Author Topic: Louis Turi  (Read 13403 times)

Offline Mike

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Louis Turi
« on: January 27, 2011, 06:41:18 am »
Dr. Turi has been supporting the Natives since for ever and fought for their causes for years. With your permission I can post some of his work here but first check what people say about him. I think its very important to make the many frauds responsible for their lies. But in my case I am one of Dr. Turi's debunkers and I am also one of his student and the man is real. Meantime  many people have tried hurt to hurt his integrity on many websites. First read about some of the people's feedback on these sites then I will post some of his work here if requested by some readers.

Good day

« Last Edit: January 27, 2011, 08:24:51 pm by sky »

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Re: Louis Turi
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2018, 08:33:03 pm »
"Mike" only posted twice, here is his first post (in "Member Introductions"), pretty much the same as the second one:

I think its very important to make the many frauds responsible for their lies. But in my case am one of Dr. Turi's debunkers because I am also one of his student and the man is real and many people have tried hurt to hurt his integrity on many websites. First read about some of the people's feedback on these sites then I will post some of his work here.

Those two links are gone by now: "Oops! That page can’t be found".

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Re: "Dr." Louis Turi
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2018, 10:14:44 pm »
Louis Turi was mentioned by educatedindian in the thread about Sonne Reyna:
"07.01: Graduate, Astropsychology & divine astrology, Dr. Louis Turi, AZ, USA "

Turi is himself quite a character.
"In 1993 he received a metaphysical Doctorate from the Progressive Universal Life Church based in Sacramento, California. His notoriety skyrocketed after rekindling, practicing and teaching Nostradamus’ rare Divine Astrology method, which he calls Astropsychology....He writes a yearly periodical with all these predictions, called "Moon Power Starguide." The printing process makes the proof of his predictions totally unarguable."

LOL! Does it really?
"self-described "prophet" Dr. Louis Turi, a failed scam artist who bought his PhD at a diploma mill for $350, and whose predictions never seem to come true."
"I find the "Dr. Louis Turi: Astropsychology Readings" portion of your schedule to be ridiculous and almost funny if wasn't so pathetic. I believe "Dr." Turi to be a fraud who isn't even very imaginative in his repetitive horoscopes. "

A couple of days after that (most likely the same) "Mike" (now "Guest") posted in defence of "Dr." Turi:

With so much support how can Dr. Turi be a fraud?
Check his site and predictions at and judge for yourself first.
From Mike
[About six laudatory emails not quoted.]

Within less than an hour educatedindian posted this reply:


There are a lot of ways you could've defended Turi's business, which to most people looks like outright looniness and fraud. But spamming us with half a dozen posts with maybe twenty testimonials wasn't the right way to do it.

Not only was it childish, it sure didn't provide any evidence whatsoever to change anyone's mind about Turi. A couple dozen testimonials don't prove anything without knowing, first of all, just how many clients he has. Since he makes a living at this, it would seem to be at least hundreds of clients, so twenty testimonials is only a small percent of alleged right guesses he "predicted."

Most of those comments only show how gullible or desperate to believe many people are. For example:

"You said that anyone traveling on that date might end up stranded in an airport!!"

Oh brother...on any given night MANY people are stranded in airports.

"Well, once again, you have been right on target with your predictions....My sense is that your August 29th date of thousands relocating could very easily come from a Major Hurricanne."

Please...on any given date, not just thousands but hundreds of thousands are relocating somewhere on the planet.

"You're a winner, a high flying star.  God's  gift to the world.  Yes you are,  yes you are.   Rabbi  Happyman"

Rabbi Happyman? ROFL! No comment needed...
"Congratulation on your sorrowful accuracy of the most recent "Terrorist Attack...." 

There have been terrorist attacks somewhere in the world, almost every week, sometimes daily, for how many years now?

Now if he said, "an attack on US troops in Iraq in city X on the exact date and time, using method X" then he could claim success.

And then I would wonder why he hasn't gone to the Pentagon, instead of selling predictions on a website?

In fact, if he is supposedly so accurate, why isn't he wealthier than Bill Gates from knowing what the Stock Market will do?

"Please send me your free Moon Power Book so that I may evolve to a higher plateau of awareness and can apply this knowledge to my life. I need all the help I can get. "

Once again, no comment necessary, except perhaps she really does need a lot of help.

What Turi does, ANYONE could do, throw out incredibly vague predictions and then claim "success" when a few of them seem to be "right".

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Re: Louis Turi
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2018, 12:02:58 am »
Dr. Turi has been supporting the Natives since for ever and fought for their causes for years.

I cannot find any support for this vague claim. (Which "Natives", BTW?)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Louis Turi
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2018, 08:25:17 pm »!original/alt.astrology/eSjyYKOoMX8/Z9OpfbIcBVYJ
Hi, some of you have asked me and wondered what I am a doctor of. I
generally just say, "Doctor of Metaphysics." I use the name "Dr." because I
am a healer. I am not a physician nor do I have a doctorate from an
accredited medical school. I got my metaphysical Mill Doctorate from the
Light Church Institute In Sacramenton, CA.
My good friends called me Dr.
Turi because of my powerful healing gifts and it stuck. I use that as my
professional Stage Name.

