Author Topic: Lawrence Sampson  (Read 28338 times)


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Lawrence Sampson
« on: December 03, 2006, 10:41:02 pm »
Lawrence Sampson
« on: November 08, 2005, 08:04:36 AM » 

Hello everyone, good to find a place educating those who might otherwise get duped.

I am a Delaware/Eastern Band Cherokee, with a smattering of Irish and possibly some Dutch.
 "Otherwise get Duped?":
Good Lord now he's Blackfeet

"Blackfeet representative Lawrence Sampson spoke about the American Indian culture, environment and condition as part of the focus on SeniorNet's new underserved initiative."
of course, as always, "they" got it wrong. He didn't make that claim, "they" just "misunderstood" or "misrepresented" him!

Other claims "they" made and got wrong:

The military says he was dis-honorably discharged but he says he wasn't - so the military is lying and got it all wrong.
The university/college in Texas says he didn't graduate but Larry says he did - so the college is lying about him and got it all wrong too.
The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians in North Carolina says he is not an enrolled member, none of his folks were ever enrolled, and none of them (including Larry) have an application pending with them for enrollment ... but the Eastern Band is lying about him and has got it all wrong.

Whoever put out his family's genealogy (available online) is lying 'cause it isn't about his family - so whoever got it all wrong too - even the article he helped supply info for that gave mistaken info on his own family.

Both Autonomous AIM and the GGC say he's never been a member, doesn't speak for any of them ... but they're lying and got it all wrong.

Isn't it amazing?! After all these years, after all the stories that have been written about Larry without his knowledge, without his help or participation in supplying the information ... and regardless of it all, if one piece of information contradicts the other? Well damnit, each-n-every one of 'em that was contradictory got it all wrong even if it was Larry who was the one supplyin' 'em with his own info!

Whatcha reckon the camera is lying and got it all wrong too 'cause Larry's really not 250 pound overweight.

If it was all the goot stuff and no one noticed the contradiction? Hey! They got it right and of course it was Larry who helped them 'get it right'. Yeah, that's it. ;-)

That the Blackfeet are receiving help from Senior Net, Microsoft and others isn't the issue. The issue is that at some point, somehow, Larry was mis-quoted(?) to be representin' the Blackfeet at the function in Virginia. And predictably, when the "mis-statement" came out, he claims "they" got it all wrong and the issue - again - isn't about his lies. The issue is that the Blackfeet are getting help and - again - it was Larry who was there on his white steed to rush in and help save 'em.
*singin' ..... "Here he comes to save the day!!......."*
;-)Cut and paste from Donna;article=18455;title=Issues%20Affecting%20American%20Indians%20in%20Tennessee ;)

So becareful you are not duped by DUPERS!!!!!! ;D



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Re: Lawrence Sampson
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2006, 10:10:58 pm »
Was here for a while over a year ago. Last I heard he was  now in Cleveland. He's hard to keep up with. I think at least 10,000 people have called the EBC tribal office over a period of time about him. Doesn't really seem to matter who disclaims him, he just keeps on going. I have seen all his documentation or lack of posted on list, chat rooms and it just doesn't seem to phase him at all. frederica

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Lawrence Sampson
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2006, 02:20:35 am »
Some other things about him. Accused of carrying weapons at a meeting of the Tennessee Native Americans Convention.
"Public Comment:
....I investigated Sampson and gave Tom the info.
I did a criminal background check of Lawrence Sampson. The way he acted and
typed on-line was threatening. So I checked. He had numerous violation of
going armed."

He's also built ties to a lot of animal rights groups who thinks he's legit AIM. I've never heard of AIM working with these types of activists before.

Also a part of "TP4TNNDNS - Traditional People for TN NDNs Yahoo! group (27 nov/16 dec 2003 - 24 oct 2004) "Members Only", 36 members as of 15feb04, 35 as of 15jul04
public web message board / anonymous ownership, presumed owned by Valerie Brestel-Ohle, Chairman, Acting CEO of Wisdom Keepers, Inc., with Lawrence Sampson"

National AIM accuses him of being an "agent" who sells AIM memberships.
"Working with willing agents like Santos "Hawks Blood" Suarez, and Lawrence Sampson and others, they are attempting to sell for money chapters of so-called confederation of autonomous AIM and AIM club membership cards."

