Author Topic: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf  (Read 66873 times)

Offline Royce White Calf

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #45 on: January 10, 2017, 10:49:43 pm »
Milehigh is not JPB. He posts from Colorado, as he's always been up front about. While I've never met him in person, he and I knew some of the same places in the area from back when I was stationed at Fitzsimmons AMC in the 80s. I have no reason to doubt he is who he says he is.

January 8, 2017 at 7:20 am ยท Reply
Nice hit piece โ€“ found this in under five minutes โ€“ โ€“ milehighsalute:
Joann Spotted Bear

Fromjoann spottedbear

Tojoann spotted bear

No disrespect to you educatedindian, but milehighsalute is not a male in colorado, but as we tried to tell you joann spotted bear. The Bad Man Clause was enacted on her on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation when she threatened the lives of her family members in Wounded Knee South Dakota, and called openly for the assassination of Russell Means, before his death. You may reposed with anger, however, I wish to state one more time that my wife's legal name is Lydia White Calf, or Lydia Hersloff White Calf on her birth certificate. Again, married women in the Western world are forced to use their maiden names on their birth certificates. I would greatly appreciate it if this is cleared for the record.

No one knows why Joann ambushed our home in the summer of 2010, holding Jimi McNair hostage, with her three young children, in a jeep my wife had just bought for her. She threatened to kill everyone in the house and traumatized my sons. Her son was taken from her by social services shortly thereafter. She has public records of mental health issues and problems with Law Enforcement in the State of Nevada, with many court ordered visits to rehab for meth addiction, and jail time. She refuses to acknowledge our fight to expose Kevin Annett as well.

Please feel free to contact Dennis Banks on this issue.

Thank you

Offline Royce White Calf

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #46 on: January 10, 2017, 11:24:51 pm »

And yes, Ken Bear Chief was our legal council reading this libel by Joann Spooted Bear regarding my wife.  Please feel free to contact him as well. As you may know he is a para-legal assistant to a firm that represents victims of abuse form the Boarding School Program down here in the US, and therefore has common legal knowledge. He reviewed the writings here, by Joann Spotted Bear, and advised us accordingly, at least regarding public slander and libel.

We honestly have no idea whatsoever what any of her writings are about in this lengthly thread aside from her insistence that my wife's maiden name is Hersloff. We agree that my wife's maiden name is Hersloff. She has never hidden in any manner that her maiden name is Hersloff. Her original FB name was as follows: Lydia Hersloff White Calf, as she was re-connecting with publishers and editors regarding her career as a photojournalist, which brought her to Pine Ridge in the first place. She came to photograph the boy I adopted, my son, Rocky White Calf, and then became his step-mother. She was doing a large project on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome at the time, and was sponsored by Viacom to do a pilot for a project for Viacom called The New Indian Wars, which then was shelved with the merger with Paramount. Until she married me she had been published around the world as Lydia Hersloff. This is why she still uses the name when contacting press for our causes, and were her credentials to be a Juror in the North West International Tribunal that Kevin Annett and other operatives ambushed. She was responsible, as an example, for getting me live coverage on CNN during the Camp Justice situation during Bill Clintons visit in 1999. If she did not use her maiden name in the tradition period after she married me, her publishers and editors would not have known who she was. She is American from English and Swedish descent. She has never said she was not. In fact she insists on stating she is the white wife of Royce White Calf in every writing she has published on the internet for all to see.

Thank you

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #47 on: January 14, 2017, 01:16:01 am »

No disrespect to you educatedindian, but milehighsalute is not a male in colorado, but as we tried to tell you joann spotted bear....You may reposed with anger, however...

? "Reposed"?
Yeah, your judgement is still pretty confused. In the several years since those posts I've been in contact with him quite a bit, and his circle of friends. He's definitely not who you claim, and is who he says.

ETA: Spamming removed. If you keep repeating yourself, that's spam.

