Author Topic: Cherry Valley Farm, Retreat, & Cate Crow's plagiarized fake cancer cures  (Read 62173 times)

Offline catecrow

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Re: Cherry Valley Farm & Retreat (split from Pete Bernard thread)
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2014, 02:38:07 pm »
I respect that earth. I do understand. I have never intentionally disrespected any religious belief. If I have said or done anything that has offended you or any native person, I am so sorry. It was never my intent and if I did it was from lack of knowledge.


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Re: Cherry Valley Farm & Retreat (split from Pete Bernard thread)
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2014, 02:47:42 pm »
Thank you, Cate.  I think your intentions are good and that you felt you were doing the right thing.  That is all any of us can do in life.

I am sorry that you felt the need to delete all your posts, however, since this serves no purpose whatsoever. Anyone reading the threads cannot see the process you went through in coming to your final thoughts.

Offline catecrow

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Re: Cherry Valley Farm & Retreat (split from Pete Bernard thread)
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2014, 03:05:51 pm »
Thank you Autumn. I was feeling embarrassed and upset yesterday, to be honest, could not sleep and just wanted to erase time.

Have to go now. Thanks again.

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Re: Cherry Valley Farm & Retreat (split from Pete Bernard thread)
« Reply #18 on: August 20, 2014, 04:02:03 pm »

We have already got a thread on Essiac:

As the post dates from 2011, the Wikipedia entry meanwhile has seen many changes effected.
One of them, quite incidentially, concerns the part where the article explained that from seven ingredients of Essiac, three are not native to North America. This speaks against a traditional indigenous mix.
According to the Wikipedia article, the recipe allgedly came from an Ojibwe medicine man.

The other thing is that the claims of Caisse having "fought the cancer industry who wanted to shut her down because she was actually curing people with herbs" are not based on facts. There is no 'cancer industry', Caisse had her own clinic which she closed in 1942 but continued to treat patients although she was no medical doctor. There is no proof of her having cured any person, and the tea was not approved as a medical treatment in Canada and the USA or anywhere else. It is therefore sold as a dietary supplement.

And last not least: chemotherapy does not kill people. Cancer does. And keeping people ignorant resp pulling wool over their eyes does.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Cherry Valley Farm & Retreat (split from Pete Bernard thread)
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2014, 06:10:47 pm »
I have a mix of Scottish, Irish and some of my relations are Cree who live in Manitoba and Ontario.
Google Druid labyrinth,
I apologize again for losing my cool yesterday. Take Care.

Go raibh maith agaibh / Tapdh leibh for your apology, Cate. 

I also have Irish and Scottish ancestors, and relatives among some of the eastern Nations.  People from outside Celtic cultures started harming the ways of our ancestors long before they got to Turtle Island to try the same thing on the Natives here. But some of our ways survived. They do not include "druid labyrinths." I was asking for an actual, historically sound source, not the nuage pages that come up in a google search.  I'll continue this in the thread on Nora, here:

Offline Sturmboe

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Re: Cherry Valley Farm & Retreat (split from Pete Bernard thread)
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2014, 08:19:12 am »

For 50 years Rene fought the cancer industry who wanted to shut her down because she was actually curing people with herbs. ... Cancer was the #1 profit making disease in the industry...still is. ...

I gave the formula to a friend of mine who was a doctor with stage 4 ovarian cancer. Her cancer marker went from 487 to 214 on the Essiac formula. When her oncologist asked her what she was doing, she told him. ... She is alive and well today and feels it really helped her....Chemo and radiation is harder on the body then anything else. Chemo is poison. I personally feel it kills more people then it cures. And no, I was not aware of the side effects of the herbs.

No one has ever forced anyone to walk a labyrinth. They are used for quiet reflection today and spiritual insight. They are being built in Canada in hospitals, parks, mental institutions etc. because they are shown to help people.

I found the labyrinth very helpful when dealing with my divorce, depression, anxiety and PTSD.
I wouldn't recommend it or write about it if I didn't feel it helped others.

1.The pharmaceutical industry makes in some cases problems. Ethno - biologists asking for medical effects of plants and its medication traditional elders and other healers. The scientists take this plant, they do their research - and if this plant is effective for some deseases they apply for a patent, this plant for these deseases. In this case it is forbidden to use this plant in another way, this means, a healer is not more allowed to use this plant, what he used a long time, for these deseases the pharmacy got its patent. I don´t know if this "rule" has changed. The pharmacy got a big lobby and their way of work is not in any cases ethically.

