Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1504316 times)

Offline goozih

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #885 on: February 07, 2011, 07:56:49 pm »
Can someone post any more information on the latest developments regarding passing the hat,and the curse stuff.

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #886 on: February 08, 2011, 05:11:19 pm »
And now the latest, a message from Crowther's manager Jennifer Ferraro. She sent out a message which claimed she (or perhaps Crowther) has cursed everyone who criticized Crowther, and that we must all apologize to Crowther, or the "curse" would not be lifted. Seriously...I mean, seriously? :o ::) It was so bizarre to see, it's hard to believe, even for Crowther and co.

Any chance you could post the part where this was written please, or even the whole letter?

First they accuse us of being practitioners of the Dark Arts, and then they openly threaten the use of the Dark Arts on us? That is incredibly stupid.

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #887 on: February 08, 2011, 05:14:09 pm »
I agree with everyone else who has posted on this.. if you have an email or something that shows this remark, could you post it? 
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Offline Yx Chebel Yax

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #888 on: February 08, 2011, 05:40:31 pm »
Hello everybody!

 I have followed you all with interest and respect. And I also have been quite upset by Kiesha  Crowther  and how she uses her role as a self-elected shaman chosen by  the elders (that never heard of her ). Don Alejandro the head of the Mayas has denied knowing anything about her still she refers to him on her page (se down below).  About Kiesha Crowther  I would like to add to the discussion some facts and ideas.  I think we should recall that in 1492 when Christopher Columbus “conquered” the new world that meant to the indigenous peoples a major catastrophe. The estimation is that about 70 million (!) of the indigenous peoples of America (Mayas, Incas, Aztecs etc) were killed or died due to force labor, massacres etc. That was about 90% of the entire population that had disappeared after 150 years of occupation by the Europeans (Salmoral 1992c:378). This meant the destruction of their well functioning societies.  Still injustices  are going on.  And to see representatives like Kiesha Crowther,  a white woman, who for her own personal winning pretends to be a shaman of the Sioux and Salish people  is sad and disrespectful to the native peoples and their cause. Using the the  Native American culture  for her own personal gain. It’s a cultural theft. Her message, studying the content is a mix of new age ideas and I agree with some of them. So I think the package is well done and attracts a variety of people. But it is a fraud. Because she is not an honest woman, she lies about her origin, her election to a shaman, and refers to people who don’t know her. You cannot hide from the truth because eventually at all will come out.
My daughter was banned and warned for asking simple questions about KC at TOMC-forum and she is a member here ( her grandfather’s mother was an Inca woman, so she’s got a drop of indigenous blood in her veins, me myself I’m just a regular Swedish woman, with a heart beating for the indigenous peoples).

You cannot question Kiesha and her ideas because then you are not of the heart.  There is no democracy there, no free speech, no freedom of thought and freedom of expression. They are a vital part of international human rights law. If you question (written or orally) the ideas you get excluded, banned- rejected.  That’s not love! That’s not respect. That’s not being understanding and caring! The thing with all these words of love is kind of nice if that reflects upon your character and you are caring and loving in the reality as well. Doing good in your real life towards your brother and sister, respecting others…  But this doesn’t seem to be the case here.  The way… to spirituality, to the faith in God, to respect Mother Earth does not mean you charge people for expensive workshops. She makes spirituality a marketplace to access her knowledge. You have to pay to learn.

Then you  threaten people by talking about the great cleansing and people not from the heart are going to be cleansed away.

I’m sad to see that is down, hope it will reappear.

This you can still read on her page:

“At age 30 unbeknown to me I received  a phone call from a Native American elder saying that I was being watched since childhood and knew that I would take upon me the name of Little Grandmother. My sacred bundle, my sacred items had already been made for me by different indigenous people around the world and that it was time for me to step into the reason why I came to this planet and they also let me know that they knew I was being taught by the Grandmothers from the other side, they knew exactly what those lessons were and why I was receiving them and so... I did. I said yes to becoming Shaman, and through many prayers and fasting and all of the ritual that goes with that in the most sacred ways. I did become Shaman and shortly after I learned from the other side, from the star beings, from a council, a high council that there were twelve of us. Eleven more just like me who had been prophesied to come for this time. That the twelve of us would be alive on this planet and had received these same exact lessons, these same exact information and teachings and we all share this in common, the twelve of us.”

It's going to be a large cleanse, and I don't wish to say this with any intention of creating fear or anything else but let me explain to you, the listeners who might not understand the way energy works and this is just a universal law. This is how energy is and how it works. The highest energy will always win. Plain and simple. It is the universal law.”

“They're just matter of fact that there are spirals in the sky. The energies are coming through. Large bolts of energy from the universe is being sent to our human planet to help us digest bits of energy to help us get ready for the big bolt of energy which is coming. And while this happens, the energy on the planet will be very high. They are sending help, we are getting help, energy is coming. As that energy rises, those with very low energy and I'm talking of those not just who are in limbo and not those of us who are already coming from a heart place and trying to live from the highest place but those who have low energy, who are doing things that go against human law, who go against the heart law. They will not be able to survive the energy that is coming and this is how the world will be cleansed.”
“It is begun and so like Grandfather Alejandro says; "Do not give away to fear, know that we are all members of the same hand. The palm is our planet and we are brothers and sisters, we are the fingers on that palm." Stay in love. Stay in this beautiful energy, look around us for the first time on our planet, every continent is looking for people and books are coming out about the sacred feminine. And books are coming out on how to enlighten ourselves and how to create help for mother earth. It's all happening”

“Yes actually... I have been told by Spirit that I am a relation of an ancestor named Ninepipes . Apparently the reservation of Ninepipes has their own white buffalo as well as one here in Colorado and I've been blessed to see these and as the prophesy goes...g.”
Kiesha, whose maternal family lives on the Flathead Reservation in Montana, was initiated into shamanism at age 30 by a Native American man named Falling Feathers.  She was told that the “elders of the tribe had been watching her” since she was a child and that it was time for her to step into her role as shaman.  Falling Feathers personally guided Kiesha’s initiation and taught her how to conduct ceremony, how to pray in traditional ways with the chanupa, how to pray while in inipi and he conferred upon her the name “Little Grandmother”.

