Author Topic: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman  (Read 701872 times)

Offline bls926

  • Posts: 655
Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #225 on: April 22, 2008, 08:20:19 pm »
Had called Gail Miller, Conscious Mind Journal, earlier today. Left a message on her answering machine, asking her to call me with just my name and phone #. She returned my call. Yes, the weekend is still going on as planned. She's busy taking orders for tickets. She wasn't taking calls from protesters. And then she hung up on me.

Offline bls926

  • Posts: 655
Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #226 on: April 22, 2008, 09:39:20 pm »
Grandmother Drum - Awakening the Global Heart
Added: 12 February 2007
Grandmother Drum Trailer (2:34) - One Drum, One Heartbeat, One Family, One Earth GrandMother Drum: Awakening the Global Heart

Seven years in the making, this documentary tracks the journey of the large seven foot GrandMother Drum from a vision given in dream, to a year long building process to traveling the world gathering thousands in worldwide drum vigils for peace and dynamic multicultural prayerformances. A good news story to inspire you! For more information, go to
Posted by

Adding comments has been disabled for this video.

He's deleted all our comments and disabled adding comments. sounds like a puppet of Holzwarth and the Whirling Rainbow Foundation.


Offline educatedindian

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #227 on: April 23, 2008, 12:26:07 am »
The would be Atlantean was a supposed Mexican NDN healer named Thaayadodhi (sp?) claiming to be or teach Toltec, Olmec, Teotihuacan, etc, but was based in the wealthiest and whitest parts of Colorado.

There must be half a dozen calling themselves "White Owl Woman" online, but none that I could find claiming Pottawatomi.

The Center of Light:

"We are a non-denominational, interfaith organization based in may experience your spirituality through Native American drumming, healings, meditation, Buddhist teachings, channeled Angels, Sufi poetry & dance, or lessons on universal laws, etc."

No kidding, they believe in ETC.

"Current Services Offered by appointment:
> The Inner Dimensional Sound Chamber
> Psycho-Spiritual Counseling
> Hypnotherapy
> Spiritual Readings
> Spiritual Healings
> Massage Therapy
> Comprehensive Biofield assesments"

Well we wouldn't want any biofield assignments done quickly, would we?


"> Mosaic labyrinth development
> Dome construction"


"Women's Pipe Ceremony
Facilitator: Rebecca Healing Bear Bucala (Cherokee tradition)
First (1st) Friday of every Month 7 - 10 PM
In honor of all women with love and support for one another. This gathering is held in native tradition. In this sacred circle, women will experience sacred songs, native teachings & rituals, as well as, the opportunity to share feelings, stories, wisdom and so much more, as the talking stick is passed. Pipe ceremony is a part of the evening.
A Pipe Ceremony is a Native American based prayer ceremony where we access Gitchie Manitou"

No idea why a woman claiming to be "Cherokee tradition" but not Cherokee would be using Ojibwe terms.
I did find a Rebecca Bucala who was a costumer for films, but don't know if this is the same person.

I don't think Enlightened Films is necessarily Holzwarth's bunch. They seem to be working with a wide variety of Nuagers.

And have made several Nuage films (including promoting Holzwarth) and several that aren't.

Offline bls926

  • Posts: 655
Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #228 on: April 23, 2008, 01:31:20 am »
I didn't mean Enlightened Films was one of Holzwarth's corporations. Meant Holzwarth is pulling his strings. He's obviously a believer, a disciple. Ed/Enlightened Films march to the beat of the Grandmother Drum, so to speak.

