Author Topic: Pete Bernard  (Read 90291 times)


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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #30 on: March 16, 2013, 05:57:28 pm »
TaiChiJohn, you do realize that this thread was started in 2006, with its last comment in 2010, and is still in Research Needed? 

You claim you only joined this forum to put Mr. Bernard in a positive light and have better things to do than continue discussions in this thread since you feel you have been "attacked", but IMO, that is the problem.  When you join a forum like this, you need to stick around and read comments day after day to understand the purpose of the forum, get the feel of the forum, and get to know the people posting here. 

There are many people who come and go on this forum, but their comments will remain forever, so I guess you have achieved your purpose.  You gave your "two cents worth" and someone wondering about Mr. Bernard will be able to come here and read the positive things you have said about him.

Offline Superdog

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #31 on: March 16, 2013, 09:14:33 pm »

One person here actually seemed to take the time to look into the situation, and found that Pete Barnard is indeed recognised within his own community for what he does. Everyone else just turned to attack me.

If you reread, you'll find that person was me.  If you're feeling attacked from me, rest assured I hold no grudge against you as a person.  But, your defense of Bernard is based on fragile logic and (once again) little information. You've characterized your argument by saying that the only reason Native people on this board feel upset in regards to paying for spirituality is because the Christians did this to all of us and we didn't know it....and you're the genius who's explaining that to us.  Let me assure you...I know the difference.  I didn't need you to attempt to tell me (and then get it wrong, but argue that you are right).

The fact that you can't see beyond your simplistic approach to Native cultures, the idea that we are all the same or that our values...are really not our values and in fact we should be listening to values you tell us....really exposes you.  I can see you don't really want to learn, you have it all figured out.  It's ok....I've seen it before.  It's a common trait of folks that justify or minimize cultural appropriation and their effects. 

You may find it interesting that I've studied Asian philosophies as well....the one thing that you seem to miss is the concept of awareness.  You are not very aware of where you stand in regards to what you know about these topics.  As such, you are not a very good help to Pete (something I've said all along). 


Offline msc008

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #32 on: April 25, 2013, 02:29:14 pm »
I listened to Pete speak in Ottawa.  It was a free event to attend.  To me his words were very powerful and directed at healing.

My sister teaches a high school class with native students/curriculum.  She had a hard time finding people willing to speak to them without being paid.  Pete agreed to speak to her class for free and is paying his own travel expenses.  Other than a tobacco offering she doesn't have anything to give.


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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #33 on: April 25, 2013, 11:35:12 pm »
2013 event
Sunday April 28th, 13:45 - 14:30 (Conference in English) : Algonquin Midewin (Medicine Man) Pete Bernard is a Traditional Algonquin Indian from the Algonquins of Pikwakanagan First Nation in Golden Lake, Ontario and member of the Bear Clan. He is a spiritual teacher, healer, and intuitive who navigates the Lower, Middle, and Upper Worlds on behalf of people with questions, and helps them to get their own answers from Spirit. He is a professional speaker, workshop facilitator, and a Spirit Guide for the Seeker.

The Quantum Field and Healing": Algonquin Midewin bridges the theory of Quantum Physics to the practical applications of miraculous healing, manifesting, and builds the bridge between the two worlds that the Healer walks on. 'Applied Shamanics' is the answer of how the Shaman can do what they do, and how the quantum physicist is only beginning to understand the power of the Ancient Mind, through modern understanding. Time Travel, Inter-dimensions, Holograms, and how they work to heal."!events

November 11th, 2011: There will be a special “Once in a Lifetime” Group Healing Circle with Algonquin Medicine Man Pete Bernard to receive a special Butterfly Teaching, Blessing, and all part of the Group Healing Circle.

Removing what is not wanted or needed, and that which is not naturally occurring inside of a person is a key aspect of the Tent Shaking Tradition. It allows a person to simply be who they are without external forces that are unhealthy informing them (imprints, pathologies, blueprints, etc.), their energy, or lives.

In energy medicine, Pete works with the chakras, or as his people called them when they first discovered them, the “Medicine Wheels” as they were circles of light (wheels) that determined a persons health (medicine).

Another package is “The Release of the Past”, which offers half of the services of “The Healing Journey”, and deals with many of the Lower World issues. Clients who have taken this journey often request to continue, and upgrade to “The Healing Journey”, which is a continuation of this journey.

Please contact Pete directly for more information regarding pricing for services that you are interested in, to design your own package, or to book a single session. Single sessions are $75.00.