2. There are a lot of different forms of cancer, (breast - cancer got 8 different forms or more) to be treated in different ways, some with chemo, some with radiation, and there are other therapies. Chemo and radiation did not help in any forms of cancer.
Some forms of cancer are changing its "life", some becoming more aggressiv.
Some formes can be healed, other not.
The problem of chemo is, it kills all the cells, just not the cancer - cells, chemo cannot differ between good and bad cells, so the results are critical for the patients. Does chemo heals? The opinions are different, even some patients who used chemo got their ambivalent relationship to this chemical treatment.
The pharmacy is looking for other ways, Taxus baccata was one plant they did their researches on its (poisened) contents, but I don´t know the results.
There are Off - preparation which is normaly not used for this special desease, but they make their studies to find out if it helps or not.

3 & 4. The experience of one or few people does not mean this can help a lot of others. In some cases it could help, but it can forces other patients in a very critcal situation, it can trigger, develop fear, push in an uncontrollable situation. For these patient there is no quite reflection.
Also a Labyrinth can be a place a patient can hide away to be "invisible" for others.
I also can imgagine that this Labyrinth can be used as a part of therapy (like an expo or confrontation) the patient should learn to stand by a harming situation and look for skills to use. This part in a therapy is hard.

What helps, what not, depends on the patient and in special cases, if he is stabilized for it, it depends the way of treating he had to make his next step.
The Labyrinth is ok for some, for other people it is the tower, the bridge, the garden, the field, ... .

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Re: Cherry Valley Farm & Retreat (split from Pete Bernard thread)
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2014, 05:49:24 pm »
I'm going to start by apologizing for anything I said that was upsetting. It was never my intent to come in here and create anger. I came in to support a friend only. Her experience is very real. My spiritual beliefs are my own and I'm allowed to have them. I never claimed to follow traditional native teachings even if I have the utmost respect for them. I have a mix of Scottish, Irish and some of my relations are Cree who live in Manitoba and Ontario.

I've read a lot about Rene Caisse. She was from Bracebridge, Ontario. There are statues to her in that town. Rene was a nurse who had a patient in 1922. This woman told Rene she had breast cancer and was cured by the Ojibwa. She wrote down the recipe she was given to Rene. The formula is the same one I gave the owner of Cherry Valley. It is straight from the lips of an Ontario Ojibwa elder and I think that is obvious when you read that post carefully. I didn't write what was on the website, I simply e-mailed her the formula. And no, I'm not going to give his name after I saw my personal information bandied about in here. I never asked for that when I came in here. I will know better than to come on a chat site on the internet under my own name again. My fault. Lesson learned. For 50 years Rene fought the cancer industry who wanted to shut her down because she was actually curing people with herbs. She cured thousands of patients across Canada and the USA even JFK's personal physician. He wanted to go public with the formula but was threatened with jail if he did. Cancer was the #1 profit making disease in the industry...still is. I gave the formula to a friend of mine who was a doctor with stage 4 ovarian cancer. Her cancer marker went from 487 to 214 on the Essiac formula. When her oncologist asked her what she was doing, she told him. He approved. This was before she started conventional treatment. She is alive and well today and feels it really helped her. It has a long history of documented success. Chemo and radiation is harder on the body then anything else. Chemo is poison. I personally feel it kills more people then it cures. And no, I was not aware of the side effects of the herbs.

The facts I wrote on the labyrinth are all documented and can be found on different websites. Google Druid labyrinth, Native American labyrinth, Christian labyrinth, Roman labyrinth, Greek labyrinth and it all comes up. I know that chakras and kundalini energy have nothing to do with NDN or druid beliefs. That is one of the interpretations of the labyrinth design from Eastern religions. Thank you for informing me of the dangers. For the Christians, the 7 circuits are based on the 7 sacraments. No one has ever forced anyone to walk a labyrinth. They are used for quiet reflection today and spiritual insight. They are being built in Canada in hospitals, parks, mental institutions etc. because they are shown to help people. I found the labyrinth very helpful when dealing with my divorce, depression, anxiety and PTSD. I wouldn't recommend it or write about it if I didn't feel it helped others. I'm a retired teacher and I write for a local newspaper. I get assignments from the editor and I cover the story. I did the labyrinth and portal tours for free. If the owner wants to collect a donation to support her farm, that is up to her. She is an elderly lady and relies on the income to support herself. She is by no means rich, quite the opposite, and her farm is in desperate need of repair. I was never employed by her.