Offline milehighsalute

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #48 on: January 24, 2017, 10:18:10 pm »
again.....i said i never met lydia nor ever heard of her until we were working on a friend of hers, an ethiopian fraud who calls himself eliase of the guys as educatedindian agrees "has the elements of all the bad guys rolled into one"

then i saw this thread and commented she was a one time associate of his......and said eliase was online bragging about a large scale imbecilic plan that was on behalf of "lakota oppression"

i know all parties involved and their friends had a falling out for whatever reason shortly after..i saw it crumble on social media...i dont know if it had anything to do with eliase's big mouth or not...but YES he was online bragging....i saw it.....and that person whose page he was bragging on took it down.....i didnt know how to screen shot back then

and then some of this stuff was on some new age twinkie messageboards ....those boards unfortunately no longer exist....i kinda pulled it all together and it was DISCUSSED OPENLY and PUBLICLY by one eliase graywolf

i mentioned more than a few times that this stuff was all ACCORDING TO ELIASE GRAYWOLF.....never once did i say i had any proof of anything other than some discussions

in fact...educatedindian even told me to provide some proof it was even discussed so i did....from a forum that had joanne and eliase arguing....and a statement from joanne herself....if i provided nothing he would have removed my post

i saw another post somewhere long ago with eliase telling everyone joanne robbed him and she was like "oh yeah, the feds interrogated me, why didnt they arrest me?" and she says they made it up.......again....this was PUBLIC and as long as it was posted PUBLICLY we are allowed to talk about it

i dunno if you actually read my posts bro.....but every single one of them i never said anyone did anything except that ELIASE GRAYWOLF bragged about this stuff OPENLY online

yes i am in denver......and i think youre mad at the wrong people here.......why arent you looking for eliase and asking him why he is involving your wifes name publicly a few years ago in all this bullshit?

your question should be "why was eliase saying lydia was on his side when he made these wild claims?".....and "why would eliase throw names around?".....and "what kind of idiot is eliase to even post such absurdity online for everyone to see anyways?" you know....once something goes public online we are allowed to talk about it, question it, analyze it ect ect

as i posted....i have no quarrel with you.....i have no quarrel with lydia for that matter unless she really did was involved in a stupid plot that would eventually bring the wrath of the world on natives.....but that sounded so insane that natives were involved and someone claiming to be part of the plot was bragging on effin FACEBOOK about it is just ridiculous

no one accused your wife of anything except being a part of graywolfs public babble that unfortunately many non-indians seemed to believe....why arent you angered at him? these are some good injuns here including myself.....we would rather hear lydia say "eliase is nuts he should keep me out of his talltales i publicly denounce him and call him a liar" one wants this crap to be true

but this is in "research needed"........not a single person here is actually even saying they believe all this anyways

Offline Royce White Calf

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Jim Craven
« Reply #49 on: January 25, 2017, 09:01:51 am »

The only Gray Wolf my wife and I ever heard of and publicly exposed for being a fraud is a man from California who has appeared on the History Channel and claimed he was 'Chumash'.

We appeared on different internet radio shows summoning support, with other members of The American Indian Movement (California AIM) and the Indigenous Community, to expose him in 2009/2010 and alerted the History Channel they were dealing with a fraud.

He stopped making trips to Pine Ridge after that time and to the best of our knowledge his career as a fraud has been shut down. Like all frauds, he was hateful so perhaps whatever you are speaking about is the typical blowback, gibberish and character assassination from a fraud exposed. I have never seen anything on Facebook of which you speak about us regarding some crazy conspiracy, but he did threaten to kill several other people involved in exposing him directly online. That much I remember. We don't have any records of that, it was way too long ago in a long long line of frauds we have taken on.

If you want to look into him and you find he is still out there, please take him on.

We could really use some help with this one too. He claims to be a 'Blackfoot Elder' and uses the name 'Jim Craven'.  He has haunted us for 19 years, and has IP addresses from the DOJ in Washington. With him comes being trailed by Raytheon and DynCorp and Steven Segal's bodyguards - Brown Berets - assessed we had "the highest level surveillance and intimidation program on planet earth at that time", which in their words was SIGNIT and HUMINT, with 7 listening posts surrounding our property in 2001. To this day we are still under this surveillance, terrorized and harassed and death-threated. We could use some help.

This is no regular FBI:

We could really use some help.

