Author Topic: Request for Help from Researchers: Camel's Eye Treaty group at Akwesasne  (Read 75961 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Got a request saying a group of Nuagers are trying to infiltrate and take over at Akwesasne using claims about this supposed treaty.

Highlighted some of the more ridiculous gibberish this group is putting out, but need help in tracking down who they are.


Signatory Indians


The purpose for this website is to re-educate the world as to the true legal identity of Signatory Tribal People, specifically the Signatory Indian Tribes of North and South America and their descendants. [eg;] Indian Tribes of the Western Hemisphere, fed the starving world of Europe and parts of Africa , by fulfilling their responsibility according to the stipulations of a treaty signed before the sanctioning of the Columbus Commission in 1492. This treaty is known as the Treaty of the Camels Eye, The Eye of Isis and The Eagle Bowl Treaty, and it was signed July 2nd 408 A.D. upon the surrender of the Roman Empire.

The Foundation Of International Law

“It is of little consequence to me on who you are because everyone here is descendant from a Tribe that make up the Six Aboriginal Treaties that are the Foundation of all International Law.” [Meredith Quinn - International Legal Advisor, of the Dakota Empire, registered with the United Nations.]

There are six aboriginal treaties that are the foundation for all international law, hence from them comes the Law of Nations which has Clanmothers who hold Territorial Right, also referred to as Cession Jurisdiction. In all International Law including today, Clanmothers hold Title to the Territory of a Nation, both White or Indian.

The Six Aboriginal Treaties

*Wampum Belts
*Canes of Authority
*Peace Pipe Treaties [These treaties cover all Indian Tribes of North and South America]
*The Seal of Solomon Treaty [Covers all Blacks, Arabs and Israelites]
*The Paladium of Troy Treaty [Covers Asia and Minor Asia]
*Noah’s Ark Treaty [Covers all Anglia, Saxon, Mercia and Northumbrian Groups or The White Tribes of Europe]

The Law of the Signatory Tribes supercedes the domestic law of the white governments both here in what is called Canada and the United States. The United States of America are ruled by Corpus Juris Secundum or Second Law of the Land.. Canada is a Defacto type government or Corporation and is registered on the stock markets of the world as such. Canada goes by Crown Law which is the law of the Crown of England, but remember at the time Rome surrendered it’s power in 408 A.D., England was given the responsibility of fulfilling the articles of the Camel’s Eye Treaty, because England was the second Rome. The ROMAN EMPIRE included the Crown of England, France and Spain. To this day, should you follow the bloodlines of the ROYAL FAMILIES, you will find them to be the descendants of the OLD ROMAN EMPIRE or the ROMAKOS who are the descendants of GREEK ROYALTY.

The RULE OF LAW binding these treaties is followed letter perfect today, and should a SIGNATORY TRIBAL GOVERNMENT be re-established, as it was in 1995, (see THE EXACT PEOPLE OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS) it would protect itself by asserting jurisdiction to stop any type of government from imposing it’s laws and jurisdiction over the Tribal Members.

Federal District Court Judge Warren Urbom, in the case, United States –V- Consolidated Wounded Knee Cases, {Supra. 1975], gave the exact construction of a Tribal Government, when he stated to 65 Sioux Indians trying to prove Sovereignty, “this court cannot supply a Casus Omissus in a Treaty any more than in a Law”. Interpreted, he is saying, Clanmothers are the Law. This judge was acknowledging the power of the Clanmother over any Nation.


Judge Urbom in the case, United States –v- Consolidated Wounded Knee Cases supra. Gave the exact construction of a Tribal Government, which made the members Signatory Indians and members making up the Tribe.

When the Beda [Bedea] Scholars of England rewrote and retranslated the Christian Bible in the 1500’s from the old version of 451 A.D., they purposely omitted one complete book and the name of this book can be found in the new Bible-Numbers 21:14. The Monarchy of any Tribal Government are called: Angels; Daughters of the Great Spirit or Pure Light. To be a member of a Signatory Tribe, you must belong to a clan that is ruled by a Clanmother who appoints Chiefs to speak on behalf of her clan. The entire Tribe ruled by Clanmothers, Angels, Pure Light, or Daughters of the Great Spirit, become the Title Owners of the Sovereign Territories. The exception to this are the 5,6, and 7 Nations that were Indian Tribes created by George Washington who signed Treaties with them trying to replace the power of the Clanmothers of the Iroquois Confederacy.The original Iroquois Confederacy was 52 Nations .[People for the State of New York –v- Boots; Co, Ct. N. Y. ]