As for Nora's is what it is. That is her story. I'm not questioning it. I had my own NDE in 1999 and surprisingly saw Jesus. I wasn't a church goer at the time. I'm still not. I still feel my closest connection to God in nature. I said it was not for ME to question her. I believe her. I only wanted to support her. I think it is important to talk to the person who is being discussed. I would be required to do that for any news story.

I won't bother you again and I would really appreciate it if you stopped posting about me. I taught and I write local news articles. I'm a private person who is really quite shy and reserved. I'm not making a living on spiritual beliefs. I did a favor for the owner of Cherry ValIey about 4 times last summer. I no longer do that. I apologize again for losing my cool yesterday. Take Care.

Quoting in case Cate deletes it.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Cherry Valley Farm, Retreat, & Cate Crow's plagiarized fake cancer cures
« Reply #22 on: August 25, 2014, 09:07:08 pm »
Well, after saying she wouldn't, Cate not only deleted her posts, she found a way to delete the entire thread. She is now banned, and the ability for non-admins to delete threads has been removed. We keep backups, so this is the state of the thread when it was backed up. I have the other deleted posts cached, and will post them shortly.

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Re: Cherry Valley Farm, Retreat, & Cate Crow's plagiarized fake cancer cures
« Reply #23 on: August 25, 2014, 09:35:40 pm »
Some of the posts from page 2 were lost. Here is the deleted text we had cached. We also have screencaps of pages 1 and 3. Others of you probably got the missing p.2 posts in your email if you're following the thread. Feel free to add anything that got lost. 


« on: 21 August 2014 »

Quote from: catecrow on 21 August 2014 at 17:48:36
  The owner herself is 100% Irish and proud of it...has never claimed to be native or a medicine woman and I highly doubt she ever will. She had a traditional native ceremony performed by a full blooded native at the farm. I think it was to honor the earth's spirits or something. I can't remember exactly what is was. Her great, great grandfather, who came from Cherry Valley in Ireland purchased the land in 1844. Before that it was Ojibwa territory. She honors the spiritual beliefs of everyone. I didn't teach "druid labyrinths". I taught about the history of the labyrinth. I do include The Tor in Glastonbury, England as such a labyrinth. That theory was proposed in 1968 by British scholar Geoffrey Russell. Another scholar, Geoffrey Ashes spent ten years investigating the Tor and wrote a book concluding it was a labyrinth in 1979. I share their theories, that is all. It is totally fine if you disagree with that theory because there are others out there. There is also a druid connection to the Cathedral at Chartres in France.

Again, Christian and Greek labyrinths have nothing to do with the druids, or with Ireland. Your friend may have Irish blood, but I see nothing culturally Irish on the site. It's all newage misappropriations.

Geoffrey Ashe (not "Ashes") is an Englishman. He lived at Glastonbury (which is in England, not in any Celtic Nation) for a number of years, but he is more into Arthurian legend, Christian Hermetic/Ceremonial magic, and new age thought than anything Irish. You are misrepresenting his work.  In his own words, "Weathering, trampling, and shiftings of soil and strata have made parts of this hypothetical scheme a matter of conjecture." The "hypothetical scheme" being whether or not the paths up the hill could have ever connected in anything resembling a labyrinth. Mutual friends say Ashe was kind to them when they visited him at Glastonbury, but he's not known to be an expert in anything having to do with the draoithe.  I think he knows enough in his area of expertise (Arthurian literature) that he wouldn't claim what he's doing is in any way Irish.

You've never provided any sources, just repeated the same claims, Cate. Please stop spreading misinformation. I'm sorry but there aren't reliable sources for your claims about druids, and even if there were, it doesn't change the fact that a lot of newage and culturally insensitive stuff is going on at your friends' farm.


