Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1828213 times)

Offline Peasant

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #90 on: November 18, 2010, 11:39:04 pm »
Lol, that's awful. Yet another idiot who doesn't want to examine both sides of the coin because his fantasy world might just break apart.

"Kiesha is a friend of Don Alejandro" : >:(
"Kiesha, who is now a respected leader of several native American tribes" : ARGH!
"We just saw a time-traveller with a mobile phone in one of Charlie Chaplin's old movies" :  ::)


There seem to be a lot of new videos now, after her Europe tour. I decided to watch part of one other video.

-At 01:20 the intro text states "At age 30 she was initiated as Sioux shaman"  >:( ,
and yet again, that she is recognized by the almighty invisible Continental council of indigenous elders, which she says is something like top-secret, yet their name is constantly used to promote her  ???. For anyone not part of these forums who hasn't read this full topic, all the evidence indicates that there's nothing 'indigenous' or 'elders' about this so called council.

-At 06:45 she, misleadingly, brings up Alejandro Cirilo Perez again (see my last comment on the previous page) in her talk about the Maya 2012 stories. She obviously hasn't done any research about what real Mayans say, or 'received messages from the other side' about this. Just spitting out this gumball which so many Maya 2012 prophets have chewed on before her. Have you seen the movie Inception, where there are dreams within dreams within dreams? The Maya 2012 stuff that you'll find everywhere now are fairytales of fairytales of fairytales based on misinterpretations of the Mayan calendar.

Couldn't bother to watch more but i'm sure this isn't all of it.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2010, 12:22:31 am by Crescent »

Offline Ashla

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #91 on: November 19, 2010, 02:12:45 pm »
I do not understand why but these new age frauds most always find a mayan to attach themselves to, to seek validation. I've seen this so many times where someone will befriend or lay claim on a mayan and then they say "see, I am friend with Don Alejandro or Hun Batz Men, and so I know what I am talking about".

Kiesha Crowther has been talking about "pole shifts" and telling them that this is an "indian belief, a secret belief known by all indians of the world".

I am so angry I could spit. This woman needs to be stopped. I could care less about her rights to free speech. If one is going to speak, speak the truth, not lies. It needs to end.

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #92 on: November 19, 2010, 03:42:16 pm »
I agree. Shouldn't lie about the sources and background and everything. Ofc it wont sell well, if you just admit that you cooked the damn thing up or "channeled" the message from imaginary friends, but... at least it would be truthful to say that it is just another new age soup. I don't have lots of respect for people who try so hard to be someone else than they are... With that background lots of the "message" gets even more twisted than what it was in the first place.

And Mayans... I have spend lots of time looking into the culture of mayans and I am not so sure I would even want them to be the main thing to take from, quite a lot of blood in the history of mayans. Maybe they sacrificed to their "star being" gods. :p (Provokative opinion with no back up in reality or history, btw. :p) Altho I like some things Alejandro says... and of course the culture is one of the most known and admired, but still so mysterious, that it attracts people...

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #93 on: November 20, 2010, 10:15:58 am »
Newest message btw:
"A message from the elders and ancestors for the tribe of many colors and all peoples... Gather healthy seeds at this time, find seed stores that provide healthy and uncontaminated seeds. There are companies in the works now that are trying to have all the rights to all seeds.. and ...these seeds will be damaged not to reproduce seeds in the plants grown.. so it is wise to find and buy healthy seeds now... this is important.. know your garden, know how to plant a garden, know your seeds.  Kiesha Crowther"

This makes me bit worried, "know your garden" is ofc borrowed from hopi "prophecy" thing... I am not qualified to say whether it is aunthentic or not, but it is very popular and going around everywhere... so what's next, "create your community" and building up a cult?

