Author Topic: Moon movement / Unification Church and United Native American Council  (Read 14768 times)

Offline Ingeborg

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Some further information on the Unification Church founded by Sun Myung Moon in Korea in 1954 as The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity.

Further info on the Unification Church pls see here: This site offers an impressive reading list on UC.

The articles at wikipedia (both en and de versions!) are not recommendable, as they have been edited considerably by Moonies and reduced to propaganda pieces (the German article hardly contains any neutral info, apart of the date of foundation e.g., while the English article still has some faint criticism at the bottom of the page – if anyone manages to work all their way through the mass of Moonie propaganda).

According to UC doctrine, Jesus did not do the job of salvation completely, so Reverend Moon allegedly was sent as a second Messiah. UC is rated a cult, and its members obey a complete subservience to Moon's teachings. UC seeks political influence, not only by its numerous (about 200) front organisations, but also through newspapers (Washington Times, as one example, was founded by UC).

Moon means to establish a world-wide theocratic state with a totalitarian leadership and to abolish democracy as well as the separation of church and state. This theocracy will also create a 'unified culture' for the entire world, with Korea as its centre and Korean language being spoken world-wide. It is therefore obvious that UC will not work for the protection of indigenous languages or for the preservation of indigenous cultures but instead means to abolish them.

Moon acquired an enormous wealth (cash, real estate, companies in several industrial sectors) by church membership working without payment, selling trinkets, gathering donations, and begging for money. The UC maintains a political branch with its organisation CAUSA (Confederation of Association for the Unity of the Societies of America – which despite its name is active in European countries, too).

The Moon Movement is perhaps best known for its mass weddings of sometimes more than 1,000 couples. Marriage partners are chosen by Mun himself, and many persons never met their husband/wife prior to the wedding ceremony and in many cases, the newly weds don't even have as much as a common language for communication. It is obvious that such practices will ensure a firm grip over the church membership, as of course Moon's decisions may not be protested. .

Some further info from German articles:

This is an excerpt of the paragraphs covering UC:

Martin Dietzsch / Anton Maegerle
„Politicizing psycho cults from the extreme right – latest update Jan 1997


The demeanour of the Moon movement (Unification Church) […] may be seen as an example for instrumentalizing religion for the enforcement of political aims. The cadre organization employing  the fuehrer-prinzip (leader principle) claiming absoluteness propagates a theocratic model of a state with a „sacred elite“.

The group of Korean Sun Myung Moon, aged 77, has been present in Germany as „society for the unification of world christianity“ since 1964; since 1975 it uses the name „Unification Church“. Up to the end of the 1980ies, its „principle satanic enemy“ used to be communism. It gave finanical support to Nicaraguan contras as well to French „Front National“ of Jean Marie Le Pen, or to the „Anti-Communist World League“. Today, Moon – who claims to have founded the „3rd religion“ after Judaism and christianity – means to find new members with the fight against moral decline.

Moon's world-political ambitions have become apparent by the search for alliances with decision makers in economy, science, and politics. Moon maintains a widely dispersed empire of companies in trade and industry, universities, political, cultural, and scientific organizations. At the centre of Moon's empire, there is the „Tong Il“ company (engine construction and arms) at the Korean base. Moon's empire, run in a totalitarian way, has assets of billions of dollars (among them also newspapers like „Washington Times“ and „New York Times“) which have been acquired by the work of its approximately 2 million members world-wide, or by their donations. Moon controls 80% of the world trade in ginseng.

The following institutions with a political target course may be regarded as close to the Moon movement:
International One World Crusade (IOWC)
Federation for World Peace and Unification (IFWU)
Women's Federation for World Peace
ISC International Security Council
Professors World Peace Academy (PWPA)
Forum for mental leadership
CAUSA ("Confederation of Association for the Unity of the Societies of the Americas")

The former vice chairperson of Causa Germany e.V. was Ursula Saniewski who worked long years as a personal referee of Franz Schönhuber [former chairman of extremist right Republican Party]. Already in 1985 and 1986, she organized seminars and symposia for Moon's student organization CARP.