Posted by: Smart Mule
« on: 21 August 2014 at 18:35:00 »

Quote from: catecrow on 21 August 2014 at 17:48:36
    Thank you and no I wasn't going to delete a heartfelt apology:

    If you want to research, I will give you this much information....Regarding the Essiac formula...A full blooded Ojibwa (Sault St. Marie) Chippewa who is a doctor/professor of Native American Studies at a western university, informed that the tribal medicine society, Midewiwin, is extremely secretive. He suggested that the formula Rene Caisse learned of was probably a specific remedy for a particular patient. The Midewiwin use herbs that are indigenous to their region and call upon their spirit guides and intuition as well as their training and experience to assist them in deciding which particular plants would benefit their "patients".

I don't know of any Midewiwin that use the term 'spirit guides'.  Actually, I don't know of any traditional people who use that term.  Who is this mysterious professor?

     Caisse herself was secretive about the formula. It was recorded that Nurse Caisse experienced a recovery rate of over 80% (that was recorded from her clinic in Bracebridge, Ontario).

So it was her word, that a formula used by a Midewiwin on one specific patient, cured 80% of her patients?

     The Ojibwa man you are looking for is a retired naturopathic doctor in California. He is elderly and this information was given years ago. His father and his grandfathers on his father's side were all Ojibwa Medicine men from Ontario. He explained that he decided to practice in a white man's environment in LA but that he never lost the meaning of belonging to the Midewiwin. He said he was saddened by all the commercial nonsense and fighting over the rights of this formula and stated, "this formula is a gift from the Ojibwa to all mankind, all races, anyone! Why can 't everyone just say thank you and accept it?" This is from him...not Cherry Valley and not me.


     There are no patients at Cherry Valley. No medicine is taught at Cherry Valley. It is unfortunate that the owner called it the Ojibway Cancer Cure. The owner herself is 100% Irish and proud of it...has never claimed to be native or a medicine woman and I highly doubt she ever will.

She best caution herself, she's opened herself up to a wrongful death suit.

     She had a traditional native ceremony performed by a full blooded native at the farm. I think it was to honor the earth's spirits or something. I can't remember exactly what is was. Her great, great grandfather, who came from Cherry Valley in Ireland purchased the land in 1844. Before that it was Ojibwa territory. She honors the spiritual beliefs of everyone.

Honoring, in my opinion, is respecting, not appropriating.  There is no respect in appropriation.

     I didn't teach "druid labyrinths". I taught about the history of the labyrinth. I do include The Tor in Glastonbury, England as such a labyrinth. That theory was proposed in 1968 by British scholar Geoffrey Russell. Another scholar, Geoffrey Ashes spent ten years investigating the Tor and wrote a book concluding it was a labyrinth in 1979. I share their theories, that is all. It is totally fine if you disagree with that theory because there are others out there. There is also a druid connection to the Cathedral at Chartres in France.

There are the remains of iron age metal works there.  Do you think the druids would use this as a sacred place if there were weapons being made there?

     Anyway, here is the direct quote of the good Ojibwa doctor that I gave the owner of Cherry Valley:

    "This formula is a gift from the Ojibwa to all mankind, all races, anyone. Just say thank you and accept it".
    "I use a big handful of chopped dried Burdock Root (my hands are kind of big, this weighs about 3 ounces).
    Then I use a big handful of chopped dried Sheep Sorrel herb (this weighs about one ounce".
    Then I use big pieces of dried Turkey Rhubarb Root amounting to about 1/2 ounce total (I use big pieces so the
    laxative effect is not boiled away).
    Than I add a wad of dried Slippery Elm (inner bark) about the size of a golf ball (about 1/18 of an ounce).
    This makes a one week's supply, so boil it for about 15 minutes in one gallon of water (only use distilled, spring
    or thoroughly filtered water) then let it soak overnight in the gallon of water, strain it and store it in a one gallon
    apple juice jug in your fridge.
    Drink one 8 ounce cup twice a day (or more if you feel like it). Don't dilute it like some kind of wimpy white
    man health food store thinking. It tastes kind of thick and slippery. If you do heat it do it on a burner in a small
    sauce pan. Don't ever heat in a microwave or it will be useless.
    - By the way, when you drink it pray that your body will get back in harmony with the Great Spirit"
    "Sometimes when tumors are very stubborn you have to use Blood Root along with the formula.
    If you are using Blood Root tincture with the Ojibwa tea follow these instructions carefully:
    On the average 5 - 10 drops (NOT DROPPERS) 2 times a day with your 'tea'.
    - However, your tolerable threshold must be found, To accomplish this, start with 5 drops.
    Increase dosage by 1 drop per day until nausea occurs. If nausea occurs before you reach 10 drops, then back
    down 1 drop and hold that dosage. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES EXCEED 10 DROPS.
    If nausea occurs with the initial 5 drops, then start with 1 drop and work your way to your tolerable doseage.
    If all you can tolerate is 1 - 2 drops try increasing dosage by 1 drop after a week's use.
    If you still can only handle 1 -2 drops then that is all you need & it’s doing as well as 10 drops for someone else.
    Blood Root is an extremely powerful substance.
    There are some (usually those who have a financial interest in chemotherapy, radiation or pharmacuetical companies)
    that say never take Blood Root internally, it's way too dangerous (and chemo and radiation isn't?).
    However, we have observed no negative reactions in 100% of the patients we have treated with Blood Root
    tincture when taken in these tolerable doses".