Love and respect to you all
The important thing is not to stop questioning.
Albert Einstein

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #889 on: February 08, 2011, 06:23:07 pm »
And now the latest, a message from Crowther's manager Jennifer Ferraro. She sent out a message which claimed she (or perhaps Crowther) has cursed everyone who criticized Crowther, and that we must all apologize to Crowther, or the "curse" would not be lifted. Seriously...I mean, seriously? :o ::) It was so bizarre to see, it's hard to believe, even for Crowther and co.

This has been turned over to the police.  The original communication will not be posted publicly as the matter is being investigated by law enforcement.

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #890 on: February 08, 2011, 06:34:05 pm »
And now the latest, a message from Crowther's manager Jennifer Ferraro. She sent out a message which claimed she (or perhaps Crowther) has cursed everyone who criticized Crowther, and that we must all apologize to Crowther, or the "curse" would not be lifted. Seriously...I mean, seriously? :o ::) It was so bizarre to see, it's hard to believe, even for Crowther and co.

This has been turned over to the police.  The original communication will not be posted publicly as the matter is being investigated by law enforcement.

Thanks!  Good to know!  :)
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #891 on: February 08, 2011, 06:38:41 pm »
thanks Sky for the info. It's amazing that people who think they know how energy works don't understand that sooner or later curses just bite the hand that make them, especially when the people they are directed at wish the perp no harm whatsoever, which we don't. You have to be very careful when wishing something on another, even enlightenment, lol. When it comes back around it might not come in the way you like.  It's universal law that what goes around comes around. They don't seem to even know the basics.

ty Maria for the post, where Kiesha says: “It's going to be a large cleanse, and I don't wish to say this with any intention of creating fear or anything else but let me explain to you, the listeners who might not understand the way energy works and this is just a universal law. ......"

It's amazing that these people evoke universal law when they so flamboyantly disregard its workings themselves.

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #892 on: February 09, 2011, 06:40:45 am »
Well, if the people "who have low energy, who are doing things that go against human law, who go against the heart law" will be cleansed away... For me the human law means respecting other people's ways, so think that the "one truth" people who judge all the "outsiders" have it harder...

Part of me still wishes that I'd see some sign of compassion and respect from Kiesha's side too, because this business really makes me worried. More there is this "you have no free will" thing going on, more I feel sick about it and tbh, occasionally I am REALLY worried about the people who are still following her, still like some of those people, altho they have made decision not to like me because of me not agreeing about Kiesha.

Kiesha really knows how to use the guilty trap and the way of the old testament, "if you aren't believing in one TRUTH/God, you will be removed/go to hell/terrible revenge will be upon you". I thought we got over that part 2000 years ago and with this millenium I almost believed that there was some potential to go to more gentle, accepting, respectful ways... But guess we are back in "those not in this faith are filthy and deserve to be punished" -thing as usual.

Maybe I just have too vivid imagination, when taking it so seriously. I am not sure on what scale Kiesha & co. are manipulating people and to what ends, but when watching more things coming in the light every day, I feel sick about it. It is relatively easy to manipulate masses, if you have no moral code (or completely own moral code of "everything to me, no matter who gets hurt"). I have got some more personal info about KC too, which is somewhat irrelevant to her doings as a "shaman", so wont make it public, but stories I heard is just one more example that she herself uses people without much remorse... narcistic child kind of behaviour, love for the one who lifts me up, as long as they wont demand anything or ask questions...

If not letting my imagination to go crazy, I'd say it is all about money and easy life... but since it is done in "spiritual" scene, it is hard not to let doubts about cultish agenda, with some more vicious plans, to surface. So I "hope" that she only uses people as wallet fillers.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 08:45:47 am by Saga »

Offline Stonehorn

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #893 on: February 09, 2011, 10:31:05 am »
Hi Guys,
First post in a long time. There's a spirituality/new age magazine over here in the Netherlands called Happinez. The magazine is basically OK, I have a few issues at home someone gave me. But this month has an article on a woman called Kiesha Crowther, who is obviously selling sweats, crystal ceremonie etc. In the article she claims to have been initiated by Sioux Indians. Of course she doesn't name the elder or the rez. Anyway, does anyone have any more info about her? We should be able to refute the Sioux claim.
I might write the magazine a letter about this article. By the way this is her website:

Offline czech

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #894 on: February 09, 2011, 10:50:17 am »
Hi, 60 pages of thread on Kiesha Crowther are here

For a summary I recommend Dr. Al Carroll's article:
« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 10:56:26 am by czech »

Offline Freija

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #895 on: February 09, 2011, 02:54:46 pm »

My daughter was banned and warned for asking simple questions about KC at TOMC-forum and she is a member here ( her grandfather’s mother was an Inca woman, so she’s got a drop of indigenous blood in her veins, me myself I’m just a regular Swedish woman, with a heart beating for the indigenous peoples).

