Author Topic: Mary Jo Gardner AKA Maria Naylin AKA Maria Yraceburu, Lynda Tari AKA Lynda Yrace  (Read 82051 times)


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Gardner and Tari operate multiple cash flow machines. Some people tithe monthly to them. They use GoFundMe for various campaigns. They sell books, webinairs, "medicine cord necklaces" , classes. They get grants for a butterfly project and another for horses.  They run "Turtlewomyn" , "Spiraldancing" , their land project, etc.

Here is one of their "councils" Yolanda Martinez is one of their top members. At the moment she is listed as leadership along with Gardner and Tari.

Yolanda Martinez:
She sells "Native American drums" but doesn't make it clear if she complies with The Indian Arts and Crafts Act of 1990, I've not found any statement by her on being enrolled or certified as an artist.

Then there is Veronicah Cohen who offers "Love Hammock" sessions. I'm not kidding. This is described as platonic clothed cuddling, hair brushing, "breath inquiry". An example of her involvement with Gardner here

Many of these and other Gardner/Tari acolytes may need their own threads.

Gardner's odd "Community Teachings" page

I wondered at first if all this hustling is strenuous for Gardner and Tari, but now I don't think it is. They've been at this for decades, this is how they pay their bills. They are very experienced at cranking out b.s. They can manufacture dramas from time to time to keep their acolytes jumping.

I came across a photo of Gardner seated on the floor with a large atlas, paper, and magic markers. She was making b.s. up about supposed ley lines or whatever. The Gardner/Tari con job is a cut and paste, magic marker, rip off operation.

Offline mjmpride

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What can be done to stop them?  I was sucked in by them for years and had no idea.  I just recently found out they are frauds and have pulled all my energies away from their endeavors.  I've been serving on their "Wise Council" for two years helping them raise money to buy the land they live on in New Mexico.


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Talking about your experience can help educate others.

You can contact relevant authorities to report anything illegal, tax fraud, misuse of GoFundMe etc.

What encouraged you to cut off contact? I see you are still listed on their council page and as recently as August 19 were advertising for them on Twitter.

Does the group shun or otherwise abuse people who leave?

First hand reports on frauds can be very helpful, I hope you are able to tell us more. Congrats on getting free of the group.

Offline educatedindian

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This is the information she wrote in the email to raise money selling the prints:

Grandpa's Blessing... Fundraising Limited Edition Print
The non-profit group Yraceburu EarthWisdom works and operates from Taa-naash-kaa-da in new Mexico. Each year, they mentor 1700  people from all walks of life and through nearly as many venues....   

Back Label Writing
This is the medicine of my grandfather, an Apache HolyMan who lived nearly 100 years.... My grandfather was a big YEW supporter and tireless humanitarian. When he passed in 1973, we buried him beneath the sacred crystal waterfalls in Arizona, so that he could be at the heart of his mother when he finally left her.   Maria Yraceburu
....Juan Ten Bears Yraceburu, Apache HolyOne, 196? - 1973....

So much wrong with these claims in such obvious ways. Really doubt she's had 1700 students/victims in her entire life, much less a single year. She didn't start her fraud business until the 2000s, so obviously her grandfather didn't endorse it. Yraceburu is not an Apache name. Apache certainly don't bury the dead under waterfalls, not traditionally or today. And certainly don't refer to them by anything as twinkie as "crystal waterfalls."

Gardner claiming descent from an earlier prophet is also ludicrous. That prophet and his family were killed in the Battle of Cibecue Creek. And none of them were "Qero." They were White Mountain.

MJM, I'm glad you got away as well. Please tell us all you can about your time with the Gardners. How did you encounter them? What id they teach you  and charge you? How did you become a council member? What made you realize they are frauds? The more information you share the more others will be warned away.

I also urge you to consider filing a civil lawsuit against them to recover your money. They defrauded you and everyone else who has gone to them.

Offline mjmpride

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It is a lot of information to write so know that I am compiling allI can from my memory to share with you.

I will have information for you soon.

Offline mjmpride

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I was first introduced through a close friend who said you have to meet this woman Maria Yraceburu/Sisters of Honua - Moon Lodge. 
At my friends suggestion I attended a moon lodge with Mary Jo/Maria. I believe it was in 2011.  I was given my name (Coyote Run), which also should have been a red flag.  It was in English.

I was drawn to Mary Jo/Maria during ceremony because she talked about the Pleiadians and I have had a strong connection the Pleiades since I was 19.

My friend did not come so I was there alone knowing no one.  I wish I trusted my intuition, but that’s the big lesson for me here.  At the moon lodge I distinctly remember not feeling drawn to anyone who was around Mary Jo/Maria.  That should have been a red flag right there, but I trusted my friend.

I had no reason to think she wasn’t Apache or even Native American for that matter.  I guess I just never even fathomed that someone would do that.
They moved to New Mexico so I never really saw them over the next few years or participated in any classes they were offering.  I think I attended 3 moon lodges here in San Diego.  But I supported them because of the Pleiadian connection and the recommendation of my friend.

In Oct 2014 she sent out this email requesting volunteers for the council.  So I joined:

Here is the email:

Dear Community Member:

Hello and good day.  Thank you for your time and and attention.  We'd like to ask you to consider our invitation to join us on the Yraceburu EarthWisdom Church Council.

It's an exciting time for Yraceburu EarthWisdom Church (YEW), with community needs and projects continuing to grow in scope and importance in our global extended family.  After a few fiscally and organizationally challenging years after moving to New Mexico, the church is currently well positioned to continue to grow and succeed in fulfilling its mission:  The mission of Yraceburu EarthWisdom Church is to preserve and protect our rights to commune with Earth and Spirit in our uniquely individual ways, with commitment to stewardship of the land base we call home – Taa-naash-kaa-da Sanctuary, education and support.

YEW has a well-established baseline of core projects which add value to the community and sustain the church.  We also have an exciting vision (with fund development in progress!) of how we can expand our contribution both locally and globally.

YEW is currently seeking enthusiastic, committed and service oriented individuals to serve on our Council.  We welcome the involvement of any interested parties, and are specifically seeking new members with the following skills and interests:
     •  Special Events Coordination – Organize and implement fundraising events
     •   Fundraising - Assist Council/Staff development team with grantwriting and fundraising events
     •   Legal professional - Human resources, labor, contracting, liability
These are a couple of areas we need help with, but are open to all who believe in what we do here, joining us.

Please consider joining us in achieving our vision!  You are invited to ask questions and determine your interest, and we can discuss net steps from there.  If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me by email  We can set up a skype appointment if you prefer.

hiyaa gozhoo dolee… may peace flow
Maria Yraceburu
diiyin - minister

I found this New Age Fraud Forum when I was actually staying on the land she is trying to but in New Mexico.  My wife and I were caring for it while they were in Ohio at Serpent Mound performing ceremony.

I didn't believe what was written then, and didn't really research it at that time.

But from that point I started watching Maria more closely to see if her actions were in alignment with words.

I find it interesting now that it was when I was actually on the land herself when I stumbled upon this forum.

These were some of the things that started adding up:

I had done an assignment that Maria gave me while they were away at Serpent Mound, walking the Medicine Wheel on the property.  When they returned, she told me that there was more to the assignment and the she would email me in a couple of days.

I never received the assignment.  And I didn't ask.  I watch actions. I made a note and continued to watch.

Next thing that troubled me was when I asked Maria what her email list size was.  I was helping her with sharing her teachings with her database.  She told me it was 5000.  When I was given access to her email hosting service, I found that her list was substantially smaller.  Only 1500. 
So during a council meeting I was discussing her list of 5000 in front of everyone and how important a list that size can be for the amount of money we need to raise.  She didn't correct me in front of everyone or later.  She continued to let everyone think that she has a list of 5000.

So she lied, was given an opportunity to correct it and didn't.

I also started reviewing things from the past and in Oct 2014 she was trying to do a fundraising competition to raise money to buy the land.  I was the only one who responded with any interest. (That should've been a red flag) So to thank me she said she was adding me to the volunteer list for SD Ak-Kine in May 2015 so I could get an inside look at how they do things.  When it came closer to the time to register, she told me I had to pay, that to volunteer there was still a fee.

This year I also started Hat'ii Level One which is an online class with Maria where you learn to put on whole day ceremony.  It is the first real training with her that I've done besides moon lodge and fire ceremony.

During one class we spent over half the class discussing what form of divination we used and what our experience was using divination tools to determine who is best fit for each role in the ceremony.

The next month she repeated the same class, asking us the same questions like she never even asked us before.  We were all so stunned we just went along with it. 

For someone who has been teaching as long as she has, it just didn't feel right. I never went back to class.

I have been serving on the council for 2 years now and have been supporting them to raise the money to get the land.  So I share their posts on FB. 

On one of the posts I shared, I received a comment from someone saying that I needed to do my research on Mary Jo Gardner, she isn't who she says she is.

So I took a closer look at all the claims that were being made here and through my own research found the claims to be true. 

I believe without a doubt that Maria isn't Apache, not even a little.  She is white, born to white parents.   

Offline mjmpride

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Non-Profit Status Letter

Offline mjmpride

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They have received non-profit status in New Mexico

Offline mjmpride

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Grandpa's Blessing Linked In

Offline educatedindian

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Thanks for your information MJM.

The Pleiades stories are not part of Apache or Navajo tradition. It's something she mangled from another tribe on the other side of the country.

The email list is good news in a way. Only 1500 people showing any interest at all in her decades of seeking followers. That she'd invite someone who hadn't taken part in three years to be in her "council" says how low the interest was. Just how many people attend a typical gathering? What is she charging?

And I urge you again to recover the money taken from you  by suing her. You could even do so in small claims court. 

Offline mjmpride

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20-30 people would attend moon lodge for $25 per person

2 yrs ago she reached out to her list for a fundraising competition to buy the land.  I was the only one who showed any interest.

She also charges volunteers!

Offline educatedindian

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Yet again, so many problems with claims, this time in the print she's peddling of a supposed sand painting by an alleged grandfather.

It's very taboo to photograph actual sand paintings. They're for healing and are destroyed immediately after being made. I've never heard of any sand painting combined with photos. Esp an Edward Curtis one. Curtis staged photos of NDNs to make them look primitive.

Gardner's supposed grandfather Ten Bears...very unoriginal of her. The actual Ten Bears was Comanche. Fiction writers keep ripping off the name. First white supremacist Asa Carter used the name in Outlaw Josey Wales. Then it was used again in Dances With Wolves. Finally cult leader Harley Reagan claimed he was trained by a Navajo named Ten Bears.

Another claim of hers seems unlikely to me. She claims to have been struck by lightning and that's what began her fraud career. I can't find any site saying that besides hers. Surely someone surviving a lightning strike would make at least the local paper. 


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The Yraceburus say they will be moving back to California.

No bank would loan them money for land purchase.

They leased to own the land they are on and fundraised for eventual purchase. I assume all the donations from followers will not be returned.