Offline Superdog

  • Posts: 440
Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #229 on: April 23, 2008, 02:46:15 am »
Typed in a google for Whirling Rainbow and came across a site of one of the people funding Holzwarth's visit to Yellowstone for the upcoming Eden Event or Gathering of One....this one made me sick to my stomach.  Not only is this misguided fella thinking he's getting something authentically Native American, she managed to sell a few more ceremonies to him in the the whole thing.  It's a candid posting about his interaction with Holzwarth and how she operates...which is EXACTLY how we all were suspecting she did....
----------------------------------------September 21, 2007

In my phone call with White Eagle Medicine Woman, we discussed many
topics ranging from the coming of the Hopi Elders to the Eden Event to the history
of the Grandmother Drum, to which she is the guardian and keeper. The Grandmother Drum represents for us a physical manifestation of what White Eagle calls the
Grandmothers. Amazingly, inside the seven-foot wide Grandmother Drum is embedded crystals in the shape of what we know as the Shekinah seal of Peace. This magnificent drum is the voice of the Mother, what the angels have told us in their language is the Voice of the Shekinah. Indeed, I can attest that when I have listened to the Grandmother Drum I have heard the Voice of Shekinah as I have heard this voice in the extreme quiet of Mother Nature.

Our hope is that White Eagle will be able to attend the Eden Event and bring
the Grandmother Drum to Yellowstone. If you haven't seen or heard this gift of the
Grandmothers, go to and type in "Grandmother Drum" and prepare yourself  for a message in complete harmony with our own.

Two remarkable stories rest in place already because of our connecting with White Eagle  through Barry Goldstein, who interviewed this medicine woman on World Puja Radio Network. The interview is archived on their website for August of 2007. I strongly
recommend everyone listen to an affirmation to what we, ourselves, have been called to

The first story has to do with how we eventually connected with
White Eagle. She had sent me an e-mail stating that she had heard from Barry and was being called into meditation as to whether and how she might work with or support the Global Eden Event. About this time, Lynn Jones and Gayle Buchholz had reconnected with two Hopi Elders. After meeting with the two Elders, Gayle and Lynn asked them if they would join us at Yellowstone. The one Elder from Tuba City, known as the Keeper of the Secrets and Prophecies, shared a few of the prophecies that seemed to point directly at the work we are doing around Oneness and Peace. As he shared this information, three eagles circled above them.
Previous to this, he wanted a group of us to visit him to make sure
of our intent and our path. But with the circling of eagles, Gayle took the opportunity
to ask him again if he would come to Yellowstone to teach us the Dance of Oneness. And he agreed he would.
The other Elder, from Second Mesa, was quite enthused about the direction our work is
headed, and spoke to Lynn and Gayle at length. This Elder is more open to modernity and
the efforts we as the White Nation are moving toward. It was this Elder who met with a
South American tribe regarding their common prophesy of the coming together of the
Eagle and Condor. Not only did he also agree to come to Yellowstone to join us, but he
has also stated that he will create a sacred design that will be turned into a pendant to
commemorate the Eden Event at Yellowstone.
What's really nice, is that these pendants will most likely be put up for sale before the
Eden Event to help fund the Hopi journey to meet us, even though it is our intent to visit them in February at their sacred dance festival, and to give them gifts to make their journey much easier. A group will be put together to offer them gifts and honor for this decision to join us. We know that the Keeper of the Secrets is a dancer and has agreed to show us how to dance the Dance of Oneness, and that ceremonial feathers would help them address their needs for creating ceremonial garments for the Dance of Oneness. We are also attempting to discover other needs they might have in the making of ceremonial drums and offerings. It will be left up to the First Nations Team to work this out as to who would go and what would be presented.

The Keeper of the Secrets has also agreed to make prayer bundles for those who would like to have their prayers answered through the traditional Hopi way. People would send requests for prayers along with a donation ($25), and in turn a sacred Hopi prayer bundle would be sent to that person. This would be another way we could show respect to the Hopi for their openness to us.

After waiting to hear from White Eagle, I decided to e-mail her again to let her know that the Hopi Elders had decided to join us at Yellowstone. Her response was immediate. She told me that in her spirit walk (shamanic trance journey) she had been told that the signal for her to engage with us would be the Hopi coming to Yellowstone. So when my e-mail reached her about the Hopi Elders' decision, she called right away.