...I have many students and some of them appear
in "Who's Who in America" in the latest cancer research surgery, including
doctors, practitioners, surgeons, who are very educated people from all
walks of life.

....I have HANDS ON experience with such a
rich adventurous life. The incredible became a reality and that is
priceless. This is why I am a teacher of teachers! I did it all my way in
the school of life, where pain and suffering was a part of my life. This
became a sure way to really learn faster anything and everything about human

My findings on Astropsychology have been extremely useful to heal people and
help them understand their own selves and fates. Judging by the thousands of
letters of support I have received, (and keep receiving on a daily basis) I
must be doing something right for the world - see Testimonials.

I do have other degrees however. I have an ASME section 9 degree in welding
engineering which I used on the San Diego and Pearl Harbor naval bases. I
spent years of hard work getting my certification from the Royal School of
Music in London and received the top Distinction Cup of Musicianship in a
class of 400.
I have studied many rational topics, and even learnt to fly

I am also an inventor of a new eye technology called ONMT or Optical Nerve
Muscles Trainer. This reseach involves a very serious protocol designed for
"accredited" eye surgeons wanting to investiagte my new tool and its
preventive therapeutic values. I am not a eye doctor yet I designed tools
for those doctors and will train opthamologists to use the technology

However, metaphysical pursuits have always been my passion and I became a
Hypnotherapist. My feelings, my stars pushed me in that direction from a
young age. I found the work of Nostradamus to be most attractive to me. I
have spent the last 30 years dedicating myself to revamp his methodology,
and I developed his astrological methods to fit into our modern society.
With the help of a software company in Los Angeles my work has been
incorporated into computer technology thus making Astropsychology available
to all.

While working very hard on the US naval bases in San Diego and Pearl Harbor
in Hawaii to make a living, I kept dedicating myself to incorporate the
medieval practice of the great Seer into my own life and career. It is sad
that I have in so many ways had to endure the same fate as Nostradamus
suffering ignorance with small-minded people judging him, discrediting him
because of his interest with the stars....

My legacy with books, CD's, DVD's televised shows and my future schools will
also make my name stand apart in my field of endeavor and in all, my aim is
to promote spiritual education that will benefit the children of tomorrow
and the world at large....

The reality is that many people don't really care if I am a "doctor" or not,
but will stop at nothing to hurt me and my integrity. It is just the nature
of their lower evil spirits and the ultimate fight between good and evil,
intelligence and ignorance. However the fact is that; my accomplishment
speaks by itself, and I suppose in some way that the price I have to pay
that comes with fame.

I am a true light teacher and I have taught traditionally educated
physicians with accredited doctorates
and I am proud of this fact (and their
letters of support!) This is why I so desperately need your help to
reinstate the old science back into our colleges where it belongs. So that
in the future, well-educated doctors and teachers alike will make good use
of my life's research and pass it on to their children and the society at
large through accredited Universities.

Unless one knows and deals with the real Dr. Turi and not the one depicted
by the forces of evil, you may never know the real me. That's for me to know
and you to find out!

Love and light,
Dr. Turi

No evidence of what he claims that I bolded.

Jamie Eckles
Save your money. Turi purchased his "doctorate" in metaphysics
from a diploma mill. He spams the internet with vague predictions
in the hope of catching gullible people. Please do some research
on him by putting his name in a search engine before you even
consider spending money. You will be glad you did. Especially go
to Google Groups and look at the archive of alt.prophecies.drturi
and see for yourself posts from people he has hurt with his scams.

Turi's own FB w/conspiracy theories.
This page is dedicated to the first amendment, the facts, reliable predictions and for all truth-seekers against the corporate control of information! - ENVIOUS PEOPLE REMOVED MY NAME FROM WIKIPEDIA and managed to get me fired from LinkedIn, MyEzineArticles, Articlesbase and worked hard to seriously alter my options to post from Facebook and now Google joined them all.

If you support my work and FREE SPEECH join us and share my predictions to the world! My most UFO's visited page on Facebook became inaccessible or inoperable forcing me to open a new one...

All who participated with the forces of evil can rejoice but all will be also be cursed by the eternal karmic rites and Cosmic Code universal ceremonies for infringing with the light I own and share freely with the world.


Turi is based in Phoenix now. His psychic business isn't doing so well, now a "self improvement coach."
Moved to Frauds, long overdue.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1426
Re: Louis Turi
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2019, 09:31:30 am »
But in my case I am one of Dr. Turi's debunkers and I am also one of his student and the man is real.

My bolding in quote: "… I am one of Dr. Turi's debunkers …" — I guess this is a typo, you are one of his defenders.