Author Topic: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle  (Read 429384 times)


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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #90 on: November 05, 2009, 05:39:56 pm »

house of nature 29 10 2008 luxembourg

conference he who knows european tour


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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #91 on: November 05, 2009, 08:04:34 pm »

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #92 on: November 06, 2009, 03:47:43 pm »

Jervis is at it again. He seems to have given up claiming the alleged cooperation with Vincent LaDuke aka Sun Bear and instead now polishes up the legend of his sidekick which he put up at his website, he sends out promoting e-mails and wrote various forum entries:

„Traditional Oglala Sioux (Lakota) Eye Tuwe Slo Waya – He Who Knows comes from an ancient Lakota family and was born in 1928 at Pine Ridge.

His paternal ancestors come from the family of Crazy Horse and Sittung Bull and fought in the battle of Little Big Horn [sic]. His mother was a Cherokee from the reservation in Carolina.

When He Who Knows was 15 years old, a Cherokee friend from Carolina took him to a rodeo. There he earned his first five Dollars in his life. Never before did he see so much money. He decided to stay with the rodeo and became a professional rodeo rider and worked as an Indian cowboy at different ranches. Until his 50th year, he did rodeos.

To fulfill his vision, he rode from Iowa to Cheyenne/Wyoming from May 15, 1987 until July 19, 1987.

His daughter Carmen Rising Sun Pope [sic] married the intertribal medicine man Rolling Thunder. Carmen Rising Sun Pope is a medicine woman and through her marriage to Rolling Thunder, she also belongs to the Paint Clan of the Cherokee. She wrote the book: „Rolling Thunder Speaks – A Message for Turtle Island“. Rolling Thunder comes from a medicine family, his grandfather was murdered when he was a little boy. Rolling Thunder's interest in medicine was not only just in the traditions of the Cherokee, his teachers were, amongst others, Gary Horse from the Paiute, Frank Fool's [sic] Crow from the Sioux and Mad Bear Anderson from the Tuscarora. Rolling Thunder was one of the first medicine men who also accepted non-Indian participants to his ceremonies and healed them.

In October 2008, He Who Knows came to Europe for the first time. [German regional TV station] WDR did a little broadcast on him.“

Apparently, Jervis does not let any facts get between him and a good legend either for himself or his sidekick. To mention just two facts: John Pope aka Rolling Thunder wasn't a medicine person, and he wasn't Cherokee. So how could any person belong to the Cherokee simply because they married Pope?

By Sidian Morning Star Jones
Doug Boyd's book was the step forward.
It is true that Carmen Sun Rising Pope promptly married my grandfather Rolling Thunder in his last and mentally muddled days. He died and Carmen took everything from my family. I don't recommend supporting her.

Jervis also does this website which contains the same text about We Who Knows:

The real life name of 'He who" BTW seems to be Don Hines; the name gets mentioned in a report done by German state owned regional TV station WDR (cf Renee's link above).

winyan ohansica

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #93 on: December 22, 2009, 01:08:48 pm »
I have some news about eye tuwe slowaya:
I asked on Pine Ridge about that guy and got the following message:

You sure his name is not Mato Witco-Crazy Bear.  What a ripoff for the German Oyate.  I just hate it when ones uses the Lakota to validate their scam.
"Eye tuwe slowaya"-doesn't even make any sense.  He who knows- would be translated as "He Wasloye".  Do people pay to see them?

(them is related to Eye tuwe solwaya and turtle wind Firewalker!)

This statement was done by a highly respected person, but I will do more research with
the Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse family, of whom he his claiming to be a descendant from- I´m curious how the families will react on such a fraud!


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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #94 on: December 29, 2009, 10:39:28 am »

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #95 on: February 02, 2010, 10:46:59 pm »
There is still quite an extensive spamming by Jervis resp his abettors to organize events with Jervis and Hines. Jervis has a German supporter by the name of Yvonne Fabian who also spams guestbooks and forums and, via several network entries, looks for people willing to organise events with Jervis and Hines. In several postings, Fabian uses e-mail addresses pointing to „Firewalker“ as her contact addy.