According to Tribal Custom and Usage, all children born are Signatory and until they reach the age of accountability, where they place their allegiance often makes them Ambiguous Indians with a Quasi-Sovereign position. Ambiguos; meaning doubtful if they are Indians. As there is doubt caused by their own admission, they become Quasi-Sovereign. [They may appear so, but are not Sovereign.] Elk-v-Wilkins. Corporate Charters, called Indian Governments,[Band Council elective system], legally defined, are Autonomy Governments which comes from the Greek [Autosnomous-Self Rule,] legally means a Self-Governing state, community or group, subject to another Supreme Sovereignty. This type of system has omitted the true Landlord of the Territories, who are the Women of the Clans.  Presented by Wapo Piesew as taught by Meredith Quinn

Following legal documents presented to the courts on behalf of Indians:

From the records of the Federal - Provincial Arbitrations (Unsettled Accounts Arbitration), Indian Claims, Robinson Treaties, Vol. 5, entered in the Department of Indian Affairs, January 12, 1897: The Hon. J.J. Curran, Q.C., Solicitor General for Canada:

We contend that these treaties are governed by international, rather than municipal law. They were made with the tribes under the authority of the Sovereign, and the faith of the nation was pledged in dealing with those annuities. The Crown is a trustee in those matters, and occupies a special relationship towards those Indians, and is bound to watch over their interests and enforce their rights, and will not be allowed to set up its own laches as a defense against these claims. All these claims are safeguarded in a manner that is quite a different manner from any claim that would arise between two subjects of her Majesty who might come before any Court to have their matters adjudicated upon.

(Arbitration transcript, p. 63)

Note: Laches - in LAW, failure to do a thing at the right time, is inexcusable negligence.

- slackness, negligence or remissness

Statement of Improper Defense

The allegiance of attorneys, judges, and all other officers of this court is given to uphold the laws of the province and the federal government of Canada and are therefore disqualified from representing, judging fairly, or trying by Crown Law, Indians on Treaty Rights to their property or Territories.


Therefore, or therein, or where so ever, Indians charged with crimes that come in conflict with their Indian identity either encompassing the concept of Tribal or the word or sound or the Law of the Indian, whether it comes from township, town, city, county, province, or Canadian Federal or Supreme Courts, there can be no representation from the legal services or associations that belong to the Canadian Bar or other related associations, organizations, or concepts, and any attorney or judge licensed by same, is outside the representation or prosecution of Treaty Indians.

In further conclusion all attorneys and judges in the profession of law and its practices, are classified as persons that belong to the concepts and beliefs for the Government of Canada and not Indian Nations, Tribes or Reservations, and no government agency, attorney or judge, corporation (profit or non-profit) or anyone owing allegiance to the Government of Canada can relate these facts to the Indian, because it would be prejudicial to the interests of Canada, and its provinces.


Statement of Exclusive Jurisdiction

Citizens or members of Indian Nations, Tribes, and Reservations cannot assume to have obligations to, or be under the protection of a Nation other than their own, because Canadian citizenship and Indian exclusive jurisdiction control are in direct conflict due to Indian Sovereign land base rights. The courts have no right(s) to assume this jurisdiction when it cannot prove that any existing tribal relations or affiliations have terminated or dissolved because the Indian has left Indian Sovereign Territories, exercising the Right of Occupancy. The question of jurisdiction or the lack of it is the exclusive right of the Tribal Government and can only be dealt with at the International level. We cannot, as Tribal people, present an enrollment number to this or any other court showing that we are citizens of our Nation. The burden of proof is on the judge of your court to prove we are citizens of Canada. The procedure is clearly defined in that the judge must prove that we have a: Certificate of Tribal Abandonment

Certificate of Competency and Eligibility

Certificate of Citizenship

In conclusion, for this or any other court to continue assuming jurisdiction over Indians, constitutes the crime of Treason.


ACTS classified as TREASON
1. Rebellion or Insurrection against INDIAN NATIONS.
2. Seditious Conspiracy against INDIAN NATIONS.
3. Advocating the Overthrow of INDIAN GOVERNMENTS.
4. Registration of Certain Organizations.
5. Activities affecting Police Forces generally.
6. Activities affecting Police Forces during Wars.
7. Recruiting for services against INDIAN NATIONS.
8. Enlisting of services against INDIAN NATIONS.
9. Giving aid and comfort to Indian or non-Indians committing these crimes.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Request for Help from Researchers: Camel's Eye Treaty group at Akwesasne
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2009, 09:14:12 pm »
A site gives some descriptions of them.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
False Prophets Looking for Large Profits
On June 1st I warned in my first post on the border guard incident in Akwesasne about false prophets and bogus leaders using the issue to further their causes. I reiterated my concerns on my June 24th post. Today I must again address this concern.

