Author Topic: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School  (Read 77484 times)


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Re: Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2013, 04:49:36 am »

His prior wife is Eleanor (Laurie) Gudnason

Lady Eleanor found her teacher, Dr. Bob White Eagle in 1990, and began an 11 year relationship with this remarkable Native American Medicine Man. Seven of these years were as an apprentice learning the Universal Teachings Dr. Bob offered her. Lady Eleanor was trained as a dreamer.  Other terms for dreamer are seer, channel, or oracle.!teachers

I was fascinated by Dr. Bob White Eagle and was trying to find out more about him, but couldn't find him on the internet.  It is interesting what she says about him in an apparently earlier post:

Laurie found her teacher, Dr. Bob White Eagle in 1990, and began an 11 year relationship with this remarkable Native American Medicine Man.   Seven of these years were as an apprentice learning the Universal Teachings Dr. Bob offered her.  Laurie’s training with Dr. Bob was similar to the teachings revealed in the works of Carlos Castaneda, an American Anthropologist.  Laurie was trained as a “dreamer’.  Other terms for dreamer are seer, channel, or oracle. 

Dr. Bob felt that teaching non-Indians the sacred medicine path was not appropriate.  Instead of medicine ceremonies, Dr. Bob trained Laurie in Channeling, out of body healing and etheric surgery, and the American folk magick tradition that is called Hoo Doo.  These Universal Teachings are the same teachings of power offered by the secret and sacred schools of light that exist in every culture, country, and within every group of the human family.  Today, Laurie draws from the teachings and 11 years of journals she kept during her time with Dr. Bob.   This training is the foundation of all that Laurie offers!

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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #16 on: June 14, 2013, 01:15:29 pm »
Moved to Frauds, though there's certainly plenty more to be researched. This many insane claims and lies, plus abuse of followers, make it an easy call.

DNA has 46 pairs of strands, not 24 like he claims.

That dissertation describes a pyramid scheme with followers paying thousands and pushed to form a franchise to make their money back and recruit others. Was that your experience also?


The largest and most popular of these schools seems to be the Rocky Mountain Mystery School (RMMS), with which eight of my informants are connected.

The RMMS has two headquarters in Japan (Tokyo and Osaka), and 11 others at locations around the globe (U.S.A, Canada, Ireland, U.K., Sweden, Taiwan, South Africa, the Philippines and Singapore). In the past three years, Japan has become the centre of its activities, since the headmaster and co-founder of the school, a certain Gudni Gudnason, divorced his business partner, Eleanor Gudnason (who three years ago opened her own school in Tokyo, called 2nd Ray Mystery School) to marry one of his Japanese students.
p 123
Gudni Gudnason, born in Iceland, claims to have been a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (a British magical order founded in the early 19th century and revived in the late 1970s) and a master of universal kabbalah73, Celtic shamanism and ritual magic. According to my informants his rituals and teachings are impressive to watch and he has been a regular presenter at the yearly Alchemy Conference. Rumour has it, however, that Gudni was a failed martial artist in his native country, who, after meeting his wife, Laurie, a successful businesswoman and experienced channeller, became interested in the New Age. Together they established what resembles a spiritual business version of a pyramid scheme. Indeed, all initiates must go through a two-day programme to understand the basics of the RMMS cosmology at a cost of ¥55,000. At that point everyone is strongly encouraged to become a teacher, after spending a total of ¥58,270 on preliminary classes, which will enable them to teach the adept programme to others; but for every newly formed adept, they will have to pay ¥5,000 back to Gudni. Of course there are several types of teacher certificates, each with the necessary preliminary classes, and each allowing the newly qualified/graduated teacher to hold identical classes at his own healing salon with the obligation to attend a monthly meeting at the Tokyo headquarters and pay royalties for some of the sessions owned by Gudni. Finally, once the rank of Guide is reached (with the option of becoming Ritual Master in between), the RMMS member will be able to teach any course figuring in the RMMS curriculum, which at the moment includes 30 with new ones being introduced every year.
The official website of the RMMS reports that as of February 2008, 4,412 Japanese had become adepts and 80 certified Guides teach RMMS classes nationwide.

p 124
A 26-year old woman, who had just reached the Guide rank in March 2009, reported that by the time I interviewed her, in mid-April, five of her clients had completed the adept programme. RMMS Ltd declares a capital stock of ¥10 million and held its 7th Healing Convention in May 2009, which I estimate to have been one third of the size of the aforementioned supicon (see figure 4.1).