Ofc sustainable life and own garden is a good thing, but this fear mongering isn't and since the "messages" are getting different from the original, i have a nagging feeling that before the 2012 arrives we have another end of the world cult here, this time really big one. Of course I am a pessimist in my core, so I hope I am exaggerating again. :)
« Last Edit: November 20, 2010, 01:16:07 pm by Saga »

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #94 on: November 20, 2010, 04:31:27 pm »
Well, there is an issue with a company called Monsanto, and farmers. Monsanto "owns" soybean seed and any farmer
found using it without having purchased "rights" from Monsanto will be taken to court. Some have lost everything
because of this monopoly take over, even when they have purchased another seed type, but cross pollination from
neighboring farms "contaminated" their seed with Monsanto.

So most likely this issue is where she is talking from.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline Peasant

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #95 on: November 21, 2010, 12:19:40 am »
Exactemundo. Not from Kiesha Crowther's vague, all-powerful and again invisible 'ancestors' and 'elders'. Who exactly are these spirits and elders that she's laying claim to (other than Alejandro Cirilo Perez, which is simply not true)? If she receives messages from them it would be great for her followers to know who and what these sources are exactly, right?

I'm 99% sure she's just replacing "a video i've watched on the internet" with her default magic words "ancestors and elders".

Monsanto really is pretty much evil though. Watch the movie Food, Inc. It's one of the best documentaries i've ever seen, no kidding.

Offline amorYcohetes

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #96 on: November 21, 2010, 01:30:46 am »
How extremely odd.  I almost can't believe it but I just had my first experience of this forum intersecting with my RL, other than my posting with queries.  I am a community health worker and one pf my past jobs included being a "doula" (mom-to-mom labor support coach), so I am still on a listserv for labor support people in my state.  Incredibly, someone posted the other day:
Little Grandmother
PLEASE  Listen
This was so weird because a post like that is totally outside the purpose of their listserv, it has nothing to do with the perinatal support role.  I wondered if it was spam and assume that the poster will be reminded to stay on topic anyway, but I felt compelled to post a message in reply
FYI, this individual calling herself 'Little Grandmother", Kiesha Crowther, is identified as fraudulently impersonating an indigenous shaman on the watchdog site, "New Age Frauds and Plastic Shamans." It is suggested by researchers who post to those forums that she may be considered a cult leader. Here is the thread where she is discussed: This is the site's intro page, where they express why this kind of misrepresentation is objectionable and harmful to Native communities, and link to some articles and statements put out by tribes against it: Hope this information is helpful.
Que mundo...

Offline Lodro

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #97 on: November 21, 2010, 07:14:56 am »
She move her act to instead of youtube? Anyway, I've left a link to this forum's discussion at that video. May it inform viewers.

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #98 on: November 21, 2010, 08:21:02 am »
Yeah, I know about that Monsanto thing, something about it at least, just wondering how far this goes with the direction it has taken... How convenient that there is such a things to draw from right now. We don't have the problem in Europe, for now at least :p, can get all the seeds you want.

Today she is telling people to close their un-official tribe of many colors pages from facebook, because there should be only one. Think this has been under arguing before when "northern" tribe had to change it's name, because there should be "no separation between people"... Ofc, most people do that, want to keep their "inventions" to themselves.
« Last Edit: November 21, 2010, 11:00:32 am by Saga »

Offline Peasant

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #99 on: November 21, 2010, 04:06:25 pm »
@ amorYcohetes

I've watched a little part of it before, but this video gets more and more bizarre. I've pinpointed some things in this video on the previous page. But Saga you're actually right, there are really some hypnotic elements incorporated in this video. Skip to 5:00 and take a look at how many times these transition effects are being used. When i first clicked on this video i thought the first 90 seconds were painful to watch, but now that i've skipped through the video a bit i can see how it gets much worse.

"These are not storytales, or fairytales. (video effect) The Mayan people are Atlanteans. (video effect) The Aboriginal people are Atlanteans. (video effect) The Hawaiian people are Sumerians. (video effect) And so it continues... she starts talking about how everything is dying and everything is doom, until at about 10:00 she starts shedding tears and the video effects are being used just every other second, while she's reciting paranoid nonsense about the oil spill she has most likely read in some conspiracy articles, that were sent to her by a mentally unstable follower (see my first post on page 3, i've mentioned this before).

