Nagel is a Nuager. Her profile at LinkedIn says: student ('buitenpromovendus')
Leiden University
Educational Institution; 1001-5000 employees; Hochschulwesen industry
– (1 year 7 months) Graduate School of Humanities
The Palmist Julius Spier. From Chiromancy to Psychochirology: Exploring a Hiatus in the History of Ideas
PR- and final review for magazine Spiegelbeeld [mirror image]
Tijdschrift Spiegelbeeld
– (2 years 4 months) Eindhoven
freelance teacher
Hogeschool voor Geesteswetenschappen
[Academy of Humanities]
– (3 years) De Uithof, Utrecht
In 2011 en 2012 verzorgde ik de module
- Inleiding natuur- en milieufilosofie
In 2010 de modules
- De geschiedenis van energetische geneeswijzen
- Inleiding westerse esoterie.
[In 2011 and 2012, I did the modules „Introduction into philosophy of nature and environment
In 2010, the modules „History of energetic healing methods“ and „Introduction into Western Esoterics“]
De Heremiet
– (2 years 1 month)
The shop where I've worked for over 10 years was taken over by a new owner. For two years I continued to help out with the financial administration.
De Heremiet
– (11 years 7 months)
To know most ins & outs, and to do the things to run a bookshop specialised in the esoteric (new age and old age) field.
La Colombe
(5 years 11 months)
Nagel has participated in Nuage congresses: Nagel is enrolled as a PhD candidate at the faculty of Humanities, Leiden University.
Her dissertation will focus on the psychochirologist Julius Spier.
The background to this research is an MA in the history of western esotericism, which she finished in 2007 at the University of Amsterdam
We all know that Etty Hillesum was a student of Julius Spier. We also know that Spier had other students, and that a few devoted ones had formed a group around him – the “Spier Club” – of which Etty became an active participant. Spier was a hand-reader, or, as he called his profession, a "psycho-chirologist", who taught his students to read hands in accordance with the method he had developed. In other words, as a student of Spier’s, and by being Spier's secretary, Etty was on her way of becoming a psycho-chirologist herself. Despite the fact that we all know this, researchers so far have ignored this subject. By doing so, we have missed out on an intriguing aspect of Etty Hillesum’s life. aim of the Etty Hillesum Congress 2014 is to invite Hillesum scholars from all over the world to exchange valuable insights and to discuss problems that arise when studying Etty Hillesum's legacy. It is a unique and privileged opportunity to meet other colleagues in the field and to learn from their work, as well as to make use of the facilities of the Etty Hillesum Research Centre at Ghent University. It is an ideal moment to give Etty Hillesum, her Diaries and Letters, her vision and life, a wider publicity and media coverage.
Listed as a member of staff here: Dutch title says: „The portal for
scientific parapsychology in the Netherlands“.
Emphasis mineThey offer these courses:
Dood en sterven, de sjamanistische visie
SJPP 1401
€ 100
De sjamaan in jou
SJ 1401
€ 100
Sjamanistische extractie
SJEX 1401
€ 100
Omgaan met energieën - loslaten, centeren en aarden
EN 1401
€ 175
Dood en sterven, de sjamanistische visie
SJPP 1402
€ 100
Sjamanisme: Soul Retrieval
SJSR 1401
€ 150
Sjamanisme terugkomdag (voor oud-sjamanismecursisten)
SJT 1401
€ 75
Titles in English:
Death and dying, the shamanic vision – The shaman in you – Shamanistic extraction – Dealing with energies, letting go, centering, and grounding – Death and dying, the shamanic vision – Shamanism: Soul Retrieval.
Intro for Death & Dying:
Participants will be introduced to the phenomenon death and dying from a shamanic point of view. For all persons who want to get a better understanding of the incidents around dying and death and perhaps be able to help themselves and other persons. We learn how we can prepare ourselves or another person for death.
The second aspect is the classic psychopompous work, accompanying a person who passed away and need to be taken to a better place. This workshop will also place the emphasis on your own experience.
Prerequisite for participation in this course is having participated in the workshop „The shaman in you“ (with Joke van Koningshoven of Foundation for Shamanic Studies).
Please wear comfortable, loose fitting clothes
Please bring along:
Towel or bath sheet – drum or rattle – a bandana or a shawl - […] - drawing paper – pen and paper to take notes
Lecturer: Joke van Koningshoven
Date: Feb 22-23, 2014, 10 am – 4 pm
Fee: € 100
Nagel also works for magazine „Spiegelbeeld“, a Nuage magazine: Spiegelbeeld is an independent and impartial monthly magazine offering varying articles and categories on issues like humans & society, health, spirituality, religion, nature and environment. The articles may have a supporting effect in the process of personal growth and consciousness. The articles can further contribute to a clearer insight into personal thinking, feeling, and behaviour.
Joke & Albert de Louw
Albert de Louw
Alexandra nagel
Uitgevers = publishers
Hoofdredactie = chief editor
Eindredactie = final review
So what we see in the article written by Nagel is a Nuager badly trying to keep sitting on the fence instead of speaking clear words. She keeps on ranting on how Crowther does not want to talk about the past, and goes pretty much out of her way not to come to the conclusion that this may be seen as an indication that Crowther indeed cannot defend her lies and exploitation. Another hint that Nagel's criticism of Crowther is just superficial is her making use of the fake title Crowther bestowed upon herself, „Little Grandmother“. Nagel also does not question the legitimacy of Crowther's fake Tribe of Many Dollars – errm, sorry: Colours.
However, Nagel not only avoids an explicit evaluation. Not coming to the obvious result in her article, Nagel needs to debase the statements ndn persons have given on Crowther and her claims – which she does not hesitate to do. As she thinks the arrows are flying, Nagel rushes to join the crew within the circle of waggons and sides with her white fellows singing „If you're white, you're right“.
No, Mevrouw Nagel: Crowther does not merit any benefit of doubt. Her claims of initiation, of belonging to ndn nations are childish fantasies, used as a sales pitch for a white audience eager to believe her. Your badmouthing of ndn persons who pointed out that Crowther misrepresents herself is a nice piece of White Supremacy.
Besides, it does not matter whether or not Crowther stopped exploiting North American ndn spirituality, since she is now also exploiting Meso and South American nations. So she is still making a profit of ndn spirituality, and she is still busy creating her own cult. Plus that she has taken up a few more Nuage ideas like e.g. Masaru Emoto and his fantasies about water having a memory. Crowther may or may not believe it has, she is using bits and pieces of Nuage resp pseudo-scientific bunk as a sales pitch to lure in more Nuagers. The Nuage scene in the Netherlands of course will be way smaller than that in the States.