Author Topic: Madison McKenzie Moore / Aron Taylor / Erin Taylor / "Black Eagle" / "Nibwaskaa Ah-Ki Ojibwekwe Ogic  (Read 57532 times)

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1449
Her Facebook page

Another Facebook page

Both links now give this response:

This page isn't available
The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.

This FB page shares or quotes much of her stuff:
The Matter in Prose
31 December 2018 · 
Madison Moore?
Nibwaskaa Ah-Ki Ojibwekwe Ogichidaa?
The Matter in Prose
30 December 2018 · 
Madison Moore?
Nibwaskaa Ah-Ki Ojibwekwe Ogichidaa?
13 Grandmothers
The Matter in Prose
29 December 2018 · 
Madison Moore
?Nibwaskaa Ah-Ki Ojibwekwe Ogichidaa

Clicking the profile link Nibwaskaa Ah-Ki Ojibwekwe Ogichidaa now leads to her present FB profile: [Madison McKenzie Moore]

This person must be extremely egotistical, uploading new photos and videos of herself up to several times a day.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1449
Uploaded here is her claim that a particular design is "very sacred to my family" and "we have found the mark as far back as 500 BC".

(source - as usual don't know how long the FB link will remain)

And by now it's gone. You may still see that particular design here: (8 days ago)

Last link gone, too: "This track was not found. Maybe it has been removed — Learn more". Still here:

In case she removes that one, too, you may see the image here:

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1449
Re: Madison Moore claims she is Matriarch of the Reindeer Clan
« Reply #32 on: March 13, 2019, 02:40:48 pm »
I seen she was posting on the Oneida of the Thames page under the name: Nibwaskaa Ah-Ki Ojibwekwe Ogichidaa, and telling someone on there to broadcast a ceremony live and she was arguing with him when he said no.  She is posting a lot on that page I think I will warn the moderator of that page about this blog on her.

She persists posting there, now using her regular name and new FB profile Madison McKenzie Moore (
Madison McKenzie Moore shared a live video.
9 March at 18:34
Lights Love

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1449
Re: Madison Moore claims she is Matriarch of the Reindeer Clan
« Reply #33 on: March 21, 2019, 06:10:44 am »
She persists posting there, now using her regular name and new FB profile Madison McKenzie Moore

Link I: "Sorry, this content isn't available at the moment".
Link II: "Warning This post has been removed or could not be loaded."

Does she read here and then deletes everything that we point to?

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1449
I want to emphasize that Madison Moore appears to be seriously mentally unwell.
Ideally someone would do a welfare check on her, ideally she would get some professional help.

Yes, therefore maybe we should stop quoting from her posts, which she then removes?

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1449
Re: Madison Moore claims she is Matriarch of the Reindeer Clan
« Reply #35 on: April 07, 2019, 12:37:07 am »
Link I: "Sorry, this content isn't available at the moment".
Link II: "Warning This post has been removed or could not be loaded."

Both links are up and going again, right now. For how long?

Offline WINative

  • Posts: 171
It looks like her posts from the Oneida of the Thames Facebook page were removed. I had contacted the administrator and he supported us in this work. So that's a good thing.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1449
It looks like her posts from the Oneida of the Thames Facebook page were removed. I had contacted the administrator and he supported us in this work. So that's a good thing.

This profile is now visible and very active again:

By searching the Oneida Nation of the Thames Facebook page, I found more than 40 posts by Madison McKenzie Moore AKA Nibwaakaa Aki Anishinabekwe Ogichidaakwe.

These posts will disappear every time she deactivates that FB account, and re-appear when she activates it again.

Here is an example, a 25 minutes video where she reads some version of the well known (and controversial) Speech of Chief Seattle:


  • Guest
Since she continues to gather followers and continues to be very divisive - I am adding in here the fact that she stated recently in a video that she is not an enrolled tribal member.

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1449
This profile is now visible and very active again:

She now names herself "Nibwaakaa Aki Anishinabekwe Ogichidaakwe (Madison Moore)".

The profile was invisible for about a week since I posted this, but is now back again. So are all her posts at the "Oneida Nation of the Thames" Facebook group. You will find them by searching there for "Nibwaakaa Aki Anishinabekwe Ogichidaakwe".

Intro of her Facebook profile (my bolding):
Messenger at God
Studied at The University of Utah
Studied at Florida State College at Jacksonville
Went to Lewiston High School
Joined on June 2018
Followed by 2,149 people

"God" links here:

Offline educatedindian

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Ms. Moore sent two emails with additional claims, none of them based in reality. It appears her mental health issues continue. My response to her is at the end.