Offline Royce White Calf

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Re: Jim Craven
« Reply #50 on: January 25, 2017, 09:33:49 am »
 Chase Iron Eyes, Dennis Banks, Russell Means (when he was alive), Leonard Crow Dog, and even our most historic Medicine Men such as Grandpa Frank Fools Crow all have this same Counter Intelligence network that was once on Jim Craven's blogroll (no screen shots): Rezinate, and Looking Back Woman and on FB, Joe Wade

We believe they are all "Jim Craven", as we saw the above on Craven's blogroll, and before we could get a screen shot, they were disappeared, that fast. Joe Wade is blocked form our FB page, so we can't provide that address. Chase has been going through the same level of attack we have within the last few years, especially by Joe Wade (Jim Craven). We all know what Dennis has been through. The last death threat I got out in front of our house was by two feds that pulled up to me in a white SUV and said "This time Royce, we will take out Lydia and your sons".  My boys were 17 and 19 at that time. We were in a big war to expose Kevin Annett during that time, who is controlled opposition with Jim Craven. BothCraven and Annett were at The NorthWest Tribunal in Vancouver in 1998 and were suspiciously close to the murder of Harriet Nahanee (and Diana James - murdered in the same month - who organized the Tribunal with her husband and our friend Rudy James on behalf of Harriet). Lydia and I were Jurors, and we sent out Findings to the UN with Rudy and Dianna in July 2000.

Offline Royce White Calf

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Re: Jim Craven
« Reply #51 on: January 25, 2017, 09:43:48 am »

...didn't mean to leave out that our 'attorney', Lee Hill, over Naropa was CIA murdered by the NSA

We need some help.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Jim Craven
« Reply #52 on: January 25, 2017, 03:09:20 pm »
What you're claiming is very confused. It's pretty easy to find out that Jim Craven is a former economics professor until three years ago, fired in a dispute with the university administration. I see no evidence at all for the numerous claims you make about him, and you provided none. Or for your other claims. You both easily fall for and spread conspiracy claims. I wonder whether it's from misinformed paranoia, or whether you are yourself one deliberately trying to cause dissension and division.

Offline Royce White Calf

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #53 on: January 25, 2017, 03:24:17 pm »

Thank you for starting a new page on Jim Craven. Can I suggest, while we're at it that a page is started for Eagle Cruz of Naropa (who fled Boulder in 1999), Gray Wolf of California, and Kevin Annett of Vancouver? Finally Lee Hill came to us, though he is presumed to be dead, posing as Choctaw.

Annett and Craven have a wealth of material to be discussed just by themselves. They completely destroyed and sabotaged the NorthWest Tribunal held in Vancouver of 1998, which would have been historic had it not been for their sabotage. It is time we speak up about what we have been through. It has been almost 20 years of political hell, encountering the real frauds who have sought to destroy our lives.

Thank you

Royce White Calf

Offline Royce White Calf

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #54 on: January 25, 2017, 04:12:43 pm »
Milehighslaute, we have never heard of this person who you are talking about, or of any writings on FB. As said, the only Gray Wolf we know is the one we fought to expose who was (and possibly still is) making a living off Hollywood - a Mexican posing as Chumash. We know that the last of the Chumash vanished in the 1920's. This Gray Wolf was violent and really nasty to deal with, so perhaps he is the person you are talking of and whatever he did regarding smearing my wife's name never came to our attention. The entire issue you have presented is so confusing we can't follow it, but that is what frauds and shills are good at - perpetuating utter confusion.

As I said we could really use some help for we have more frauds on our plate than we can deal with alone anymore.

I invite you therefore to contact Joann Spotted Bear and clear for her this confusion, as Dennis has got his hands full at the moment with the big issues confronting our People, though he will help us with tedious matters if they really become a problem - and to assist us in the fight to expose the Gray Wolf we took on in 2009/2010 on this thread here. We invite all of you to assist us with the others listed in the post above, for the harm done to First Nations Peoples and Native Nations down here in the US is immeasurable by all of them.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 06:05:16 pm by educatedindian »

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #55 on: January 25, 2017, 06:11:28 pm »
We know that the last of the Chumash vanished in the 1920's.

These are three bad habits of yours:
Presenting false, dubious, unproven or mangled facts,
Repeatedly posting the same thing
and repeatedly posting in wrong threads.

You managed to do all three in a few minutes with your last several posts. Next time you do any of the three you'll be temporarily blocked.

