General > Frauds
Warning on Hucksters Who Pose as S American Indian
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Mystical Travelers Advisory
Warning: Watch for wolves in sheep's clothing: Several have been spotted working over the many, now flocking to Peru.
This warning need not apply to discriminating seekers though they may find the whole thing amusing. Discernment makes the difference.
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Heh. Any `seekers' out there willing to admit to not being discerning?
What really gave me the creeps about this article was that the author doesn't seem to have a problem with spiritual tourism except when it goes wrong and white people are exploited by Indians. So long as `the elders' `do their job', everything's ok.
It's far from a perfect warning. Frankly if there were a better warning I'd use it. I'm trying to get them to name names and incidents, but nothing so far.
They focus mostly on sexual abuse and domineering cult leaders and leave alone almost every other issue. The company makes its money from both spiritual and eco tourism. But the fact that even they can see how blatant and obvious most of the ripoffs are says just how bad it is down there. I'd really like to hear what Bryant has to say about this.
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