Pt 2:
3) Most of what Morning Sky claims are Hopi beliefs and prophecies obviously have NOTHING to do with Native people AT ALL. They are from CHRISTIAN or EUROPEAN lore. The Knights Templar and the Holy Grail stories come from ENGLAND. Conspiracy theories about the Illuminati and the Bilderbergers are obviously ANGLO-AMERICAN and SECULAR in origin.
Morning Sky also relies on discredited frauds like Carlos Castaneda. Someone would really have to know absolutely nothing about American Indians (or Christian mythology) to believe any of this has anything to do with Hopis or Apaches.
4) Morning Sky works with a long list of OTHER notorious frauds and
spiritual exploiters such as:
"Oshinnah Fastwolf"- a Scottish woman who poses as Chiricahua Apache.
Robert Franzone AKA "Ghostwolf" an Italian-American from New Jersey who has at various times posed as Lakota, Iroquois, or Metis,
one of the worst exploiters around with a history of violence against women and several convictions for fraud.
"Hunbatz Men" an Anglo-American who passes off Buddhist beliefs as Mayan.
5) The Hopi Nation says NO ONE who claims to represent or teach about their beliefs off reservation is legitimate:
"Over the years many individuals, both Hopi and non-Hopi, have purposely DISTORTED and EXPLOITED Hopi spirituality and the Hopi way
of life to suit their OWN ends. The reasons for this
misrepresentation vary as much as the people who engage in it. The most common motives, however, are NOTORIETY, PROFIT, or political manipulation. Irrespective of the intent, it all results in an
unwanted INTRUSION by outsiders on the Hopi way of life.
Many, and perhaps most, Hopi people believe that religion is a PRIVATE matter and that there is already too much information available to non-Hopis about Hopi spirituality. A great deal of
knowledge that may have been shared with guests as a courtesy or as privileged information, even in moments of undeserved trust, has been
published. These published accounts, be they accurate or misleading, have been MISUSED to replicate Hopi ceremonies and spirituality for
profit. In many cases, information has been ALTERED in a way that ignores any spiritual context and religious significance.
BEWARE of ANY INDIVIDUAL or organization USING THE HOPI NAME to promote spiritual workshops, seminars or other "religious" activities. It is NOT a Hopi value to try and convert non-Hopi people
to Hopi religious beliefs or ways. And, sharing religious knowledge for profit is UNACCEPTABLE to most Hopi people.
Hopi religion is so complex that it is IMPOSSIBLE for any one Hopi, traditional group or political faction within Hopi, to know it entirely. Hopi culture and religion as a whole is multifaceted, but there are also variations from village to village, and much of the Hopi ceremonial cycle is secret even among the Hopi. Specific clans and societies are responsible for different aspects of the ceremonial cycle, which in its entirety, make a complimentary whole.
BEWARE, then, of any one person professing to be a traditional spokesperson for the Hopi or even a "traditional" Hopi. No one person can possibly speak for all Hopi people. Some who profess to do
so do NOT practice the beliefs of Hopi religion or participate in its priesthoods." were added.
6) Morning Sky also conducts vision quests (which are NOT a Hopi ceremony) and has a very goofy Anglo woman, Karen Degenhart AKA "Thunder Stone Dream Woman" as a follower. Degenhart herself sells "shamanic services."
7) Morning Sky's claims that there are Hopi hieroglyphics on alien autopsy sites are FRAUDULENT:
"Linguistics professor/retired, Boris Chourinov, has stated strongly that the translations that Robert Morning Sky [did] are way off base and have no foundation in the reality of linguistics."
In a rare unguarded moment, Morning Sky HIMSELF admits to having made up some of his claims, and that he has no authority to claim
what he does:
"I am not a shaman, a medicine man, a guru... I have nothing to offer you in the way of credibility. I am a nobody."
-Robert Morning Sky, introducing himself in an article called, "The Blue Star Hoax" that appeared in LEADING EDGE #95. Among other things, Morning Sky...claimed that the fabled "Blue Star" does not exist in Hopi legends, teachings or mythology. It was a term that he invented in the early 1970's that has since been pirated by
researchers who falsely claimed to have spent time with Hopi Elders learning the secrets of the Blue Star Kachina (a kachina that Morning Sky says doesn't exist), and channelers, psychics and clairvoyants who claim to have received Blue Star revelations from their spiritual sources."
What You Can Do:
1) AVOID Morning Sky and do not pay to hear him speak at the UFO and New Age events he frequents. Complain to the sponsors or organizers
if he is included.
2) If you still choose to go to these events, CHALLENGE his long history of lies. UFO believers often complain the rest of the public will not take them seriously. People like Morning Sky are one of the reasons!
3) Report his activities to Native activist groups such as AIM, NAFPS, Red Road Collective. Also report what he does to the Hopi Nation.
4) PASS ON what you have learned here to anyone who believes Morning Sky is legit.