During recent years, Moon purposefully made investments in the industrial sector of machine construction in Germany. Carl Zimmerer helped realizing the German group – Zimmerer is CEO and majority shareholder of renowned Duesseldorf Interfinanz company; Focus magazine calls him a „leading company broker“ and former „mastermind“ of Liberal Democratic Party. It is not widely known that Zimmerer happens to be one of the heads of the so-called „Duesseldorf circle“ which organizes regular meetings of rightwing conservative economic leaders and rightwing extremists to listen to lectures of prominent politicians like Franz Schönhuber [who belongs to the extremist right]. Zimmerer also wrote for magazines and papers like „Criticon“, „Young Freedom“, and „Nation and Europe“ [all of them extremist right and under observation by the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, i.e. inland secret service].

In accordance with Moon's aim of ruling the world, he founded a Universal Peace Federation UPF with an interesting set of objectives:

„UPF founded

Cult head Moon founded UPF in 2005, in front of „376 delegates from 157 nations“.

This information is being spread by UPF websites and
However, they do not mention who appointed these delegates – if not the Moon cult.

Moon authorized UPF to „renew the existing United Nations“, „as an ABEL-type of UN, as an organization which offers its peace endeavours to heaven.“[...]

A brochure published by the German Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women, and Youth titled „The Moon Movement“ is reproduced at a Swiss site. I translated the chapter on Moon's political ambitions:

„4. Political Endeavours

Moon already expressed his views in the „Divine Principles“. He rejects communism, but also democracy. According to Moon, the people's will tends to christianity by nature. When history gets closer to its fulfilment, the democratic government representing the will of the population must make way for a „Christian“ form of government (160).

So consequently if there is a sufficient number of followers of Moon in one country, pressure on a government may increase in such a way that it finally has to yield to the ideology of Unification Church.
„We need a minimum of 10,000 members in one country, so that the True Parents and the Unification Movement will be taken serious“. (161)

Democracy is no political goal for Moon, but just the means to an end. It only serves to get rid of communism as a representative of the Abel side. Moon principally rejects the individualism of democracy. (162)

With his Unification Church, Moon attempts to build a world-wide structure resembling a state. He owns real property (besides real estate and noncurrent assets, there are the so-called „Sacred Grounds“), a flag (white with the red symbol of Unification Church) which is hoisted at all of Moon's appearances, and if need be, a hymn (there is a choice between eight „Sacred Songs“). A nation of „true Christians“ will be the nation of his state.

The „Sacred Grounds“ are not only religious places of prayer, but also premises which shall be bought for Unification Church. The exact location in respect to neighbouring parcels of land is expected to be communicated, and paperwork must be forwarded to the national centres. (163) Presumably buying real estate has the aim of creating influence on a municipal level.

Moon's fervent rejection of communism had favourable effects in the early 1960ies, as it created economic advantages for him under the Korean government of President Park. Apart from this favouritism, there was his friendship with the founder of Korean secret service who happened to be one of Moon's earliest followers. The Fraser Report could not exclude that the Korean secret service planned the outline of the Unification movement and intended to use it for its own service. For some time, the Unification movement maintained anti-communist training camps for Korean managers with the Park government sending participants. (164)
Moon today claims to be responsible for the appointment of Korean presidents, since he was the God-given leader of Korea. All presidents allegedly had to fail in their political task as they were not prepared to cooperate with him. (165)

One of the driving forces in the political field of the Unification movement is CAUSA (Confederation of Associations for the Unity of the Societies in the Americas) mentioned above, whose German branch is located in the town of Bonn.

CAUSA organizes seminars for managers world-wide, and propagates its philosophy of „Godism“ and „headwings“. This is nothing but the Unification doctrine in a militant form, without the mythology of the „Devine Principles“. Suborganizations are CARP for university students and the „International Security Council“. At the annual meetings of ISC, known persons from military and economic circles meet to evaluate the political world situation. (166)

CAUSA functionaries attempted at founding a political party in Germany which, however, failed. (167)
Moon and his functionaries have constantly tried to rope in figures of public life for their own aims. There were always enough opportunities for photos or interviews with presidents, congress persons, celebrities or other known persons during events hosted by Moon organizations. (168) Former president Bush [Senior] and his wife are regular speakers at these events and also accompanied Moon to lectures in Japan. (169)
Moon uses the publicity won to demonstrate his importance in the Western world to the Korean government. His followers are made to believe that many heads of state already support his ideology, and that the predicted changes of society and the realization of the aims of Unification Church were imminent. (170)

