Author Topic: Introduction  (Read 3034 times)

Offline DCBirtch

  • Posts: 8
« on: April 21, 2017, 04:17:46 pm »
Hello To All,

My name is David, but, most simply call me Dave - I'm not hard to get along with ;D

Anyway, I found this site while doing research on the Lakota/Sioux Sun Dance. I am a mix-blood Shawnee that lives in central PA, and have most of my life.
Over the past 30 years, I have been an active participant in many pow-wows through-out the region. But, enough about me...I'm
So, the reason why I was researching the Sun Dance is because of what has been going-on over here with the "natives" - the Eastern Delaware Nations, Inc., and how a certain family has been going to the Salt Creek, Ind., Sun Dance for over a decade and bringing-back the "ceremonies" of the Lakota and then replacing the Lenapi ceremonies with those of the Lakota.

Whew!!! That was a lot to spit-out all at once! Anyhow, just wanted to say "Hello, I'm alive!", and, I wanted to give a big "THANK YOU" to NAFPS for accepting my request to join!! I have already learned so very much, and have shared what I have learned with others. I hope that the sharing and learning (on my part) never stops.

Again, I am grateful and humbled to and by you all.
