Author Topic: Gary Adler AKA Gary FourStar & Many Horses Foundation  (Read 67960 times)

Offline snorks

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Re: Many Horse-Gary Adler FourStar
« Reply #45 on: March 10, 2011, 03:45:28 pm »
Thank you for republishing that information.

There is a local White man who claims adoption and said he has done Sundances.  I will certainly tell everyone where I live to come to this board about this topic.

Offline sam

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garry fourstar
« Reply #46 on: March 21, 2011, 09:39:51 am »
Videos zu garry fourstar
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   Gary Fourstar Sweatlodge CNN
11 Min. - 10. März 2011
Hochgeladen von kellyanquoe

Offline sam

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Re: garry fourstar
« Reply #47 on: March 21, 2011, 09:42:11 am »
there is a videoclip on youtube and facebook all about sweatlodges
the name of this guy is garry fourstar

Offline sam

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Re: garry fourstar
« Reply #48 on: March 21, 2011, 09:47:54 am »
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   Gary Adler Fourstar

Gary Adler FourStar, founder of the Many Horses Foundation, an organization dedicated to the elders, the children, the earth, saving wild and abandoned horses, earth cultures and teachings.

Gary is an enrolled member of the Costanoan-Rumsen Carmel Tribe (Ohlone), and the son of Jerome FourStar, an Assiniboine Elder from the Fort Peck Reservation in Montana. He was adopted out at birth and raised in California. Gary has been fortunate to have lived, studied and worked with many Elders of several nations throughout the United States and Canada, as well as with his father, Jerome. Gary is recognized as a ceremonial leader, spiritual advisor, healer and teacher throughout the country. Gary conducts seminars and experiential workshops on creating balance and relationships through the Earth People's perspective.

He is a Lodge Keeper, Sun Dancer and Pipe Holder. He has brought back the Animal Spirit Dance  to the Southeast and western United States. He is part of, and actively participates in the  American Indian Institute Traditional Circle of Indian Elders and Youth He helped organize and participated in leading the SOS (Save Our Sovereignty) walk in California in 1998 with Spiritual Leader Robertjohn Knapp.  He has lectured throughout the U.S. including the Universities of Santa Barbara, UCLA, University of LaVerne,  Georgia Southern University, USC and Warren Wilson College in Asheville.

Gary served as a spiritual advisor to Native Americans in State Prisons in Tennessee, Georgia, California and Alabama by the XAT medicine society. He has worked with the California Native American Spiritual Commission, bringing ceremony and counseling to Native American prisoners in State and Federal correctional facilities and with the California Youth Authority. Formerly, he was Project Director and co-creator of the International Wilderness Leadership Foundation's TOUCH THE EARTH program, and co-founded the Flowering Tree Foundation.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Gary Adler AKA Gary FourStar & Many Horses Foundation
« Reply #49 on: March 21, 2011, 06:27:42 pm »
Many Native people and supporters have written TruTV, InSession, and CNN to tell them that their reporters were fooled, that Adler is not Native, has no rights to ceremonies, and that what he did was wrong. 

All of the above are choosing to ignore protests and continue to promote the fraud.

Despite all the messages we have sent them, Adler is back on InSession today. It's sickening that they continue to give this guy a forum. If someone has thorough contact info for all of the above, please post it. I'll compile some, too. We need to stop this fraud.

On Facebook:

On Twitter:

@InSession @CNN @truTV
« Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 05:57:37 pm by Yells At Pretendians »

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Gary Adler AKA Gary FourStar & Many Horses Foundation
« Reply #50 on: March 21, 2011, 07:08:48 pm »
Youtube Gary Fourstars explaining to CNN Researchers what a Lodge is.
They experience his Sweatlodge

Direct contact via Twitter:
@InSession @CNN  @TruTV

ON Twitter, follow and comment on InSession at!/insession   (Copy paste the whole URL)

ON Twitter Vinnie Politan HOST, follow and comment at!/vinniepolitan    (Copy paste the whole URL)

ON CNN this is the Form you would use to report the Adler Info as an "Error"
Type of error: (Wrong information, editorial slant, information left out, etc.)

Various places to contact CNN via their Forms

Contact INSesion online via this form

InSession has a Face Book page

TruTV Face Book page  Challenges Media Bias & Censorship.
These are their media links, save for future use.

""FAIR wants to hear about your media activism. Please send copies of your letters to journalists to
FAIR  104 W. 27th St. 10th Floor  New York, NY 10001    e-mail  """"


making additions as I go along here....

« Last Edit: March 21, 2011, 10:24:30 pm by Spiral Walk »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Gary Adler AKA Gary FourStar & Many Horses Foundation
« Reply #51 on: March 21, 2011, 08:09:21 pm »
A petition just went up:

Though I am supporting the petition, and signed it, I am encouraging people to note in their comments that what Adler did is NOT a traditional ceremony. It was a sham. A mockery. Offensive to perform and offensive to broadcast as "traditional". A bunch of non-Natives chanting vocables in a plastic tent is NOT a "Native American Ceremony."
« Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 05:57:12 pm by Yells At Pretendians »

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Gary Adler AKA Gary FourStar & Many Horses Foundation
« Reply #52 on: March 22, 2011, 06:11:47 am »
i wish to make a point of true reference
when it is found out that some one is a fraud and is using a aliases as a name, would it not be prudent to no longer refer to that person by the aliases
to keep using the aliases is to support the fraud, or at least there claims
Gary Adler aka "fourstar" should be charged with conspiracy to defraud, fraud, miss representation, endangering the public, tax evasion , possession of untagged pelts, feathers
natives need to step this up to the point of public charges against these frauds,
Fake Catholic priest accused of $2.7M fraud that includes Florida developers
Fake Rabbi, Jerry Heller guilty of fraud,sentenced to repay $30K, previously guilty of criminal impersonation, fired for affair with congregant
it is time to haul these phoneys in to a court and expose them for what there are  
« Last Edit: March 22, 2011, 07:10:08 am by dabosijigwokush »