We talked on the phone the next day for two hours. What an amazing conversation. As things stand right now, White Eagle has many commitments already for next year. In February she will begin a U.S. tour of the Grandmother Drum, starting in Colorado. There is a chance that she might be able to end the tour at Yellowstone if her other commitments in Alaska at that time will permit it. What she did share with me is that the spirit helpers seem to already be indicating a commitment of some kind toward Yellowstone. As part of the mission of the Grandmother Drum and the Whirling Rainbow Foundation, in certain areas they build smaller ceremonial drums, about 3 feet wide that they leave with a guardian or keeper as part of the network of sacred drums. At the time Lynn and Gayle were meeting with the Hopi, White Eagle's drum builders were in the careful process of building one of these drums for a city in western Alaska. But as the drum was being constructed, one of the drum apprentices began to have visions from the drum spirits. He went to White Eagle with the vision and she explored the vision herself. What they discovered was that the drum spirits were redirecting this sacred drum to Yellowstone! This means that White Eagle and the Whirling Rainbow Foundation have indeed, connected with our efforts at Yellowstone. It only remains to be seen to what degree their efforts will carry them. The ceremonial drum will be brought to Yellowstone whether the Grandmother Drum arrives or not. A process will be determined as to who will be the guardian and keeper of this sacred drum.

I have let White Eagle know that Robbie and I, as representatives of the Leadership Council have committed to paying White Eagle's expenses to come to Yellowstone, to whatever degree that may be. She asked how long we would wish her there. I told her, minimally one day — to bring the Grandmother Drum into the Dance of Oneness, which will call the tribes together. White Eagle shared with me that in her spirit walk she saw four tribes formally honored by our visits, as we will formally visit the Hopi. She could only remember three of the tribes, and will have to go to those who copied down the information to get the last tribe's name. The three tribes she could remember are the
Hopi, the Navajo, and the Shoshone.

If possible, it would be ideal to have White Eagle and the Grandmother Drum at Yellowstone two days, the second day using the heartbeat of the drum to set the vibration as we call in both the Grandmother/Shekinah and the Grandfather/Metatron as they move into Oneness through our own oneness. Robbie would have to have the ritual coordinator work closely with White Eagle's people and the visiting tribes, who will also be invited to the gathering field to join us around the Grand Formation on Saturday evening, so that our ritual honors all. If we decide to have additional ceremony with the Grandmother drum in our opening and closing ceremony, I told White Eagle that would require four days of participation. The number of days of potentially having the Grandmother Drum will depend on White Eagle's availability and our own ability to fully fund her entourage at $2500 a day, plus lodging and food. As Robbie and I have already pondered, White Eagle suggested we come up with an umbrella term for the Eden Event as we invite the globe. In one of her spiritwalks, she saw the name "The Gathering of One."
Something we should discuss further soon. For she also stated that this event will be so big that we really must move quickly because of commitments by tribal Elders and spiritual Elders. Bob Screws is the Outreach Team coordinator. Perhaps we should set a time table for this part of the Event.

I expressed concern in using proper diplomacy in inviting the tribes to Yellowstone. White Eagle offered to assist in this matter, and I let her know that she would be paid as a consultant for her talents. She not only has connections to the tribes of North America but also connections to the tribes of South America and Australia, to whom we will send forth messages in the future. But our emphasis will be on the coming together of the Eagle and Condor at Yellowstone. In the coming week, I will meet with the Boulder Spirit Circle of the Pachamama Alliance to let them know what has happened: that the
Hopi Elders, White Eagle, and the Quetchua of Peru have all agreed to either come to
Yellowstone or participate in another way with the Global Eden Event. The leaders of the Pachamama Alliance will be meeting with the Achuar of Equador next month. One of our Boulder Pachamama people will be a part of that group. My intent is to use this setting to announce to both the Achuar and the Pachamama Alliance the intent and purpose of the
Global Eden Event. My hope is that the Pachamama Alliance, with all its outreach and resources will join us in this effort, perhaps undertaking to fund the travel of the Condor tribes to Yellowstone.