What ever this new group of Meredith Quinn/Lester Howse/Kenny Kapplemier/Larry Thompson/Donny Smoke followers call themselves, I wish they would formally distinguish themselves and just renounce themselves as Mohawks. They hint at it. They condemn the Kaianerehkowa. They play all kinds of semantics and prey on the ignorance of others, yet they insist on using the people of Akwesasne, the Kanienkehaka, to build a foundation for their new religion/history/cult/scam. They come in and out of Longhouses, that they don't believe in. They participate in meetings with "other Mohawk leaders", although they no longer consider themselves Mohawks. They seem to have taken over the Akwesasne Women's Fire website with full coverage of the Larry Thompson Show. The buzz is that they plan to use the the history of Mohawk resistance to suck money out of Momar Khadafi and other American haters.

What is the end game? Who knows! I, like many, simply want to just ignore all this nonsense. But opportunists like these use events like the Kawehnoke issue to confuse and undermine the will of the people. Most of us are just plain embarrassed by the ramblings and antics of these guys. The problem is that when the patients take over the asylum it comes to a point where it is hard to tell the mad scientist from the mad men and the mad men from the mindless. Someone is behind all this and who ever it is has a purpose.

No, it isn't enlightenment or eternal life. It is something much easier to grasp; $. Most of us have gotten used to looking the other way while our neighbors figured out the next get rich quick scheme. This time it is different. This time it isn't about selling out your own ethics or morality; or jeopardizing your own freedom or security. This time it is about selling out our identity. There are plenty of non-natives looking for a group of "onkweohnwe" to deny everything we have ever stood for; sovereignty, freedom, ties to our land, stewards of that land, government by the people, equality, inherent rights, natural law and our connectedness to creation.

These prophets of the camel's eye are just what the doctor ordered for all those that would do us harm. A few corrupt, well spoken men can easily find those weakened by years of alcohol and drug abuse, desperate for something to believe in, abused or abandoned as kids, hooked on easy money and disgruntled because no one has ever done anything for them. This isn't the first attempt at this for some of these guys. After making millions and establishing themselves as the envy of others, ruling over them becomes the next brass ring to grab. These guys have worked in and out of every court system, every political system, every religion and every movement, but never once learning about who they were. It is no wonder that they are drawn to the Egyptians. In our way there is no hierarchy. These guys admire the pyramid; the symbol of wealth and power.

Posted by Ohnkwe Ohnwe at 4:29 PM

More and more residents are renouncing their status cards and essentially renouncing their citizenship in Canada so as to assert their land claims and rights from the Camel’s Eye Treaty.

They have these cards which in a way are supposed to act as Passports stating the terms of the treaty; essentially allowing for freedom of movement.

The claim being that the US/Canada have no authority over non-band Indians and thus not falling under CBSA or MCA authority.

One gentlemen near me said that “If you don’t know your rights they are going to pull you over.”  He may be right as when I returned the CBSA demanded my ID.  When I explained I never left Canada and just went to cover the story on the Island  she persistently asked me two more times before giving up.

In the meanwhile they are purchasing lumber and building materials with their collection of money and not using any monies from the MCA to erect a building on the tent site.   They are advising to not cross the bridge alone, but in groups and have made a phone list to call in case of detainment.

A lot of people were also upset that no Chiefs from the MCA were present to update them and offer support.

“Unity and Peace of the People are Power”  was another quote shared.  More quotes “Canada’s Mad” the perception being that residents of the Island are feeling that Canadians are being turned against them by the government.    That the government is again refusing to negotiate with them.

Many feel that the government is looking for excuses to close the bridge and bring in the army but that they will stick together as a community and peacefully resolve the crisis.

The feeling in the tent is that they wanted the CBSA to never return to the Island; have the old customs building turned over to them and grant Canada a right of way through the reserve.

And there was talk of boycotting Cornwall; until it was safer to cross the bridge.

Friday’s actions have really been a setback for our area.