Offline msc008

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #34 on: May 09, 2013, 11:29:08 am »
Pete offers help for a fee, he talks about buddhist and algonquin healing.  He speaks for free, he is sincere in his beliefs. 
His beliefs may not be yours or mine, but who are we to say how he conducts himself?   Should piwàkanagàn first nation not be the ones to do that?

Offline Yorkie

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #35 on: July 13, 2013, 03:47:12 pm »
Hi all, I can assist in this thread by contributing what I witnessed of his workshops (which he used to run from the attic room in my old house). Pete never really talked to me much, I found him to be shifty, with a tendency to avoid eye contact. I suspect it was because I was a little sceptical of his intent. I watched on a weekly basis as his clients would come and go from his workshop.
I have to say that my impression was that the people participating we're people searching for either help to deal with personal issues and the rest seemed curious to learn about "shamanism". My personal belief is that you can not pay to learn to become a shaman - period. Never mind that they expected to do this in a matter of hours over a few weeks. 
The people that were seeking help, I get were desperate. My instinct on him charging hundreds of dollars was that he was preying on the weak and needy. I feel that I his intent was pure he would ask for donations only.
I knew a few participants dropped out after a couple of sessions, I never asked directly why they did so. But one woman told me that she didn't like what he was doing. It was that simple.
Now maybe some people get something beneficial from participating in these workshops, I hope they didn't go into debt to do so.
I also know of individals that have been "trained" by Pete and now claim to be shaman.
I asked an well respected elder once why he didn't intervene or say something to Pete. He agreed what he was doing was wrong. But refused to do anything. He just smiled and said what he is doing he will have to live with. 
I just hope that no one gets hurt in the interim.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #36 on: July 14, 2013, 02:18:28 pm »
What come around goes around as we say
evil is evil
In Spirit

Offline Motorcross

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #37 on: August 09, 2013, 06:08:33 pm »
Save your time and money when it comes to Mr. Pete Bernard. If you ended up on this sight it is because there was something very off to begin with regarding the Algonquin Medicine Man / Pete Bernard / Tsho Ten. Trust your hunch!

I follow him on Facebook and it wasn't long ago he displayed his true persona when an ex-student of his called him on his own medicine. He obviously has a difficult time with answering questions. The way he handle himself was not like a medicine man, but of an egotistical, immature brat who was clearly out of control and who was trying to save his new age a$$.  I had to personally thank the lady who had the guts and tact to put him to the test; one he failed miserably at. Mr. Bernard may have started out on the right path, but has quickly lost his footing in the grand scheme of things. He charges outrageous fees for healing sessions and classes. This is not the medicine way. This is the way of the salesman. He will have his own karma to deal with and it looks like it's starting to catch up to him. He's a good performer but obviously loses it when he puts his own wisdom to the test.  The true teacher was his ex-student who IMO had a very valid question to which he had no valid answer. Congratulations to her and how gracefully she handled his out-of-control ego.

As for his community, they will play along because he collects donations for them through self-promoting talks and they have invested interest. No different than buying them. Just part of good marketing as both parties are scratching each others backs. Marketing is my specialty and Mr. Pete Bernard should consider a career in marketing/sales rather than in spirituality. He can sell anything to anyone who suffers at a premium price.

All around bad medicine and unethical. Perhaps this is why he has the need to change his name as one mentioned. It may be the symptom of a split personality disorder. Who knows!


Offline msc008

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #38 on: December 23, 2013, 04:50:32 am »
I knew a few participants dropped out after a couple of sessions, I never asked directly why they did so. But one woman told me that she didn't like what he was doing. It was that simple.
Now maybe some people get something beneficial from participating in these workshops, I hope they didn't go into debt to do so.
I also know of individals that have been "trained" by Pete and now claim to be shaman.
I asked an well respected elder once why he didn't intervene or say something to Pete. He agreed what he was doing was wrong. But refused to do anything.

Who are some of the individuals claiming to be trained shamans?
Which elder called it wong?

Offline msc008

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #39 on: December 23, 2013, 05:02:57 am »
Is there anything he does not claim to be?Selling  Himalayan juice, Qui Jong, "luminous healing" Chakras,  and "Inka shamanism". And what seems really contemptible to me, hospice work with those in the final stages of dying.