Over at Indianz he's been dodging questions for quite awhile and answering with abuse any who question him. He seems to spend a lot of time dropping famous names of people he briefly met, and then tearing down good groups because he's in competition with them.
Steel Toe Mocs:
"He speaks as an Indian FOR Indians. He tried to do that at Eastern Band, got himself invited to speak there, as one of their tribal members. When it was found out that he is a fraud, they threw him out of there.

At his former job where he got hired by a friend and where he falsely claimed to have a college degree, he worked to undermine to Indian treatment programs in the country by maligning them and calling them substandard. He insisted that the program that he was THEN administering, located in Tennessee, and brand new, with no track record, was the model for all Indian treatment programs in the country. He has never said how many INDIAN kids his treatment program worked with or their tribal names because they only served white kids there. He will not give out numbers or facts that can be checked out. He always throws out his dreamed up information that is put out to glorify him as the Big Indian who knows it all and who knows all Indians and Indian issues. Listen to him speak on Indian issues as though he has worked with them all of his life. He only became "Indian" a few years ago, as many have noted.

He now works doing what he is qualified to do, installing satellite t.v. in Tennessee where he is shacked up with Tatoksa, Lisa. He used to sell phones, then he ripped off a college and said he got a degree from them but they deny it. He used that new lie to get paying jobs as an educator. Ask Cleveland AIM about that one. He moved on from there to land his job in Tennessee which has now failed and he now works at a job that he can handle.

Wherever he goes to use Indian people's names, he is found out and thrown out. He has a long trail of toilet paper behind him to track.

He can also really talk the b.s about what is written about treaties, harsh treatment, mascots, etc, but he cannot relate to any other Indian community or the real issues there. He almost pulled off his fraud at EBCI by convincing a few Indians there that he was one of them but that he didn't have his card on him at the time. When asked for his card in an official meeting where other Indians showed their card, he wrote on a white index card these words and flashed the card in front of him, "I am an Indian". There are photos of him doing that. But that is the only card he has.

He will continue to say that the enrollment letter from the Eastern Band of Cherokees is a fake, even when there was another letter issued by the enrollment office and anybody can call the office to find out if he is enrolled.

He is one of the biggest frauds and provocateurs ever to hit Indian country and if he isn't stopped, he will continue to divide and bring down Inian organizations anywhere he goes to set up and sell his fake "AIM" groups with his fake credentials. He also gets paid for working at jobs that only bona fide Indians should have by his lying. He is taking away from Indians what Indians should have, and this includes the spirituality. He has danced one Sun Dance with white people in Pennsylvania, then has said to people that he can run ceremonies because he is qualified by dancing at that one in Pennsylvania."


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Re: Lawrence Sampson
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2006, 03:55:07 am »
he's keeping a real low profile if he is back in Tn at least no chatter as of yet. Here is one of the web sites that pretty well lays it all out. frederica

Offline ndnadonis

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Re: Lawrence Sampson
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2006, 09:30:56 pm »
I am continually amazed at [childish insult] that can be found on the 'net, and the [childish insult] posting it. I have become convinced that the 'net is the domain and supreme bathroom wall for [childish insult] [childish insult] about people they don't know and [childish insult] talking to face to face.

So..."Weheli"...."frederica"...."educated Indian" tell: Have any of you ever met or had any experience with me face to face? If so, please give the particulars of your personal experience with me. If not, we'll all know that this is yet another of the [childish insult] on the internet [childish insult]. I believe I saw somewhere that Amissa Yellowbird/Redbird/Wiley was posting here, and that pretty much[childish insult]. Kind of funny, fake ceremonial leaders going to a "fraud" site to talk about people they don't know and are [childish insult].

As for formality, I am Lawrence Sampson. I am Delaware/Eastern Band Cherokee. I have family on and all around the Qualla Boundary. I have been active in Indian Country my entire adult life. In that time, I've done enough to learn that those who [childish insult], instead [childish insult].