While i have no doubt that the one who made this video was not aware of it, because he/she is so much used to these kind of things, all this transition stuff, the constant flow of words is a classic and obviously very succesful mind control/hypnosis tactic also known as 'flooding' ( for more information). Her monotone voice and the constant focus on her face make it all complete. Add in this 'reincarnation of something very important' story and there you have it. I see no difference between her and any other end-of-the-world guru.
« Last Edit: November 24, 2010, 09:49:05 am by Crescent »

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #100 on: November 24, 2010, 11:25:52 am »
Newest video from couple of days ago that she "promotes" is about pole shifts as a fact and ofc as a prophecy from Mayans, by Drunvalo. I didn't watch it, couldn't. At the moment it seems to be way healthier to stay away all of that. :)

She says: "very important about the pole shifts and 2012, what we need to know.. i trust and believe in brother drunvalo"

Oh and about her talks in Europe... She was in national radio program in Sweden... her "power" and effect and how she talks about "native shamans" is getting bit too big attention, if wanting to avoid giving wrong impression... It is kind of funny how she leaves the most radical things out in more official media and sounds more sane and intelligent and doesn't give the emotional "show" she does in "gatherings". Listened it earlier... It really shows how much she herself uses her mind to say exactly the right things to different people. She talks about normal life and her kids and everything to be convincing in national radio... Thing is that she still back ups her talks with elders and tribes, not in such a big proportion here than in some other talks tho. She even says that doubts herself too if she is a right person and the one people believe she is, but then ofc says that what she has been taught is absolutely true and she wont doubt that.

Here's the link to talks in radio:
« Last Edit: November 24, 2010, 12:11:33 pm by Saga »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #101 on: November 26, 2010, 09:57:15 pm »
Prophetic sayings of Keisha Crowther that follow are transcripted  parts of the video series - 2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther

Link to video 1 of 10:

2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther 2/10 :
(Starting at 5:12  minutes/seconds into video)  
"....within the year it will be common knowledge, and proven to you. It is an absolute truth. 2010 will be the most extraordinary year ever to have happenned on our planet. (pause) You will see things you could not possibly imagine, and I'm going to be happy to share with you several of these things. (pause) It is not easy to be a wisdom keeper because you have to say things like this to people and just pray that they are going to believe you because otherwise they are going to put you in a home somewhere (laughing) (pause) ....but I do find courage in knowing that the other wisdom keepers and I can talk together and give each other courage and say "It's gonna be ok".  I carry the wisdom for Ninepipes. He was a wisdom keeper that lived many hundreds of year- a couple hundred years ago. I am of the lineage of Spotted Owl. (pause) I am Chikala Uchi. (pause) I am Little Grandmother. (pause) I am great grand daughter of Chikala Lota and Chikala Jensen. (pause) I am daughter of Tinjan Chala and Father Mato, and I am proud to sit here today and say that I am a wisdom keeper, and that sometimes I am able to swallow my fear so that I can do things like this. So if we understand that that first the wisdom keepers were asked in 2008 to understand that our ancestors had ancient truths, that they were all once here. And then we were asked to please understand and remember who you are, that you are the Great I AM. You are Tokashila. You are love and light and everything that is possible/ 2010 has brought a new calling for us to talk about. So I say to you now that what we are asked to talk to you about is for that, yes, now you remember who you are, and if you don't 'get on it', it is past 'time'. But now that you know you are God and Goddess, unify ourselves and create the world you wish to live in. This is the overriding message of the year, and this is what we will be talking about all over every nation, over 143 countries, over 8 million people. We will be teaching and saying this- fo everywhere and to everyone. Remember who you are. Now, create knowing that thought, your thoughts, your dreams, your daydreams your wishes your wants...the goodness in you can bring forth and manifest. You are your own Creator. You are God and Goddess. Start creating. Set the mind down. Think of what you want, and make it happen. You will see that you can bring into your reality all that you wish to create...this year. It is going to happen, and I will explain how......" (and so on)
(please excuse my spelling of names etc)

