It's not unusual for white students to immediately insist that any mention of racism at all somehow must mean I hate whites. The good news is that, at 18 or 19, very few of them have their views set in stone yet. A lot of them are from very sheltered backgrounds. Some tell me they've never met even met someone who wasn't white before, much less had their views challenged. Best I can tell, most of them can be reached. The ones that can't may be beyond hope. At ASU several of them demanded I be fired and that what I was teaching should be barred from being discussed, things like US invasions of other countries. They were outnumbered by the students who were happy to finally hear the subjects they'd never heard about in school.
Back to the original topic:
"Steve" (John Lekay) sent me this message by IM two days ago. I asked him to post it in this thread, he changed the subject and went into another harangue exactly like Lekay has spouted before.
Since Lekay is afraid to post his latest impression of an NDN in here, I'll do it myself:
"Why do you accuse me of being a white-guy, i am half cherokee and half-white. my name is steve williams, i am 56 years old, i am a semi-retired plumber living in the Tampa, Florida area.
i have six children and 10 grandchildren. i can send you a pic of my family if you wish.
now, since we are playing private investigator what's your real name and occupation. not that i really care but if you are going to accuse someone of being somebody else then you should be upfront about who you are. are you even indian or one of those euro-wannabes?
if you don't want me posting on this site then simply boot me off but don't accuse my being someone esle, especially a snake like that lekay guy. thank you."

Like I said before, it's amusing to keep giving him the rope to hang himself.
Exactly same way of writing as Lekay, often word for word. More of yet another changing story. Now he's "half white" deliberately avoiding mention of what, exactly.
Seems like he doesn't know the first thing about Cherokees, which European ethnic groups they generally mixed with, where they are most likely to be, etc.
Like how he's insulting himself.
Keep trying John. The more time you waste failing to disrupt us in here is less time you have for promoting frauds.