Author Topic: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott  (Read 197141 times)

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2012, 09:51:00 pm »
I spoke with Mr Scott.

Leonard Crow Dog Sr made him a ceremonial chief in June of 2003.  He told me that Leonard conferred with a number of other chiefs, he spoke too quickly for me to write them down.  I do remember that one was a Michael Hall, the other was one of the Swallows.

He dances at Big Mountain and Paradise every year.

« Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 10:56:44 pm by sky »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #16 on: April 20, 2012, 11:22:29 pm »
Here's his bio and a talk he gave on a Shamanism site:

Scott, Phillip

Episodes:     Leading by Council, Community by Heart

Philip Scott is a ceremonial Chief in the Lakota tradition, entrusted with sharing Indigenous wisdom and traditional healing practices with the contemporary world – including the arenas of education, modern medicine, religion and business. In addition to directing and teaching the programs at Ancestral Voice – Center for Indigenous Lifeways in Northern California, which he founded in 1994, he maintains a private healing practice, conducts ceremonies, lectures, teaches intensives and leads pilgrimages worldwide.

Phillip/Tsunka Wakan Sapa is of Western Band Tsalagi (Cherokee) Ancestry.  He has walked the Native Path for over thirty years, learning from traditional Medicine/Holy people, tribal Spiritual leaders, shamans and elders from various cultures. Philip has been sundancing for the past twenty consecutive years. His life and wisdom are featured in journals and books.

Leading by Council, Community by Heart with Phillip Scott

People around the world are calling out for new forms of leadership, economic exchange, and community.  If we can tap the wisdom of our long ago ancestors we will find the wisdom of leadership by council, the energetic exchange based on a love for the future, and community built on engaging with the reality of the interconnectedness of all living things.  Join host and shaman, Christina Pratt, and her guest, Phillip Scott, as they discuss Phillip’s experiences as a sitting chief leading through council and creating contemporary community based on indigenous wisdom. Philip Scott is the founder/director of Ancestral Voice, a center of healing and learning devoted to the preservation, application, and respectful dissemination of shamanic and Indigenous lifeways.  He is a ceremonial Chief in the Lakota tradition, entrusted with sharing Indigenous wisdom and traditional healing practices with the contemporary world.  These ancient teachings have much to offer us as we strive together as the human family to create systems of sacred economics and communities based on the exchange of the heart. Phillip joins us for the next show in the Society of Shamanic Practitioners sponsored interview series where we explore how contemporary shamans are meeting the challenge of their world today.

Listen to the show (just click the Play arrow): 

or download (right-click the link) the Leading by Council, Community by Heart with Phillip Scott .mp3 audio file.
About Christina Pratt…

Shamanic teacher and author, Christina is a skilled shamanic healer who weaves her authentic shamanic experience, extensive training, and experience with shamans from Ecuador, Nepal, Tibet, and Africa into her contemporary practice. She has been in practice for 20 years, specializing in soul retrieval healings, soul part integration, and ancestral healing. She is the director of the Last Mask Center for Shamanic Healing in Portland, Oregon.

Offline arielle

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2012, 03:42:32 am »
I am curious to know what made people think he is a fraud in the first place?  My intuition says, despite his supposed "lineage" and whatnot, that he's not legitimate. but i have no real proof. anyone have any insight into this?  i went to a medicine wheel of his back in 2005 or 2006...and got weird vibes.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #18 on: June 14, 2012, 02:36:47 pm »
A supposed Cherokee doing an imitation of Lakota sweatlodges, and an associate of fellow frauds Michael Hull and Mary Grimes.

Can you tell us more about your experience? What do you mean by weird? Threatening? Insincere?

Offline arielle

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2012, 04:17:08 am »
I would sort of like to have this conversation either on the phone or via facebook or something more private.  i am fairly certain he checks this and is definitely aware that he has been deemed a "fraud" on this website.

Offline earthw7

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #20 on: June 17, 2012, 12:10:47 pm »
Anyone claiming to be a descent of a Cherokee and doing Lakota ceremonies you have to raise your eyebrows
and wonder ??? ???Why because Cherokees dont do Sweat Lodge, plus he is not nor does he have any blessing-power or rights
to the Lakota people-ceremonies-way of life ect.... the only thing he got was the right to work with crow dog,
It amazing me how many people think because one person does something that the nation support it, that is not how
our nation works, each man does not have the right of the nation. So this man has no right to my nations ceremonies,
plus he has to accepted by our people

In Spirit

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #21 on: June 26, 2012, 02:11:23 pm »
Scott contacted us. First is his email followed by my response.