2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther 4/10  
(Starting at 3:21 minutes/seconds into video)
"Now I will tell you this, that in the year 2010, there will be discoveries made this year that will surpass even your highest expectations. We know for a fact that there is a place called Puma Puncu. And in this place these buildings are made more precisely than what we could do today with lasers or with diamonds. This city is made of stone that does not belong there and is more precisely built than what we could do today................  
There is a place called Dendura, that was not built only by human hands. Modern lightbulbs are found there, that still work today, that are over 17,000 years old.
Places in Greece will be found with ancient computers.
Giza and Tikal...It will be proven without a shadow of a doubt, with science itself that these cities match each other down to the most minute detail. The pyramids are placed exactly, as, clear accross the globe you look at Giza, you look at Tikal and these buildings are exactly the same. Not only are these cities exactly the same, their triplet sister is on the Moon. This will be a proven fact.
Bolivia will also have many truths. Teohuican, a 17,000 year old city made out exactly as the solar system is. This will be proven in 'fact'.
Israel, under the Dome of the Rock, lies instructions for the ways for human beings to live. It also conteins information of ancient cities we know very little about. Ethiopia contains something almost more valuable than anything that is on this planet, and I have seen this with my own eyes. There, in a very small white church made of stone with white stucco, it is only one room, a blind man keeps guard over a box, and when this blind man dies, another blind person is placed inside, to keep care of this box. And inside this box are the ancient laws for humanity. Many religions believe it to be....something callled The Ark of the Covenant. It is very real, and it is sitting there today.
Many of these truths will be pouring out, and as they pour out life is going to change on this planet (shaking head) more rapidly than any of us can possibly imagine.
You will start to remember "Oh my Gosh! We could do all these things back then? Why can't we do them now?"  Simply because we've forgotten it. It's time to remember. Truths are coming to our planet to tell us "Remember who you are", to prove to us you are capable of doing way more than you think possible, that you come from somewhere much larger than you think.
Some other truths are going to be about people we know the names of, but had no idea what they had accomplished in their lifetime. There is a man named Nikolai Tesla. What he has accomplished and what he knows and what he has done with his life is far more than people let on to know. The government says "yes he did" or "no he didn't". We have the power to change the weather, and this man knew the truth in how to do that. He's created something and knew something far vaster than, um, the government has let on to, but the government will not be able to contain this much longer. Watch for Nicolai Tesla. Learn about what he said he could do. It is an absolute fact.
Isaac Newton is another person that people kind of overlooked when he started talking nonsense. It wasn't nonsense! It was so nonsensical at the time, people couldn't hardly, they just kinda dismissed it as nonsense, craziness. But I tell you now, as we learn more about these things and what people have accomplished and what is really real, and cover-ups are no longer 'covered'. We will see, that he knew something about distance, time and space that science is only beginning to understand. Ancient cities are actually, um... "(end of video 5 of 10)