Fabian recently started posting  announcments that she and Jervis recently opened a massage parlour – pardon me: practice, offering „Cherokee massages“ e.g. at :

Wants: Possibilities to do events for Cherokee Indian and intertribal medicine man Turtle Winds Firewalker. Possibilities to do events in March 2010 for the Indian Tour with Cherokee medicine man Turtle Winds Firewalker and Lakota elder He Who Knows.

Haves: Indian massages, massages, treatment by medicine man Turtle Winds Firewalker, Indian events, sweatlodges, soul retrievings, Indian animal communication, Indian massage courses, Indian training courses.

Interests: Native Americans, alternative medicine, ancient wisdom


to present
Industry: alternative medicine, organising of tours for Native Americans through Europe – donations for Native Americans

Besides the massage practice Hiskoliya – Indian massages I also look for possibilities to do events for Cherokee Indian and intertribal medicine man Turtle Winds Firewalker.
In March 2010, I organise an Indian Tour with Cherokee medicine man Turtle Winds Firewalker and Lakota elder He Who Knows.

Another entry is to be found on a site by the name of „spiritual yellow pages“:

Hiskoliya - Cherokee Heil - und Massagepraxis
jaii! Profil-Name: Firewalker
Routenplaner Borromäerinnenstr. 10
51688 Wipperfürth
Telefon: 0171 - 88 02 893
Email: Email
Hiskoliya - Cherokee Heil- und Massagepraxis.
Hiskoliya ist ein Cherokeewort: Massagen - Körperarbeit, dienen der Gesunderhaltung und Genesung
bieten aber auch Wellness und Entspannungsmassagen, Meditation, indianische Tierkommunikation, indianische Rituale und Zeremonien ....

While the name of the profile is „Firewalker“, the postal address given is that of Ms Fabian.
The text reads:
„Hiskoliya is a Cherokee word: massages – bodywork serve to stay healthy and serve recovery, but also offer wellness and relaxing massages, meditation, Indian animal communication, Indian rituals and ceremonies....“

Googling „Cherokee massage“ provides a long list of nuage sites, with a few porn sites thrown in for good measure. This distribution characterizes this alleged „Cherokee massage“ quite well. Jervis and Fabian also use the term „hiskoliya“ - this word is not existant in Cherokee language, as Cherokee does not have a 'k' sound. Consequently, almost all results of a google search for this term are sites which Jervis and Fabian either maintain or have spammed. The only exception is an US-based site by a person named David Winston.

Jervis and Fabian promote their massage as „serving health and healing“: . They also placed an advertisement with E-bay with this BS:

Ms Fabian also uses a website cooperating with the German government to promote Jervis business:

Yvonne Fabian

We are a non-profit association, our main issue is to support the North American Indians. We offer several projects and events around the topic of Indians. We regularly have Indian visitors from the USA.

Please take due note that no exact name of the alleged non-profit is mentioned, nor is there any further information regarding the support given so generously to „the“ North American Indians.

Ms Fabian also appears on sites maintained by the Social Democratic Party, as she serves as a committee member for the party local in her hometown:

At a Myspace site, Jervis – and Ms Fabian, too - claim he is a „native american fundraiser“, i.e. collecting donations. However, there is no information as to where donations may go to; except for his „Native American Friends“ site claiming they collected enough donations to buy to buffaloes which now were owned by the organisation. There is a photo showing a person with a feather bonnet signing some paper, apparently in order to support this claim ( ).

However, there is a German American Association in the town of Trier who announce they have raised the money to finance the sponsorship of two buffaloes and that they handed over the amount of money to Jervis:

Perhaps the German American Association of Trier should inquire urgently where their donation ended up, as Jervis' NAF site only mentions his club having bought two buffaloes and does not mention any other person or organisation having sponsored any.

A Facebook entry now indicates there might be a Germany-based association:
with this announcement:

„We the "Lakota friends Germany" would like help our native American friends in the Pine Ridge - and Rosebud reservations. Now, we beginning here in germany with a non profit Organization (e.V.). My project is already online in two German Communities called "Wer kennt wen" and "". At "Wer kennt wen" a friend from me start a new project, too. Together with the Dakota Youth Project from Isabella Schon. I start now this Facebook group at first in German Language but the important news are in English Language, too“.
[text in English taken from above site]

Jervis and Fabian also like to promote themselves with a bit of name-dropping: Although Jervis removed everything from his „Native American Friends“ site which mentioned Henry Red Cloud and his projects, a version of this site is still to be obtained online:

This site is maintained by the University of Hagen, which quite incidentially happens to be the university Ms Fabian used to attend.