Love and respect to you all

Saying hello, Maria!
Glad that you chose to post in here although I am very sorry to hear about your daughter´s experience!
I am in Sweden, too. I have been contacted by several people in this country telling the same story.
Hopefully more and more people will open their eyes for what is going on. I wish everyone in the TOMC would start asking legitimate questions and then judge from the openness and willingness to answer these questions. Any good leader would be more or less transparent because he/she would have nothing to hide.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #896 on: February 09, 2011, 05:23:23 pm »
I took down the mirror....

Good luck ya'll.

I'm going to repost that blog in here, all that's available from google caches. Also merged another thread asking about her.

Each post will be one page from the blog, with all the comments as well.


Monday, January 3, 2011
Who Made Kiesha Crowther a "shaman"?

Kiesha Crowther also known by her followers as "Little Grandmother" has stated all over the internet, the United States, and other countries that she was initiated as a "shaman" for the Sioux and Salish tribes. Although she recently retracted that statement in an attempt to "step away from Native American" traditions or teachings, her video of that statement is still found on youtube.

Kiesha states that she received a phone call from some elders who then told her she was a "fair haired child" from a prophecy and that they had been watching her grow up and had kept a sacred bundle for her that was made hundreds of years ago by the ancestors for her.

The "shaman" that she claims initiated her is named "falling feathers". To date, no one quite knows who this is. There are no photographs of this person, no web site, and according to some who have called the Salish and Kootenai tribal office, they don't know who Kiesha Crowther is or a "falling feathers". I leave this up to the readers to discern who that may be. Kiesha has stated that he made her a "shaman" for the Sioux and Salish tribes, before he died.

Kiesha has three different accounts of who made her a "shaman". The follow are snips from public domains, that Kiesha herself has presented to the public for information on her credentials.

This first one comes from Kiesha's youtube account, where she says she was initiated by a "Sioux man".

This one comes from a website, where Kiesha describes herself as being initiated as a "shaman" by Sioux and Salish tribal grandmothers.

And this one comes from her own website, where she states that she "thinks that falling feathers is most likely from the Flathead reservation" but "is not 100 % certain". Please note that she made this official statement on December 26, 2010, but the content has been changed about falling feathers. The content is changed almost daily, which leads to much confusion.

You may click on all of the images to enlarge.

Please see "Fair Use" statement in regards to the content on this blog:

Salish and Kootenai Tribal statement in response to Kiesha Crowther "Little Grandmother".
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brighide said...
I've been following this story ever since your video was posted on our comm. I hope you find your answers and that the truth is exposed. Keep doing what you do it's very important.
Monday, January 03, 2011 
Stephanie Moore said...
Glad to see you open up a blog. It's too confusing to try and understand what is going on over on you tube. After looking at those screen shots of her accounts I have to wonder if she's having trouble keeping up with the 'truth'. When you make up a story and you keep telling it, it eventually starts to crack. The information becomes inconsistent. It's possible that her handlers have been the ones to make this mistake but Kiesha is ultimately the one in charge and reads those ads too.
Monday, January 03, 2011 
George Hayes said...
After viewing Crowther's videos for the past few months I have noticed that her personalities and her voice changes. The progression of this is interesting. From the earliest up to the video filmed labeled 'Zurich' you see and hear it very clearly. Her last video taken shows a young woman who seems as if she is has slipped into a depression. Something is amiss here. I believe she has multiple personalities. In watching the first video and comparing it to the last, you see the gaze of her eyes completely different and her voice is much smaller and less confident. She seems emotionally stressed. I have worked with abuse victims and cult victims and in my opinion I'm looking at a woman who has handlers that are controlling some aspects of her life. The question is why.
Tuesday, January 04, 2011 
mueengun59 said...
I am very interested as to how this Kiesha following will end up. I am of Irish/Ojibway heritage. I have spoken with some Elders about this Kiesha and they all have said the same thing. She does not represent the Nishnawbe people, she like many others are just plain frauds.I have noticed that most of her followers are from Europe. I see with every pow wow more and more "non natives" participating in the pow wows, trying to pass themselves off as Native....Why? I am who I am and have never tried to be anything else... but an Irish/Indian who is still learning about both of my cultures..Native and Celtic
Honor & Respect
Tuesday, January 04, 2011 
Doreen Lynne Bird said...
I can't believe Kiesha Crowther made up this story without understanding how tribes work. If you read her website today --- which has been changed up again she says that she thought she was a shaman because several families of the Salish tribe were referred to her as their shaman. This is one crazy claim. Where and who are these people? This is not how the tribes work. Every one knows who the medicine people are for the tribe but Kiesha claims it's a big secret? Boy is she full of it. She better start pulling out some people to prove her wild claims and soon. My husband was Kootenai and we lived up in Ronan most of our lives until he died. I served as a volunteer in many public duties and knew many of my husband's friends and people. Does Kiesha think the Flathead is one huge continent alone where no one knows one another? This woman is insulting. She's a pathological liar.
Wednesday, January 05, 2011 
Anonymous said...
The time is now for each of us to be who we are. Kiesha talks about this in her videos. It's a shame she does not walk her talk.
Thursday, January 06, 2011 
Anonymous said...
In this video:

@6:10 Kiesha states:

"I carry the wisdom for 9 Pipes. He was a wisdom keeper that lives many hundr... a couple of hundred years ago. I am of the lineage of Spotted Owl. I am cikala oochi. I am Little Grandmother. I am great granddaughter of cikala lota and cikala jensen. I am daughter of chinchanchala (?), and father mato..."