2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther 5/10
(from beginning of video)
" If you look at time and space and angles, are placed exactly down to one degree of each other. This was no mistake, it was placed like that, um, because our ancient intelligence and our ancient knowing helped build these cities! And in these cities are ancient truths which will also be coming back.
There are many more things that are going to happen in year 2010, and I want to share some of them that the, uh,  is it - overall, um, consensus I guess from the wisdom keepers of what's going to happen. What I would like to say first and foremost is that the planet right now, the Earth is fat and ripened!, and ready to give up all of its secrets.
All of the secrets will be exposed.
Government cover-ups will be exposed.
Knowledge of ufo's and higher intelligence, will be exposed. Healing possibilities are gonna skyrocket!
Psychic phenomena will be proven as a fact and accepted by science worldwide.
New discoveries will lead to ways of knowing, or um, helping our bodies in which bones can be strong, much stronger, and healed, and we will live an average life after this knowledge of well past 90.   Stem-cell research will boost such an amazing, um, scientific explosion of help and knowledge for the human body science itself will be left in awe.
Filthy waters will be cleaned. Child labor willl be completely exposed, and destroyed.
This year is the year, if you take nothing else away from this know that this year is the year you are supposed to 'get it!'. You're supposed to 'get it!'. You're supposed to remember who you are, and when you do that, you 'get it'. Everything is going to be uncovered. And when things become uncovered you start realising we've been living in a fog, and you realise that your capabilities, your capacities are much larger than you thought.
There is something else that many of us have discussed and something we have seen with our own eyes. I will do my best to explain what it is I saw. There is a large tower made of pipe and wire, and on top of this which looks like a very tall thin pyramid, on top of it sits a large ball. It is next to very cold dark waters. It's not a lake, it's more like an ocean. And this machine is man-made. And it Has been made!. And it is very operational, functional, and it contains, the ability to produce enough energy for the entire planet. (cue the music......). It is functional right now. This will be coming out very quickly. There are amazing things happening on our planet that will solve many many problems. Even for a moment! think of what we could do with this technology, if it's taken out of the hands of power and government and religion, and placed in the hands of people who live from the heart. Think of what we could create." (end of video 6of10)


There isn't much left of 2010 for all that to happen!

- Spandex

edited addition 16 dec 2010:
Important, please read:
I'm sorry Kiesha. I grew up on the Flathead reserve. All of my family are scattered every where there. I have them from Arlee all the way to Polson, going east to west, and no one knows of you. I have spoken with tribal elders who have no idea who you are. At pow wow, I asked around to see if you were made a shaman over our reserve and our people. I had people laugh in my face...............(click quote link to read in full)

« Last Edit: December 16, 2010, 05:39:34 pm by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Freija

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #102 on: November 27, 2010, 09:15:54 am »
 :o :o

Well, you can also look at it like this: only five weeks left to prove Kiesha wrong.

OR - if she is right - December will be the most fascinating month of my life!!  ;)

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #103 on: November 27, 2010, 12:27:58 pm »
Hi Freija,

True, "2010 December 2010 will be the most extraordinary year month ever to have happenned on our planet."

It amazes me how this just isn't being mentioned on her forum, it's almost as if her followers aren't really excited that it will all be happening, not only in a year, but one month!
In one month, "Everything is going to be uncovered". I suppose that includes her followers finding out how ridiculous this is.

I particularly look foreward to knowing about the ancient city on the Moon That is exactly the same as the allegedly identical cities of Giza and Tikal. But maybe I'm not understanding her correctly, maybe she really meant to say 'ancient cities' or just 'pyramids', or just that the way they match up to the pattern of star systems works exactly the same......

Her words:
"Giza and Tikal...It will be proven without a shadow of a doubt, with science itself that these cities match each other down to the most minute detail. The pyramids are placed exactly, as, clear accross the globe you look at Giza, you look at Tikal and these buildings are exactly the same. Not only are these cities exactly the same, their triplet sister is on the Moon. This will be a proven fact."

MY prediction for 2010 is that some of her die-hard followers will use that sort of reasoning to cover over her errors in their minds so that they can keep sucking up what to them is like honey that drips from her mouth. It's nice to know you have power over your world and that you're a God/Goddess, especially when the world is in such a mess. That's why people will skip over her blatant errors or not even register them in their minds. It's selective hearing."

These are not exactly the same down to the minutest detail!. Her claim is wildly untrue!

"Selective hearing is a way of describing the tendency of some people to ignore things that they don’t want to hear. It is not a physiological condition, as they are physically hearing the words, but their minds choose not to acknowledge the words. In many cases, the conscious mind does not appear to receive the information, so it is different than an active ignoring of speech. Instead, it is a sort of selective inattention that may be done consciously or subconsciously."