The longer I live, the more effort I have to make to retain my faith in humanity, when I see the lies and misinformation posted on the internet [childish insult]. Much of it, [childish insult] know to be untrue, and the rest they don't know the truthfullness of it but it sure goes along with their preconceived notions of who is good and bad.

Now, its your turn. I'd love to see what experience [childish insult] have with me directly, if any. And while I most certainly will not get bogged down in yet another "he said/he said/she said" scenario, I'd be real interested to see who was where, when, and did what, with whom, and so forth. And please, lets not get into "I head this", or "I heard so and so"...thats too easy [childish insult] [childish insult]. Lets hear what you know for a fact from direct personal experience.

I imagine this will prove to be [childish insult][childish insult][childish insult], and who [childish insult], but hey it sure is [childish insult] [childish insult] [childish insult]ennit? Should that prove to be true, I've got more important things to do in real life . Its [childish insult].


(Al's note: We don't reward childlishness in here, as you can see Larry.)
« Last Edit: December 09, 2006, 07:19:48 pm by educatedindian »


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Re: Lawrence Sampson
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2006, 01:50:09 am »
Well Larry, are you still in TN? The last I remember you was on a march with Terri. Then you were in the process of that new commission. There was a riff with Tom and you kinda disappeared after that. Yellow Bird is on another list, never seen her here. You say she is Sumer Cree aka Lisa something and others. Do you still have A-AIM in TN? There has always been a bunch of stuff on the Internet concerning you and your activities. Why don't you just set the record straight? I know it never seems to bother you. I am curious why it continues, do you think they are jealous of all the things you have don in Indian Contry? frederica

Offline ndnadonis

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Re: Lawrence Sampson
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2006, 03:26:05 am »
"Frederica"...first off, I'd love to talk honestly and respectfully to you. However, before we go any further, you've posted some things about me that are simply not true. I'd like to know where you get the information which you posted before verifying its validity. Before I go answering anything, I've asked first who you are, and second what firsthand experience you have with me. Answer those questions and we can move forward. Cuz if all you're doing is passing on other people's benign farts, then it doesn't speak too well of your character, and I needn't waste my time with someone purely interested in smearing folks.



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Re: Lawrence Sampson
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2006, 04:37:19 am »
That is my name Larry. I am Lenape. I live in TN. I met you when you were an alt. on that Commission. Was brief. That's why I wondered were you are now. As you kinda disappeared. What did I post that is not true. There are multiple copies of EBCI documation on the Internet that you are not enrolled in EBC and there is nothing wrong with that.  You have seen them and I have seen them, and so have others. There are copies of your DD214 also. but it is snipped. So I really never knew what that was about. But you know this is no secret. Much of this has been presented to you before. I know it never seemed to phase you. But if it were myself I would want to set the record straight. I not trying to be a judge, just trying to figure out what is going on. frederica

Offline ndnadonis

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Re: Lawrence Sampson
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2006, 05:05:47 am »
I do not remember meeting you Frederica, and a name like that usually stands out in one's memory.

I feel a little silly in telling you that you have to be careful in believing what you read on the 'net. A perfect example: on this thread the lie about me being accused of carrying guns at a meeting. Well, I guess yeah you can say I was accused-anonymously-as always, which was immediately proven false. Now that lie has even taken on new proportions as it has been cut and pasted from here onto, only now its that I've been accused jof carrying guns at meetings NUMEROUS TIMES. There is just no end to liars and the lies they tell. The internet is amazingly fertile ground for lies to grow legs and then get so twisted, they sprout newer and newer lies. It was fascinating to watch for a while, now its just sickening.

Much of what has been posted on this thread was first constructed and posted by Donna [childish insult] Smith, and the incredible fraud Amissa Yellowbird. It's verbatim from their posts on other forums. I suspect it has been posted by them under yet further psuedonyms, as they have more than a dog has fleas. Quoting them is a mistake of comic proportions. FYI, the STM/Steel Toed Mocs is one of  [childish insult] numerous aliases. Its funny to watch them post with several different names so as to appear others agree with them. I mean, who has so much time on their hands so as to make this [childish insult] up, then post it, then create aliases to agree with it? Talk [childish insult] ....

First off, what march did you see me with Terri on? I don't ever recall being on a march with her. Like most here in Tn., I was friendly with Terri but never friends, and when her true nature became clear, I cut all ties with her.