Burdock root is not native to the americas.  Sheep sorrel is not native to the americas.  Turkey rhubarb is not native to the americas.


« on:  21 August 2014  at 18:37:56 »

Quote from: catecrow on  21 August 2014  at 17:48:36
   The owner herself...has never claimed to be native or a medicine woman

Cate, we can read her own words: "[Nora] taught me how to connect with and work with my higher self a medicine woman Nahani who is the one who has been doing the accurate predictions and amazing healings through me." signed at the bottom of the page by Nancy Huber (nee Fletcher).

Ms. Huber also claims to be a "Munay-Ki Rite Gifter" - Munay-Ki is a pretendian thing.

More on Nancy Fletcher Huber in the Nora Anderson thread:

Are you trying to gaslight us, Cate? It sure seems that way.


Posted by: Smart Mule
« on:  21 August 2014  at 18:48:10 »

You're a plagiarist. Essiac: A Native Herbal Cancer Remedy By Cynthia B. Olsen, Jim Chan - Chapter 8 The Possible Missing Ingredient.  Google books has the chapter available online.  Also starting at page 5 (this is where she lifted the bit about the full blooded nameless professor)


Posted by: catecrow
« on:  21 August 2014 at 18:48:26 »

Okay, I just responded to all this and I don't know where it went.

I'll do more research on that part of the labyrinth. Fair enough.

Any complaint you have with the owner of Cherry Valley, you will have to take up with her and not me. It's not my farm and I don't give talks on the labyrinth there anymore.

Good night


« on:  21 August 2014  at 18:55:30 »

Cate! You lifted that word for word from someone's book! Holy crap that is immoral!

Making screencaps now.

The notice on EVERY PAGE has a copyright notice. Cate, this is horrific. Not only did you lie about this formula "coming direct from the lips of an Ojibwe Elder," which we already knew was a lie, you plagiarized someone's work and represented it as your own story. This is appalling.

You wrote it as if YOU heard it in person, not in a forwarded email. You have been profoundly dishonest.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2019, 11:09:44 pm by NAFPS Housekeeping »

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Cherry Valley Farm, Retreat, & Cate Crow's plagiarized fake cancer cures
« Reply #24 on: August 25, 2014, 09:53:40 pm »
Page 3 text. Also have screencaps on file.

Smart Mule
Re: Cherry Valley Farm & Retreat (split from Pete Bernard thread)
« Reply #30 on: 21 August 2014 at 19:08:51 »

Quote from: catecrow on 21 August 2014 at 19:03:02
     I did not know that. That was an e-mail I received word for word from a friend who told me it came straight from the lips of an Ojibwa elder  and filled me in on all his info and I passed it on to the owner of Cherry Valley. If I knew it came from a book I would have quoted the source.

At this point I don't see any reason to believe you.  Not about Nora, not about anything.  You've based your labyrinth talks on shoddy inaccurate googled information (that others now believe is true).  You've passed on plagiarized information without vetting it, opening your friend up to an additional lawsuit.