Offline wolfhawaii

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #96 on: February 04, 2010, 04:03:42 pm »
Obviously a fraud.....he certainly is NOT a "Cherokee Medicine Man" and I am unaware of any technique called "Hiskoliya" which is said to be a Cherokee massage technique. While there is a "K" sound in Cherokee language, I am unfamiliar with this word. A more fluent speaker can comment more accurately; my take on this "hiskoliya" sounds like the"real fifty" which happens to be how much Jervis charges for this bogus massage. My advice to the Germans: tar and feather this guy and send him back to America to be dealt with more firmly, and quit supporting frauds and other culture vultures.

Offline Unegv Waya

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #97 on: February 05, 2010, 04:03:38 pm »
"Traditional Oglala Sioux (Lakota) Eye Tuwe Slo Waya – He Who Knows comes from an ancient Lakota family and was born in 1928 at Pine Ridge."

Is he supposed to be Sioux or Cherokee?  I don't know but a couple of words in Lakota but I do know more than just a touch of Cherokee and "waya" is Cherokee for wolf.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #98 on: February 06, 2010, 10:18:28 am »

Meanwhile, Jervis came up with another great idea - this is his latest contribution in the German language Forum Romanum, and oh yes, Coffee Warning! :

elk hawk thunder

3 Beiträge
RE: new age fraud web sites, 05 Feb. 2010 14:30

and his brothers look alot like each other.
and it seems that in this forum people
our really confused . who is who
i allso know that firewalker is a native american indian .
firewalker seems to be getting alot of blame
of what his brothers our doing in europe
and makes it very hard to correct sence the
people talking here, dont know firewalker.
personally if they did then they should know
his brothers.his brothers look alike


Quote from: Unegv Waya
Is he supposed to be Sioux or Cherokee?  I don't know but a couple of words in Lakota but I do know more than just a touch of Cherokee and "waya" is Cherokee for wolf.
Hines is supposed to be Lakota, but it was already pointed out by Lakota members in another thread on Hines that the name may be composed of Lakota words, just that they don't match the translation given.

Regarding the term 'waya' in both Lakota and Cherokee: As humans can only pronounce a certain set of sounds, similar words do appear in non-related languages without being loan words, and they may have quite different meanings. So e.g. /armut/ means 'poverty' in German and 'pear' in Turkish, /arsh/ means 'throne' in Arabic, and - ermm: behind in German. I take it it's the same here.

Offline firemoon

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Re: William Jervis or as I know him - William A. Burchett
« Reply #99 on: February 08, 2010, 12:24:30 pm »

I found this Forum when I was searching for him.
I got an invitation for an event here in Switzerland, where he an "He Who Knows" were invited with the following:
Lakota Elder Eye Tuwe Slo Waya und Cherokee Indianer Turtle Winds Firewalker am 28./29. März Hotel Post in Sargans, Nähe Walensee

Eye Tuwe Slo Waya – He Who Knows, ein traditioneller authentischer Indian Cowboy, lebt noch ursprünglich in der Mitte von Nirgendwo in der Natur – in der Prärie. Umgeben von Wildness, wilden Mustangs (wilden Pferden), und anderen wilden Tieren, wie Rehe, Wölfe, Füchse, Bären …   He Who Knows ist ein Selbstversorger, stellt das traditionelle  Jerky  (getrocknetes Fleisch) selbst her.  Sein „Haus“ ist ein Stall – für Rinder gedacht. Überall drinnen und draußen hängen indianische Kunsthandwerke, von ihm selbst erschaffen. Schläft er nicht in seiner Hütte, schläft er in der Natur. He Who Knows ist kein Reservatsindianer, der sich der weißen Regierung fügt und auf den monatlichen Scheck wartet. Er lebt im Einklang mit der Natur - in der Natur. Durch seine Gebete und selbst gemalte Bilder ist er fähig anderen zu helfen und zu heilen. Besucht man ihn, reist man in eine vergangene Zeit, so lebten die Ureinwohner bevor sie Kontakt zum weißen Mann hatten.