The letter "from" the EBCI is not "from" the EBCI at all, at least not one speaking about me. Not only does the EBCI have no record of ever sending any correspondence to [childish insult] [childish insult] who said she received the letter, but close examination of the letter proved it was altered-i.e. false.

I did not have a "falling out" with Tom. I presented proof of what Tom had done-digging into people's personal lives (I am just one of many) while sitting at the head of TNNAC. And in my case, with information gleaned from TNNAC's files that had been declared private. I provided this proof of his behavior at a public meeting attended by at least 75 people, and when questioned in front of this crowd, Tom's answers were truly classic: "Uh....uh...I don't remember. computer crashed."

But make no mistake, [childish insult], I deal with people and issues directly, not by posting on the 'net, not by passing on regurgitated lies.

As for me "disappearing", how does one disappear? I still live here as I have for about three years, I still work here, and I'm still active on issues all over the country. Hell, some of the [childish insult] recently made a big tado about me being "quoted" (not) as saying I was Blackfoot. How is that disappearing? The only thing I don't do that I used to is attend TNCIA meetings, since the commission has de-evolved into nothing more than a descendant/wannabee recognition body. When I and others were working so hard to establish the commission, I never dreamed it would abdicate its responsibilities and promise so completely. What a waste of time.

If someone ever took the time, they'd see that I have challenged those who have written about me time and again, and not only do they refuse to face me, but cannot prove what they say. But there again, the old saying about not doing something unless someone is talking about you holds true. I guess I'm a threat since I'm an identifiable Indian man who is fairly knowledgable about most Indian issues, and I've been in Indian Country working on them for years. I don't have to talk a big game, I walk the walk. I've been a part of projects too numerous to mention over the years, and over time, that alone lays the lies bare.

Now, where and when did we meet?


(Al's note: Again, Larry, we don't reward childishness, though your's does seem to be diminishing.)
« Last Edit: December 09, 2006, 07:24:21 pm by educatedindian »


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Re: Lawrence Sampson
« Reply #9 on: December 09, 2006, 04:56:31 pm »
 Larry, We did meet, at one of those meetings, but it has been well over a year ago, maybe closer to 2. Getting too old to remember dates, but we met very briefly. I only went to a couple of them.  I am glad you replied. As you noticed all that concerned you was placed under "Research Needed". And of course, that means just what it says. Plus, the URLs are included. That leaves the validation up to the individual, if they are interested. I don't follow the TN Commission very closely. Occassionaly I will check to see where they are in their agenda.  I just wondered if you were still here, as I haven't heard much about you for a while. I know this stuff doesn't really bother you,  but you know how it is when things go unaddressed. I usually give people the benefit of the doubt unless they prove otherwise. So take care in your endeavors. frederica

Offline Barnaby_McEwan

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Re: Lawrence Sampson
« Reply #10 on: December 09, 2006, 06:16:20 pm »
Someone using an email address beginning with ndnstud@... has reported this thread to me with these rather vague words:
Not sure if this will do any good, but these are falsehoods being spread by liars, about ceremony

Since the only person mentioned in connection with ceremony in this thread is Lawrence Sampson, I guess he is the, er, ndn stud who has complained. Lawrence insists that unlike all these people who mysteriously conspire to defame him he does things directly rather than via the internet. Yet he has an email address that screams "I try to pick up women in chatrooms".
« Last Edit: December 09, 2006, 06:18:53 pm by Barnaby_McEwan »

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Re: Lawrence Sampson
« Reply #11 on: December 09, 2006, 07:37:30 pm »
I got the same message Barnaby. I'm sure it's Larry. On he also goes by NDN Adonis. Ironic since photos of him show him to perhaps weigh 400 pounds.

Larry, I'm Al Carroll, in case you hadn't guessed. I'm actually glad you're here. Either we'll clear all this up as misconceptions, or we'll give you all the rope you need to hang yourself further.

You started off in here much the way you did at Indianz, all abuse and insults when anyone dares to ask you the simplest questions.

Unlike over at Indianz, that won't fly here. If you truly are the victim of this Vast Anti-Larry Conspiracy you claim, where absolutely everything said about you by anyone is a lie and an orchestrated campaign, kindly explain it and we'll be glad to listen.