She is extremely smug during this entire video series, but this takes the cake. Check out @ 5:00 in this video:
Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #897 on: February 09, 2011, 05:26:20 pm »
2nd post from the blog.
Comments included.


Friday, January 7, 2011
Kiesha Crowther's statement on "stepping away from Native American framework"  Click on images to enlarge.

Salish and Kootenai tribes have asked her to cease and desist. Please read their statement here: Salish and Kootenai Tribes Response
Kiesha in Native costume: ad below for "The Prophets Conference" set to take place this year on Feb 25 - Mar 1.

How much will it cost to see Kiesha and others at this conference?

If this concerns you, please contact the prophets conference below at:

prophets @
USA / Canada
Tel: (1) 505 796 4023                   
Tel: (44) 020 8123 9958

If you haven't read Chief Arvol Looking Horse's words on the protection of ceremonies, please go here:

The material covered in this blog:
FAIR USE NOTICE: Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107

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Doreen Lynne Bird said...
I see she is wearing her fake regalia to attract the new age crowd in so she can sell those tickets. What does a prophets conference have to do with any of this? I have written to this foolish woman a few times and I can see writing letters will do no good with her. Time to go to the next level on this one.
Friday, January 07, 2011 
Anonymous said...
They want our ceremonies, clothes, and music but they don't like us if we ask them to leave it alone.
Saturday, January 08, 2011 
Anonymous said...
they don't like us at all, that's obvious. What these people want is a way to steal knowledge they never earned and then sell it to the highest bidder or just plain sell it. She never earned this although she claims to have done jsut that "through pain and sacrifice" which makes me laugh really. Native People are th eonly ones who have died to keep our culture alive. This kind of thing happens in movies and in museums leaving people with an image of our tribes that is false to say the very least. It's sickening and people think that just because they were born and raised on this continent it gives them some kind of ownership over both the land and us for being "conquered". I have to disagree. We lost to people who were and are still set on the annhilation of the Tribes here for greed. Pure and simple, greed and then they claim they are "christians" and "right". Well it ain't over yet ... not by a long shot. We're far from being dead and our strength is growing each day.
Saturday, January 08, 2011 
toltec said...
Hi brothers I'm part native American myself,
Mohawk Indian and part Apache mothers side, and our tribe has recognized us, and when I went to New York where my tribe comes from I could sense the ancestors in the sky watching me, and I'm interested in learning to speak Mohegan Language.
But for those of us who have forgotten the traditions and ways of the ancestors,
People like Kiesha who are part Indian can help
and the message of grandfather and mother earth is just too important and the world needs to here this now to live in harmony with the earth and Love the trees the animals the earth the sky and all people.

I don't hold any ceremonies or charge for any thing

We Love you all deeply and best wishes.
Sunday, January 09, 2011 
Ben Carnes said...
As the point of this blog illustrates, she is not Indian. She has no real knowledge or life ways of being Native, her message is contrived from a conglomeration of different beliefs to create her "message".

Native people have long been sharing this "message" for free, but because we don't dress up and offer ceremonies for the show, the message is ignored. There is no ceremony that is going to provide a quick fix until people begin to learn how to live. You cannot begin to heal the earth, until you heal yourself first! And that means a lot of walking through the dregs of our life and seeing the mess we have made as individuals.
Sunday, January 09, 2011 
toltec said...
RE.[Ben Carnes said...

Kiesha said she is not following the spiritual
traditions of any particular tribe and she is starting a new tribe "the tribe of many colours" with new spiritual traditions.
look friends we need to get is message out to a lot of people
Does it matter who she is whether she is Indian or not her message in incredibly positive and If you live in the heart you will have bliss and peace joy and intelligence, Love can save the planet
[Scientific studies proves that Love causes DNA to knit and bond and hate causes DNA to break apart and die. you should do a bit of research on love before you go attacking people]
with out the vibration of love 528hz we could not exist

[RE:Ben Carnes said You cannot begin to heal the earth, until you heal yourself first!]

Love yourself everything around you. give up feeling like a victim and realize we are all one
soul that wears different masks you could resolve the issues in your life.

I send all of you my Love no matter what you believe and wish you all the best I know you are doing what you see as right.
Peace Love and Light
and Only time will tell
Sunday, January 09, 2011 
Anonymous said...
If there are more people like you walking on this Earth, I could actually start believing again that our Earth has a future…..
Sunday, January 09, 2011 
Anonymous said...
toltec even if Kiesha never picks up a pipe again and stays away from native costumes or ceremonies she is still pretending to be indian and she is dressing in fake costumes in these pictures so she can gather up people to pay money to hear her speak. this to my mind is wrong. Kiesha has changed her stories around so many times it is obvious this woman is not honest. if you read through this blog you will see how often she changes stories.
Monday, January 10, 2011 
Doreen Lynne Bird said...
The big question is did Kiesha go among the people of the Salish and Kootenai and the Lakotas to introduce herself or ask permission from Arvol if she could carry and use that pipe. Did she stay on those lands and help the people. Has Kiesha ever prayed with them? My answer to this is no she hasn't. But she has prayed with the appropriators and she has prayed with those who paid her money. She still says shes a shaman in those videos over the tribes. She is riding on the names and the regalia and this is called theft.
Monday, January 10, 2011 
toltec said...
[RE:Anonymous said...]...she is still pretending to be Indian...]
Hi Friends, All I'm saying is keep and open mind don't harden your hearts. That is the main problem we have in the world today every one is so sure they are RIGHT and we are on the brink of world war (Israel-Iran etc...) because of that. Maybe she is Indian? she says she is part Indian, Donald Trump didn't believe certain people were Indian when they were getting a Casino license and I Quote "I can't see any Indians"

I've read through you concerns and I'm sure Little Grandmother and crew could avoid sacred sites because it upsets the ancestors etc..
or interested parties could work out some kind of deal arrangement live and let live.