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Re: Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #17 on: June 14, 2013, 01:44:07 pm »

Here is the Board for his New Paradigm Council (I am not familiar with most of them, but some of them are questionable):

Being a collaboration of unique and thought provoking individuals, our core council is the guiding force of our vision and direction. The core council consists of:

    Segu Krishna Ramesh MD, Zero Point, Dubai
    Gabriel Cousens MD, Nutrition, USA
    Konstantin Korotkov PhD, Science/Spirit, Russia
    Masaru Emoto PhD, Message from Water, Japan
    Kampon Sriwattanakul MD, Stem Cell, Thailand
    Tadashi Mitsuo MD, Rejuvenation, Japan
    Natsu Watanabe MD, Vibrational Medicine, Japan
    Mantak Chia Grand Master, Daoism, Thailand
    Gudni Gudnason, Science of Consciousness, Japan
    Ann Donnelly MD, Alternative Medicine, UK
    Dr. Theresa Ibis, PhD, Science of Consciousness, USA
    William Shwetzer MD, Functional Medicine, Thailand
    Alfredo Sfeir-Younis PhD, New Economy, Chile
    Don Miguel Ruiz, Toltec Medicine Path, USA
    Dr. Nassim Harramein, Physics, USA

He gathered a nice crowd of usual suspects, alt-medicine frauds, pseudo-scientists etc:

Cousens – claims he can cure severe diseases with a special diet, founded Nuage religion „Essene Order of Life“.   Has had at least one death occuring due to Cousen's „therapy“ on his premises in Arizona, more fatal cases due to patients relying on Cousen's nutritional recommendations for diabetics:

Korotkov – claims to have invented aura-photography and to be a professor at St. Petersburg University and at a Holos University.

Emoto – studied political science, is an inventor. He promotes several Nuage theories, e.g. water crystals have a memory. Emoto is a member of Karin Tag's fake Council of World Elders.

William Shwetzer e.g. advertises as a „holistic doctor“ and cooperates with Mantak Chia (an article written by Shwetzer is published at Chia's website).

An ex-World-Bank employee turned „spiritual leader and healer“. President of the Zambuling Institute for Human Transformation in Washington D.C.

Miguel Ruiz – a shame-on:

Nassim Haramein – promoter of so-called Pre-Astronautics, claiming the planet Earth has been visited by aliens who colonized it. Haramein developed a so-called Unified Field Theory allegedly merging Einstein's Relativity Theorie with Quantum Mechanics and Sacred Geometry. He is often described as a renowned physicist, but there are no entries on him in the „Web of Science“, and he does not publish a Curriculum Vitae.

Catchwords like „rejuvenation“, „vibrational medicine“, „nutrition“, „alternative medicine“, and „functional medicine“ suggest Nuagers, too.


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2013, 03:17:43 pm »
He really has the cult leader's rap down. He says and writes things to scare people and bring them in closer, then says he's not a leader, there are no members, and that anyone can leave at anytime. Classic.

Plus he says they are not a cult. Most cult leaders at some point take this criticism on and use it for their own benefit. "Oh no, we are not a cult, you can leave any time. We are your family, here, have a brochure, sign on the dotted line.".

His group reminds me some of the  Ramtha cult (Ramtha's School of Enlightenment, "ancient mystery school") based here in Washington state.

So much fear mongering, controlling, emotional manipulation, and lies.

This article is written in the hopes that you may understand why people chose to learn from a Mystery School and why this is not a cult, which so many people fear.