But you don't help when you charge in and act like a 10 year who curses and insults because they think it makes them appear tough or more adult. If you choose to refuse to grow up, we have no time to be your babysitter.

I see more than a few problems with your claims of the Vast Anti Larry Conspiracy.

Amissa has never been a member of NAFPS as far as I know.

No one ever said anything about "guns", EXCEPT YOU.  I posted a link where someone pointed out you'd been found to be carrying "weapons" numerous times at one of those groups you call wannabes or descendants.

The accusation was not anonymous. It was in fact made at a public meeting, and recorded. Care to explain?

Care to explain you lying about your discharge as well?
The claim you once said you were Blackfoot?
Your building ties to animal rights types?
And, which set off this whole thing in the first place?

Offline ndnadonis

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Re: Lawrence Sampson
« Reply #12 on: December 09, 2006, 10:26:23 pm »
"I'm sure it's Larry. "

Actually, its Lawrence.

"Ironic since photos of him show him to perhaps weigh 400 pounds."

Actually, I'm a far sight from 400 pounds. This is not a good way to start, insulting someone you don't know and have seen what? A couple of pictures on the 'net. Excuse me if you're already suspect.

"You started off in here much the way you did at Indianz, all abuse and insults when anyone dares to ask you the simplest questions."

Back up there, [childish insult]. If you were on Indianz for the last year, you'd know that isn't even close to the truth. First, a couple of white chicks, [childish insult]and [childish insult], posted a number of falsehoods on Indianz. I went there to challenge them. Then a white dude-Moose started repeating those lies. From big ones to little ones, like about me dying my hair.  When I challenged him to come here and see for himself, since he had family here, that I would put him up while he was here and he could see for himself-he balked. Now we all know why-he was a faud white guy.

Since that time, internet [childish insult] like Keely have repeatedly posted one lie after another, such as in February claiming I had warrants for my arrest. Warrants that never materialized and she's yet to admit lieing about nor apologized for. Then there are Steve's, such as that I had falsely claimed some military medals he never did name, and again couldn't prove because it was a lie.

And let's not forget the grandaddy of all, the allegation of child molestation. Didn't hear a peep out of you or anyone when there was nothing to validate that one.

I mean, excuse me if I'm not so worked up about your version of what's happened over there. 

Now, thats the facts, I didn't go there, nor did I come here, insulting anyone. I challenged those who had already posted lies about me as tho they were fact. I challenged the posters to say whether they knew me or had ever had ANY interaction with me directly. Thus far, one person claims to have met me ONCE. In short, its a bunch of internet  [childish insult]passing on unsubstantiated [childish insult].

YOU, however, re-posted the[childish insult] allegation that I had carried guns to a meeting-only you added your own spin that there had been "numerous" allegations of same. If there have been "numerous" allegations, then I am unaware of them, but in any event we are talking about anonymous allegations, certainly never proved and no evidence of such taking place exists. And unlike the rest of your spin, I've never "been found" carrying weapons. This is yet another of so many uncountable lies.

Now that you've passed on lies, told a few of your own, and insulted me on a personal level, do you really think I'm that concerned about what you think? Really, do you?

I'm still interested to see of how many of the Lawrence experts have ever interacted with me directly. I've yet to hear of any that even claim to have. Doesn't really lend much credibility to the fantastic stories, now does it?

(Al's note: Once more, we don't reward childishness. Larry is out of here until he grows up.)
« Last Edit: December 10, 2006, 06:40:38 pm by educatedindian »

Offline ndnadonis

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Re: Lawrence Sampson
« Reply #13 on: December 09, 2006, 10:31:20 pm »
Larry, We did meet, at one of those meetings, but it has been well over a year ago, maybe closer to 2. Getting too old to remember dates, but we met very briefly. I only went to a couple of them.  I am glad you replied. As you noticed all that concerned you was placed under "Research Needed". And of course, that means just what it says. Plus, the URLs are included. That leaves the validation up to the individual, if they are interested. I don't follow the TN Commission very closely. Occassionaly I will check to see where they are in their agenda.  I just wondered if you were still here, as I haven't heard much about you for a while. I know this stuff doesn't really bother you,  but you know how it is when things go unaddressed. I usually give people the benefit of the doubt unless they prove otherwise. So take care in your endeavors. frederica

Same to you, Frederica. Good luck in all you do.