White Eagle has also suggested that we work with her group to pay for a spirit walk session to get further direction as how to proceed in our efforts of bringing the Eagle and the Condor together. The cost of the session is $222 for two hours. I take this as an honor, knowing how trying it is for spirit walkers to enter into trance with the Otherworld for such a period of time. It is my recommendation to the Leadership Council that we do enter into such an agreement with the Whirling Rainbow Foundation as we begin the process of inviting the world to Yellowstone.

Much sharing of information on a personal level rounded out the two-hour phone discussion. Truly, I have met a spirit sister whose soul harmonizes with the Shekinah/Grandmother. But what fully intrigued me was our discussion about the Metatron, who has also become a part of White Eagle's mission. As we begin our own process of preparing for the coming the Metatron into the third-dimensional world, White Eagle has suggested that one of our people take her Internet course on the Metatron. As we move into common journey, I find this a worthy suggestion. I put it before the Council to find one of our people to take this on, and if need be, pay for the course work.

As we finished our phone conversation, I wrote down her suggestion that we begin efforts to also connect with Adam Yellow Bird of Earth Dance. Even though we are indirectly connecting with another remarkable organization through,, I do believe our Outreach Team should explore this suggestion of connecting with both Adam Yellow Bird and Chris Dekker as we begin to send out the announcement that the Bird Tribe of the Seven Colors of the Rainbow, who call themselves the Angels of the Nations, has asked us to call the world into Oneness at Yellowstone.

It is my intent to send out a message to the Circle of Sevens about what has happened, and to begin continuing that message through the Marketing Team and Outreach Team as we move into full engagement with the world. When the angels give us the sacred geometry that will be used by groups around the world, I will take this geometry to the people of the Condor and the Eagle, letting them know that the entire world will connect with them through this sacred design and our sacred ceremony.

From my heart to yours,

Offline Superdog

  • Posts: 440
Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #230 on: April 23, 2008, 02:53:33 am »
Also listened to the radio interview from World Puja (the second interview..)

Most of it goes on and on about her new age philosophies...the parts that got me were where she sang a song (this was on speakerphone) that she said was given to her by "First Nations Grandmothers" and when it was being sung to her the river they were standing by suddenly became free from all pollution.  She also throws on one of the tracks from her CD of the drum just being hit in a heartbeat rhythm and then recites her "Earth Pledge" with the host Barry Goldstein ending it with "Mitakuye Oyasin"



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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #231 on: April 23, 2008, 03:58:28 am »
I think it is actually in West Yellowstone MT. Which is out the West Gate of the Yellowstone Park.  I doubt if the NPS would foot a bill like that. West Yellowstone is mostly a tourist draw, but there use to be a rather large militia group tied to some strange chruch. But they may have been raided by ATF, it's been a while since I heard anything about them.

Offline Cat

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #232 on: April 23, 2008, 03:54:08 pm »
Also info on Yellowstone gathering...
About the Elders and How You Can Help

Total sponsorship donated to-date: $30,170

Total sponsorship needed: $34,210
Don Alejandro Oxlaj, Grand Elder of the Mayan People, head of the National Mayan Council of Elders, Day Keeper of the Mayan Calendar, Grand Elder of the Continental Council of Elders and Spiritual Guides of the Americas, and a 13th generation Quiche Mayan High Priest. Traveling with his wife Elizabeth Araujo, his interpreter.

Don Alejandro, known as Wondering Wolf, is one of the most highly respected Elders of the Americas. He has lectured all over the world, meeting with other international Elders. He is considered an authority on Mayan prophecy, especially the prophecies of the Jaguar, as well as the prophecies of the Eagle and the Condor. As Grand Elder of the Americas, he is highly regarded as a medicine man and a catalyst for healing on global levels. We are extremely fortunate to have this Mayan Grand Elder as part of The Gathering of One.