 - Spandex
« Last Edit: November 27, 2010, 01:38:12 pm by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Peasant

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #104 on: November 27, 2010, 02:28:09 pm »
We know for a fact that there is a place called Puma Punku. And in this place these buildings are made more precisely than what we could do today with lasers or with diamonds. This city is made of stone that does not belong there and is more precisely built than what we could do today................

The nearest quarry is about 6 miles/10 km away. Nevertheless a very interesting monument which makes you question how primitive these ancient peoples really were.

Places in Greece will be found with ancient computers.

She is most likely referring to the Antikythera mechanism. It's an ancient mechanical computer designed to calculate astronomical positions and it has been found in 1900. There indeed is only one month left to suddenly find several more of these. Good luck, divers and archaeologists, you're gonna need it.

Sounds like Kiesha Crowther has watched the first Ancient Aliens episode on History Channel and decided to spice things up even more by making a prophecy about it, as both Puma Punku, the Antikythera mechanism and the carving of what looks like an ancient light bulb are discussed in that episode.

Ethiopia contains something almost more valuable than anything that is on this planet, and I have seen this with my own eyes. There, in a very small white church made of stone with white stucco, it is only one room, a blind man keeps guard over a box, and when this blind man dies, another blind person is placed inside, to keep care of this box. And inside this box are the ancient laws for humanity. Many religions believe it to be....something callled The Ark of the Covenant. It is very real, and it is sitting there today.

Interesting how she uses Graham Hancock's story in 'The Sign and The Seal' without paying any tribute to him, but rather presenting it as if she has found it by herself. While adding a spin of her own to this story, of course, like how only blind people are chosen to guard this church, and how this box contains the ancient laws of humanity. Have to say, i haven't read any of his books yet, just seen some videos, but i do think Graham Hancock has some very interesting theories that are not getting the amount of attention they deserve. Sadly, they're often misused by people like Kiesha Crowther. Also very interesting how she has seen this with her own eyes, if nobody is allowed inside this church. She happens to be so omniscient and omnipresent that she also witnessed EISCAT's Norway Spiral experiment with her own eyes. Kiesha, if you would only just share your secrets of teleportation with the world, there would be no need for cars, no need for airplanes, no need for passenger ships and what else! You could save the environment!

There is something else that many of us have discussed and something we have seen with our own eyes. I will do my best to explain what it is I saw. There is a large tower made of pipe and wire, and on top of this which looks like a very tall thin pyramid, on top of it sits a large ball. It is next to very cold dark waters. It's not a lake, it's more like an ocean. And this machine is man-made. And it Has been made!. And it is very operational, functional, and it contains, the ability to produce enough energy for the entire planet. (cue the music......). It is functional right now. This will be coming out very quickly.

Sounds like some hypothetical moon energy machine straight out of a Dolores Cannon book. Which she has seen with her own eyes of course.

After all these posts, i'm amazed at how stupid she is. You know what else is keeping her followers from questioning the things she says? Her habits of promoting paranoid, psychosis-inducing New Age beliefs that you alone create your world with your thoughts and feelings, that you alone determine what becomes reality in your world. And, of course, how she is absolutely certain that only New Agers people who are 'living in the heart', a small percentage of the world's population, will survive the year 2012.

The 'Tribe of Many Colors', with the talk about how there will be a massive 'cleanse', qualifies as an online New Age doomsday cult, which, with every speech and workshop, is gradually expanding into real-life. I wonder what's next, small communities gathered under the guise of love and light? AFAIK there already is one in my country, a group of unemployed squatters with New Age beliefs, who found Crowther's message and decided to shift their focus to that. They have already hosted some Tribe of Many Colors gatherings and have the intention to start some kind of festival. They have good intentions, they're just following the wrong person. When everything was relatively small and innocent, no 2012 doomsday talk, i actually signed up for one of these gatherings, but it didn't feel right... glad i decided not to go.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2010, 09:52:31 am by Crescent »