What do you think?  If you’re a resident or Cornwall, Akwesasne, Massena or the area post your comments or email us at

The new world order thugs are creating fake identities, confederacies and sub groups to sign away our rights, resources and territories. In the past a land transaction had to be public to avoid fraud.

These new age Indians have been insinuating they are the real signatory tribal people. These signatory tribal people have withdrawn their memberships from their communities, their Indigenous nation and the Confederacy.

They carry no colonial ID, calling themselves universal persons. They make declarations of sovereignty. The Two Row Wampum nation-to-nation position which identifies our legal relationship with the visitors is not evident anywhere.

Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: Request for Help from Researchers: Camel's Eye Treaty group at Akwesasne
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2009, 09:41:53 pm »
 Here's a thread looking for a Meredith Quinn or Lester House (Howse?). 


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Request for Help from Researchers: Camel's Eye Treaty group at Akwesasne
« Reply #3 on: October 15, 2009, 09:51:03 pm »
The late Meridith Quinn seems to have influenced them quite a bit. Quinn claimed to be the legal advisor for the "Dakota Empire."

Be warned, this file can freeze up your computer.

Basically it's 56 pages of gibberish. For a supposed legal advisor, I doubt she even finished high school, much less went to law school. It's a mishmash of Nuage theories as if they were written by a militia member tripping on pychedelic drugs, filled with conspiracy theories and false history in literally almost every sentence.

For example she spells sovereign "sovran" repeatedly, includes lots of references to DNA and mitochondria. There are terms in there that she pulls out of thin air that are meaningless except maybe to her, like "endogenic kanobosm" and "self proclaiming dragon chiefs" and "divine life force delta 9 frequency."

You also find ramblings, huge lines of Xs for no reason, huge fonts for no reason where they "shout" things like "PAGES DELIBERATELY LEFT BLANK TO AVOID CONFUSION WITH SOVRAN NATIONS".

And I don't I've ever seen divine angels of light and Interpol discussed in the same doc would be funny and tragic, except that these people are causing quite a bit of problems for Akwesasne.

Wait, found an explanation for kanabosm. It's marijuana, and there's pages of descriptions as to why it's sacred and "majik". Suddenly I see what inspired her...

There's also dozens of pages on the witch hunts in Europe, the Virgin Mary, and the Essenes.

The final few pages show seals and signatures from:
Mary Ann Blachshear -Monarch Matriarch, Most High Maiden Holding the Court of Life, Clerk, Executive Ambassador, Postmaster, Notary, etc
Harriet Blackshear- she's only "Mother of the Most High Maiden" etc etc
Deana Marie Armstrong Blackshear- Sister of the...etc etc
Marie Ernestine Trudeau- Flowing River Amabassador
Marie Bouche- Sunflower Ambassador
Karen Anne McDonald- plain old Ambassador. What happened?
Karen Lynn Trudeau- Diplomatic Minister
Diana Patricia Trudeau- same as sis
Kiriks Scotts Hines Blackshear- The Way Diplomatic Minister
Jessie Walker Tidwell Blackshear- Annointed Ones Spirit Walking Upon the Earth Diplomatic Minister...seriously!

There are about fifteen more people with titles left, each one more ridiculous than the next, sounding like they play too much Dungeons and Dragons, or go to too many Renaissance Fairs.

Musician Billy Joe Green promotes Quinn's nonsense quite a bit.

So does a not too bright rapper, when Quinn all but claimed to be a messiah.

Offline NanticokePiney

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Re: Request for Help from Researchers: Camel's Eye Treaty group at Akwesasne
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2009, 10:01:05 pm »
   Here's one of Meredith Quinn's followers, Billy Joe Green. According to Billy Joe's bio "Meredith is the International Legal Advisor of the Dakota Empire, registered with the United Nations."


Offline Superdog

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Re: Request for Help from Researchers: Camel's Eye Treaty group at Akwesasne
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2009, 02:10:43 pm »
Here's a thread posted by apukjij about a book coming out about Lester Howse.  Also talks about the Camel's Eye Treaty people.  He's just one guy's opinion, but he's pretty nasty about Howse who he calls "Lester the Mind Molester"


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Request for Help from Researchers: Camel's Eye Treaty group at Akwesasne
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2009, 02:46:02 pm »
Oh brother. One of the Camel's Eye people is claiming they got Sarah "Palane" to resign.

Bobbieo seems to be the one reposting an email rather than a CET Nuager.