Travel: flight from Guatemala City, Guatemala to West Yellowstone, MT for 2
Cost: $2400 or frequent flyer miles donated

Food & Lodging 7 days: $1360

Honorarium: $1000

Total costs: $4760

Donations to date: $4760 ... fully funded


Milland Lomakema, Hopi Spokesman of Second Mesa. It is rare for the Hopi to participate in any non-Hopi ceremony. But Elder Lomakema has a history of reaching out to other cultures, having met once already with Kogui Elders (Mamos) in one of the first ceremonies in South America bringing together the Eagle and the Condor. Because of his contacts, he has been approached travelers from the South America with the stone tablet of the South, which begins the fulfillment of another prophecy that states that when the stone tablets come together, humanity will move to the next level of Beauty (awareness). The Hopi hold another stone tablet, with the third and fourth tablets located in Tibet and Kenya. These tablets are millennia old. Milland will be traveling with his wife and granddaughter.

Travel: flight from Phoenix, AZ to West Yellowstone for 3 ... Cost: $1200

Food & Lodging for 6 days: $1500

Honorarium: $500

Total costs: $2830

Donations to date: $2830 ... fully funded

George Nasafotie, Jr., Hopi Keeper of the Secrets and Prophecies. Elder Nasfotie carries the Hopi lineage, of the Secrets of the Hopi , handed down for many generations in his family. As the Keeper of the Prophecies, he understands the importance of what the world is about to attempt. Rarely will a distinguished Keeper work with the White People regarding prophecy. But it turns out that one of the secret prophecies addresses the very thing being brought forward by The Gathering of One. Thus the reason for this rare opportunity to present itself, as the Elders from around the world gather together in West Yellowstone. He travels with his wife, Alberta.

Travel: flight from Phoenix, AZ to West Yellowstone for 2
Cost: $800

Food & Lodging for 6 days: $1360

Honorarium: $500

Total costs:$2660

Donations to date: $2660 ... fully funded

Bennie "Blue Thunder" Lebeau, medicine man of the Eastern Shoshone, is one of the hosting Elders who will welcome his counterparts to The Gathering of One. As a member of the Spiritual Elders of the Mother Earth, he is acquainted with the other Elders who will be coming to this event and his follow-up event he is putting on at the Grand Tetons on August 8, 2008 (the 8-8-8). Blue Thunder speaks around the world about the necessity of bringing humanity back in harmony with Mother Earth. He is particularly concerned with the Yellowstone caldera which prophecies foretell will enter into another great eruption unless the land is brought back in balance. The Hopi, related to the Shoshone, have a similar prophecy. Elder Nasafotie entered into a four-day vision quest after meeting with our people, and announced afterward that in his visions he saw the caldera going silent if The Gathering of One brought together the 444 people at The Gathering of One. Blue Thunder travels with his wife. As the hosting nation, he also is asking funding for 20 other tribal members to accompany him.

Travel: Gas for the tribe to bring its people, drums, and ceremonial regalia from Wind River reservation, Wyoming, to West Yellowstone ... 200 people in all ... Cost: $5000

Food 7 days and 200 people ... $10,000

Forest Service camping permit for 1 week for 200
8 porta-potties, bear-proof dumpsters, porta-showers, drinking water ... $9000

Honorarium: $1000

Total costs: $25000

Donations to date: $0 ... $25000 needed


White Eagle Medicine Woman, guardian of the Grandmother Drum that has traveled the world in the name of Peace, has dedicated her life to bringing tribes together, and now the world. This dynamic leader and messenger of Peace has agreed to participate in The Gathering of One as well as serve as a guide in bringing together different traditions and cultures from around the world. She brings with her a staff of five who assist her in her travels across the planet.

Travel: Gas for bringing her staff and the 7 ft. wide Grandmother Drum from Alaska  ...  Cost: $3500

Food and lodging for 6 for 7 days: $1870

Honorarium: $4000

Donations to date: $9370 ... fully funded

Sequoyah Trueblood, ambassador of the Northern Tribes and Honorary Elder of the Mamos of South America, is the holder of the prestigious Eagle and Condor Peace Pipe. The Eagle Condor Peace Pipe is considered one of the four most sacred peace pipes of the world. Sequoyah travels the world speaking of the return to Oneness of humanity. He is respected by the Grand Elders of the South for his visionary abilities and his true heart. Sequoyah, as ambassador, has invited the Mamos Elders to meet with the other Elders of the World at West Yellowstone. The Mamos are planning to send two of their Elders, a Grandmother holy woman, and a Grandfather medicine man. The Grandmother will bring with her the secret of The Dance of Oneness, which she will teach all at West Yellowstone. Their enterage will also include a translator.

