Author Topic: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire  (Read 109205 times)

Offline hawkgoodfire

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #30 on: October 21, 2009, 12:25:12 am »
For those who may not be familiar with the matter, David Swallow's actions have long been a matter of concern. He has been widely accused of selling ceremony, associating with or giving approval to many frauds, and conducting ceremony in disrepsectful or inappropriate ways. There must be a half a dozen threads in here on him and the people he's worked with, as this search shows.

He is also, as far as I know, the only person whose ever had a tribal referendum aimed at stopping him, for his selling ceremony off rez to outsiders.

Hawk, could I ask, how you first came into contact with him, and what exactly caused the two of you to break off any further association?

Could you also explain this statement of yours?

"I do not perform Lakota ceremonies. I do conduct the sweat lodge, by permission from other recognized Elders and Spiritual Leaders."

Yet at least some of those elders are Lakota, correct?

Yes sir. I first came into contact with him thru Stephanie Swartz. Notice all of the Elders statements on Buffalo Messengers, except Mary's, were edited by her. I had read a few articles of hers, liked them, and sent her an email thanking her for writing them. She introduced me to him, after inviting me to his Sundance. He was the only one who would allow me to dance the visions I was given. I agreed to finish my commitment at his hocoka. For those three years I sent him thousands of dollars, anytime he asked. I raised the monies needed for him to travel here. I sent him money to buy a van. Pay bills. Whatever. $300 one day, $500 two days later. I took a job delivering pizza so I could make money to send him. Imagine trying to deliver pizza with a broken back and a broken neck? Many nights I came home after a few hours of that screaming from the pain. Physically sick it hurt so much. But I stuck to it. I am very poor, and live on my approximately $1000 a month disability pension. I went without many times, because I sent the monies to him. I agreed to fulfill that commitment, so I took everything done to me. I saw it as a test of my faith; the commitment I made to dance for our Relatives. Was there a limit to what I would give for our Relatives, and if there was one, why? My last year of Sundance, before I went, he called to offer me a buffalo robe he was gifted at another Sundance for $200. I sent the money and he said he would hold it until I got to Sundance in August. When I got to Sundance I learned he had pawned it, and what he gave me was a mangy, moth eaten, oil and gas soaked robe that was at least 20 years old. That was the final straw. After all I had done over three years. I finished my commitment that year and have never returned. Some months after that incident, he issued, through Stephanie, that proclamation.

Yes sir, their are other Lakota Elders who know, approve and support me pouring water for the People. This year, at our gathering in July,
I was honored with the Eagle Staff. From Lakota Elders. There are photos of them on Buffalo Messengers myspace and NING.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2009, 01:43:03 pm by hawkgoodfire »

Offline bls926

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #31 on: October 25, 2009, 04:53:04 pm »
Good Evening;
why wouldn't David Swallow's statement count?  or what occured at the zoo?
Corine Fairbanks

I didn't say David Swallow's statement didn't count. I asked what Wanbli had said. Re-posting Swallow's statement doesn't count as something Wanbli said.

What happened at the zoo, that has Erin hell-bent on discrediting Hawk?

Facts, Corine, facts. I'm simply asking for facts.

Five days later, we're still waiting Corine . . . 

Either state your facts or admit you were wrong and apologize.

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #32 on: October 29, 2009, 09:38:55 pm »
Trina Lone Hill has posted this about Spisak and Mary Johnson.
Trina should be joining us here shortly. Reposted with permission:
*** *** ***

False Claims by so-called Relatives

Trina Lone Hill (Rapid City,SD) wrote on October 18, 2009 at 10:27pm

I received an email today in regard to a woman named Mary Johnson. Apparently, she is out in the Farmington,PA, area claiming to be the grand daughter of Frank Fools Crow. She is also "blessing and guiding" a man by the name of Michael Spisak (aka Hawk Goodfire aka Sunkawitko aka Michael Thunderhawk); allowing him to dance utilizing her grandfather's colors & supposedly using his altar; he is doing all of his sweat lodges & ceremonies with her blessing as she is the grand daughter of Fools Crow.