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Re: Lawrence Sampson
« Reply #14 on: December 10, 2006, 02:16:32 am »
Osiyo Dohitsu Larry,
Seems your main point continues to be "have we met you face to face?" I have not I do know people who have heard you speak, buit than I never met any of the Presidents face to face, never met Custer, Our Ancestors, ect. I have however read articles,books, and heard them speak clear back to before Eisenhower, but than I should not take anything they had to say because I NEVER MET THEM FACE TO FACE!!!

INSULTS: I am continually amazed at [childish insult] that can be found on the 'net, and the [childish insult] posting it. I have become convinced that the 'net is the domain and supreme bathroom wall for [childish insult] [childish insult] about people they don't know and [childish insult] talking to face to face.

Cuz if all you're doing is passing on other people's benign farts, then it doesn't speak too well of your character,

First, a couple of white chicks, Assmisa and Donna the skank, posted a number of falsehoods on Indianz. I went there to challenge them. Then a white dude-Moose started repeating those lieS.

DEFENSIVENESS:So..."Weheli"...."frederica"...."educated Indian" tell: Have any of you ever met or had any experience with me face to face? If so, please give the particulars of your personal experience with me. If not, we'll all know that this is yet another of the [childish insult] on the internet [childish insult].

 I'd love to see what experience [childish insult] have with me directly, if any. And while I most certainly will not get bogged down in yet another "he said/he said/she said" scenario, I'd be real interested to see who was where, when, and did what, with whom, and so forth. And please, lets not get into "I head this", or "I heard so and so"...thats too easy [childish insult] [childish insult]. Lets hear what you know for a fact from direct personal experience.

I imagine this will prove to be [childish insult][childish insult][childish insult], and who [childish insult], but hey it sure is [childish insult] [childish insult] [childish insult]ennit? Should that prove to be true, I've got more important things to do in real life . Its [childish insult].

I do not remember meeting you Frederica, and a name like that usually stands out in one's memory. SO DO YOU REMEMBER EVRY PERSON YOU COME IN CONTACT WITH?????

First off, what march did you see me with Terri on? I don't ever recall being on a march with her. but you could remember the name Frederica?? ???

 Actually, its Lawrence.
Actually, I'm a far sight from 400 pounds. This is not a good way to start, insulting someone you don't know and have seen what? A couple of pictures on the 'net. Excuse me if you're already suspect
Back up there, hoss

Now, thats the facts, I didn't go there, nor did I come here, insulting anyone. SO WHAT ARE THE ABOVE. I AM OLD BUT I CALL THEM INSULTS  hey?

DEMANDING:I'd love to see what experience [childish insult] have with me directly, if any. And while I most certainly will not get bogged down in yet another "he said/he said/she said" scenario, I'd be real interested to see who was where, when, and did what, with whom, and so forth. And please, lets not get into "I head this", or "I heard so and so"...thats too easy [childish insult] [childish insult]. Lets hear what you know for a fact from direct personal experience.  ARE YOU CALLING US [childish insults] well if you are I personally will take it as a compiment, given my age. ;D

I'd like to know where you get the information which you posted before verifying its validity. Before I go answering anything, I've asked first who you are, and second what firsthand experience you have with me. Answer those questions and we can move forward. Cuz if all you're doing is passing on other people's benign farts, then it doesn't speak too well of your character, and I needn't waste my time with someone purely interested in smearing folks.

First off, what march did you see me with Terri on? I don't ever recall being on a march with her. Like most here in Tn., I was friendly with Terri but never friends, and when her true nature became clear, I cut all ties with her.

But make no mistake, [childish insult], I deal with people and issues directly, not by posting on the 'net, not by passing on regurgitated lies.  :o SO WHAT ARE ALL THESE POST? CREATOR MY EYES ARE REALLY GETTING BAD, I AM SEEING THINGS THAT ISN'T THAR!!

Now, where and when did we meet?