Cherokee Indianer und Medizinmann Turtle Winds Firewalker stammt aus dem Medizinclan Woodland Duck. Aufgewachsen mit den Traditionen des Clans in den Buffalo Mountain (Appalachen) im Osten von Kentucky, begann er seine Ausbildung bei seiner Großmutter im Alter von 7 Jahren. Turtle Winds reiste 25 Jahre durch die USA, lernte bei anderen Stämmen und lehrte.  Firewalkers Vater kam aus Irland und war in der keltischen Kultur verwachsen, stammte aus dem Tribe of Danu (Tuatha De’ Danann). Für beide Kulturen ist  die heilige Mutter Erde der Mittelpunkt - beide Kulturen sind im Verständnis der Natur.

 Programm :

28. März, 20 Uhr
Abendessen (wird von jedem selbst bezahlt) und Gespräch mit  Lakota Elder He Who Knows und Cherokee Turtle Winds Firewalker.

29. März
10.00 – 14.00 Uhr (Mittagessen ca. um 13 Uhr)
Talkcircle mit Segnungszeremonie, Socialdance, indianischem Gesang, persönlichem Gespräch, 20 Franken
Es ist möglich Medizinbeutel zu kaufen oder selber zu basteln und segnen zu lassen.
Medizinbeutel basteln 20 Franken, Traumfänger basteln, 5 Franken

15 – 16 Uhr Seelenrückholungszeremonie, 25 Franken

ca. 18 Uhr
Indianische Meditation , 25 Franken

Since many years I work with Native American Indians, and mostly with ones in prison. You can take a look to the largest website with Native American Indian prisoners, looking for a pen-pal.
William "Firewalker" Burchett had an ad on my website when he was in prison. I know he was in prison at least from 2001-2004.
In 2004 he was released

update 12. December 2002
William Firewalker Burchett
03655032 West 5852
FCI Fort Dix
PO Box 7000
Fort Dix, NJ 08640

Age/Birthday: Birthday 2-15-1966
Race/Tribe: Cherokee
Physical Description: 5' 7", 139 lbs, red hair and brown eyes
Release Date: March 2004
Interests/Looking for: Interests: Songwriting, Indian dancing, native ceremonies,
traditional Indian teaching.
I seeking a girlfriend or wife, also I'm seeking friends, interested in the Indian way of life.

I made the organisators of the event in 2010 aware what person Firewalker is and they canceled the event.
Thanks to them, this is really great!!!!!

I have found some old informations on my computer, but I deleted the names of others than Firewalker.
But yes, I still have the originals....

One of his Supporters, asking for help for him in 2001 when he was in prison:

Fwd: URGENT HELP needed for inmate
From: .....
To: .....
Sent: Monday, December 03, 2001 12:07 PM
Subject: [....] Fwd: URGENT HELP needed for inmate

    I have been contacted by family members and from Inmate:

    William (Firewalker) Burchett #03655032
    SHU Cell 321
    Federal Correctional Institution
    PO Box 7000 West
    Fort Dix, NJ  08640

    Phone #  (609) 723-1100

    This Inmate has been placed in the SHU two weeks ago for no reason at all. Officials there had told William that he was placed there because he was under investigation, but would give no other reason.
    William has been in the SHU without his medication, they have taken his glasses in which he needs to see, they have also taken all his native religious items away from him.  He has wrote to me telling me of how he is not receiving mail, and is only allowed one phone call a month. I received a phone call from his mother this evening and it was said that she received a letter where William states that he is being set up. It was said that he is being accused of being in a cult.  He is Native American and attending the Native American Spiritual Circle there. William has said that he was told that he was being shipped out and being placed in a "HIGH Security" and will be giving more time to serve!  This is NOT right. William is NOT involved in any cult, nor ever was.  I have spoke with family members of William and they have called Fort Dix and have gotten no place. No
    one will speak to them about William.  I, myself have called many
    times concerning this inmate and I have gotten the same thing--just a recording with no one returning the call.  What goes on here in WRONG.  He needs help.  PLEASE call or write.

    For the love of the People,


Another Email to one of his supporters during his prison time.
In this one he even writes his own name wrong:

  ...<> wrote: To:
From: ....
Subject: [PRISONACT] Native American prisoner seeks assistance
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 22:56:45 -0600

I'm an Indian POW in need of help. Im a native activist.The prison officals
are using a variety of discrimantions against my race. Also, my native
community circle is seeking native volunteers.

