Author Topic: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder  (Read 108555 times)


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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #15 on: April 11, 2011, 06:26:44 am »
Blue Thunder listened gravely as I expressed my fear that I could not keep my fear at bay, my concern that I would drag it into ceremony, polluting the wheel. And he spoke of the forces that would pull us all down, that would hinder the progress of all peoples back into the light of Self awareness, knowledge and Spirit. After a cleansing he assured me I would do just fine. Kristine gave me the not-so-reassuring understanding that I was taking on tsunami energy for the entire planet to transmute. Feeling somewhat like a determined little donkey given its assigned burden to bear, I went home to prepare for the weekend.

Kristine is Bennie's "twin flame". I'm just about speechless at the thought of Kristine telling a follower that they are "taking on tsunami energy for the entire planet to transmute".


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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #16 on: April 11, 2011, 03:04:54 pm »
Maria Peterson

She continues her holistic studies with Shari Wagner of Soulspeak (Shamanism) and Bennie LeBeau, a Shoshone Elder  (Earth Healing).

Her  schedule this year includes Denmark, USA, Canada - classes $125 - $685

Kristine Soliday, Bennie's "twin flame", look what she claims her Aqua Chi footbath did for her:

Barbara Korte

A wonderful Native American man came into my life, and we formed a beautiful friendship. He taught me about ley lines, vortexes and grid systems on the Earth. He showed where the land cried out because of the mining and construction, drilling and pollution and showed me how to clear and heal those areas. Blue Thunder taught me about the Rock people and the Tree Beings and how every living thing had a voice. He said we had forgotten our connection with nature, and that our Mother was saddened because of that disconnection. He showed me how to clear the water and food we eat of the pollutants created by thought, chemicals and the fear of the animal. Then how to infuse and charge it with love and gratitude, and raise its vibration. He taught me endless amounts of information of which I am eternally grateful, but most importantly he taught me reverence for all life. To learn more about Blue Thunder (Bennie Le Beau) visit


Cate Montana

So I followed an internal whispered prompting and walked up to Blue Thunder’s wife after the presentation was over—a white woman named Kristine—and volunteered to be the ambassador of the wheel at Quinault and keep a fire burning over the three-day ceremony. I don’t know any native songs. But there’s one in my heart that beats to the same rhythm as the Earth’s. I don’t know any of the rituals. But what does it matter? Caring enough to show up with pure intent for blessing is enough to make all the difference in this beautiful and weary world.


Mary E. Barton listed as co-sponsor on

Lori Boess, listed on

A lifelong resident of Washington, Lori was raised in Tacoma and now calls Olympia her home. Clairvoyant from an early age, Lori has always felt connected to the Earth.

Lori has immersed herself in the metaphysical, native and para psychological teachings for the past several years. Her training consists of drum making, ceremony, sweat lodge, earth weaving, intentional prayer, and metaphysics.

A special note from Lori Boess

"Where would we be without great teachers and mentors?"
 "A special thanks to all those who have helped me on my journey including Berniece Falling Leaves, Nicky Scully, Conner Sauer, Robert Lester, Cathy Pfiel, Brooke Medicine Eagle, Jane Bell, Lorraine Bayes, Bonnie Pemberton, William White Feather, Kerri O'Connell and Kanaychowa."

                    Lori Boess                    
« Last Edit: April 15, 2011, 12:53:37 pm by Epiphany »


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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #17 on: April 13, 2011, 03:26:48 am »
My name is BlueThunder of the Eastern Shoshone Nation on the Wind River Indian Reservation, Fort Washakie, Wyoming. I am sending out these attachments to the elders asking for their permission to consider an Earth Healing Ceremony in the Yellowstone National Park one very special sacred site. Would you please forward the following information for funds to help the elders and I get to the ceremonies. I pray many will support with funds to help support this very special gathering that was prophesized to happen by the ancients long ago. Those that might want to contact me please call or email me. I am now on my Shoshone Nations homelands in Wyoming here on the Wind River Indian Reservation in Wyoming.