Also some bad poetry of his that suggests he's pretty much a white pagan in what he believes.
"In the Arms of the Goddess     
By: Pete Bernard
 In the Arms of the Goddess
I remember those days my Beloved
When we danced in the teardrops of the Goddess
And the only Angels I had ever seen....
All was warmth, and that night, we slept in the arms of the Goddess....
And from your eyes will fall the rain, and the Angels will come....
And once again, we will dance in the teardrops of the Goddess....
- Pete Bernard (Shaman)
  About this poem:   
 Inspired initially by the death of my best friend Christine Dube, and realized when I began walking the Spirit Path on my journey through life, and in Shamanism."

Pete is enrolled and you are not Al.   So who is plastic by that definition? 

Offline earthw7

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #40 on: December 23, 2013, 01:56:09 pm »
Although this site is not about who is enrolled or not it is about people who take advantage of people for money,
Claiming some sort of spiritual beliefs and steal those belief from tribal people.
So if this person is enrolled! Which tribe and who are is relatives? I ask because I am enrolled and live
on my reservation know my culture.  Most of all since there is no Algonquin Medicine Man because Algonquin
is a language dialect not a people. next why would a person who knew his culture mix up all kinds of beliefs
why would he not just stay to the long house? Oh wait it is the women who run the Long houses.
Why too many problems with this guy you have to be crazy or one of those really damaged people to
believe what he is selling. Oh wait that is the point he is selling which is wrong on points.
In Spirit

Offline msc008

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #41 on: December 24, 2013, 03:23:52 am »
This site is very often about who is enrolled and not enrolled.  Al educatedindain has gone there many times in posts about so-called 'frauds'.  Algonqiun is a language, a culture, a people.  Governement-wise there are ten recognized 'Algonquin' tribes in Canada, nine in Québec, and one in Ontario.  The border between the provinces Kitcisipi (Ottawa River) is tradtional territory.

You say there is no Algonquin Medicine Man?  Then what is Midewiwin?  Is the story of Nanabozho not obviously a part of that heritage?   That story is a medicine not only for the Anishinaabe put for all people.

Bernard is a traditional name of Pikwàkanagàn First Nation in Ontario.  Matthew Bernard was a skilled canoe builder and chief around the turn of the century.  Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario is next to the Golden Lake reserve.  With a good canoe in that park life is sweet.

All of this information is easily verifiable. 

What is it that Pete is really selling in your opinion?   I agree that selling spiritual ceremony is wrong, but what about healing work?  Is it immoral to charge for healing work?

His core message is free, and as I understand it is this: All cultures are healing cultures, human beings are built to heal ourselves despite what we've been lead to believe, all healing wisdoms today in the world are needed for us(human beings) to heal, especially in light of the Algonquin Seven Fires Prophecy, hence his website name 8th Fire.

I don't claim what I say proves anything other than to myself.  My experience has been that Bernards are good people.  In Kanata in 2011 a sacred piece of forest was slated for development,   the South March Highlands.  Everyone with a conscience and an intact connection to the earth can see what a huge waste it was to clearcut this area for another housing development.  Among those leading the protest were Bernards.

William Commanda, keeper of the seven fires prophecy belt, was to me the spiuritual leader of this protest.   He was then 97 years old.

I wish both Pete and the members on this board the wisdom to know what is right.

Offline Laurel

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #42 on: December 24, 2013, 11:19:12 am »

All cultures are healing cultures,

Then why not seek healing inside your own culture?


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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #43 on: December 29, 2013, 03:40:34 am »
I knew a few participants dropped out after a couple of sessions, I never asked directly why they did so. But one woman told me that she didn't like what he was doing. It was that simple.
Now maybe some people get something beneficial from participating in these workshops, I hope they didn't go into debt to do so.
I also know of individals that have been "trained" by Pete and now claim to be shaman.
I asked an well respected elder once why he didn't intervene or say something to Pete. He agreed what he was doing was wrong. But refused to do anything.

Who are some of the individuals claiming to be trained shamans?
Which elder called it wong?

Here are a few individuals trained by Pete and who are now calling themselves medicine people/shamans:

Becoming a Shaman is the path of a lifetime of wisdom, learning, harmony and balance. Traditionally, among the people of the First Nations, one NEVER calls oneself a shaman. It is others who give someone this title which we may someday be worthy of. For many years we have been walking on the path of self healing and self mastery which has helped us to become Meiecine People (Medicine Man and Medicine Woman) in the Algonquin tradition. It is in all humility and with infinite gratitude that we, Manon Richard and Philippe Côté, have the great honor and privilege to have been initiated and accepted into the ancestral lineage of Pete Bernard's family (Bear Clan) of the Pikwàkanagàn First Nation. We have received Algonquin shamanic teachings known as the 8th Fire and have authorization and knowledge to perform and facilitate shamanic Healing Ceremonies.