Messages can be sent to me via email:

In the spirit of crazy horse,
Firewalker Burkett

William Burkett
03655032 West 582
FCI Fort Dix
POB 7000
Fort Dix, NJ 08640

When he was released he sent me Emails, making advertisement for his work in Luxemburg, like for his Radio Station, or Events or whatever. I also got Emails from Supporters, asking for support for him.

One of his Emails when he was still in USA:
----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: william jervis []
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 11. November 2004 19:25
Betreff: this is firewalker of the iron house rember me
how can  my medicine  help  others    i just  left the  iron house cage needs native freinds  in florida  or near   florida  yes  i can  try help sioux   family

Or another one when he was still in USA:
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: william jervis []
Gesendet: Sonntag, 20. Februar 2005 15:36
Betreff: forgotten tribe ironhouse warrior
hello, im firewalker a former ironhouse warrior seeking native  friends in floida can you help me
we spoke before when i was in ironhouse

One of a real good man I know who tried to help Firewalker:
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: ....
Gesendet: Sonntag, 21. August 2005 14:40
Betreff: contact
Hi to the three of you,  
It is a while ago one of you did hear from me, but as we know things go like that.
First I hope this mail will find you in good health and blessed circumstances.
One of the pen pals I had in the USA  Firewalker is now in Luxemburg. He is looking around for American Indian people in Europe to have contact with, and to make probable new friends.  If you know a way to help him you can forward the message directly to him to the following email address, or to me.
Thanks for considering,

One of Firewalker again, now in Luxemburg:
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: firewalker walks []
Gesendet: Freitag, 28. Dezember 2007 15:05
oyiso   toja
 if   your  interested  in  marketing  some   native  american indian  crafts  at
 discounted  rate  let  me know,
 allso   if  you  be    interested   in  comeing  to  luxembourg  to   market
 it      we could  discuss  that   as   my   assocation   has  big  market
 april  26 and  april  27
 we    resale  items  so   we   only  buy  discounted  items
tel 691966210
association sans but lucratif
siege  social
p&t    postal   account  number
IBAN LU61 1111 2557 4755 0000

I made a short search about William A. Burchett and found a paper about an appeal of a William A. Burchett. There is also the crime in it this man has done. I attach it.
BUT - If this man is "our" William Firewalker Burchett I can not say. Perhaps there are others with this name and perhaps another William A. Burchett has done it.
I attach it here with the urgent info - to know if this was done by the Firewalker we talk about here, it would be needed to make a deeper research. This normally costs, and I don't want to do this.

I will also attach Fotos. The first one was his photo next his ad on my pen-pal website, the others I got with the invitation in 2010, and now from people working against Wannabees.
I attach the rest in my next message because I can only attach 4 things to one message.

Why he turned his name from Burchett to Jervis - I have no clue. I know it is easy to change the name in the USA.
But when you look into his email from 11.11.2004, as he was released from prison, he then used the name Jervis.

Kind regards

« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 08:33:33 am by firemoon »

Offline firemoon

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Fotos Firewalker Re: William Jervis
« Reply #100 on: February 08, 2010, 12:32:22 pm »
And here the other photos I got.

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #101 on: February 08, 2010, 01:51:38 pm »
Here's the above quoted invitation in English translation:


Lakota Elder Eye Tuwe Slo Waya and Cherokee Indian Turtle Winds Firewalker at Hotel Post in the town of Sargans March 28/29

Eye Tuwe Slo Waya – He Who Knows, a traditional authentic Indian cowboy, still lives traditionally in the middle of nowhere within nature – in the prairies. Surrounded by wilderness, wild mustangs, and other wild animals like deer, wolves, foxes, bears... He Who Knows lives according to subsistency and produces the traditional Jerky (dried meat) himself. His „house“ is a stable, meant for cattle. Everywhere outside and inside there are objects of  Indian craft, done by him. When he does not sleep in his hut, he sleeps out in nature.
He Who Knows is no reservation Indian who does as the white government tells him and keeps waiting for the monthly cheque. He lives in accordance with nature – within nature. Through his prayers and the paintings he does, he is able to help and heal others. When visiting him, one journeys into the past, this is the way the natives lived before they had contacts to the white man.