Bobbieo (1000+ posts)        Thu Oct-01-09 09:39 PM
Original message
A Response from a Camel's Eye person - Re: Camel's Eye Treaty
We have confirmation from World Officials that because of our treaty Sarah Palane quit as governor of Alaska 12 hrs after reading the treaty.The emurgency summit was called.

This treaty is about freeing all people from the system of things that has enslaved people for a long time.Look around and see the impoverishment that has been created for controll.

This treaty the original treaty from 408 AD has the solutions for the World problems,this is the treaty all World governments promissed to uphold,obviously they have not.After we exposed their crimes against humanity properly our demands to better humanity are beginning to fall into place.

Another example we had confirmed the dissmanteling of nuclear warheads.Also our recognition from the World Hegue Court.
If anyone is interested in the betterment of humanity this treaty is a must read.It is only 56 pages and will make you sit up and take notice of what is happenning around us.Even the Mohawk lady will not be able to deny Devine and Narural Law.When one enters Devine Tacit Law Court it is not possible to lie.

If you do not wish to read it at present no problem,however I just wanted to enlighten you some,to let you know this is not a hoaks,smoke and mirriors,it is the real deal for the salvation of our species.
You will be seeing many changes shortly that will amaze you and make you wonder why where did that come from.

Signing off for now

ceman66 (1000+ posts)      Thu Oct-01-09 09:43 PM
Response to Original message
2. I have a hard time believing
 that Sarah Palin actually read something that is 56 pages!


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Request for Help from Researchers: Camel's Eye Treaty group at Akwesasne
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2009, 03:11:18 pm »
The CET people threatened a lawsuit vs the Native Unity blog unless everything was taken down in 48 hours. Sounds familiar. I seriously wonder if Nikki and Renz could be working with the CET. The email sent has the same style of writing as Nikki's.

Others strongly criticized by CET include Kahentinetha Horn, editor of Mohawk Nation News.

Native Unity reports that the CET people include Kenneth Kappelmeier. KK has a long involvement with suits vs the state of NY. But so far what I see are claims being made on behalf of him, supposedly to protect him.

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Request for Help from Researchers: Camel's Eye Treaty group at Akwesasne
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2009, 07:14:02 pm »
Kahentinetha Horn, editor of Mohawk Nation News has mentioned this group.  Some of what she has written seems a bit on the paranoid side , but I don't know enough to judge..
Mohawk Nation News
The federal government has become the main domestic covert repressor using hired thugs, right wing vigilantes, private military organizations and police. Local police are the foot soldiers for arrests, raids, beatings and infiltrations.
False stories are planted. Bogus organizations like the camel toe treaty cult in Akwesasne are set up. Parents, employers, landlords or school officials are strong armed to cause trouble for activists.

Monday, October 12, 2009
Mohawk Nation News: COINTELPRO Nuances
Mohawk Nation News

MNN. Oct. 9, 2009. The Counter Intelligence Program COINTELPRO of the 70s has been adjusted to modern times. In Lakota country in 1974 the US started a political terror, surveillance and control operation to steal uranium for their politically connected corporations. Today intense fear is being produced on Haudenosaunee Territory to steal all of our water, oil, minerals, timber and so on. Colonial tribal and band councils and bogus Indian groups work alongside them.

Notice outside insurgents, like the Camel Toe Treaty. They were parachuted into Akwesasne promoting whacko [Egyptian influenced cult] ideas to confuse, control and disorient. Webmaster, Alice-in-Blunderland, conducts the two principle Mohawk recruiters we will call Karnak and Fawzi Amir to get us to join them.

quote from Cornwall free news article linked to above

More and more residents are renouncing their status cards and essentially renouncing their citizenship in Canada so as to assert their land claims and rights from the Camel’s Eye Treaty.
They seem to have taken over the Akwesasne Women's Fire website with full coverage of the Larry Thompson Show.
This appears to be true

I remember when I first heard of the Camel Eye Treaty, back in June 2009.


As a result of my curiosity about the Camel Eye Treaty and how it pertains to current events, I’ve spent the past few months looking at any knowledge I can find about it. Some of the topics I’ve been looking at include

    * The Orion Prophecy
    * Hieroglyphs
    * Astrology as it pertains the location of Pyramids ** see the orion prophecy
    * Egyptology
    * Eye of Isis
    * Obelisk in New York City, behind the Metropolitan Museum
    * Symbology
    * Black’s Law 1st Edition :   research the origins of today’s english language
    * The Berbers
    * Antique Maps and how our current maps are actually altered creations by a known convicted document altercation expert.  Our current Maps are lies from the British governments of USA, Canada, British North American Act.