We are a school and people come to learn from us and then they can leave any time at the end of their seminar, if they so chose. There are no members here!

In the last year we have had some turmoil in the organization. In the wake of my divorce many have taken up an attitude against or for. Some have decided to live in negativity and judgement.

So it is VERY important that these handing downs are done with TRUE AUTHORITY and that they are coming from a master with TRUE LINEAGE.

In the wake of my divorce there are those who are teaching and handing down TOOLS which they are not authorized to do. This means that they are creating darkness and evil in peoples' lives and not Light like they say.



The ones that are doing this work are doing it from PURE GREED and not from PURE SERVICE. No one can truly doubt that I am not doing true service, you only need to look at my schedule to see that for the truth.

This is the time when Satan will try to stop us and stop the work as much as he can. He will convince you that there is no need for temple work and the Higher Magick,49713,51613


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2013, 03:42:07 pm »
He's involved in so many business ventures, including the sales of water, claimed to be alchemically something or other from Iceland.

Wonder about this charity:


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2013, 03:50:36 pm »
he received the Business Man of the Year award in the US where he attended a White House Dinner with the President of the US.


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2013, 04:28:31 pm »
And Gundi lives a lavish life with his young pretty Japanese wife whilst his ex-wife runs another cult the 7 Rays School all the same shit as her ex-husband again another charlatan at work. These people have lavish lifestyles don’t think they live in poverty. Please don’t be a mug take it from someone who went there they are robbing you and you may even go insane with some of the rituals they pass through you and they send spirits to watch you!!! You will go mad trust me if you dont know what its about. Its a bit like black magic they know what your thinking and when your down they prey on you – like oh you need a healing, a dna awakening!!! They are messing with your spirit, trust me if you tell anyone normal they will think you are mad and that’s because you are going mad. I know I’ve been there but luckily my spirit kept telling me what there doing is wrong.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2013, 04:30:56 pm by Piff »


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2013, 04:38:26 pm »
I was in a tough spot mentally and emotionally when I first found MMS. They told me they could teach me about magic, self healing, and healing others. They also said that studying with them would increase my ability to make money, and that they needed me to help them fight evil ect…. But they made it sound nicer… They made a lot of promises that they never delivered on.

They use techniques mostly along the lines of having older students tell you how much better their life is, or how important the work is. They get the group to agree, making it seem like you are either stupid or evil if you dont. Then they tell you about all the classes and healings you need to buy to become a whole/healed person. They also bash most other schools or groups that teach healing/empowerment ect. It seems exciting when youre in it, but looking back, I wonder what I was thinking – I wanted to believe it so bad, that I ignored warning signs – because what kind of decent person would rip others off and lie to them like that?


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #23 on: June 14, 2013, 04:50:47 pm »

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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #24 on: June 14, 2013, 05:28:45 pm »
According to his Facebook page, they have a Modern Mystery School in Toronto:
From May 19th:

"Happening today@ Modern Mystery School in Toronto: Creating your magickal grimoire! The last seminar here in Toronto where I put all the magick I know into it Your grimoire is your source of power!"

Last seminar--until the last, last seminar.

He is apparently also a DJ. Makes it sound like the Tokyo school is more of a club.


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #25 on: June 14, 2013, 07:14:32 pm »
I was really concerned druing the May 5th event last year. I am worried there might be a mass suicide or something really insane like that. MMS is very active in my area. One of the top teachers lives here. I am part of an Ecstatic dance community and MMS wanders in from time to time to advertise their events. I just watch and listen. Honestly, they just give me the creeps.

Remember they will have taken a minimum of $2000 off each of the 500 or so people that are there, that adds up to $1,000,000. They will also have been profiting from the uniforms (note all but Gudni, Dave and Hideto are wearing the same outfit with the Warriors of Light logo on it).


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #26 on: June 14, 2013, 11:41:01 pm »
As Autumn noted, there is interesting wording for some of the products he sells. Any of us researching him and his billions of organizations and co-frauds and followers probably should be aware they might end up coming across malware or porn.