Cherokee Indian and medicine man Turtle Winds Firewalker comes from the medicine clan Woodland Duck. He grew up with the traditions of the clan in the Buffalo Mountains (Appalachians) in the east of Kentucky, and began his training with his grandmother at the age of seven years. For 25 years, Turtle Winds has been touring the USA, learned with different tribes and taught. Firewalker's father came from Ireland and grew up in the Celtic culture, he came from the tribe of Danu (Tuatha De' Danann). Both cultures see the sacred mother earth as central – both cultures are in accordance with nature.

March 28, 8 p.m.
Dinner (not included in the fee) and conversation with Lakota elder He Who Knows and Cherokee Turtle Winds Firewalker

March 29:
10 a.m. - 2 p.m. (lunch at 1 p.m.)
Talk circle with blessing ceremony, social dance, Indian songs, personal conversation, 20 Swiss Francs
It is possible to purchase medicine bags or make one yourself, and have them blessed.
Making your own medicine bag: 20 Swiss Francs
Making your own Dream Catcher: 5 Swiss Francs

3 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Soul retrieving, 25 Swiss Francs

about 6 p.m.
Indian meditation, 25 Swiss Francs


The two days' programme thus amounts to Sfr 75 – 90 plus meals, and we may trust that the blessing for the objects purchased or made would have charged on top of that.


Regarding the conviction mentioned, I found sites with information about this:

The crime Burchett was convicted for was armed bank robbery; Burchett and two accomplices were armed with handguns and Molotov cocktails.
The second one deals with Burchett's appeal. In this Burchett (Jervis) claims he more or less had been forced to do the crime and lays the blame on a person running for office as an instigator; Burchett says he was to become manager of the election campaign and was put under enormous pressure to raise financial means, so he finally saw no other possibility than a bank robbery.

All this sounds so very much like Jervis' MO – if you can't get away with it, start whining and put the blame on someone else – it sounds highly plausible this William A. Burchett is in fact the same person as the imitation of a plastic shaman going by the name of William Jervis. Just see my above post in which he claims it was „Firewalker's lookalike brothers“ who were doing baaaad, not poor little innocent him.

Offline Superdog

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #102 on: February 08, 2010, 07:01:31 pm »

The birthdate, description, tribe, etc all match with Jervis.  Release date of 2004 precludes his forming the club in 2006 and this entry in the WorldWide Friends website strongly connects the dots of how Jervis made contacts overseas and how he ended up there after his release.


« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 07:16:05 pm by Superdog »

Offline Unegv Waya

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #103 on: February 08, 2010, 07:21:38 pm »
"Cherokee Indian and medicine man Turtle Winds Firewalker comes from the medicine clan Woodland Duck. He grew up with the traditions of the clan in the Buffalo Mountains (Appalachians) in the east of Kentucky, and began his training with his grandmother at the age of seven years. For 25 years, Turtle Winds has been touring the USA, learned with different tribes and taught. Firewalker's father came from Ireland and grew up in the Celtic culture, he came from the tribe of Danu (Tuatha De' Danann). Both cultures see the sacred mother earth as central – both cultures are in accordance with nature."

FWIW, I've never heard of this clan - this Woodland Duck medicine clan.  I only know of 7 that exist and none of them have this name.

BTW, thanks, Ingeborg, for the comments about the language syllables being similar.  I only questioned what tribe he was claiming because I've come across some who will claim one tribe but use the customs of more than one.  Quite often frauds like that will even mix the words from several tribes because they don't know any better.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 07:23:28 pm by Unegv Waya »

Offline Ingeborg

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #104 on: February 08, 2010, 07:36:06 pm »
BTW, thanks, Ingeborg, for the comments about the language syllables being similar.  I only questioned what tribe he was claiming because I've come across some who will claim one tribe but use the customs of more than one.  Quite often frauds like that will even mix the words from several tribes because they don't know any better.

De nada.
From what our new member tells us, Turtle Farts Burchett and He Who Knows Nothing may well both belong to the Inmate Tribe...


Speaking of names: on several sites, Burchett gives the Cherokee version of his name as "Quvtle Hevgolo". Does that translate as "Turtle Winds" ?
« Last Edit: February 08, 2010, 07:44:45 pm by Ingeborg »