Author Topic: William Burchett AKA William Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle  (Read 434759 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: William Jervis aka Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
« Reply #270 on: February 08, 2018, 04:26:58 pm »
I don't know of many folks making the outlandish claims you do that are male escorts.

Jervis has hurriedly deleted his male "escort"/would be prostitution ad. Poor guy, his attempt at another career derailed.

Sorry Jervis, but obviously screenshots of your ad were saved for all to see.

Offline Sparks

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Re: William Jervis
« Reply #271 on: October 09, 2018, 12:31:41 am »
Jervis is at it again. He seems to have given up claiming the alleged cooperation with Vincent LaDuke aka Sun Bear and instead now polishes up the legend of his sidekick which he put up at his website, he sends out promoting e-mails and wrote various forum entries:
„Traditional Oglala Sioux (Lakota) Eye Tuwe Slo Waya – He Who Knows comes from an ancient Lakota family and was born in 1928 at Pine Ridge.

His paternal ancestors come from the family of Crazy Horse and Sittung Bull and fought in the battle of Little Big Horn [sic]. His mother was a Cherokee from the reservation in Carolina.

This whole thread with 19 posts so far from December 2009 is all about what Ingeborg wrote in November 2009: [He Who Knows]

Offline educatedindian

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Re: William Burchett AKA Wm Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
« Reply #272 on: January 30, 2019, 03:56:54 pm »
Received a report that Jervis now goes by "Dr. Jos Roger." Bad google translation. Jervis has a partner now that should be investigated too.

Shamanic Healing / Holiday Seminar
This week, you will take a trip into the world of shamanism and learn about various ways of shamanic healing that you can apply in your practice or for yourself. As a prelude to Remo Wagner, we will   build our own shaman drum to work together with Jos Rogers to create a swizzle hut and then to design various rituals and ceremonies.

Drums, campfires, shamanic healing and much more awaits you these days.
It is possible to book the whole week, 3 days of drum building or 3 days of ritual massages.
In addition, we have included in our program many workshops and ceremonies that you can visit individually.

Native American Academy - Medical Scientist Jos Rogers
During the training days you will be supervised by the "Medicin Man" Dr. Jos Rogers , born Cherokee, who for more than 30 years has been learning about the shamanic healing arts and traditions he has learned in childhood and adolescence.
Jos is a real shaman and has learned his knowledge directly from the shamans in South America.

Jos Rogers or "Medicine Turtle"  is from 31 August to 05 September guest in St. Gallen. There he can also be booked for individual treatments and ceremonies as well as the sweat lodge ritual . Just make an appointment early with Jos.

For Whom Is This Week Suitable
"the gaze of the eagle" (in a light trance you make a flight and can explore the world from the perspective of the eagle)
walk in nature (forest, meadow, rivers)
Campfire and Native American fairytale hour
Rituals and shamanic prayers
Trance drum night (with rituals, singing and dancing)
for people who like to get closer to themselves and to nature (your spirit)
for friends of shamanism
People who like to work with shamanic practices in their own practice
for all open and curious
Learning Content
Shaman  drum build yourself (info )
Build sweat lodge and dedicate
Create shamanic work tools
Native Art Shamanic Art, Create Talismanne
shamanic journeys
Bring soul shares back
Stone circle rituals
call our ancestors, spirit guides and power animals
Incense for the aura, rooms and environment
work with drums, rattles and other sound instruments
Shamanic body work to release blockages and tension
Clearing of foreign energies
work with pendulum and one-hand rod (determine blockages and negative energy fields)
Sensitive-medial perception

the data and program details can be found at the bottom of the calendar
Learning Goals
Humans and animals treat with shamanic m healing
Clearing of alien entities (humans, animals, spaces)
shamanic bodywork (bodywork from shamanism)
Build shaman drums yourself and dedicate
give shamanic journeys
Make rituals and ceremonies
Build sweat lodges yourself and design the appropriate rituals
mentally and mentally stable (these are very strong energies we work with, please note that you should be in a stable mental state.)
Course Management
Dr. Jos Rogers of the Native American Academy - he is a medicine man of the Chirokee Indians and half descended from the Chirokee. Jos grew up with all the Indian traditions and their knowledge of healing.

Sabine Böhler  of the Native American Academy - she is the constant companion of Jos and has been working for years as a "Medicine Women". She helps with the rituals, and arranges some workshops.

Remo Wagner is responsible for the drum construction and the organization of the skins. He is happy to welcome you in his workshop.

Tanja BurgstallerI am responsible for the ritual massages and the design of professional treatments with the learned shamanic healing methods and rituals. I am also the owner of the Energy Massage School and I am really looking forward to sharing my knowledge with you.
Data / Price St. Gallen 6 days 10.00 am - 10.00 pm
Course confirmation certificate
Price CHF incl. VAT 1100.- [Perhaps 2000 US dollars]
-inkl. all courses, workshops and evening events

Offline Sparks

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Re: William Burchett AKA Wm Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
« Reply #273 on: January 30, 2019, 08:46:02 pm »
Sabine Böhler  of the Native American Academy - she is the constant companion of Jos and has been working for years as a "Medicine Women". She helps with the rituals, and arranges some workshops.

Mentioned once before in this forum:

New Update: William Jervis, aka "Firewalker", aka "Medicine Turtle" is also now using the identity and photo of "Eye Tuwe Slo Waya" ("He Who Knows").They are claiming to be an elder.  It is a duplicate of the "Sowanla Weiss" Facebook profile I posted about yesterday. However, according to a comment on the website of William Jervis' and Sabine Böhler's "Academy", this Lakota elder passed away in 2013.

There is clear evidence based on threats and harassment we've by the NAAoG and at the Stop Misuse group on Facebook that Jervis is using this fake identity to defame the association. Currently he is setting up new websites and channels on YouTube. There he uses excerpts from videos of Eye Tuwe Slo Waya uploaded six years ago to make it sound like this "Lakota elder" is criticizing the association. There is also manipulation in one video where the association is accused of destroying a tour and that a German woman owns him 500 Dollars. Some of the videos have the NAAOG association's name in the title and/or in the text.

In fact, much, or most. of that thread is about Mr. Jervis:
[ALERT: Imposters Posing Online as NAFPS, Other Activists, or Elders]

Offline Defend the Sacred

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It also says in the video they're offering "Rituals for Women". Along with the various sorts of "massages."

Offline Sparks

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Re: William Burchett AKA Wm Jervis AKA Turtle Fire Walker AKA Medicine Turtle
« Reply #275 on: February 01, 2019, 08:55:35 am »
Sabine Böhler of the Native American Academy - she is the constant companion of Jos and has been working for years as a "Medicine Women". She helps with the rituals, and arranges some workshops.

Now there is a separate thread about this woman:
[Sabine Böhler "Native American Academy" "SunTurtle Woman"]