And people think we're mean because we try and warn people about how damaging and dangerous the whole newage movement is  :o

Smart Mule
Re: Cherry Valley Farm & Retreat (split from Pete Bernard thread)
« Reply #31 on: 21 August 2014 at 19:17:33 »  Additional plagiarism


Smart Mule
Re: Cherry Valley Farm, Retreat, & Kate Crow's plagiarized fake cancer cures
« Reply #32 on: 21 August 2014 at 19:30:45 »

and....she owns the book

"Essiac - A Native Herbal Cancer Remedy
Posted by Cate Crow, 6 years ago

"Highly recommended book for anyone with cancer or who knows someone going through it. The Ojibwa natives gave this herbal recipe to Canadian nurse Rene Caisse in 1922. Thousands claim (even to this day) that this recipe made from 4 safe, readily available, non-toxic herbs boiled into a tea and taken daily eased their suffering or ended it entirely and restored them to full health when all else had failed. For over 55 years Rene fought the medical establishment and the cancer industry who wanted to outlaw the herbal formula that was actually curing people. "A Native Herbal Cancer Remedy" book even includes the missing herbal ingredient from the original Essiac formula which was only added for very stubborn cancer tumours. It also includes the full Essiac recipe with step by step instructions on how to make it, use it and store it. Dr. Frederick Banting, who discovered insulin, found this formula equally helpful for diabetic sufferers as well. A remarkable story and "tea"."


Re: Cherry Valley Farm, Retreat, & Kate Crow's plagiarized fake cancer cures
« Reply #33 on: 21 August 2014 at 19:34:50 »

Not plagarism if the source is quoted. I never wrote it as if it was told to me personally. That was your interpretation. I stand by Essiac and I stand by the Chaga Mushroom.


Smart Mule
Re: Cherry Valley Farm, Retreat, & Kate Crow's plagiarized fake cancer cures
« Reply #34 on: 21 August 2014 at 19:39:09 »

Quote from: catecrow on 21 August 2014 at 19:34:50
    Not plagarism if the source is quoted. I never wrote it as if it was told to me personally. That was your interpretation. I stand by Essiac and I stand by the Chaga Mushroom.

You don't source your information.  In a different post you stated the information was sent to you via email

Quote from: catecrow on 21 August 2014 at 19:03:02
    That was an e-mail I received word for word from a friend who told me it came straight from the lips of an Ojibwa elder  and filled me in on all his info and I passed it on to the owner of Cherry Valley.


Re: Cherry Valley Farm, Retreat, & Kate Crow's plagiarized fake cancer cures
« Reply #35 on: 21 August 2014 at 19:40:50 »

"and....she owns the book"

So what??? That was a review I wrote on that book after I read it. The quote is by me, not the book.

Now this is just getting plain silly. Now you are going into Indigo's book sites and looking at reviews I wrote on books I've read????


Re: Cherry Valley Farm, Retreat, & Kate Crow's plagiarized fake cancer cures
« Reply #36 on: 21 August 2014 at 19:42:43 »

What the review proves is that you had read the book and knew the actual source, yet continued to misrepresent it, both as "straight from the lips of an Ojibwe Elder" as well as it being your own account of these fictional events. You are a plagiarist and a liar.

You are insulting the intelligence of all the people on this forum. That may fly with the nuagers. It doesn't fly here.


Smart Mule
Re: Cherry Valley Farm, Retreat, & Kate Crow's plagiarized fake cancer cures
« Reply #37 on: 21 August 2014 at 19:43:01 »

Cate, you said -
Quote from: catecrow on 21 August 2014 at 19:03:02
    That was an e-mail I received word for word from a friend who told me it came straight from the lips of an Ojibwa elder  and filled me in on all his info and I passed it on to the owner of Cherry Valley.

If you owned the book then how could you not possible realize that the information your friend sent to you was not out of the book verbatim?  Why didn't you source the book on the Cherry Valley site or in your article when what you wrote was taken directly from it?

Pages: 1 2 [3]
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Cate's scheduled "Ojibway Cancer Cures" workshop has been removed from the public Cherry Valley site. But given the level of deception she's shown, I would not assume this means it's been cancelled. We've often seen with frauds that they just advertise this stuff via their mailing lists. Here's the screen cap:
« Last Edit: July 30, 2019, 11:08:19 pm by NAFPS Housekeeping »

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Re: Cherry Valley Farm, Retreat, & Cate Crow's plagiarized fake cancer cures
« Reply #25 on: August 25, 2014, 09:59:22 pm »
More screencaps of the text Cate plagiarized this is only some of it. She also plagiarized sections from Chapter 5. The book is available at the links up-thread, but also caching it here for the record.