Travel: flight from Bogota to West Yellowstone for 4
Cost: $4700

Food & Lodging for 7 days: $1400

Honorarium: $1500

Total costs: $7600

Donations to date: $7600 ... fully funded


Jim Tree sits as a spiritual advisor on the council for the "Keepers of the Sacred Tradition of Pipemakers." He is the Native American Issues Advisor for Montana Youth Homes, and on the board of advisors for the E.T. Seton Institute and, providing council about the Sacred Pipe to inmates of the Montana State Prison Systems. Since the spring of 1999, Jim has been responsible for the "United Nations Turtle Pipe", the Ceremonial Pipe presented to the U.N. in 1978 by Adam and holds this Pipe for ceremonies worldwide representing Native American Leadership Alliance.

Travel: Driving to Yellowstone
Cost: $150

Food & Lodging for 5 days: $980

Honorarium: $250

Total Costs: $1380

Donations to date: $0 ... $1380 needed

Other requests:

Quetzal Tzab ... Mexico, Mayan Itza shaman & lecturer ... estimated costs ... $2200

Hilario Chiriap ... Ecuador, Shuar medicine man ... estimated costs ... $2200

13 Grandmothers representative ... Margaret Behan ... estimated costs ... $1700

Suran ... Nepal, spiritual teacher ... 5 days of room board travel ... $1200


Offline Superdog

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #233 on: April 23, 2008, 03:58:34 pm »
Seems the word is getting out.  Here's a blog I found written by a non-Indian with a personal stake in this as well.

Reposted from
Friday, April 18, 2008
Seneca Man speaks out on Rachel Holzwarth

Rachel Holzwarth

There are lots of frauds out there - spiritual leaders who are using aspects of Native American ceremonies, against the wishes of those in the very communities they are stealing from. In the Gaelic and CR communities we are dealing with this when some white person decides they will justify their theft by calling it "Celtic", and hoping people are stupid enough to not know that the ceremonies and beliefs of the diverse Celtic Nations are different from those of the various First Nations. While some settle for the ugliness of painting a triskele on a fake Indian drum and doing their idea of a chanupa (pipe) ceremony, the really shameless have even gone so far as to publicly tack a mis-applied Gaelic (or other Celtic language) name on their idea of an Inipi or smudging ceremony, stupidly thinking that no one out there who is actually part of these cultures will notice. Though not always confronted in public, these people are being laughed at by those who speak the languages (Native American and Celtic languages).

Sometimes the theft gets so egregious that the laughter turns to anger, and people rise up and go public with it, despite the fact that many of these frauds have a number of Newage supporters. This has been happening more and more lately, and as Native American protesters and their supporters are getting more organized, the trend is going to continue. A recent example of this is the movement against Rachel Holzwarth, aka Suraj Holzwarth (sometimes her last name has also been spelled Holzworth). She has renamed herself "White Eagle Medicine Woman", despite these being titles one has to earn, from communities she has no legitimate connection to. She is traveling around, selling "prayerformances", at which she wears Indian regalia and claims to present a Seneca ceremony. She is not Seneca. This is what an actual Seneca has to say about it:

For more on Holzwarth, check out the very long and detailed thread on NAFPS, and the briefer MySpace page by one of the groups organizing protests. The MySpace page also includes more pictures and videos. So far the group has been successful in getting many of her engagements shut down. The ones that have not yet been canceled... if she attempts to proceed, the protests are being planned.

When she performed in Massachusetts, Wampanoags and their supporters stood up to her. The confrontation became bloody when her security, and the cops they called, attacked the protestors. In an act of desecration, Holzwarth walked up to Hartman Deetz, one of the Wampanoag men, beaten by the cops, who was lying in a pool of his own blood on the floor; she rubbed her hands in his blood, then proceeded to rub his blood into the skin of her drum.