Re: Gary Adler AKA Gary FourStar & Many Horses Foundation
« Reply #53 on: March 22, 2011, 07:33:44 am »
i totally agree dabosijigwokush.. totally agree.

it would expose them, force them to pay fines and restitution
and, would give those thinking about doing this a second thought!
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline listeningeagle

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Re: Gary Adler AKA Gary FourStar & Many Horses Foundation
« Reply #54 on: March 31, 2011, 02:21:48 pm »
I know for a fact that Gary Adler  took advantage of someone while they were in a very vulnerable time in their life, going through a divorce. He took thier money, lots of it, and refused to give it back when they ask for it. He literally had this person brainwashed . When they got into financial trouble I started doing research on Gary Adler. One organization he claimed to have worked for stated he did work for them briefly, did absolutlely nothing for the organization, he took a horse and never paid for it. That would make Gary Adler a common horse thief. Im so glad the truth is finally coming to light about Gary Adler.

Offline Tecuani

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Re: Gary Adler AKA Gary FourStar & Many Horses Foundation
« Reply #55 on: May 20, 2016, 05:17:31 pm »
So he's back at it in Southwest Colorado, this time holding sweat lodge at a permaculture convergence for white people:

I still haven't sorted everything out about this guy, so was wondering if any conclusions about him had been reached here. Here's one comment I came across:

"It would seem that Gary Fourstar is not who he claims to be, check with the enrollment office. It would also seem that David Singing Bear, on the witness list for Rays' trial, is not who he claims to be. Hey, CNN reporters, do some checking around, don't take their word for who or what they are. Check with tribal enrollment offices, do some background work on these people, do some real investigative reporting. Gary claims he is part of and participates in the Native American Elders and Youth Council of North America. I have contacted the Office for American Indian, Alaskan Native and Native Hawaiian Programs, in Washington DC.They have not heard of any such organization. Jerome Fourstar is not Garys' father, he was not adopted away from him. Ask Carl Fourstar, Jeromes' son about Gary."

and a fb thread about one of Gary's sweats in which native folks speak out (see comments)

you ready to be disgusted? check out the "animal spirit dance":

Offline RedRightHand

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Re: Gary Adler AKA Gary FourStar & Many Horses Foundation
« Reply #56 on: May 20, 2016, 05:54:35 pm »
I still haven't sorted everything out about this guy, so was wondering if any conclusions about him had been reached here.

Yes. To sum up the four pages of posts here, as well as the discussions on facebook, phone and in person:

Gary Adler is not Native and has no right to lead ceremonies.

Gary Adler is a white guy who did what a lot of frauds do: He was kind to an old man, an elderly member of the Four Star family who, out of kindness, made him a relative. Even if Adler had remained a relative in good standing, this does not give him any rights to ceremonies. It only gave him the right to take care of the man who made him a relative, who is now dead. Gary Adler betrayed the old man's kindness by going out and selling ceremonies to white people.

Gary Adler was not trained as a ceremonial leader. But like most white people who are allowed to be guests at some Native ceremonies, he thought he'd seen enough to go lead them himself. This would have never flown with Indians, so he went and sold these fragments to non-Natives. He may have witnessed some outer forms while with the Four Star family, but he never learned all the things that make the ceremonies work, all the things that need to be done for them to be safe and effective. He never learned the full protocols. He was not trained as a ceremonial person. What we saw him do on CNN confirmed that, and he did things for the cameras that will probably result in him harming people physically, and I believe he has already harmed people spiritually.

The Four Stars family want him to stop using the Four Stars name. They have asked and he has ignored them. None of the living members of the Four Stars family claim him as a relative. He is exploiting the people who were kind to him. He is doing things he has been asked to stop. He doesn't care. He likes the ego boo and money he gets from playing Indian for the white people who don't know how to spot fraud.

Gary Adler doesn't give a damn about Indians. He doesn't give a damn about the family whose name he stole. And he doesn't give a damn about the spiritual wellbeing of the people he sells his fake, dangerous ceremonies to. He got what he wanted in his brief tourism in Indian Country and now he's back in the white world as a pretendian fraud, spreading harm. He took the money and ran. Now he's running to your neighborhood. Will you step up and stop him?

Offline Tecuani

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Re: Gary Adler AKA Gary FourStar & Many Horses Foundation
« Reply #57 on: May 23, 2016, 05:12:53 pm »
They are (unsurprisingly) evading my inquiries as to which cultural tradition this sweat lodge they are holding at the Four Corners Permaculture Convergence 2016 is in. I would appreciate it if other folks could chime in, particularly those with cultural ownership of such traditions, knowledge of protocol, etc. See event page comment section. Thank you.

Offline Tecuani

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Re: Gary Adler AKA Gary FourStar & Many Horses Foundation
« Reply #58 on: May 23, 2016, 05:17:30 pm »
LOL they changed his bio from "Metis Elder" to straight up "Indigenous Elder". FFS

Offline Tecuani

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Re: Gary Adler AKA Gary FourStar & Many Horses Foundation
« Reply #59 on: May 23, 2016, 08:22:30 pm »
"The Four Stars family want him to stop using the Four Stars name. They have asked and he has ignored them. None of the living members of the Four Stars family claim him as a relative."

and (with regards to fb link to permaculture fest w/sweatlodge) all other problems with his navigation of adoption protocol aside, now his partner (i am assuming), Debby, is using the name?