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Re: Cherry Valley Farm, Retreat, & Cate Crow's plagiarized fake cancer cures
« Reply #26 on: August 25, 2014, 10:03:43 pm »
« Last Edit: July 30, 2019, 11:10:20 pm by NAFPS Housekeeping »

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Re: Cherry Valley Farm, Retreat, & Cate Crow's plagiarized fake cancer cures
« Reply #27 on: August 27, 2014, 11:34:10 pm »
As the owner of Cherry Valley is leading pretendian "Munay-Ki" workshops, here is our thread on that scam:

And since it was lost in the deleted posts, the URL of the Cherry Valley homepage:

On Facebook:

As seen on their workshop page, their main page, and their listing at this newage site   they are also doing pretendian "Animal Totems" workshops:
« Last Edit: July 30, 2019, 11:10:35 pm by NAFPS Housekeeping »

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Re: Cherry Valley Farm, Retreat, & Cate Crow's plagiarized fake cancer cures
« Reply #28 on: August 28, 2014, 12:19:16 am »

We Are All As One….
Enhancing Our Life Experience!
Developing a deeper connection to your self, to each other and to all living things.
In this day of technology with our need to rush through life we often miss so much that the experience of living has to offer. Our fast paced life style leaves us feeling empty, hollow and disconnected. We feel lost and unsure of ourselves more than ever.
In this session we will slow things down and stop to evaluate some of the amazing things we are missing in our hurry to get through to the next day. There is so much disconnect on our planet and between beings that we no longer feel apart of this vast and glorious place we call earth.
Our spirits have come here to learn and explore through learning. Life is not a rush to the finish line. Our souls have elected to walk as humans with grace and love, to enjoy the beauty and the glory of all that exists in this world. We are meant to connect with one another in order to share in nature and in love.
During this reawaking we will delve into a deeper understanding of how to connect to our inner beings. We will work to experience the love of the self first and then move to the understanding of how to love one another in acceptance and understanding.
Once we have opened our hearts to this, we will move to exploring and understanding our relationship with nature and we will rediscover the beauty of understanding that we are all as one.
Topics Include:
Meditation and Creative Visualization
How to hear and understand your inner voice
Energy Clearing
Energetic Connections and their effects
Respecting the self, nature and all living beings
Connecting to nature (plants, earth, sky)
The cycle of life
Where love and ego fit
Native belief and honouring concepts
Water and its energetic power and influence
Conscious intention – the secret of life
And much more!
This event takes place at Cherry Valley Retreat (the farm) Saturday August 16th 9:00am to 4:30pm #7168 10th Line Essa L0L 2N0 The number there is 705-458-9528
$175.00 +hst= $197.
A lunch will be served.
To register call Nancy 905-895-2871 or write

Offline Smart Mule

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Re: Cherry Valley Farm, Retreat, & Cate Crow's plagiarized fake cancer cures
« Reply #29 on: August 28, 2014, 12:21:08 am »

Saturday July 26th 1 :00pm to 3:00pm at Cherry Valley Retreat # 7168 10th Line Essa L0L 2N0 the phone number there is 705-458-9528
This Course is intended to map out a Transformation of your own Personal Life Choices, of where you are right now in your Life, and where you are in connectivity to the Universal Infinite ALL.
The Medicine Wheel guides us to our Connection to SEE all Aspects of our Life. So that we can live in a way that is healthy and brings healing to Mother Earth and all of our Family and her Kingdoms!
These Teachings will enhance the 8 Directions within Yourself, so that you will go beyond the basic understandings of the steps you have taken in Life – Why you keep following the same cycles, patterns. Why you unconsciously keep making the same choices that disconnect you from that Inner Seedling Of LIGHT that is of Infinite LOVE within.
We are going to access those Patterns or Choices, We are to going RE-CREATE a new Pattern of your own choice through a Vibrational Shift in your Consciousness.
The Medicine Wheel enables us to Transform and Align to new Movements and Vibrations of Consciousness and Awareness that AWAKENS our True Path of Enlightenment.
It is through understanding of the True Self that Transformation can take place within your OWN Consciousness.
As we let go of those negative Shadow Dancers who bring us those Same Fear based Patterns, through the Medicine Wheel, we step into ONENESS OF ALL KNOWING, and this is MY TEACHINGS to YOU!
This Course is ongoing and will move you, elevate you, and shift your AWARENESS of WHO YOU ARE. $20.
If you need directions they are on the Contact page of