Let's all create the new age(Fifth world) with peace Love and understanding
Monday, January 10, 2011 
Anonymous said...
@toltec: thank you very much ! I feel the same way. To me this message of love that Kiesha is spreading is the most important and we all should be happy and thankful that it has reached so many people. *
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 
Anonymous said...
Toltec and others. The message of love is something we all should share...wouldn't respect also fall under loving one another. I just don't see how lying about your ancestry in order to promote yourself gives any respect to the people she's claimed to represent. I'm proud that you have an interest in your ancestry Toltec, but Kiesha is a white Mormon...her own family has asked her to stop making outrageous claims about her ancestry. She can't help you reconnect because she is not connected herself. Loving yourself means accepting who you are (not where you wish to go in life, but the truths...if you're a man you can't pretend to be a woman...if you're short you can't pretend to be tall). She has absolutely no connection with the communities she has claimed to represent or preside over. She has absolutely no cultural knowledge and often mistakes Lakota (Sioux) and Salish peoples as being one in the same. One is a plains tribe and the other is a western coastal tribe. Their beliefs and ceremonies do not always agree with each other and they are not one in the same. That's the message we as Native Americans wish to get out there. She can't claim representation when she has no personal connection...none. Even if you accept her mother being Salish, Kiesha freely admits that she was not raised within any Native cultural environment. The thing she claims (being shaman over Sioux/Salish tribes) is so OBVIOUSLY a mistake to anyone with even the slightest knowledge of those communites...however it's not a mistake to individuals that stereotype us. Keep in mind positive stereotypes are still stereotypes so the image of the romantic noble savage still does not take into account our humanity and is just as damaging as a negative stereotype. We are not cartoon characters and we still exist as communities and it's a completely misplaced ideal to pretend to expect that an outsider can somehow just decide to "become" a part of a spirituality that is very communal and tribal specific and above all TIED TO THE LAND. When it's taken off the land it loses a lot. Recognized spiritual practitioners among Native communities are recognized for a lifetime (let me reiterate LIFETIME) commitment to the ways of their community. They live there and help their people...there is NO method of recognition or initiation that occurs for people outside the community and certainly none that happen in the short amount of time (less than two years at best, but most likely a few days) that Kiesha claims it took her. Not to mention, when recognition does come it's announced publicly in front of live witnesses. She cannot come forth and give any claim of public recognition by the community because it never happened...NEVER happened, but yet she claims it anyway and packages her we are the world message under this construct. So I would say to you...IF THE MESSAGE IS SO STRONG...WHY THE PACKAGING??? WHY LIE??
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 
Toltec said...
Hi friends
I did not know this, sorry
That being sad I HAVE TO ADMIT WHEN I'M WRONG You were right about the fact that she Lied about being Indian. And I do not know why she did that? It's so easy to think that people are just attacking her because they did not like her message of love or some other reason etc..
If she wants to teach people that's OK but she should just say she is a newage/pagan teacher who is pure white with no Indain Blood and let it be as that. I'm sure she would have many followers easy,
But to borrow a Native Tribes name to sell a message is wrong and
I commend you for taking positive action to Right this wrong.

Her message is strong on it's own she does not need to insult Native peoples and burrow you name for her new religion

I have learned something today thank you and my sincereness Heart felt apologies.

Light & Love Peace and Harmony and Freedom
Tuesday, January 11, 2011 
Anonymous said...
I am not Native American Indian at all
but even I can see their point, you dont spend thousands of years building up a culture like this only to have it defecated on by some silly expensive(yet cheap)fraud.

My point on the matter is that she lied about her past and her story.
She has promised people ascension a lot of people are saying that will happen but because of her illegitimacy people will now turn away from it.
She has not helped only hindered a possible occurrence.
She has no right to steal from these people and should be held accountable under some kind of intellectual property laws
she only changed her story so others could not get their money back and heavens forbid, lose her comfortable home.

This woman is a liar and this reflects upon the whole message she sent out. All I can attach to it now is how foolish I am for even contemplating it however it has always been my policy not to trust anyone who sells philosophy/religion or spirituality.

Back to the point, If she donated all the money she has ciphered from the people to these tribes i would consider forgiving her or even if she gave it back to those people I would forgive her.
There are many people out there trying to make a profit from peoples trust and that's just plain wrong.

forget the "love" message, justice should prevail and this woman and her administration need to be held accountable and made an example of to all others that are exploiting people in this time of weakness.
I don't feel one shred of empathy for her at all, she would have known it was all a joke, you can even see it in her face when she tells the owl story she stole from a film, she ant even make eye contact.
Friday, January 14, 2011 
Anonymous said...
If we possess knowledge that will help mankind,it is our moral duty to share it free of charge.