We all know about the forced assimilation tactics that were done to our parents, grandparents, and ancestors.  The British Queen hired many starving thugs to trick us, the Original Beings of Americos, into self-induced oppression, with hopes of stealing everything here and killing all Onkwehonwe.

So, it certainly makes sense to me, that it is quite possible that we still must fight to attain and to maintain knowledge of our true origins.  It also makes sense to me that our ancestors have frequently changed their ‘names’ over the years as a survival tactic.


I believe it is also worth our time to discover the commonalities with our Creation stories and compare those to Egyptology topics that are not government controlled knowledge.

O:nen ki:wahi,


About Akwesasne Womens Fire
[Translate] was setup and is managed by Monica Peters.

I've been reading through some of this and the whole thing is so totally nutty it sounds completely crazy .

Some of the writing style does remind me of the NAFPS poster Nikki

What reading this made me wonder is how anyone in their right mind could possibly believe any of this - especially members of the real Mohawk community.

In trying to find a rational explanation for this i am at a bit of a loss

Theory number 1

This has gotta be a joke

Theory number 2

Most of the people involved are really government infiltrators ( this is a theory being suggested by several articles in Mohawk Nations News )

i'm not sure why government infiltrators would want to do this . I guess it could be a psychological tactic to make other crazy claims seem less crazy by comparison .

Theory number 3 ( which could fit with theory number 2 )

Someone has discovered something about people's brains , maybe something like if a light is flashed at a certain frequency , it's possible to tell people absolutely anything , and be believed. Maybe the next stage of this experiment will be to tell certain groups of politically undesirable peoples that the deepest part of the ocean bottom is their divine home. Soon these folks will all be happily marching to their death at the bottom of the sea.

Yeah I know that sounds crazy, but not as crazy as the Camel Eye Treaty ...

Theory number 4

I just don't get it ...

(edited because I had two theory # 3's and no theory number poor mind is obviously boggled...)
« Last Edit: October 16, 2009, 10:58:40 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline Don Naconna

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Re: Request for Help from Researchers: Camel's Eye Treaty group at Akwesasne
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2009, 09:47:16 pm »
This does sound very much like Niiki, misspelling and bad grammar

Offline Moma_porcupine

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Re: Request for Help from Researchers: Camel's Eye Treaty group at Akwesasne
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2009, 11:03:28 pm »
I keep reading all these mind bogglingly detailed legal explanations about what this is all about. I can't follow any of them -  I would be surprised if anyone else can.

So , here is a really dumb question about the most basic premise . Is there any historical recorded evidence that a "Camel Eye/ Eagle Bowl" Treaty actually exists?

Where has this so called Camel Eye or Eagle Bowl Treaty been mentioned anywhere except in recent history and by people involved at Akwesasne ?

If this Treaty isn't mentioned in any historical text, is it recorded somewhere?

If it is recorded somewhere , where is this original manuscript or mentions of this located now ?

If this Treaty is recorded somewhere ,why does no one seem to be quoting / transcribing what they think it says?

If it isn't recorded , how do people claim to know it existed, and that this treaty was signed July 2nd 408 A.D. ?

If this treaty has any reality at all , regardless of how people interpret it, all these questions must have answers...
« Last Edit: October 16, 2009, 11:06:21 pm by Moma_porcupine »

Offline ny1

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Re: Request for Help from Researchers: Camel's Eye Treaty group at Akwesasne
« Reply #11 on: October 17, 2009, 01:13:34 pm »
there's a video on on Youtube regarding this.

Search for Kanietakeron may 31st part 1 camel's Eye treaty

I tried to link it but couldn't find a regular link.   

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Request for Help from Researchers: Camel's Eye Treaty group at Akwesasne
« Reply #12 on: October 17, 2009, 03:19:01 pm »
....Is there any historical recorded evidence that a "Camel Eye/ Eagle Bowl" Treaty actually exists?

Where has this so called Camel Eye or Eagle Bowl Treaty been mentioned anywhere except in recent history and by people involved at Akwesasne ?

If this Treaty isn't mentioned in any historical text, is it recorded somewhere?

If it is recorded somewhere , where is this original manuscript or mentions of this located now ?

If this Treaty is recorded somewhere ,why does no one seem to be quoting / transcribing what they think it says?