My family and I find this quite upsetting. Mary Johnson is not a direct descendant of Frank Fools Crow as she claims. She is a relative of his first wife (my great grandmother) Fannie Afraid of Hawks. A relative  through marriage. This does not give her the right to exploit the Fools Crow name. She should know better! You should know better Mary!

It would be like me saying that I'm a direct descendant of Black Elk. He may have been a distant relative but I know better than to say I'm directly related and use his name for personal gain/profit.

There are many claims out there in this world. False claims... You know who you are! I pray that you realize what you are doing. My family is suffering for what you are doing. I pray that the spirits show you mercy for what you have done!

I'd like to thank Nancy Walker for notifying my family of Mary's claims on the NAFPS forum. If there are any other false claims by so-called RELATIVES please feel free to contact me via Facebook or email:

I have taken it upon myself to address the people who claim to be relatives and exploit my great grandfather's name. The Red Star family has already been caught! Those days of traveling to Missouri to do talking circles as Fools Crow's grand daughters are now over. I recall the days of you leaving your children for Grandpa & Katie to care for while you were out drinking. My memory is LONG...

Again, please feel free to contact me in regard to blatant exploitation of the Fools Crow name.

Pilamayapi! ~Trina

*** *** ***

Offline hawkgoodfire

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #33 on: November 02, 2009, 11:47:18 am »
Trina Lone Hill has posted this about Spisak and Mary Johnson.
Trina should be joining us here shortly. Reposted with permission:
*** *** ***

False Claims by so-called Relatives

ms. Kathryn,

If I may ask your assistance? I spoke with Mary about this and Mary would like to speak with ms. Lone Hill at her earliest convenience. I do not have contact with ms. Lone Hill, but you appear to. If you could ask her to call Mary as soon as is possible for her. She has Mary's number, and knows how to get to Mary's house in Manderson on Pine Ridge. Thank you.
« Last Edit: February 13, 2014, 01:22:05 am by Kathryn »

Offline Cetan

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #34 on: November 02, 2009, 05:49:58 pm »
you can contact her via Facebook - since you posted a reply to her on the discussion board on the Fools Crow group you should have known that, you can always send her a message via Facebook that will not be public


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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #35 on: November 02, 2009, 07:25:33 pm »
Good Evening;
why wouldn't David Swallow's statement count?  or what occured at the zoo?
Corine Fairbanks

Nothing 'occurred" at the zoo. Accusations were leveled of abuse. Those accusations have been proven to have been false. Many people came to see for themselves after those accusations, and stated emphatically the animals were not being abused. In fact, they were being given the best available. Accusations were leveled I sold the White Buffalo, to make a profit personally. That accusation is simply ridiculous. I never owned the White Buffalo, so how could I sell it? And how does raising money to save them translate into selling them?

As for that statement, well, anyone who has been around the block can see what thats about. There is much, much more to this than the majority knows. The truth has come out, but it isnt the truth some want, so they disregard it. If it doesnt support a preconceived opinion, then it is dismissed. Thats absurd. You asked for answers, you were given answers, and because you didnt agree with the answer because it wasnt the answer you wanted, the answer that supported your opinion, you dismissed that answer. Seems a bit biased. Shoot the messenger, because you dont like the message.

I just noticed that the ZOO's website is no longer on line... so it made me wonder Why? and... Did the Creator intend for these Buffalo to be kept in a white man's ZOO? Is it the Creator's intention to bring all of this attention to a ZOO? Is it the Creator's Intention to bring sweat purification to the ZOO! or is it to take the Buffalo to the place of sweat purification?...seems all of this discussion about this right to be the messenger of this buffalo of which I read could also be used also to think... Why is this all taking place at a ZOO? ...seemed very white to me from the get go. I only put fencing around the animals I keep to make it easier for me to eat and that is between me and my Creator!
Even though the Zoo's website I can no longer find on the web, I do remember looking at it a few months or so ago. What I remember, when looking at the layout of the pens... it was nothing but abuse! That is what I feel a ZOO is. Maybe instead of continuing promoting oneself as being this or that or related to whomever... maybe one should look at these buffalo and find what the Creator intended...and do that? I am sure it is not in a pen in Pennsylvania in a white man way of the little ZOO/RESORT!!! I hope that is the message who ever carries it! I hope that the website of this ZOO being not online at this point is a sign that someone got this message! If not, it would seem to me that we all are being kept in a ZOO, I mean RESORT! ...sorry for this interruption...
« Last Edit: November 02, 2009, 11:23:49 pm by oldspirit »

Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #36 on: November 02, 2009, 11:09:20 pm »
Geez.  I don't care much for zoo's myself.  I have been to a few that seem Ok though, for keep some species from going extinct.  But I really don't like them..  I wonder how the buffalo would come to be in a zoo, unless it was born there?  Would you'all have to then purchase it from the zoo and then relocate it to a new place?  If it wasn't born there, does seem odd that it would have ended up there. 

As for Creator..  with the life I've lived thus far.. I've given up trying to even begin to know or understand what any Creator would want.. or not want.  I don't know, plain as that.  :) 
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet


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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #37 on: November 03, 2009, 12:12:33 am »
Geez.  I don't care much for zoo's myself.  I have been to a few that seem Ok though, for keep some species from going extinct.  But I really don't like them..  I wonder how the buffalo would come to be in a zoo, unless it was born there?  Would you'all have to then purchase it from the zoo and then relocate it to a new place?  If it wasn't born there, does seem odd that it would have ended up there. 

As for Creator..  with the life I've lived thus far.. I've given up trying to even begin to know or understand what any Creator would want.. or not want.  I don't know, plain as that.  :) 

I understand what you are typing about not knowing what the Creator wants... many times I don't either... then I don't have a website up telling people I do. I have never been to any zoo that was ok. I have tracked a pack of wolves through the woods though and that did not mean I had to catch them and put them in cages to see them again. The Woodland Zoo is where the buffalo were in Farmington, Pa... I would not be surprise though they will be going on tour to open up all of the new 84 Lumber stores soon...
...instead of released to roam as the Creator intended IMHO. I also know that the reality is they can not roam as this is what happens... finally I also know that money can just about buy anything... even buffalo... what happens next, I suspect only the Creator knows... and when it does, I hope we all get the right message.


Offline Cetan

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #38 on: November 03, 2009, 03:34:22 am »
When the first white buffalo or two were born one of my relatives made the comment if these white buffaloes were for the fulfillment of our prophecy they would have been born in DLN territory to one of our herds, not born on a white mans farm. Just something to think about

Offline LittleOldMan

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #39 on: November 03, 2009, 03:53:03 am »
I agree since the white buffalo came to the Lakota, a plains tribe, should it not comeback to a LND tribe rather than a Cherokee,Lumbee, or Lanape tribe.  One wonders? Albinos occur in all species naturally. If white buffalo calf woman actually appeared would she not come again to those that she came to first.  "LOM"
Blind unfocused anger is unproductive and can get you hurt.  Controlled and focused anger directed tactically wins wars. Remember the sheath is not the sword.

Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #40 on: November 03, 2009, 04:24:05 am »
I agree with that too.  I always wondered about the white buffalo I've heard of, on some person's farm.  I figured, it would be born free, and wild.  To be honest, following this thread, I have wondered a few times why 'this' buffalo is the one of prophecy and not some other?  How does one determine?  Or are all white buffalo of the prophecy? 

I don't care for the resort LOM, I don't 'understand' parading them around, or even having them in any place that makes them into a museum type display for people to come and look at.  Nor did I much like the last link, it was too sad to really go into it. I saw what I needed to see of it. And I am too easily depressed these days to go further into it without plummeting. 

I was SO fortunate to see buffalo in South Dakota.  At least they were out in the wild. 

It took me most of my life to deal with zoo's for a 'purpose' other than for people.  I think humans put themselves too much into the center of everything.  I've even seen people pray as though God/Creator 'owes' them something..  I don't know.  But I don't think the Creator owes me anything..  not even life.   
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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #41 on: November 03, 2009, 10:10:49 pm »
Im new but i just wanted to add a few things,ive been follwing this issue here and i know AIM-PA didnt apologize,Roy R did.