She is not doing this. No matter who she is stealing her wisdom from, what she is doing is immoral and against mankind.
Friday, January 14, 2011

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #898 on: February 09, 2011, 05:29:42 pm »
Post 3 from the blog. There was also one post with my article, no need to reproduce that again.


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Kiesha's Lies & Word Games
By:  Ben Carnes

Wednesday, January 19th, 2011

It would be comical, if it wasn't for the harm that she was doing to others, the way she has changed her story to keep her followers. This was brought to my attention that Keisha posted the following:
"(from) Joanna Wilcox to Keisha Crowther:

just delivering a few messages on behalf of some people who have followed an orchestrated campaign against you who have just discovered who began that campaign, some of he people were leaders posting up links, they have apologised and apparently meant no harm, they were outraged to find out that the salish have never made any statement or video about you..."


(From Keisha)
"I also have received an email from the official tribal leaders stating they have nothing to do with the attacks or those behind it. I now have in my possession a official letter from the council declaring this."

Then her story changes and she admits the truth (sort of):

"I have been very careful not to call myself a medicine woman but a shaman, a worldly term and a word that comes from northern Russia.. "

On another page, Shift of the Ages issued a statement that conflicts with Keisha's website that she works with Don Alejandro.
(posted this morning about 2 AM 1/18)
SOTA does not know and has no affiliation with Keisha Crowther aka "Little Grandmother." Don Alejandro "Wandering Wolf" does not know or "recognize" her as a "Shaman," "Wisdom Keeper," or "Elder" of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders of the Americas as she claims. Neither Don Alejandro nor the SOTA project authorized use of "Wandering Wolf's" messages or the SOTA video material used in support of the personal opinions she shares in her videos and viral messages. Much of information she is sharing is misleading and "taken" out of context. (emphasis added)

SOTA is not here to push anyone else down. The truth will eventually reach the surface. Our prayers are that Mrs. Crowther learns a valuable lesson and she, as well as her team and followers, benefit as result.

The original statement denouncing Crowther came from the Elders council. not the tribal council. What most people don't understand is that the tribal council and Chief systems of federally recognized tribes act in the capacity of a business entity. The culture and spiritual traditions lay with the people. And even IF she does have an email (interesting she doesn't share it) from the official tribal leaders, it becomes irrelevant, because she contacted the wrong people. This act of misdirecting her followers to think the tribal authorities have cleared up the controversy is false. It is just another lie in a continuing pattern of deception, meaning the message from Joanna Wilcox to Keisha is also a fabrication.

(Which supports a point made in the article I posted in my notes at

Everyone remembers that she initially claimed she was made Shaman over the "Salish and Sioux", but this has changed a few times in the face of this controversy. She has blamed some unknown person she calls Falling Feather" for misleading her in thinking this was her calling. Or was it the 13 grandmothers? Its getting hard to keep up with her stories? But now she is trying to synthesize from the first story. A logical person who had been misled into believing something that wasn't true, wouldn't continue to try and present a falsehood as a fact. If there was a person had no authority to "bestow" such a position, such as "Falling Feathers" then why continue to use it? Because it is lucrative, her next sold-out show she stands to gross $24,375.

If she was who she claimed to be, then why isn't she going back to the reservation and speaking to "her" own people? Because we know she would be laughed off the reservation. And if people knew how well she was living while "her" people were freezing on the reservation without propane, I think they would be justified in their moral outrage.

The emails and phone calls are having its effect, and her ability to keep changing her story gets weaker. So feel free to share this with your friends.
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Family of Light said...
I hope you will find peace and move past this

LG has and so Have most people

Hate as a word doesn't exist it's root in Egyptian is "hat" so to be in hate is to be stuck in your head playing a broken record over and over again

As opposed to love/heart consciousness which is free of Karma because you actually forgive and move on

You pain is caused by your mind not by reality

Be at peace, time to wake up from the dream
Thursday, January 20, 2011 
Anonymous said...
Family of Light:
there is no peace to be found in following something based on lies.
Truth will set you free, my friend.
It has nothing to do with hate.
The heart is useless unless it's working in harmony with the head.
If you were drawn here because of the responses that have been generated by Crowther's dishonest claims re indian ancestry, have the courtesy and the humility to listen to what indians have to tell us.
Thursday, January 20, 2011 
Stephanie Moore said...
Dear 'family'

You have some nerve to come here to this blog and accuse these people as being dark or evil when all they are doing is standing up for what belongs to them. Like it or not those traditions are not yours to touch and use as you want. They don't belong to you. You are not mature or intelligent enough to see that they don't and you disrespect the sacred. You people have some nerve to tell the author of this blog which happens to be my best friend that she's a black magician. Yet some of Kiesha's people have written messages to her containing everything from cussing her out, to threatening to burn her house down. When she told them she had a little girl, they still threatened to burn up her child too. Don't dare come here and tell her that she's a dark person when your bunch have become predators of the first nations traditions and culture. You have some nerve whoever you are.
Thursday, January 20, 2011 
Ben Carnes said...
To "Family of Light":

I recognize your fear in the things you may have believed coming from Keisha is unsettling to you. Its OK, no one likes being made a fool of, but her foundations are beginning to crumble when exposed to the light of truth.