IM me or another mod.

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Jim Craven
« Reply #56 on: January 25, 2017, 09:13:25 pm »
Chase Iron Eyes, Dennis Banks, Russell Means (when he was alive), Leonard Crow Dog, and even our most historic Medicine Men such as Grandpa Frank Fools Crow all have this same Counter Intelligence network that was once on Jim Craven's blogroll (no screen shots): Rezinate, and Looking Back Woman and on FB, Joe Wade

We believe they are all "Jim Craven"

No matter what opinion anyone may have of the above people, it's very easy to find out that they are not the same person. Why you think anyone would believe they are all this person you are targeting... I have no idea. I don't believe you are this gullible, so why are you assuming our readers are?

You keep posting in different threads trying to attach unrelated people to others against whom you seem to have some kind of agenda. I'm not going to even get into who does or doesn't deserve "investigating" right now. By blaming unrelated people for the actions of others, I'm sorry but at some point it becomes difficult to believe anything you post.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #57 on: January 25, 2017, 09:36:11 pm »
Milehigh is not JPB. He posts from Colorado, as he's always been up front about. While I've never met him in person, he and I knew some of the same places in the area from back when I was stationed at Fitzsimmons AMC in the 80s. I have no reason to doubt he is who he says he is.

Hersloff is lying about being able to track IPs. Only moderators can. This is a silly failed attempt to intimidate.

No disrespect to you educatedindian, but milehighsalute is not a male in colorado, but as we tried to tell you joann spotted bear.

I took some time just now to double-check what the entire mod/admin team already knew when all of these bizarre accusations started. I went over the IP addresses and geolocations of where all the posts have come from.

Milehigh has *always* posted from exactly where he says he is in Colorado, including at times when JoAnn has been in completely other parts of the country (like in front of cameras, livestreaming, thousands of miles away). "Royce," however, has an extremely widely-varying writing style and "voice" and has at times "posted" from an IP registered by name to Lydia, while Royce has actually been in another state entirely. IIRC, she claimed she posted for him over the phone when we mentioned that. Maybe that's the case. I don't know.

If you're looking for people whose explanations and alliances keep changing, or who look to be sockpuppetting as one another, misrepresenting where or who or how many people they are, or trying to register multiple accounts, I'm afraid the data shows you need to turn the camera in the other direction.

EDIT: I want to make it clear here that I'm not "taking sides" in this. The people involved in this mess seem to have switched alliances and attacked one another in so many confusing ways, it's hard to tell what "side" most of them are on. I just want to say that I don't appreciate the obvious misrepresentations, blatant lies, and attempts to use our forum to advance personal vendettas, by *anyone*. The end does not justify the means. And with a lot of the people in this dirty, tangled web, it's not even clear what the ends are. Since the means are the end in the making, it doesn't look good.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2017, 09:57:18 pm by Defend the Sacred »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Jim Craven
« Reply #58 on: January 25, 2017, 09:40:28 pm »
Yeah, this may just belong in their own thread.

Edit: Merging. If there's any reason this guy deserves his own thread, or if anyone can make any sense of it, feel free to let us know and we'll move it elsewhere if needed.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2017, 07:39:39 pm by Defend the Sacred »

Offline Royce White Calf

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Re: Lydia Hersloff AKA Lydia White Calf
« Reply #59 on: January 25, 2017, 10:15:04 pm »

The CIA shill center finally checks the IP addresses you insisted you could not above and can assure us of Jaonn's whereabout's over a 4 year period - the roaming meth addict. You apparently don't like The American Indian Movement. We don't like you either.  The American Indian Movement hereby denounces Joann Spotted Bear and we will have a formal Cease and Desist Order addressing all of you: Joann Spotted Bear, Al Carrol with your male milehighsalute who you share 'similar places' with  and is therefore credible to you - right on the list with Kevin Annett, Gray Wolf,  Jim Craven and Don Eagle Cruz. We alone reserve the right to declare frauds, which is the lot of you. You keep on doing what you do...hating Indigenous Peoples. We'll keep doing what we do, fighting the Washichu and his wickedness. We are the Resistance.

Royce White Calf
Akicita Waziyata Ptehinsilaska
and on behalf of Dennis Banks and The American Indian Movement