Author Topic: Wisdomkeepers, Paqo Andino — Jeffrey Wium  (Read 6973 times)

Offline Sparks

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Wisdomkeepers, Paqo Andino — Jeffrey Wium
« on: November 01, 2014, 03:48:54 am » — What is an "Andean Paqo"? — Who is Jeffrey Wium? He is coming to Norway this month:

THE FILM WIDOMKEEPERS, PAQO ANDINO - An inspirational Eco- Spiritual journey into the Heart of Consciousness. A unique cinematic offering revealing the ancient heart-based intelligence and celestially guided lifeways of the Andean Holy Mountain Tradition. One of our planet’s few remaining uninterrupted wisdom lineages.

This makes me very suspicious:


For the latter, check this thread:

Edit: The film has its own Facebook page: — The D.M. connection is rampant:

Wisdomkeepers, Paqo Andino
From today's global live online event with Drunvalo Melchizedek and "Wisdomkeepers" filmmaker/Andean Paqo Jeffrey Wium.
« Last Edit: November 01, 2014, 04:06:45 am by Sparks »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Wisdomkeepers, Paqo Andino — Jeffrey Wium
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2014, 04:12:04 am »
This seems unlikely too.

"Filmmaker Jeffrey Wium is a lineage holder in the Andean Holy Mountain Tradition...
Here he shares his experience with the project:
'In 2002 I was injured while filming a television series and led into the realm of holistic healing as a result of my recuperative inquires.
After four years of directed learning, initiations and certifications in a variety of modalities, I came to recognize a deep resonance in my work with the maestros of the Andean Holy Mountain Tradition. In early 2007 I was called and initiated as an Andean Paqo and began traveling to Peru every six to eight weeks...'"

The part that I bolded suggest Wium went to a bunch of different Nuage types for four years before he was in Peru.

The whole film is here. I took a look.

When Wium is in the film, it reminds me of that awful faux spiritual movie Eat Pray Love, where westerners think other cultures exist just to make them feel spirchul. The translations bothered me quite a bit. The translators were imposing obvious Nuage terms into what the Peruvian NDNs were saying, phrases like "oppositional energy" and "etheric realms."

They were also presented as ahistorical people, quaint and trapped in a remote area and another time, just existing for whites to admire and romanticize, and not a word in the whole film of their real struggles. Just show the ceremonies for outsiders to watch. The film never says a word about Quechua or Aymara problems. For all its claims of being eco friendly, I didn't see a single mention of such ideas. The Quechua people in the film should have been give the chance to talk about land struggles, racism, poverty, you name it. If the film were to come here, I'd bring up those issues with Wium and ask why the lapse? Isn't this just indulging in outsiders' romantic notions?

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Wisdomkeepers, Paqo Andino — Jeffrey Wium
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2014, 01:48:27 pm »
Wium works as the principal to a place doing "life coaching" in Hawaii called The Heart of the Matter. He peddles a hodgepodge of Nuage and alttherapy ideas.
"Jeffrey Wium is a western-born lineage holder in the Andean Holy Mountain Tradition who draws on certification and life experience with Qigong, Usui-Tibetan-Sai Baba Reiki, Hawaiian lomilomi, the Avaloketesvara initiation, nondenominational ministry, psychosomatic bodywork, energy medicine, yoga, meditation, sound therapy, indigenous lifeways, healing and vision quest protocols."

Selling workshops on Peruvian shamanism
Register: $125 - through EventBrite or cash at the door
Cost: $150 Limited seating, advanced registration recommended

At a conference with ceremony sellers and other dubious types.!shaman-conference-presenters/crn5

The ties with Perona/Drunvalo are pretty clear. I'm guessing he funded the film.

But they will clearly make their money back and a lot more. Those screenings of the film are charging 10 to 15 dollars, hundreds each time, plus likely dozens of people at each workshop charged hundreds.

Are they selling workshops in Norway? Is the money being pledged to go to the Quechuans? Or just to make Perona and Wium money? Certainly worth asking.

Here Wium says he "clarified the dialog" in the film after translators had finished. That explains all the clunky Nuage phrases.

Offline Sparks

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Re: Wisdomkeepers, Paqo Andino — Jeffrey Wium
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2014, 09:09:14 pm »
Are they selling workshops in Norway? Is the money being pledged to go to the Quechuans? Or just to make Perona and Wium money? Certainly worth asking.

Yes, indeed, events have been posted repeatedly in this public group, associated with the University of Oslo: — The latest post within the last hour:

There's still time and space to join our workshops and screenings in Oslo, Lillestrøm or Nes, Nov 21- 23. Come join us on this Path of the Heart!
Booking Oslo & Lillestrøm: Berit Børte, email:
Booking Sans Yoga, Nes: Tara Kristine Bale, email:
Urpichay Sonqoy!

Shared from this person's site (I quote it all for the benefit of those without Facebook accounts):

ABOUT JEFFREY WIUM, Paqo & Filmmaker
Wisdomkeepers, Paqo Andino

Jeffrey Wium is a western-born Paqo in the Andean Holy Mountain Tradition. Raised in the United States, his life studies, apprenticeships and spiritual exploration have taken him across five continents and multiple traditions, beginning with his first trip to Asia at the age of 19. He draws upon twenty-eight years of professional experience in a wide range of photography, video, film and multimedia projects that have provided first-hand knowledge of world traditions, cultural ideologies and perceptual realities.

In 1996, after ten years of intensive workloads, location travel and living in major cities, Jeffrey moved to the quietude of a small town to nurture a path of inner study and personal ethos. He completed Qigong certifications in Portland and Beijing, traveled within Tibet, Nepal and India, and received the Avaloketesvara initiation from His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Los Angeles.

Jeffrey continued his cosmological and technical development with Native American wilderness living skills, philosophy, healing and vision quest protocols; Usui-Tibetan-Sai Baba Reiki mastery, Hawaiian lomilomi, TM, psychosomatic bodywork, yoga teacher training, sound healing; and nondenominational experience as an ordained minister. During this period, he produced media and design projects based on education, advocacy, sustainability and outdoor exploration.

In 2003 Jeffrey stepped away from media production to begin formal training in Andean holistic lifeways, energy medicine and healing modalities. He accrued four years of directed learning from academic programs and research expeditions as well as traditional apprenticeships in the Peruvian highlands. During this period Jeffrey found natural resonance among the maestros of the Andean Holy Mountain Tradition and was called and initiated as an Andean Paqo in early 2007.

Jeffrey has continued his traditional path of initiation and exploration as well as facilitated talks, programs, retreats and Andean pilgrimages. Wisdomkeepers, Paqo Andino has been created as a means to share a direct, unmediated experience of humanity’s ancient eco-spiritual lifeways based on the principles of unified consciousness, heart intelligence and holistic sustainability