Gudni Halldor Gudnason, born 9 May 1958, very likely in Iceland. His current wife is at least his third.

Many former students write of being basically driven crazy by this man and his group. Students are taught to believe that demons are persecuting them and that they can only be safe by taking more courses.

"Third steppers" apparently are those higher up in the group.

My travels will take me all around the US to such places as: The East coast; New York with Lorraine Hendrich, Hannah Bajor, Chip Thermer, Gretchen Thermer, Sandra Reed at the helm, Florida with Lani Flemming and Laurie a dynamic duo. The West coast; LA with John Evans, Elizabeth Selden and Thad Carlson that have opened a fantastic new center and store in down town LA and of course, Seattle with Verla Wade, Theresa Bullard and their incredible team. Then we have Toronto under the leadership of Dave Lanyon and his team who have been the driving force in our North America operations/oversight,49713,51613

Modern Mystery School's international administration located in Toronto, Canada.

In the event that a legal dispute is required, all cases shall be determined in a court of law located in Utah, U.S.A. In any case, the court's decision shall be final, and judgment may only be entered in a court of law located in Utah, U.S.A.

Some of the many many companies he's created may be shell companies used for financial fraud.

I bet being involved in these groups is exhausting. Very high demand groups, people are pushed to take more and more classes, do more rituals, and Gudni himself keeps writing about how very busy he is (as if this is proof that he is a good guy who is working so hard to serve us all).


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #27 on: June 15, 2013, 12:18:46 am »
He's involved in so many business ventures, including the sales of water, claimed to be alchemically something or other from Iceland.

Wonder about this charity:

I disagree about the selling of water, although the wording is confusing.  When you go to the Alkemistinn site, all they sell are skin care products (which Gudni has on his own site), plus tea.  They do need the pure water of Iceland, however, in order to manufacture the products, since they have a high water content.  Here is a video stating that and discussing the manufacture of the Alkemistinn products:

As for the charity, it appears that they helped out after the Japan earthquake and they even had Olivia Newton-John and her husband urging people to send donations:  At the time of the video, they said they did not have non-profit status, so to just give "out of the goodness of your heart", but I think they are registered now as a non-profit in the state of California. 


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #28 on: June 15, 2013, 01:41:19 am »
I think you're right Autumn, I was mistaken about the Alkemistinn products. Looks like the company is one thing, the founder's involvement in the International Alchemy Guild another.

I do wonder about Gudni's Azoth Laboratories, Japan, an "alchemy lab" in Tokyo.

With the charities, I'm suspicious. Even if they are doing some charity work, helping people, enlisting celebs, I guess I just don't trust the core group of people.

That charity is registered. But I don't know that registration is a guarantee that they are actually a well run, legit charity.

Entity Number:   C3273248
Date Filed:   02/08/2010
Status:   ACTIVE
Jurisdiction:   CALIFORNIA
Entity Address:   4551 GLENCOE AVENUE, SUITE #300
Entity City, State, Zip:   MARINA DEL REY CA 90292
Agent for Service of Process:   RACHEL STILWELL
Agent City, State, Zip:   MARINA DEL REY CA 90292


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Re: Gudni Gudnason & Rocky Mountain/Modern Day Mystery School
« Reply #29 on: June 15, 2013, 02:25:42 am »

The "Founding Documents" accessed through the link above has lots of info on their stated mission. Records also useful for all the names of officers.

To help people achieve balance in their lives after natural disasters and wars, and promote public awareness of the importance of inner peace that in turn manifests peace and stability in the world, by conducting free of charge to everyone multi-cultural educational programs, concerts and other public events that are open to all persons to attend, regardless of their age, gender, religion, creed or national origin

This bit makes me wonder. Could this charity be a front for their group, a recruitment tool? This charity and many if not most of their businesses could be legit, as in properly registered and all, but used for fraudulent purposes.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2013, 04:28:43 am by Piff »