Author Topic: Mark Wahlberg to Play Billy Jack in Remake?  (Read 4366 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Mark Wahlberg to Play Billy Jack in Remake?
« on: July 01, 2011, 11:27:37 pm »

Oh brother... ::)

Longtime members of NAFPS might recall we had a call for a boycott and protests when the remake was slated to be with Keanu Reeves. Aside from a remake of one of the worst, most racist, inaccurate, and offensive films ever made about NDNs, the company choosing a white guy to play NDN, yet again, was sickening.

Apparently the film deal with Reeves fell thru, thankfully. That was perhaps 5 years ago. The link says Wahlberg's compnany bought up the rights. And that he may star in it and almost certainly produce it.

With that much money tied up in it, it may be pretty difficult to get Hollywood to back off entirely from a remake. But a petition to have an NDN actor play the character, and toleave out all or most of the offensive garbage from the first film, might make a difference.

Maybe we should dust off the old domain name we used to own,