Maybe she did it so now she can say she "has Native blood." And for the first time it won't be a lie.

Oh, btw, when asked her ancestry she has given a variety of conflicting stories. She's claimed she's Seneca because... she dreamed she's Seneca. She has also said she's "Seneca and Celtic." Great. Just Great. Guess what Rachel, we don't want you either.

crossposted to Craobh Caorann
Labels: activism, cultural appropriation, Newage Frauds, Plastic Shamans, racism, Shameons

posted by Kathryn Price NicDh? na @ 10:55 PM 2 comments

Offline Spaewife

  • Posts: 70
Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #234 on: April 23, 2008, 04:51:55 pm »
Got tied up or i would have reposted the whole thing, Cat.  and YES I am still recovering from last night rofl.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #235 on: April 23, 2008, 06:20:08 pm »
Here's a list from the myspace page of what's been accomplished so far...further down I'll put what the future plans are and where you can get info on upcoming protests for her performances in Michigan coming very soon (May 2-4)


1. Official investigation opened by Federal Fish and Wildlife Services!

2. IRS is officially looking into Whirling Rainbow Foundation's 501(c)(3)

3. Ohio event - SHUT DOWN!

4. Walter Reed - SHUT DOWN!

5. Dallas, Ft. Worth, TX event - SHUT DOWN!

6. Bear Butte event - SHUT DOWN!

7. Courtenay, B.C. - SHUT DOWN!

8. Michigan @ Oakland County is next...

Solaj 'White - - Woman', when you mock the Native traditions, you aren't only disrespecting the people of now...

Info on Michigan Protest
Heads up; Michigan protest

We need to start organizing the Michigan protest for Friday nite May 2nd from 7-10PM, at Troy Community Center 3179 Livernois Troy, Michigan (just north of Big Beaver-also called 16 mile road) off of I-75 .

Comment reply from Kim:
Michigan protest is already organized...6:00 at the Troy Community Center. I have given them one more chance to cancel with a phone call today and she is passing on the info to mgmt. We are organizing through Native vets orgs, as well as SEMII (Southeast Michigan Indians INc.) and through NAIA near Detroit...the wheels have been in motion, just have to get the final detail and I will post.
Also NAU (Native American Unity):

We would like to ask anyone who wishes to join in a peaceful protest at the MI weekend venue of the 2nd, 3rd and the 4th of May, please visit our forum, and make arrangements with others who also wish to shared travel arrangements etc.

Title: White Eagle Medicine Fraud.
Sub Title: Sign up to protest.

Please also pass this information on to any who wish to join at this venue.

With thanks,

NAU ~ Native American Unity
In Spirit

Offline bls926

  • Posts: 655
Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #236 on: April 23, 2008, 07:22:34 pm »
When was Bear Butte Cancelled? It's still on her schedule for June 26 - 29 at the Spiritual Unity of the Tribes Gathering.


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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #237 on: April 23, 2008, 07:50:27 pm »
She never took Walter Reed off, but it was cancelled.  It's a pretty lucrative business, $4000 + expensives for her just for 5 days. Bad advertizing to show all your shows are cancelled. I know West Yellowstone is a big tourist area, but these people are living pretty good with their travel expensives for 4-5 days.  They don't sacrifice anything for whatever they are doing.

Offline Cat

  • Posts: 83
Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #238 on: April 23, 2008, 07:57:59 pm »
I agree - it is probably canceled... but she has a habit of finding another place close by that she can move into.... Also if she shows up at Bear Butte she's got some traditional people waiting to speak with her.


Offline bls926

  • Posts: 655
Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #239 on: April 23, 2008, 09:23:15 pm »
I just hadn't heard anything about Bear Butte being cancelled until that list was posted. I know she'd previously been scheduled for the Community Healing Ceremonies, June 12 -15, Black Hills, South Dakota. That had been dropped when she changed her schedule to go to Tel Aviv. Israel's been dropped from schedule now. Found it hard to imagine Holzwarth and the Grandmother Drum anywhere near Bear Butte. I hope it truly has been cancelled.