(Note:  Being a Medicine Man and Medicine Woman equals going through Pete's two-year training program):

The investment listed above is per module for eight (8) modules. The total
program investment is $7,600 plus taxes over the 2-Year period, payable in
instalments if needed

Through the " 8th Fire School of Algonquin Shamanism ", which he founded, Pete is our teacher and mentor. He was himself tutored, from a very young age, by 6 teachers among which was his grandfather, Matt Bernard. Pete's Great Grandfather and Grandfather were Master Canoe Builders, and much of the philosophy of Manido Chiman, or "Spirit of the Canoe" is reflected in his Algonquin Tradition of Healing. It is through Pete's guidance that we have the privilege and honor to have received Great Fire Healing Energy and Sacred Rites. We have been accepted into his lineage and have his and his Ancestors', as well as our own Ancestors' and Elders', authorization to perform traditional Shamanic work.

A few years ago, "The 8th Fire School of Algonquin Shamanism" was created to fulfill a promise that was made by Pete Bernard to his Elders over 25 years ago: to bring the sacred teachings of the Algonquins, Bear Clan, of the family name that is currently known as the Bernard's to all the people of the world. This to ensure that the teachings will not be lost and that the New People will have a way of learning and practicing the Medicine Teachings.

Here is a list of their ceremonies:

Description of Ceremonies
Stonework and Chakra cleansing/rebalancing
Formlessness to Form Journey
Inner Body Journey
Entity Extraction & Illumination
Crystallized Energy Extractions
Cedar, Tobacco and Sucking Extractions
Soul Gathering Journey
Power Totem Animal Retrieval
Power Retrieval Journey
Physical Healing Ceremony
Interdimensional Journey
Removal of Bindings
Healing the Inner Sorcerer Journey
Dark Forest Journey
Craddle of Life Ceremony
Egg Extractions
Palo Santo Extractions
Cleansing of Spaces
Seven Bands of Protection
Death of the False Self Ceremony
Meeting your Spirit Guide and Meeting your Ancestor Journeys
Journey to Heal the Story that lives inside of us
Other Ceremonies (please contact us for more information)

Manon has former training as a graphic designer and she is the founder of a multimedia company called Blak Kat. She has practiced Vipassana (Buddhist meditation), for many years. Now she is pursuing her true passion: canine psychology and the rehabilitation of dogs with behavioral problems and founded Maestro Canine Psychology. Since moving to the country, Manon has also opened, MiniMeute, a daycare and vacation camp for small dogs. This work is very complimentary to Shamanism and she considers herself lucky, through her work with animals, to be able to practice emotional balance and calm, assertive energy on a daily basis. Since childhood, her deep connection and relationship with nature and all its creatures has influenced her life and now resonates profoundly in her Shamanic work. Manon is a loving and empathic person and, during Ceremonies, information that needs to be transmitted to her clients comes to her in the form of emotions, messages or images.

Before studying to become a Shaman, Phil had twenty-five years of experience as an electronics technician, specialized in the design, conception and installation of audiovisual equipment for cinemas and recording studios. This has given him a solid scientific background from which to understand and interpret Shamanism. He is also a great lover of nature and a sculptor. His artwork can be seen in the Artwork section of this site. Phil has the ability to perceive Shamanism from a « quantum physics » point of view and during Ceremonies information that needs to be transmitted to his clients comes to him in a clear and almost mathematical manner.

Yes, my dear friends, spirituality is for sale!   :'( :'( :'(

Offline earthw7

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Re: Pete Bernard
« Reply #44 on: December 29, 2013, 05:38:24 am »
as i repeated on this site a few time i am enrolled member of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
I am Ihunktonwana, Pabaska, Sisseton- Dakota on my Father's side  and Hunkapapa, Shispapa and Oglala Lakota
on my mother's side. My blood quantum is 7/8 Standing Rock with 1/8 Oglala my name is Ta Maka Waste Winyan
I live my culture and way of life and i live on my reservation and work for my people and my nation. I compile the history, genealogy for my tribe.
I am NOT A SHAMAN :o! We don't have shamans in Indian country.
We don't pay to pray,
In Spirit