Good Evening Mr. Carrol,

Praying this transmission finds you and your family in health.

Several years ago, my name was placed on the New Age Fraud website by a Native activist who I have never met nor has ever participated in the traditional ceremonies I conduct. I desire my name to be expunged from the site but have not known whom to contact nor how to proceed.

A few months ago, fortuitous circumstances placed me in touch with Sky Davis who informed me of the procedure - namely to have the Chiefs who witnessed my Wapaha (Bonneting) ceremony by Chief Leonard Crow Dog Sr. contact her...she provided me with your e-maill address and directed me to communicate with you.

Recently returning from the Lampasas, TX Sundance, Chief Michael Hull (intercessor), Chief Houston and Chief Richard Grimes were present at the Wapaha ceremony in June of 2003.  All three attended this year's Dance and have agreed to contact you. Since the latter two do not employ the internet, please provide a telephone number in order for them to speak with you directly.

As for the others in attendance in 2003, Chief Phil Crazy Bull and Chief Luciano Perez have journeyed Home to the Spirit World.
Chief Marvin Swallow did not attend this year and Chief Horse has not been at the Dance since 2005. I do not have current contact information for them.

Trusting the words and truth of these three ceremonial leaders and men of honour will be sufficient to fulfill the criteria.

If you have questions or require clarification, please feel free to contact me - best by telephone as I soon depart for another Sundance.

Wopila Tanka (Great Thanks) for your assistance in rectifying this matter.

Blessings & Gratitude,
Chief Tsunka Wakan Sapa


Hello Mr. Scott,

Our contact information has always been on our website and you could have easily contacted us at the start.

We always welcome any additional information which can clear these matters up and would gladly post any statement of yours. You are also welcome to join and post it yourself and answer any questions from members.

Your being placed in the Fraud category was not due to any one person. All persons placed there have shown themselves to either misrepresent who they are and what they do, sell ceremonies, or abuse their followers, or some combination of these.

In your case you falsely claim to be enrolled with the CNO and to be a Lakota chief with "rights" to sell Lakota ceremonies. Sometimes you says CNO descent and this may perhaps be more accurate. But traditional Cherokee don't do sweatlodges, and they certainly don't falsely claim any right to do them. And no one has any right to sell them, period.

You also have distinctly New Age rather than traditional beliefs and practices. You believe in the Toltec nonsense propagated by the original New Age exploiter Carlos Castaneda, a fraud who led a very destructive cult that has spread more lies about Native people than any group outside of Hollywood. Your followers, such as the ones who organized your San Jose ceremony selling, are also New Agers and "lightworkers."

As for Crow Dog, he has done much good for his people, but his frequently making any white New Age twinkie a "chief" is wrong and very destructive.

I could not be less impressed by you claiming one of those non-Native New Age twinkies, Michael Hull, as supposedly a "chief" who makes you legitimate.

Hull is a fraud and exploiter, a longtime associate of fellow fraud Mary Grimes, another imposter calling herself "Mary Thunder" who claimed a vision after hallucinations during a stomach stapling operation to control her weight problem. (The account of this came from an actual Lakota, Mike Two Horses.)

I personally protested Mr. Hull's theft of public funds, misrepresenting himself as an American Indian and a "chief" to speak at American Indian Heritage Month at an event at a public university. This was taking public funds by deception.

Endorsement of you by another of the Grimes, Richard, is equally unimpressive and downright damning.

We have also received an account by a former follower describing exploitation, being expected to give up any and all monies to you.

If you want to be taken off the list, it would be fairly simple to do so:

Stop your exploitation and fraud.

Stop selling ceremony.

Return all the money you have taken.

Learn Cherokee tradition rather than that of an unrelated tribe.

Publicly apologize for all the harm done.

I remain open to further discussion from you or any of the other persons you mention.

I should also tell you that any and all emails between us will become public so that all can see what was said. Phone and email addresses will be removed of course.

Al Carroll, moderator

Offline Twinkie_Slayer

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2012, 02:06:53 pm »
 Phillip got at least one thing right: I never participated in any of his "ceremonies". Don't need to, to see that he is a fraud. After he came to our attention here, he dropped the "chief" title from his web page and was really laying low in my area. I notice that he has his shingle out again for sweats in the Petaluma area again.