If it isn't recorded , how do people claim to know it existed, and that this treaty was signed July 2nd 408 A.D. ?

If this treaty has any reality at all , regardless of how people interpret it, all these questions must have answers...

It's basically a lot of gibberish influenced by Nuage and by Afrocentric conspiracy theories that look to have come from Moorish Science or Nation of Islam types. It also seems pretty influenced by the militia and sovereign citizen movements on the far right. All of them have in common imagining there's some magic document no one's ever found before that will make all their wishes come true.

It seems like they deliberately choose to pull out one bizarre invented "fact" after another to drive away anyone who actually knows any history or law. Much like we've seen before with the Washitaws, the "Erie Moundbuilders", the Deer Tribe, or some of the fake prophecy people.'

Breaking down the falsehoods on and elsewhere:

1. "This treaty is known as the Treaty of the Camels Eye, The Eye of Isis and The Eagle Bowl Treaty, and it was signed July 2nd 408 A.D. upon the surrender of the Roman Empire."

Why would a treaty supposedly a thousand years before Columbus affect NDNs? Why would it be named after camels or Isis? Obvious Moorish Science influence. And Rome fell in 476, not 408. It didn't "surrender" either. It was smashed one last time.

2. "The Foundation Of International Law....the Six Aboriginal Treaties that are the Foundation of all International Law.” [Meredith Quinn - International Legal Advisor, of the Dakota Empire, registered with the United Nations.]
There are six aboriginal treaties that are the foundation for all international law,"

False. International law came much, much later. It's generally regarded as having started with the treaties that end the Napoleonic Wars.

3."*Peace Pipe Treaties [These treaties cover all Indian Tribes of North and South America]
*The Seal of Solomon Treaty [Covers all Blacks, Arabs and Israelites]
*The Paladium of Troy Treaty [Covers Asia and Minor Asia]
*Noah’s Ark Treaty [Covers all Anglia, Saxon, Mercia and Northumbrian Groups or The White Tribes of Europe]"

Where to begin? Peace pipes aren't used by many tribes, and many tribes never signed any treaties at all. The Seal of Solomon referred to his authority, not any treaty. The Palladium (with two ls) was in Athens, not Troy. No such place as Minor Asia. There is Asia Minor. Why would a treaty be named after Noah's Ark and why would it have anything to do with NDNs? And why are only the ancient peoples of England mentioned as "white tribes of Europe"? Where are the Germans, French, etc?

4. "Canada is a Defacto type government or Corporation and is registered on the stock markets of the world as such."

De facto just means "in fact." I dare them to show me Canada as a corporation on Wall Street.

5. "...remember at the time Rome surrendered it’s power in 408 A.D., England was given the responsibility of fulfilling the articles of the Camel’s Eye Treaty, because England was the second Rome."

Oh brother. England was a minor province of the Roman Empire. Most of it was never even conquered by the Romans.

6. "The ROMAN EMPIRE included the Crown of England, France and Spain. To this day, should you follow the bloodlines of the ROYAL FAMILIES, you will find them to be the descendants of the OLD ROMAN EMPIRE or the ROMAKOS who are the descendants of GREEK ROYALTY."

Roman dynasties end with the end of empire. The British and Greek dynasties are both German in origin.

7. "The RULE OF LAW binding these treaties is followed letter perfect today, and should a SIGNATORY TRIBAL GOVERNMENT be re-established, as it was in 1995, (see THE EXACT PEOPLE OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS) it would protect itself by asserting jurisdiction to stop any type of government from imposing it’s laws and jurisdiction over the Tribal Members."

Rule of law certainly isn't followed letter perfect or we'd see the treaties actually enforced.

The only references I could find to Exact People of the Rocky Mountains come from the CET people.

8. "When the Beda [Bedea] Scholars of England rewrote and retranslated the Christian Bible in the 1500’s from the old version of 451 A.D., they purposely omitted one complete book"

The only mentions I could find of Beda scholars come from the CET people. The Bible's been translated a number of times.
9. "...and the name of this book can be found in the new Bible-Numbers 21:14. The Monarchy of any Tribal Government are called: Angels; Daughters of the Great Spirit or Pure Light."

What a conspiracy theory about the Bible has to do with NDNs is anyone's guess.

10. "To be a member of a Signatory Tribe, you must belong to a clan that is ruled by a Clanmother who appoints Chiefs to speak on behalf of her clan. The entire Tribe ruled by Clanmothers, Angels, Pure Light, or Daughters of the Great Spirit, become the Title Owners of the Sovereign Territories."