I am a spiritual leader/advisor on Earth Healing Ceremonies. I am asking the general public for financial help to complete this work with the Aboriginal and Indigenous Nations around the Uluru (Ayers Rock, Australia) and Atlanta, Georgia. I would like be able to visit Australia and Stone Mountain areas to assist with the Elders of both groups of these Indigenous Nations. This includes the work in for June 18th to the 21st of June 2008 and August 8, 2008.Working to communicate with the elders on the importance of this and how this ceremony will work healing the environments. Please have those that may be interested in donating funds to finance this work to please contact me at: or my cell phone at (307) 851-6249 or my home at (307) websites are:

Note that last site he lists:

We are a charitable organisation set up for the relief of financial hardship of native American Indians by providing or assisting in the provision of improved housing with water, power and sanitation servicing, medical and educational centres to incorporate both modern and cultural teachings which they could not otherwise afford through lack of means. The Foundation will also assist in helping them to stop the desecration and devastation of their sacred sites on their land.

On their Help given page are gems like this one:

Donations made to Elder Blue Thunder and Elder Marshal Golden Eagle Jack of the Paiute nation to assist with travelling expenses required to enable them to lead sacred ceremonies in the States outside their Tribal Lands.

Here is Jack:


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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #18 on: April 15, 2011, 01:08:39 pm »
Bennie claims Sacajawea as a great-grandmother:

Sacajawea was from Salmon, Idaho, from the Shoshone people, as mentioned above she is one of BlueThunder’s Great Grandmothers.

This stuff is just plain horrible:

We were designed to have a thought occur in the mind and then to have our inner self, our higher self, offer an emotion in response to that thought.  If the emotion felt good, that was our Spirit’s way of saying that the thought we just had was in alignment with our desires, in alignment with the highest good of all.

If instead we received a negative emotion in response to our thought, that was to tell us that our thought was out of alignment with love, peace and harmony.   We all know of this connection on some level and we call it our conscience.  Many of us have learned to ignore and even disconnect from this inner knowing by staying in our heads and rationalizing why what we think we want is okay, at whatever cost to others and our environment. Most of us have lost the ability to navigate through life using our feelings as our compass.

More at: How to Come Into Alignment with the New Earth Agreements of 2012


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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2011, 10:12:04 pm » This page used to have lots of copy and paste from tribal and municipal sites, leading many readers to assume they all were actual sponsors, this has now been removed. Bennie's partner Kristine Soliday has currently taken her blog down, the blog with a post that drew a lot of negative attention. She posted a photo of what she claimed was a healing foot bath after she has soaked her feet in it, looked like it was thick reddish brown pudding, she claimed stuff like old blood had been purified from her.

They haven't responded to my request for annual reports.

They have a facebook page Pacific Northwest Medicine Wheel Ceremony.

Tuesday, June 21st
Pacific NW Medicine Wheel Ceremony at all 9 Sacred Sites

I really wish they would not do this. They have been told that they are being disrespectful and they aren't listening.

Unfortunately some people are going to believe that because a video of Chief Arvol Looking Horse is posted on Bennie's Earth Wisdom Foundation site that somehow Bennie is legit.

« Last Edit: April 29, 2011, 10:31:43 pm by Epiphany »


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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #20 on: May 14, 2011, 04:13:43 pm »
The Ghost Dance: Wovoka and Blue Thunder
There is currently in Mt Shasta a Native American gentleman called Blue Thunder who is speaking on matters of prominent interest regarding the environment, chemtrails, etc. Some have "intuited" that he is the re-incarnation of Wovoka, who was a Paiute Medicine Man, quite active in the late 1800's and "creator" of the Ghost Dance.

May 1, 2011

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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #21 on: May 14, 2011, 06:06:25 pm »
... So a bunch of non-Natives are going to try to do The Ghost Dance? 

Could get interesting  ::)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2011, 01:30:46 am »
I received a series of emails from a former associate of Lebeau’s, very concerned and wanting to know more and understand why he’s a fraud. They asked that their identity be kept concealed, but gave permission for the emails to be posted.

They also speak of having a good friend who is deeply caught up in believing in Lebeau. Any advice for how to get their friend away from Lebeau and co?

In order, the emails are first from them, then my response, them, then me again, then them.

Hello members of NewAgeFraud,
My name is …. and I [worked with] Kristine and Blue Thunder... And yes, I'm a white person….
 I was connected to the Northwest Medicine Wheel Ceremony that happened in Olympia in March. There was a cultural awareness dialogue held, meant to discuss the issues the Native Student Alliance had concerning the ceremony and Blue Thunder; it did not go well at all and I feel like nothing is resolved. No apologies were accepted and people were very disrespectful to him, Kristine and myself--telling us we don't know what love is and that we're creating chaos. Aside from that I've been very hurt about the way people are painting us; saying we are disrespectful and ignoring them, which is not true. I tried to arrange a dialogue between me and them and members of the counseling network at TESC and nobody responded to the request. I made it a point to speak with everyone who approached me about it and I was never rude, and offered to be open and have honest communication. Several people invited in protestors who showed up at the Capital Theater event on March 13 to come in speak before the crowd, and they refused. I don't understand why there can be no resolve, and why we can't have any meeting of the minds.
I'm mostly writing to you because I read your blog on NewAgeFraud that was recommended to me by a native student and I really want to understand why I need to be cautious and why people are saying he's a scam. Blue Thunder has never shown me unkindness, and I knew Kristine long before her and Blue were partners; I can certainly attest to her intuitive gifts. They inspired me to write a research... In the entire time I worked with them I never gave a penny--I have no money. And I was never excluded. Also I don't understand how praying for the place where I grew up and asking for healing for myself and people I love is offensive and wrong. Please help me understand what I'm not seeing, and what I can do differently.


Sorry for the late reply.
The anger and what you interpret as "disrespect" are a result of frustration that Natives constantly face on this issue, from outsiders not understanding our POV.
Imagine if a con man started dressing up as a Catholic priest, declared himself a religious leader even though no one in the Catholic church ever made him a priest and the communities knew of him only as an imposter who always caused trouble and took money for misrepresenting Catholic mass as witchcraft involving cannibalism.
Now imagine you didn't know much about Catholic beliefs and naively decided to intern for this imposter.
Naturally he'd treat you with respect. After all, you're doing free labor for him.
Naturally he'd realize it's useful to use you to shield him from the Catholic community, as Mr LeBeau has with you. .
And it wouldn't be too surprising if you felt the people pointing out he's an imposter were somehow "disrespectful."
The fact remains, what you think of him and his "respect" for you has no bearing on whether he's legit or not.
The Shoshone and other Natives in the northwest have long known he's a fraud,
He has NEVER been recognized as a spiritual leader or healer in the Shoshone community.
What he "teaches" has no resemblance at all to Shoshone or any other Native belief.
What he teaches are racist stereotypes. Outsiders who only know Hollywood films think these are somehow the real traditions.
He has done enormous damage to Native people and traditions. And those who naively support him, though they don't know any better, act as human shields for him,
Whether you realize it or not, you harm Native people. We urge you to reconsider what you are doing.
I also urge you to come to the forum and speak with the people, both Native and nonNative.
Al Carroll, moderator


If I may ask, what evidence do you have to prove that he is viewed as a fraud by his community? Where can I find this? I still don't understand why I'm being harmful, or why his intentions are harmful. He asks for donations, but does not expect it, and does not exclude anyone. Even after… was over and I no longer… he's still there for me. He is never rude, even to people who are rude to him. Rude to me is screaming at someone, telling them they don't know what love is, saying "you make me sick" and "that's crazy talk/woo woo talk". Anyone would consider that disrespectful. Have you watched his documentary "Healing Mother Earth's Sacred Sites" where he worked with people in Big Bear Lake, CA? Several community members attested to the improvement of their environment and wildlife because of the ceremony he did there. Also, why is it that I'm able to find other Native American communities that DO endorse his work and came to the ceremony to share their spirituality with us, and thank us for what we're doing? I don't feel like you've answered my questions. I am talking to other native and non-native groups, and I don't find consistent answers. You say he's a fraud, others say he's a good man with a love for nature that wants to help others. Some people say I'm being racist and a cultural appropriator, others say I'm doing something beautiful and important. Can you understand why this is confusing for me, and my need to get to the bottom of this?
Thank you for your time. I'm just trying to find the truth in all of this.


See for yourself the evidence we've gathered.
As you can see, many of the "Native" elders he claims endorse him are in fact NOT Native.
Note also his working with numerous other imposters and exploiters.
Among the more contemptible things LeBeau has done, besides falsely claiming to be a Shoshone elder, is his use and abuse of a woman dying of leukemia, taking everything she has while letting her delude herself into thinking she will be cured.
As for your claim that other Natives in other communities endorse him, besides being largely false (since many of these aren't even Native)....
Why on earth do you think that means anything? Would you think Lutherans decide who is a Catholic priest?
Like many outsiders, you seem to not understand that these are hundreds of extremely distinct traditiions.
Again, I urge you to come to the forum. There is also another moderator Debbie Redbear who knows about LeBeau in greater detail including the northwest tribes view and complaints against him.
Also, I would like your permission to post our emails here, since I think all could benefit from this discussion, esp those like yourself trying to figure these issues out.
Al Carroll


Thank you for your time. I'm reading this materials. I've also contacted Big bear lake resort and I'm trying to find a contact for his tribe. If you know of one, please tell me. I want to hear of that myself. I hear a lot of "I have a source that says" but I want to speak to them directly. At this time I would prefer to remain private, I hope you'll respect that. I need time to think about it. This is all frightening to me, because I really believed in the good intentions of this work.
Do you support the 13 Indigenous Grandmothers?  They endorse his work. Please let me know what your thoughts are about these endorsers:
Yes, please refer me to Debbie Red Bear. She can reach me here.
Please know I'm not a bad person. I'm not stupid either. I'm just trying to understand this.
I do understand different tribes have their own traditions--I want to understand why mixing and sharing of cultures is viewed as a negative thing. And please stop using references to Catholics--I have no connections to that religion.
What are normal rituals and traditiosn that happen in sweatlodges? I have so many questions.


I forwarded your email to Debbie Redbear. She can tell you more about the local community.
I will keep this in confidence as you wish. [Note that she gave permission to post in the next email.] But I do urge you to join the forum to speak to others. You don't have to reveal your identity.
There are more than a few members of NAFPS that are in a similar situation to you. We have ex Newagers, people who made mistakes and now regret it. There are even ex wives of exploiters among our members.
The 13 grandmothers, if you look at our thread on them, we point out there are some who are genuine and a few who don't seem to be what they claim. The bigger issue is they have been "appointed" as elders by a white Newage exploiter named Jyoti, who seems to be using them to make herself appear legit.
I used the references to Catholics because they are perhaps the most widely known faith….
Each tribe has different sweatlodge traditions but in general there are protocols saying one must never charge, it must be done by a healer recognized and trained in their community, and it is extremely dangerous for someone who is not to conduct one. A good example of the dangers is the case of James Ray in Sedona who killed many people with his ignorance.
As far as "sharing" that word is often used by Newagers to actually mean stealing or taking without asking. To truly share one must have permission, and Lebeau and other imposters don't. Tribe do share traditions sometimes, but only after careful consideration by all parties and agreement by everyone. There is much reluctance because there are so many abusers like Lebeau.
Al Carroll


I spoke with several members of the Shoshone Tribe today and was very sad by the things they told me; saying he's not a respected person, he uses people, is not an appointed medicine man and not an elder. Thank you very much for warning me. I also want you to understand where I'm coming from: I'm involved in… and I'm very sad by the ugly things I see people do to each other. I want nothing more for us to live in peace with one another and for us to heal ourselves and the world around us. Not knowing this was wrong or that this sort of fraud existed is very sad to me because I want so much to be an instrument of change in my community. Can you understand why I felt the way I did? I'm not trying to gain sympathy and I don't expect forgiveness, this is who I really am. The last thing I wanted to do is hurt people, in any situation. I love people very much, all people, regardless of their race, spirituality or cultural beliefs. In fact I'm fascinated by anything different from me and want to travel the world, learning all about it. This was certainly a learning lesson. I'm very concerned for the others who have been following him, and for my friend who is his partner.  They said she is in danger. I need to think about how I want to handle this. Yes, you post these emails, but please use the name :formerPNW. I don't want my real name or contact info connected to this. Best wishes to you.


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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2011, 02:52:37 am »
I encourage formerPNW to definitely join us. They are welcome here. They have a great opportunity to continue to discuss and learn. I speak from experience. :)


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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2011, 03:34:43 am »
They also speak of having a good friend who is deeply caught up in believing in Lebeau. Any advice for how to get their friend away from Lebeau and co?

Read more:

The former member is speaking of Bennie's current "twin flame" Kristine. Kristine works as Bennie's partner, co-leads events with him. She looks to be very wrapped up in Bennie.

So helping Kristine see the reality of the situation would be like helping a member of a cult break free, or a domestic violence victim break free. Takes time and patience and persistence.

Unfortunately what Kristine has with Bennie might be "working" for her, she probably is really invested in this. And criticism of Bennie will probably trigger more us-vs-them stuff, a feeling that it is she and Bennie against all the nonbelievers. Direct confrontation might not work.

Kristine's friend could provide her with time away from Bennie. Friendship, being a role model of someone who is learning and growing, someone who encourages truth and health can help.

Bennie and Kristine both use lots of "loaded language"...

Loaded language

New words and language are created to explain the new and profound meanings that have been discovered. Existing words are also hijacked and given new and different meaning.

This is particularly effective due to the way we think a lot through language. The consequence of this is that the person who controls the meaning of words also controls how people think. In this way, black-and-white thinking is embedded in the language, such that wrong-doers are framed as terrible and evil, whilst those who do right (as defined by the group) are perfect and marvellous.

The meaning of words are kept hidden both from the outside world, giving a sense of exclusivity. The meaning of special words may also be revealed in careful illuminatory rituals, where people who are being elevated within the order are given the power of understanding this new language.

.... anything to help Kristine and any other followers begin to think and speak more clearly might be helpful.

Definition from:
« Last Edit: June 16, 2011, 03:36:59 am by Epiphany »

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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #25 on: June 24, 2011, 12:31:59 am »
I spoke with a woman who was associated with LeBeau but backed off because of some things that came up. She has done some research since then, even calling the Eastern Shoshone nation to speak with their cultural director. She discovered that a) Bennie is not, and never has been, considered a "Respected Elder" as his followers claim. b) Is not supported by them in any of the things he does. c) Not well liked. and d) Considered a self-appointed "shaman." I wish more people would call tribes and ask them if the people who claim association are recognized for what they claim. Not ask about things that are fairly innocent or mundane like someone being descended from a nation. But when they claim respected elder or shaman.

Offline goozih

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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #26 on: June 24, 2011, 01:38:54 am »
I don't have anything here but was wondering what happened to the site as of late.

Offline formerPNW

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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #27 on: September 03, 2011, 02:12:57 am »
Hi, I'm formerPNW. I was the one who was communicating with the moderator about my former involvement. Thank you for those of you who responded to my emails--I appreciate your time, and I have learned quite a bit. I know what to look for in the future: I have NEVER encountered this sort of thing. I didn't even know this sort of fraud existed, but it sure forces me to exercise my deductive reasoning.

I haven't heard anything from Blue in months, but recently he did ask me to befriend him on a social media site (not FB something else...) and asked me to donate money. :(

I'm still very concerned for my friend, who is "married" to him--not legally. I worry that he is taking advantage of her: people from his tribe that knew him before these ceremonies say he can't be trusted. I wish I knew how to help her, but she's so into what he's doing. She's not the same person at all. The tricky thing--and what I'm most worried about--is the fact that they are not legally married: he can leave whenever he wants and will not face any consequences. She went through a very painful break-up with her former partner of 7 years JUST before they met. Continuing to give me advice on this piece would be greatly helpful.

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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #28 on: September 04, 2011, 01:01:52 am »
Hi formerPNW,

One thing you might do is to go to Rick Ross' site (don't have the link but I know Al does) and learn about cults. Bennie is running a cult.  People get brainwashed by wanting so badly to get that "pie in the sky". But some people wo have dealt with cults, can probably offer more advice. Also, be prepared to counter her beliefs re Bennie, with facts. SHe won't like it, but eventually. she may see it.

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Re: Bennie LeBeau aka Blue Thunder
« Reply #29 on: September 04, 2011, 02:16:46 pm »
It's Lots of archived articles on cults. He also has a forum, lots of discussions by former cult members and survivors, ex Scientology, ex Moonies, ex fundamentalists, you name it.