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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #23 on: July 19, 2012, 03:45:21 am »
I cannot watch this video tonight.  My laptop is acting the donkey.   :P

I'm sure it is very informative.



Offline Twinkie_Slayer

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #24 on: July 19, 2012, 02:46:54 pm »
 He's just a jack of all trades now, isn't he? At least in this video, he's using the title "Chief" Black Horse again though I am not sure when this was made.

Offline Twinkie_Slayer

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #25 on: July 19, 2012, 06:44:56 pm »

   I saw your introductory post and your account of your involvement in the Texas Astroturf "sundance".  I am interested in anything you might be able to tell us about your experiences and/or observations regarding Phillip Scott. He resides and is very active in my area, and I'd like to know more about what he's up to, if possible.


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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #26 on: July 20, 2012, 01:02:32 am »

   I saw your introductory post and your account of your involvement in the Texas Astroturf "sundance".  I am interested in anything you might be able to tell us about your experiences and/or observations regarding Phillip Scott. He resides and is very active in my area, and I'd like to know more about what he's up to, if possible.

Since the group I am moving away from is proving to be meddlesome, I would prefer any details given at this point to be in the form of PM.  If you have something specific you are wondering about, let me know.

Offline native_avenger

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #27 on: November 02, 2012, 05:36:46 pm »
I myself was never a student of Phillip's, but I know a few who were several years ago.  At that time he charged approx $300 for a one day workshop.   I'm not sure how much his students were charged, as it was a flat annual rate, but I'm working with a couple of them to join this website and relay their personal experiences.  Many of his former students were traumatized by the ordeals they endured, as he is a known manipulator of vulnerable women.  He accepts men into his circle as well, but definitely preys upon the women.  Several people have fallen ill in his sweat lodges, suffering everything from dehydration cramping to epileptic seizures.  He is dangerous to those who don't know better.  He's a joke in the northern California native community.  He's harmless in a lot of ways, but has the ability to inflict a lot of psychological and emotional damage. 


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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #28 on: November 03, 2012, 02:28:59 pm »
I witnessed Philip Scott conduct a sweat lodge at the Lone Star Sun Dance.  It was the end of the day.  People were exhausted.  It was still well over 100 degrees outside.  People crawled in a huge lodge.  Holds 60 people comfortably.  I watched from the outside as he conducted 4 rounds of the lodge.  I was 15 feet away in a sitting area.  Philip never brought in any water to cool the stones.  I watched in horror as he did this.  When the lodge was over I asked several participants why he did this.  In the lodge Philip said he wanted the supporters to fully understand the suffering and sacrifice of the Sun Dancers.

Different people have said he charges anywhere from 1500 to 5000 a year to his students. Plus the cost of attending Sun Dance in Lampassas.

Offline adam1981

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Re: Ancestral Voices/ Phillip Scott
« Reply #29 on: January 13, 2013, 05:51:33 pm »

I wanted to offer my perspective on Phillip Scott. I have never been a formal student of his, but I have attended several of his ceremonies and observed him under various circumstances.

I first met Mr. Scott while volunteering at the Labyrinth Guild at Grace Cathedral of San Francisco, a sacred and forward-feeling Christian institution. He was invited to perform musical ceremony at a Labyrinth Event, a type of Medicine Wheel. As soon as I set eyes on Phillip I was impressed. His body language continuously speaks of his authenticity and strength as a human being. I then attended a number of Inipi ceremonies and received great benefit from Phillip's Medicine, while observing many auspicious events in his presence.

Phillip Scott is one of the strongest and most sincere men I have ever met. His word is impeccable and he is as fearless as one gets while doing so much work with the body. He teaches great reverence for the feminine Grandmother aspect and I have never seen him act in any other way but respectful towards the women of his community. Based on direct observation I have little doubt about the potency of his Medicine.

It is important to understand that Phillip Scott has Sundanced for over two decades. There are no "Twinkie Sundances." There are only Sundances that do not permit the ego to pass, and there is nothing else. But one cannot take the word of a forum thread in the case of such sacred Medicine. One must meet Phillip Scott for themselves, look at the scars over his body, stare at the lightning in his eyes, and observe his behavior and consequent Medicine.

Phillip Scott never charges for traditional ceremony. Everyone is welcome to observe and experience it for themselves.

Kind Regards,