General > Research Needed

Serle Lovell Chapman aka Rain Bear Stands Last, claims Romani, MMIW Filmmaker

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A Google search shows nothing of him under that name before 2014. In 2015 he appears as a co-founder of "Guardians of Our Ancestral Legacy" (GOAL).

The webpage for appears to empty throughout its existence, since 2014.

He also seems to be behind (unrelated to More self-promotion. Most of the website is placeholder text. It promotes this book (with over the top testimonials):
It gives a contact address as "Box 101, Billings".

GOAL, dedicated to protecting Grizzly bears, was founded by the late Don Shoulderblade, of the Northern Cheyenne, together with Rain:

Rain has referred to Don Shoulderblade as his uncle, for example here:

Rain says that Don Shoulderblade has bestowed his own name on him:

--- Quote ---Uncle Don’s contributions will live on in the community, and his cultural knowledge will reverberate for generations,” film director Rain told Native News Online. Shoulderblade bestowed his traditional name, Náhk?xho’óxeóó’?stse (Bear Stands Last), upon the filmmaker when they worked side-by-side on the grizzly issue.
--- End quote ---

Rain is not among the list of nephews or other relatives in Shoulderblade's obituary:

I am allowing myself to guess that if Rain had biological Native American ancestry, he would have mentioned it. I hope someone more knowledgeable than me could explain if and how Rain might be acknowledged as a member of the Northern Cheyenne.

Smart Mule:
I've been told this is him, Serle Chapman, a white guy from England who was "adopted".

Chapman looks much like RBSL. Here he claims Cheyenne descent.

....His own forebears include legendary frontier scout Amos Chapman and Mary Chapman, also known as Long Neck Woman, the daughter of Southern Cheyenne Chief Sleeping Bear and adopted daughter of Chief Stone Calf.

But here he claims adoption.
....For most of the year he lives near Bear Butte, the sacred mountain of the Cheyenne, and has an adoptive Cheyenne "mother", educator and campaigner Dr Henrietta Mann. But his accent has a mid-Atlantic twang, and he cheerfully admits that he was born and raised in West Yorkshire.


Mann, to put it wildly, is very well known. Chapman's work would be very laudable. So would RBSL (if he's not the same person) if it weren't for the name and his cosplay causing some deliberate confusion. He (they?) aren't anything like the usual exploiters we look at. There is some self promotion getting in the way, drawing attention away from pretty damn important issues. But you can't point to direct profiting or harm as we're used to seeing.


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