Don't let that rob you of your search for answers to find balance in your life. It is there, the only teacher you need is life itself and an open mind and heart. I know that the truth being revealed to you one layer at a time has also stripped you of your confidence. Be patient, it will all come out and take this experience as a lesson learned to avoid be misled again.
Friday, January 21, 2011 
Anonymous said...
I don't think Keisha anticipated that real Natives would hear of what she was doing and call it into question. She was completely unprepared to be confronted and challenged and is now scrambling to "clarify" her false claims. After all, Natives aren't the ones who are paying to attend her seminars and workshops. She doesn't "live among the people" like you might expect a real shaman to do. She naively doesn't understand she's just one more in a long line of appropriators who are profiting by offering a mish-mash of new-agey "insights". Somehow she feels, by making a claim of recognition by vague Native American spiritual elders, this legitimizes her. It may pass unchallenged by those desperate enough to fill their spiritual void by forking out cash for so-called spiritual learning, but for real indigenous people and others who realize the ethical dilemma of offering spiritual guidance for profit, it smells rotten.
Friday, January 21, 2011 
blackwolfcreek said...
@Family -- your last post has been removed --

You are welcome to come here and engage in respectful discussion, however for now any comments where you continue to call NDNS "dark" "black" "evil" "unintelligent" "not real NDNS" will be removed. I don't expect you to agree with the content of this blog, but the name calling is unacceptable.
Friday, January 21, 2011

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #899 on: February 09, 2011, 05:31:38 pm »
Post 4 from the blog.


Thursday, January 20, 2011
"Don Alejandro Does Not Know or Recognize Kiesha Crowther"
The following statement comes from the facebook page, Shift of the Ages

"SOTA does not know and has no affiliation with Kiesha Crowther aka "Little Grandmother". Don Alejandro "Wandering Wolf" does not know or recognize her as a "shaman", "wisdom keeper", or "Elder" of the Continental Council of Indigenous Elders of the Americas as she claims. Neither Don Alejandro nor the SOTA project authorized use of Wandering Wolf's messages or the SOTA video material used in support of personal  opinions she shares in her videos and viral messages. Much of the information she is sharing is misleading and taken out of context.

SOTA is not here to push anyone else down. The truth will eventually reach the surface. Our prayers are that Mrs. Crowther learns a valuable lesson and she, as well as her team and followers benefit as result."

Here is a screen shot of Kiesha's statement on her recognition by Don Alejandro:

Click on image to enlarge

This is what her site looks like today, with no mention of Don Alejandro.


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Doreen Lynne Bird said...
Your goose is cooked. Give it up Crowther. Even Don Alejandro says he doesn't know you even though you emphatically insisted that he did.
Thursday, January 20, 2011 
Anonymous said...
It is so sad to see that the malicious pleasure seems to be the only pleasure in this world today. What a wonderful world we are living in… truly.
Thursday, January 20, 2011 
Pre-Christian Paganism said...
Your saying no person who is non-native can ever be a shaman
and teach people or ever even dream of it?

First before white people were Christian they were Pagan which means "people who dwell in green spaces" or "have ceremony in green spaces" a bit like a native American.

White brothers and sisters have lost their way Paganism died and is lost to time and the Inquisition. Where Europeans where burned at the stake for being a Pagan. Natives weren't the only ones to died for their traditions
Europeans are coming back to the light and I'm glad Kiesha Crowther is there to help them rediscover their pagan pre-Christian Roots. Kiesha is a shaman and has the right to teach white people or anyone her version of pre-Christian Paganism. As Natives seem not capable or unwilling to do so

We are all from Atlantis and we are all one human race as DNA evidence suggests all humans no matter how they are looking are all like Identical twins

Thursday, January 20, 2011 
oyster said...
@Pre-Christian Paganism
You are making a classic "straw man" argument here. No one is questioning the right of Kiesha or anyone to teach ancient spiritual wisdom, new age practises, 2012 stuff or whatever, including her own style of "shamanism".
But is was Kiesha herself that drew attention to numerous endorsements and credentials from indigenous American traditions. These endorsements have now been disavowed. Why did she do this?
Why didn't she just go her own way and work as a spiritual teacher in her own manner? Why fake the bogus Native endorsements?
It's a puzzling question - and the logical answer is that by affecting indigenous credentials it has given her a ticket to the "top table" of the new age movement - a cynical career move you might say. But is this truly "of the heart"? Surely lying and falsehood is "of the mind" is it not?
Thursday, January 20, 2011 
stephanie Moore said...
I derive no pleasure from seeing a woman fall, but she chose this scenario for herself the moment she decided to present herself as a shaman for the Salish and Lakota tribes. She chose this for herself when she began telling malicious lies about who she is and who her family is. She had a choice in teaching her 'love' message without hitching herself to these indians who haven't a clue who she is. She also hitched herself to Don Alejandro also now states he doesn't know who she is.

Now that these lies are coming to the surface and being exposed, there are going to be alot of people who either angry and disappointed with Kiesha, or they will turn their anger on those exposing her.

The problem here was never the Natives, but the people who want to go on living a lie so they can get their 'love' message out of their leader.

I'm certain a lot of people felt disillusioned when James Ray was caught for the liar he was, and saw that he wasn't a man of 'love' when he allowed 3 people to die in his fake sweat lodge.

Did you know that people who are participating in the Prophet's Conference, have to sign a waiver stating that they can't hold them for any accidents, including death? Tell me, light workers, what exactly does one do at a Prophets conference that could possibly cause the risk of death?