Also have read that Chief Arvol Looking Horse supports The White Buffalo,but dont think he supports Mike Spiszak AKA Hawk Goodfire.

Offline hawkgoodfire

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #42 on: November 04, 2009, 12:40:52 am »

I just noticed that the ZOO's website is no longer on line...

The zoo is closed. the buffalo were up for auction to the highest bidder. The zoo refused to donate them. Buffalo Messengers worked to be the highest bidder. No one, other than Buffalo Messengers, then finally Nemacolin, stepped in to do anything about these two Sacred Animals. Not another individual, Nation or organization was interested, or willing to stop them from entering a circus or rodeo. Nemacolin has provided them with an amazing home, sparing no expense for them. With no expectation of return. They did this for everyone. There is absolutely no fee involved with seeing them and being with them now. All the Leaders who have visited and conducted ceremony, including the Shawnee, Cherokee, Lakota, Onondaga, Shoshone, Oneida and more all said these two must not leave this mountain. No one was interested before when we almost lost them. Now, Nemacolin has provided what no one else wanted to. I would think thank you is more appropriate.

Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #43 on: November 04, 2009, 01:20:02 am »
Nemacolin has provided them with an amazing home, sparing no expense for them. With no expectation of return.

That's really great, I am glad they were spared the circus.  :)  Thank you.
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline bls926

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Re: Michael Spisak AKA Hawk Goodfire & Rev Susan Ferraro
« Reply #44 on: November 25, 2009, 03:28:12 am »
Cante Tenza


Cante Tenza Okolakiceye
Strongheart Warrior Society of Lakota Nation


For Immediate Release:  Monday, November 16, 2009

Contact: Duane Martin Sr, Headsman, Cante Tenza,  605-517-1547

Announcement Follows Traditional Native Ceremony at Nemacolin Sanctuary

Farmington, Pennsylvania - On Monday November 16th, Cante Tenza the Strongheart Warrior Society of the Lakota Nation, announced the warrior society will oversee protection for the sacred white and black buffalos living at the Nemacolin Resort near Farmington, Pennsylvania.

Cante Tenza Okolakiceye, which has included famous Lakota warriors such as Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull and No Ears, and the Tokala Okolakiceye Kit Fox Warrior Society sent representatives to the Saturday Wopila (thank you) ceremony to protect the ceremony and its participants and to ensure traditional protocols are being followed related to the Inipi (Lakota sweat lodge) ceremony and other sacred aspects regarding the care of the buffalos and the donated land for their sanctuary.

"We are honored to come here with direction from the Grandmothers to ensure balance and traditional protocol is followed related to the recognition of the sacred white and black buffalos," said Canupa Gluha Mani (Duane Martin Sr.), headsman of Cante Tenza. "These beings are sacred to our people and their colors of white and black show us that we must all return to balance through the renaissance of traditional language and lifeway."

Cante Tenza will ensure the 50 acre buffalo sanctuary which is free and open to all people  continues to be welcoming to Native people who would be concerned traditional ways are being honored on site.

"We have welcomed Hawk Goodfire (Holikachuk,Shawnee) and Mark "Kingfish" Wassler (Shawnee) of Buffalo Messengers into Cante Tenza to watch over the buffalo and traditional protocols," explained Canupa Gluha Mani. "They have been with the buffalo from the beginning and can help to ensure fairness and balance are practiced going into the future."

Representing the Tokala Okolakiceye was Louis Janis, who along with Martin are both Tetuan Oglalla Judiciary Council members.

Elders of numerous Indigenous nations have been coming to honor the white buffalo since its birth in November 2006. Both the white and black buffalo were transferred to Nemacolin in mid October of this year leading to Saturday's ceremony that included visitors from the Lakota, Shawnee, Oneida, Mohawk, Cherokee and Crow nations. Strongheart's announcement adds another level of significance to this historic event.

Canupa Gluha Mani said, "We want to bring our Lakota Elders to visit these sacred beings in the months to come. Ensuring traditional protocols are being followed will help to support the visits from our Elders and Elders of other Indigenous nations."

More information about the buffalo can be found at on Myspace at and on Facebook at