160 - Die Göttlichen Prinzipien, S. 135 ff, S. 468 ff
161 - Rd.brief vom 08.12.1993; vgl. Kim, Young Whi, Guidance for Heavenly Traditions, S. 323 :"...because policy in the democratic world is decided by numbers. Leaders and therefore policies are chosen throngh popular vote."
162 - gl. Hassan, S. 111
163 - The Tradtion, S. 45 ff, S.59 ff, S. 73 ff
164 - FraserReport, S. 73 ff
165 - Mun, Tribal Messias, S.11; vgl. Heung Jin Mun, The Victory of Love, S.5
166 - Minhoff/Lösch, S. 290 ff; Gandow, S. 94; Obst, S. 284
167 - Quick, 25.01.90 "Schönhubers seltsame Vertraute"
168 - FraserReport, S. 6
169 - IPS Nachrichtenagentur, Juni 1996
170 - FraserReport, S. 64 ff; S. 128 ff“

Some further info on methods used by the UC:

„While the Moon Movement gave itself the air of a church in Korea, this has been quite different in the USA where the movement has been active since 1958. It was here that the Moonies developed missonary methods which mainly became responsible for the organisation's reputation of a cult, as e.g. „Love Bombing“ (prospects are showered with attention), „Heavenly Deception“ (lies as a method to mission and gather donations, denial of membership in the Moon movement or religious intention altogether), „Sandwiching“ (prospective members will never be on their own, but always accompanied by two members, sometimes pretending they are new to the organisation themselves), isolated camps in which participants' time is tightly planned so that there is no chance for reflection). Due to these methods, the Moon movement became a prime example with US cult experts for so-called „programming“, i.e. Not convincing prospective members by contents, but by psychological tricks. Despite these methods, less than 20% of participants of introductory weekend camps became members for two years or above (this shows that these methods, contrary to „brainwashing“ in prisoners' camps, are not compellingly effective). Those persons staying with the Moon movement often were assigned to mobile fundraising teams which, often with overlong workdays, gather money for Moon and his movement on various pretexts.“

I also found evidence of a faux Native American organisation having been founded by UC. As there is only one issue of the organisation's magazine on-line, this may be evidence of its failure. The name chosen, however, does not indicate it is a Moon foundation but rather invites an erroneous classification as an ndn organisation:

On top of this newsletter: Publisher UNAC – Issue No. 102 – November 2002

United Native American Council

The United Native American Council began in September 1984 under the direction of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, (Father Moon). Its mission is to unite all indigenous peoples of the Americas and around the world in shared beliefs of The Creator. My hope is that it will be used as a witnessing tool for our Native brothers and sisters throughout America and around the world. I created this format to bring into dialogue many inspirational topics about family, life, spirit world, history, ancestors and current church events. In this world of divisions, may we see our similarities more clearly than our differences.

This issue of Harvest addresses the proclamation by Father and Mother Moon of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, the Interreligious and International Couples’ Blessing, the Ambassadors for Peace awards and the chronology of Thanksgiving. As the editor, it is my sincere hope that you will receive much inspiration, guidance and blessings through this newsletter.
Please forward your comments to:

Although the Moonie's publications are rather interested in showing off photos of their „true parents“ (the Moons), this newsletter publishes a few photos of ndn 'ambassadors':
- Chief Ernie Peters Longwalker,
- Dottie Tiger of the Yuchi / Sauk and Fox Tribe and Eva Gaudipe of the National Indian Council on Aging
- Dottie Tiger, of the Smithsonian Institution National Museum of the American Indian
I did not, however, research whether these persons are members of UC or whether their names were used by the Moonies.

From the above, it is quite obvious that UNAC is another front organisation of the Moon movement, and probably intends to act both as an allegedly genuine ndn organisation and a tool for mission among ndns.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1455
Further info on the Unification Church pls see here: This site offers an impressive reading list on UC.  has moved to

I searched for "moonie" and got more than a thousand hits:

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1455
A critical overview with many interesting links:  ["(Redirected from Sun Myung Moon)".]

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1455
UC seeks political influence, not only by its numerous (about 200) front organisations, but also through newspapers (Washington Times, as one example, was founded by UC).

Overview of that story: