Author Topic: Pixie Campbell/Pixie Lighthorse  (Read 47921 times)


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Re: Pixie Lighthorse (Pixie Campbell)
« Reply #15 on: March 30, 2015, 04:43:52 pm »
Many of her photos show herself with eyes closed, I assume this is supposed to indicate that she is a "mystic".

She has long dreadies now, there are photos out of her earlier without dreadies. I wonder if the choice of hair style has to do with wanting to appear "ethnic".

Pixie looks to be charismatic. She is charging a hell of a lot of money and looks to have a lot of active followers. Some comment threads on her sites are very involved,many women responding with outpourings of emotion and personal information.

Pixie doesn't want to be questioned, this is not a good sign.

She could strip out all the shamanic New Age cult-leader-in-the-making stuff and stick to teaching art. She could do women's art classes in a nice environment, charge a reasonable amount. She could drop all the therapy, life coaching type talk.

She could earn a degree in occupational therapy, art therapy, psychology - something academic along those lines. Then she would have a community of her peers, she would follow developments in psychology, she would be held accountable by licensing, occupational professionalism etc.

But she would not make an outrageous amount of money at this. She would not let her students put her on the wild woman mystic pedestal. She could not claim to be anything more than what she is.

Paying a lot of money to go to a beautiful place, given attention, guided in doing different creative things, being praised and told that you are seen and truly understood - this is all going to make women feel different. But all this can be done in a safer, cheaper, non-exploitative manner. We don't have to follow mystic pixies.


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Re: Pixie Lighthorse (Pixie Campbell)
« Reply #16 on: March 30, 2015, 05:02:43 pm »
Borrowing from cultural traditions can be a very serious business, particularly here in our Native America.


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« Reply #17 on: March 30, 2015, 05:17:02 pm »
« Last Edit: March 31, 2015, 02:56:12 pm by Madalaine »


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Re: Pixie Lighthorse (Pixie Campbell)
« Reply #18 on: March 30, 2015, 05:31:53 pm »
Thanks again Piff, all very interesting and eye opening.

Do you think it is worth me seeing if she will answer the questions you previously posted? Or do think anything she has to say (if she replies) is unlikely to justify what we've uncovered here?

If you want to, you could invite her to come talk with us here.

She wasn't forthcoming with answers to your questions already, so probably she won't do much better with further questions. I hope you definitely don't feel pressured to get more from her, this isn't worth the stress, we already have figured a lot out.

She is an advocate of core shamanism. A good essay on this here:

My personal message to them would be that I hope they come to see three main points:

1) It is not only wildly inaccurate, it is also disrespectful to try to lump together literally tens of thousands of different tribal beliefs together under "shamanism". Not even most Siberian peoples use the term.

2) It is frankly wishful thinking to try and pretend:
a. a haphazard bunch of practices stolen from tribal traditions...
b. by an unrelated collection of lost people...
c. usually led by those who often got their "advanced" training at a weekend seminar...

have any similarity whatsoever to tribal traditions that are:
a. built up over many generations with great care b. by people with common lineage and culture
c. led by tribal elders who are trained for DECADES, not over a weekend.

To me the "shamanism movement" is more accurately termed the would-be shaman movement, or in the case of many of its more exploitative leaders like Michael Harner, the pseudo-shamanism bunch.

3) In the end, "core shamanism" is wishful thinking, a way of justifying theft of tribal traditions and practices by falsely claiming they are "universal". Outside of incredibly broad things like belief in a deity or afterlife, that just isn't ever true. 

And incidentally, they should realize that Michael Harner is a pariah to both his former profession, anthropology, and to Native people.

I also welcome any questions they care to send me, or any discussion on the forum.
Dr. Al Carroll

Pixie's writings are rather New Age and confusing, so I don't know that we will get a clear answer about her heritage. She is claiming she is a member of a Nation, this is a big deal, in that it isn't some vague nebulous trip. She is either lying about that, or she is a member and is doing her own New Age thing, hoping to use her heritage as a way to brand herself as special.


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« Reply #19 on: March 30, 2015, 07:49:51 pm »
« Last Edit: March 31, 2015, 02:56:27 pm by Madalaine »


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« Reply #20 on: March 30, 2015, 08:21:52 pm »
« Last Edit: March 31, 2015, 02:56:45 pm by Madalaine »


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Pixie Campbell / Pixie Lighthorse
« Reply #21 on: March 31, 2015, 03:20:18 pm »

Okay, Mads, another deleter!  You had second thoughts?  Or did she threaten you with libel?

Before you delete this also, I thought I would copy this from your introduction thread:

Hello, my name is Madalaine (you can call me Mads) and I am from and live in England, UK.

For many years now I have felt like I am missing something in my life, a connection to the earth and spirituality. The last year or so I have been looking into different forms of spirituality and have come across shamanic practitioners online with online courses etc. which at first I found really interesting and considered doing some of their courses, in fact I have done a couple of courses with one 'shamanic practitioner' (I will make a post about them in the 'research needed' section). But something has been nagging at me inside, something telling me that these 'shamanic practitioners' aren't as authentic as they try to make themselves out to be.

So, I started thinking that I should look to my own roots. I have been researching druids, and came across the The British Druid Order ( again at first I thought great! Maybe I am finding my way. So I bought one of their courses, but on reading it I find that because their is little information on the Celts/druids they have to 'borrow' spiritual practices from other spiritual once again I am left feeling disappointed.

On my search for authenticity I found this forum and I have to say my eyes have been well and truly opened to just how far from authentic these 'new age shameons' really are - even the ones who truly believe what they are doing is genuine.

And the person you had doubts about, and which was the original name of this thread was Pixie Campbell, who now goes by the name Pixie Lighthorse.  I just like to keep to the "integrity" of the thread as much as possible.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2015, 03:46:38 pm by Autumn »


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Re: Pixie Campbell/Pixie Lighthorse
« Reply #22 on: March 31, 2015, 05:44:11 pm »
Thanks, mods, for restoring the title of the thread.

Pixie talks about the Scar Clan which she was "initiated" into:

During the process of honoring my grief, I was blessed to be surrounded by a pack of elder women who made a healing space around me with their love, knowing and compassion.  They had the life experience to know that my transition required the care of other women, and so I was initiated in a very special way to the Scar Clan, and blessed with innumerable teachers who are with me still today, guiding me along this sometimes dark path.  It takes me back many generations and beyond, into the cosmos and into the core of existence itself.  I was able to experience rites of passage which are non-existent in western culture today.
(bolding mine)

In the email from Pixie (which was deleted by Mads), she mentioned that the Scar Clan was an idea of the author Clarissa Pinkola Estes.  This is what Dr. Estes has written about the Scar Clan:

Members of the Scar Clan

A river of tears is one of the strongest evidences of a "crash and burn" initiation into the Scar Clan.

Scar Clan is part of an ageless tribe of human beings, not defined by geography, racial color, national affiliation, nor language.

-- Scar Clan membership comes from having lived through a great something, which, in some way, has forced, cajoled, seduced one into believing a promise of a nourishing and honorable thing, but then those were denied, souls misled instead, bled-out spiritually.

-- Scar Clan is made of tribal members who have been spiritually assaulted, insulted, imprisoned, long embattled in some unjust way. Scar clan is made of those who cry out, but no one hears; those who are heard, but not listened to; not responded to in effective healing ways.

-- Scar Clan includes those who have suffered being in the midst, unrelievedly so, of others' ongoing sufferings, yet have somehow managed to maintain sanity and deep heart, despite lack of both sanity and heart "by others for others."

-- Scar Clan membership comes to those whose hearts have been carved deeper by registering fully, instead of turning away, who have been in the line of fire instead of protected, thereby being charged ever after to follow both a burdened and compassionate pathway for life.

-- Scar Clan members bear pain in seeing how some fight to maintain the ruins of power rather than using bare hands to rescue the brilliant lights lying buried under the rubble.

-- Scar Clan is a gigantic group of souls who are in the midst of healing self and others, who at least halfway have reset their own bones, who still move with standing-room-only heart, despite certain fragilities that come from scar tissue aching at unpredictable times, many years after wounding.

-- Scar Clan in this tribe, despite stuns and harms to spirit, despite white bandages still trailing, despite shards in the heart, still stands. Still rise. Still carries warmth. Still will not be stilled.

Thus, when the great "they" question why such upheaval was brought to the church in 1962, asking why did the pope convene a Vatican Council instead of just more letters to cardinals and bishops with only local effect...

It is from her book "Women Who Run With the Wolves" (which I have not read), and she seems to speak about the Scar Clan in the context of Pope John XXIII, so it seems like a stretch to me for Pixie to say she was initiated into the Scar Clan and to put it on her website (just MHO).


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Re: Pixie Campbell/Pixie Lighthorse
« Reply #23 on: March 31, 2015, 06:01:49 pm »
Thanks Autumn and mods for this, good we can keep the important info.

I went back and corrected a post with the info that the supposed clan in question is the "scar clan".

Pixie of course has the right to make money, she has the right to create her own brand. We then also have the right to critique her products and brand.


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Re: Pixie Campbell/Pixie Lighthorse
« Reply #24 on: April 27, 2015, 04:34:47 pm »
Raising Kings Boot Camp: Honoring Men and Boys with Golden Eagle

The key phrase for this session is SACRED MASCULINITY

Shamanic journey

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Re: Pixie Campbell/Pixie Lighthorse
« Reply #25 on: April 27, 2015, 07:23:38 pm »
And only $79! Cheap! It's all virtual and live too.  :P


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Re: Pixie Campbell/Pixie Lighthorse
« Reply #26 on: April 27, 2015, 09:05:44 pm »
And only $79! Cheap! It's all virtual and live too.  :P

Yeah, the "live virtual course" bit, how does that work? This will be customers staring at their computers for her videos. She lists "Shamanic journey" as one of the forms that "Boot Camp content" is delivered.

The focus of this course is to find new ways to perceive and honor the men and boys in our lives, as well as to draw upon the inspiration of those who have dedicated their lives to the study of men’s rites of passage.

So this is"mythopoetic men’s movement" stuff, which can be learned about for a lot cheaper than $79.

Iron John: A Book About Men, by Robert Bly
Men and the Water of Life: Initiation and the Tempering of Men, by Michael J Meade

Check out copies for free through a public library, or buy used copies online. For instance through Amazon you could buy used copies rated in "very good" condition for pennies, plus shipping, total about $10.

"Guided meditation" and "journal prompts" - easy enough to find books on meditation and on keeping a journal. Book lists can be found online, like, along with reviews and criticism of the mythopoetic movement.

People interested in "Shamanic journey" can read Michael Harner.

Informed readers can then make wise choices, including deciding to not appropriate cultures.

By paying $79 customers get Pixie's packaging of all this, plus membership in her own personality cult. Because personality cult is what is left when everything else is stripped away.

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Re: Pixie Campbell/Pixie Lighthorse
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2015, 12:05:23 am »
Raising Kings Boot Camp: Honoring Men and Boys with Golden Eagle
The key phrase for this session is SACRED MASCULINITY
Shamanic journey



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Re: Pixie Campbell/Pixie Lighthorse
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2015, 02:03:08 am »
Raising Kings Boot Camp: Honoring Men and Boys with Golden Eagle

The key phrase for this session is SACRED MASCULINITY

Shamanic journey

I read her website page and was trying to figure out why "Golden Eagle" is part of the course name.  It doesn't really come up on the page other than the phrase "Sacred Masculinity".

Here is what Wiki says about Golden Eagles:

Because of the nature-based culture, religions and lifestyles of the people living there, eagles were often even more prominent in ancient North America than in Eurasia. The eagle is a sacred bird in some of the cultures there and the feathers of the eagle are central to many religious and spiritual customs, especially among some Native Americans in the United States and First Nations in Canada, as well as among many of the peoples of Mesoamerica. Some Native American peoples revere eagles as sacred and the feathers and other parts of bald and golden eagles were prominent possessions amongst tribes. Feathers are often worn on Native American headdresses and have been compared to the Bible and crucifix of Christianity. Eagle feathers were also used to construct prayer sticks, doctors’ rattles and medicine pipes. Per Thomas E. Mails: "in the mind of the Plains warrior in the 18th and 19th century, the male golden eagle flew above all the creatures of the world and saw everything. Nothing matched his courage and swiftness, and his talons had the strength of a giant's hand. The eagle was very holy."
(my bolding)

Other than the use of Native American sacred symbols in her course, she is also into the royalty theme, since the purpose of the course is "Raising Kings" and the women who supposedly would be interested in getting the men and boys in their lives enrolled in the course are willing to "share the throne with you".


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Re: Pixie Campbell/Pixie Lighthorse
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2015, 02:12:43 am »
Answering my own question here, I discovered that all of Pixie's Boot Camps have an animal attached, so I guess she is into Totem Animals. 

January 12-23    New Year Boot Camp: Journey Circle and Intention Setting with Horse


February 9-20    Parenting Boot Camp: Sacred Little Agreements with Coyote


April 13-24         Prosperity Magick Boot Camp: Manifesting Abundance with Buffalo


May 25-June 5   Raising Kings Boot Camp: Honoring Men and Boys with Golden Eagle