I'm all for these sick people, including Kiesha being caught and stopped before someone has to die to find out she's dangerous.
Thursday, January 20, 2011 
Teach Love title not needed said...
LG has moved away from Tribal authorization or any authorization:SEE -

LG in Quote from video -

"Our world has been focused on do you have the authority or the prestige or honour of being sought of as a teacher, because some one says yes you are the Great Lilou now you can go and teach the world Love or me or any body else, it does not matter if any body pats you on the back, does not matter if anybody says you are going to be a great teacher. it matters that you were born to this planet, you are a member of planet earth, you are a child of god, you are a child of mother earth, and were here now at the greatest time of earth history, threw the greatest shift in change and with great blessing of being here, we also have a great responsibility, no one needs to pat you on the back and give you a title, no on needs to say you have the authority to teach and spread Love, we each and every single one of us has the authority and the ability to teach love and it is our responsibility," end Quote

So you can see form Her video statement that she really doesn't care what you think she will continue to teach Love and well done LG
Thursday, January 20, 2011 
Stephanie Moore said...
Kiesha authorized herself as shaman over two tribes. Without permission she took up smoking a fake pipe, emulating the sacred pipe ceremony, a rite given to the Lakota by White Buffalo Calf woman. Without permission she gave herself a title and an entire background that was fabricated and told everyone that her and her mother are Native. Without permission, she stated as you can see above that Don Alejandro endorsed her when he did not. Kiesha seems to be completely out of touch with reality, and seriously lacks respect for the Elders on this planet. She wants so badly to be someone of importance, she'll lie for it. It's very sad. She's not a stable person at all. She needs psychiatric care. A woman who abandons her children to go live across country in a different home, who does not care to be a mother to them, and instead live out some fantasy life of shaman in the desert, this is not a woman who has her stuff together. This is a woman who is mentally unwell. And as a mother, I cannot imagine ever leaving behind my two children and living across country from them.
It's too late for Kiesha to try and back out of her claims. Everyone knows the truth and there is more about to come out about her.
She should have presented herself as Kiesha Crowther, new age teacher, lightworker from the get go. Not an elder, not a woman from a prophecy that does not exist, or white buffalo reincarnated, or a shaman for two tribes.

She will still make alot of money at her Santa Fe presentations, off the back of the indians she stole from. She still has her videos up claiming to be shaman for these tribes. She still presents herself as a Native in fake regalia for her Prophets conference ad and others that she has out on the internet. I don't think Kiesha has backed away from this. She has zero respect and I have zero respect for her. I hope she wakes up soon. I hope the people who follow her wake up too before someone gets seriously hurt ie: James Ray.
Thursday, January 20, 2011 
Anonymous said...
Teach Love, Light worker, all who support kiesha. You all have a sense of entitlement. You think you have a right to take what you want. You are the wasicus of your ancestors. The same sense of entitlement. You are just like the ones who came and took from the indians their lands, their culture, their language, their lives. The difference now is in this day and age you take and you sell it and try to make profits off of it and make up stories. History repeats itself and you never learned anything at all. Kiesha is a liar and if you follow her you are complicit in present day cultural genocide. Karma is going to be a bitch for you.
How do you people live with yourselves is beyond me. I bet none of you have ever set foot on a reservation let alone helped out there. Bet the only indians you know are the fake ones. You people are deluded in your fake love and light crap.
Thursday, January 20, 2011 
Anonymous said...
Oh and interestingly enough Jennifer Ferraro Kiesha's assistant claims she's an indian too when she's not. It's amazing. Everyone wants to be an indian but they don't like the indians telling them to stop taking from them. They want to be an indian but they want nothing to do with the real elders or the real indians. They want to be indian but they won't listen to the real ones. They want to be indian but they never respect them. And on and on and on!
Thursday, January 20, 2011 
Anonymous said...
thankyou for this blog, thankyou for NAFPS forums. From here in Australia I googled Kiesha after being sent a link to one of her videos. it was quite a performance. In the past month, following your blog and the dedication you have had in protecting and educating about your culture/s has taught me an immense amount about what is and isnt appropriate, as well as being the catalyst for me to find out more about the frequently tragic recent history of Australia's indigenous tribes. I know of numerous new age healers who call on american indian traditions to publicize or justify their practises- its probably even easier to get away with claiming a link to something 'mystical' half a world away- I feel that I see them much more clearly now.
Thursday, January 20, 2011 
Family of Light said...
You are stuck in fear consciousness move on to love consciousness

Listen to your selves newagers are going to take away my connection to the pipe, steal my blessing from the ancestors etc..

In Love there is no fear no sides to choose
Become Love and you won't have any fear about anything it's wonderful
You will start to Transcend to a whole new state of being

It is time that you let the egg shell of fear of energy of negative of darkness fall away it has served it's purpose to bring you into your strength and power and in fundamental understanding of the nature of reality you are walking a path of destiny where all time will cease where you will find a blessed moment of bliss where your world is turned over and in opening you throat chakra and your heart and your mind and your crown your power will return and glow and be of brightness and shining in purity and power so that your creative life will replenish the earth and your root will be healed and your roots will grow and nourish with the earth and all that you know will be abundant and flourish

"You never ask a question unless you on some level already know the answer to"

LG is teaching Love/heart consciousness

You are spreading only fear and lack consciousness

As such you are a black magician
a worker of the dark arts As we all are when we spread fear distrust envy hate revenge
Thursday, January 20, 2011