Right, I'm really sure that the federal govt required NDN women to be recognized as angels of light before they'd sign treaties.

11. "The exception to this are the 5,6, and 7 Nations that were Indian Tribes created by George Washington"

Washington somehow created tribes?

12. "who signed Treaties with them trying to replace the power of the Clanmothers of the Iroquois Confederacy.The original Iroquois Confederacy was 52 Nations .[People for the State of New York –v- Boots; Co, Ct. N. Y. ]"

52 Iroquois nations? It's amazing how they just called every keeper of Haudenosaunee tradition a liar.

13. "According to Tribal Custom and Usage, all children born are Signatory and until they reach the age of accountability, where they place their allegiance often makes them Ambiguous Indians with a Quasi-Sovereign position. Ambiguos; meaning doubtful if they are Indians. As there is doubt caused by their own admission, they become Quasi-Sovereign. [They may appear so, but are not Sovereign.] Elk-v-Wilkins. Corporate Charters, called Indian Governments,[Band Council elective system], legally defined, are Autonomy Governments which comes from the Greek [Autosnomous-Self Rule,] legally means a Self-Governing state, community or group, subject to another Supreme Sovereignty. This type of system has omitted the true Landlord of the Territories, who are the Women of the Clans.  Presented by Wapo Piesew as taught by Meredith Quinn"

Oh brother. A court case supposedly decides if an NDN child is NDN according to NDN traditions?
14. "From the records of the Federal - Provincial Arbitrations (Unsettled Accounts Arbitration), Indian Claims, Robinson Treaties, Vol. 5, entered in the Department of Indian Affairs, January 12, 1897: The Hon. J.J. Curran, Q.C., Solicitor General for Canada:"

And this is where they seem to be claiming this secret treaty supposedly is.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Request for Help from Researchers: Camel's Eye Treaty group at Akwesasne
« Reply #14 on: October 17, 2009, 03:33:15 pm »
This is Monica Peters describing how she came to believe in the CET. Elsewhere on her site she rejects the claim of being a cult member.


Camel Eye shares knowledge around Akwesasne

I remember when I first heard of the Camel Eye Treaty, back in June 2009. I was involved in a late night discussion with a new group of people that I did not know very well yet. We were talking about personal experiences, world events, dream symbolism, and astrology.

I’ve since had hundreds more discussions and experiences regarding the Camel Eye Treaty and how it affects Onkwehonwe in Akwesasne. Some of my friends are angry to hear about it, others are curious, others are a little scared, some are confused, some are hopeful, others laugh, and others choose to not think about it.

When I first heard about the Camel Eye Treaty, I was very tired and confused. My brain could not even process the information and how it pertained to my life today. I am very curious to learn every day, so I decided to start researching the topic.

As a result of my curiosity about the Camel Eye Treaty and how it pertains to current events, I’ve spent the past few months looking at any knowledge I can find about it. Some of the topics I’ve been looking at include

The Orion Prophecy
Astrology as it pertains the location of Pyramids ** see the orion prophecy
Eye of Isis
Obelisk in New York City, behind the Metropolitan Museum
Black’s Law 1st Edition :   research the origins of today’s english language
The Berbers
Antique Maps and how our current maps are actually altered creations by a known convicted document altercation expert.  Our current Maps are lies from the British governments of USA, Canada, British North American Act.

We all know about the forced assimilation tactics that were done to our parents, grandparents, and ancestors.  The British Queen hired many starving thugs to trick us, the Original Beings of Americos, into self-induced oppression, with hopes of stealing everything here and killing all Onkwehonwe.

So, it certainly makes sense to me, that it is quite possible that we still must fight to attain and to maintain knowledge of our true origins.  It also makes sense to me that our ancestors have frequently changed their ‘names’ over the years as a survival tactic.

Today our enemy is in the mirror as we communicate with the english language terms that are specifically designed for a final assimilation into full usa, canada, and british north american act citizenship.

In times of War,  the healthiest minds will often go underground to survive and to ensure knowledge is not completely obliterated by malicious destroyers.

I don’t have enough time to go into great detail for readers here, so I will do my best to provide enough information so that you can find your own way through the clues that exist for us to all discover and experience for ourselves.

I believe it is also worth our time to discover the commonalities with our Creation stories and compare those to Egyptology topics that are not government controlled knowledge.

O:nen ki:wahi,
