter the Fifth World, and start all over again."
There we will need to give our children the essence of the truth. He cited an Indian prophecy which stated, "We will have to go into the mountains and survive a while, then come out later and build on the burnt remains." He questioned why people are waiting for word of the Star Nations' coming, "when we're getting that word now." He spoke lovingly of the Earth as sacred. "This Mother Earth is the last oasis; there is no more. This is a sacred doorway to the universe beyond."
The Blackfoot Elder described having been taken aboard UFOs several times, including one during a hanblechia (Vision Quest), when a sixty-foot-wide UFO descended overhead, and a blue energy light surrounded him and drew him up to the craft. As an engineer, he was shown around the ship by some shorter Zeta Reticulans and two tall Star Visitors.
Skenandore revealed that his origin is from the planet Akthul in the Pleiades star system thirty light years away. He came into human form to let us know that we were given a task. Then the Blackfoot Elder blew a ceremonial whistle four times, and declared that "all the powers are at our disposal." He noted that some humans here now "will never know Grandfather [the Great Spirit]." He said that "some are here for the Bloodbath, an Armageddon; but we are the Gardeners [Earth's caretakers]." In tongue-in-cheek fashion, he described the differences of those humans who operate in high spiritual and consciousness awareness as "weird". Returning to seriousness he immediately added, "Our 'weirdness' is our sacredness. Such are different from those here for the Bloodbath." Our "weaponry" is our ability to effect healings, whether we are totally healed ourselves first. "We are each others' healing medicine." The Elder added, "We have to be 'warriors', hunters looking for flowers. If successful, we will bring Mother Earth back."
But he, or someone with an identical name, also seems to be an oldtime AIMster."Contrary to this account as to how he met Rod Skenandore and me, both of us being co-founders of the Denver Chapter of the American Indian Movement along with respected elders, Alice Black Horse, Wallace Black Elk, Jesse Bordeaux and family, John Holy Elk Face family, Virginia Reeves, Angie Begay, Cindy Largo, and Roberta Two Elk (the sister of Richard Two Elk) to name a few of hundreds who were all part of the spiritual renaissance sparked by the American Indian Movement. We all walked with our elders and the Sacred Pipe, and to our knowledge no one ever carried any guns or weapons as Richard Two Elk states. Neither were there any "foot soldiers." All we ever seen Richard carry was a cassette tape player. Rod Skenandore and I did not meet him and Arlo Looking Cloud on Colfax Avenue where in his interview he admits to dealing drugs. We first met him when he walked into our office on Colfax Avenue in Denver in the early 1970's.""Many are still confined to reservations, such as Grandmother Sara and Elk Chief Rod Skenandore from the Black Feet and Oneida tribes in Montana. Rod spoke to The Resident reporter Gabriel Hershman.
“I come from a society of healers. We try to let people understand the needs of the creation – the way life has gone over the last few thousand years during which we have had only 300 years of peace. But we have the energy to turn things around for the sake of the future,??? he told me. Rod and his people believe that they possess the ability to promote international peace and feel they have a special connection to nature. Rod believes the world is in a mess: “It’s time for change. We cannot rely on federal governments or the churches.

Rod, 65, is an ex-chairman of AIM – the American Indian Movement – an organisation that has received a lot of help in the past from luminaries such as the late Marlon Brando. He is also a gifted singer and songwriter, as well as a veteran UFO researcher. “I’ve been interested in UFOs since 1947 when I discovered a mutilated cow on a reservation. I’ve always been fascinated by ‘our extended family’. There have even been aliens kept in top secret installations in America, but these are not things that have been adequately discussed. There has been a gigantic cover-up,??? he told me.
During a healing session, Rod played some of his love songs and rubbed members of the congregation with a 300-year-old stone “to put people in touch with the Creation???.
Skenandore at another UFO gathering. far he seems eccentric but that's it. His name is all over UFO sites, but I can't find anything about him selling ceremony.