ETA: My email to her bounced back. It appears she deleted her email account.

This thread lists my birth name not reflected on my birth certificate, lists my medical conditions, mocks my actual native family and shames me. 1. I am being shamed for things which are hate crimes for my gender, my identity.


I was born 46 xx xy, Intersex, many of these comments are simply abuse and my children have seen them which is hurtful. This entire thread should be removed.

Ms. Moore,
You have a long history of making up false claims about yourself, your identity, background, ancestors, etc.

None of these claims are helpful to you, and they harm you and many others.

From the start we have seen that you appear to have serious mental health issues, and urged you to get professional help.

None of what we said has been even remotely "hateful." This is a multi cultural, multi racial, multi tribal, and multi faith group which includes and defends gay and trans people as part of many Native traditions.

Offline educatedindian

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Ms. Moore's latest rounds of hysteria. Typos are hers. My response again at the end.

1. I am 12th direct granddaughter of Pocahontas, not a lie
2. My father is a registered member of Turtle Mountain, our bloodline is accurate including our grandparents at old crossing treaty
3. Maydweganoonond of red lake nation is my grandfather, in fact my grandmother at BIA, my grandmas mom is Mary Jane Desjarlais REGISTERED MEMBER OF RED LAKE NATION
4. Margaret Clearsky is my grandmother; it’s why my brother spends so much time with the elders. He was named by the Pembina midewiwin leader at the lodge.
5. I am Intersex, 46 xx xy mosaic chimera genetically male and female and this form of intersex can have children
6. Ojibwaince who is Biasuah registered founder of White Earth who was Margaret Father is my grandpa
7. Contact Debbie Gourneau “Turtle Woman” midewiwin matriarch of Turtle Mountain Band if Chippewa, I attended the last lodge in tribal headquarters invited by Stuart Lafountain full blood leader of tribe, i was placed at head of all woman!
8. I was named by Albert Dennis lambert registered elder of Turtle Mountain as Reindeer clan mother! We are not caribou clan, all nations have different understandings of clans

It is you and your group who have been ignorant, dismissive and abusive. These are facts!

All of this is true and I’ve seen all of what has been said, my bloodline is valid. It’s those who don’t know who step on everyone without the courtesy to ask.

I am an abduction survivor, I have complex ptsd, I’m not crazy. But non natives seem to know more about who I am not than the courtesy to verify anything.


Have a good day abuser.

Just call Debbie Gourneau

Kaishpaw is our grandfather and I’m her family,
Call the BIA, ask for Lyndon Desjarlais, my cousin

Your bigots,


Yes, I'm sure the entire BIA knows your alleged cousin. But if you tell them Pocahontas is your ancestor and you are the Queen of AIM and the "head of all woman" that will really impress everyone.

Ms. Moore, you can't even keep your own claims straight in the same email. Mixing every unrelated people together doesn't help you. I'm sure we're days away from hearing how Geronimo and Montezuma are your family too.

We are such "bigots" we urge you to quit harming yourself. The claim is bizarre given your own history of supporting anti NDN causes.

We are such "bigots" we have you on the forum where you can state your own case. But so far you have not.

The saddest part in all of this is small children of yours who must cope with an obvious white pretender try to self heal by engaging in self delusion online.

Again we urge you to seek help and quit harming yourself and others.

Offline educatedindian

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Moore sent an email. Here's my response to her.

 For the record, there is nothing in the thread which discriminates or shames, or even any mention of trans or disability.

We have always made it clear you need to seek professional help.

We don't delete threads, period. We do archive some, if there is good cause such as a person no longer engaging in abuse.

If you truly have learned as you claim, you will cease making falsehoods. I do see that some of your links and profiles are down.

The abuse allegations [redacted] we won't post short of there being proof.

I have no idea why you sent copies of your personal IDs. I urge you not to do that any more, to safeguard vs identity theft.

So if she is no longer making her false claims, should we move this to Archives?

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1449
This FB page shares or quotes much of her stuff:
This person must be extremely egotistical, uploading new photos and videos of herself up to several times a day.

So if she is no longer making her false claims, should we move this to Archives?

Everything from this person in Facebook and elsewhere linked to in this thread is gone (except for some quotes at ”The Matter in Prose” Facebook page).

However, I can hardly believe that a person with such an outstanding erratic behaviour has become silent. I’d wait before archiving.

Offline jeaniesgenealogy

  • Posts: 24
I have just received multiple threatening emails from this person. Not only has she sent them to me but also to  several members of the Board of Directors from my previous job. She has also sent me copies of her drivers license and her birth certificate. Not sure what cause a revival of her threats.