General => Frauds => Topic started by: Hapechi Wea on December 30, 2012, 05:35:57 am

Title: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Hapechi Wea on December 30, 2012, 05:35:57 am
Leah Sampson is claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman and she channels the Intergalactic Grandmothers Council 
and supports something called the Great Turtle Island Federation///

This is a copy from her  Facebook page...
I am Clan Mother Standing White Buffalo from the Great Turtle Island Federation, Anishinabe Soto Muscowpetung

The prophecy of Buffalo Calf Woman Woman has been fulfilled for let it be known to the people that I am Buffalo Calf Woman.

Today the Grandmothers woke me with this message and asked me to send it out. Please forward it, as quickly as possible to our people in the Idle No More Movement so that we reach as many people as possible. 
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Laurel on December 30, 2012, 12:59:47 pm
from above FB page:

...the town formerly known as Okotoks is in my Country now. Anishinabe Soto Country, Muscowpetung area. I have to define my borders, once I receive my official citizenship identification, I'm taking over and restructuring. No more chemicals, GMO's no chlorine or fluride in the water, hemp, salvia and toacco are legal - alcohol is ILLEGAL.

She recommends smoking all three of those last substances around children so they can inhale the "harmless" secondhand smoke. She also discusses chemtrails, gray aliens, a NWO, the delusion that we can somehow let nothing "man-made" touch us, colon cleanses, and naturally she's's a cornucopia of scary-crazy.   :-\ Also...

Idle No More needs more drums--- White Buffalo Calf Woman is calling for MORE DRUMS!

What an ego!
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: educatedindian on December 30, 2012, 03:48:27 pm
Her page is already down or hidden.

Here's the Great Turtle Island Federation, but we don't know if she's a member or just supports them.

Note there was a group with a similar name and claims, their site is now down.

No sign online of that "Intergalactic Grandmothers Council". I did see some Nuage mentions of a Galactic GM's Council.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Defend the Sacred on December 30, 2012, 09:19:31 pm
I think this makes at least a dozen people who have now claimed to be WBCW, each of them crazier than the last.

Interesting how none of them that I'm aware of are Lakota, or even NDN. I didn't see the Leah Sampson pages before they were down, but would I be right in guessing that, like all the others, she's a white newager?
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Epiphany on December 30, 2012, 11:31:05 pm
White Buffalo Calf Woman - Sunday, December 30, 2012

The International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers requests that Circle Dances happen across the nation in each village, town, and city at their New Year Eve Celebrations.

All colours and creeds are to participate in the Circle Dance, Bring drums of all kinds, all sacred instruments, signs about every corrupt thing the government did to the human holding the sign. Now is the time to show the world that humans of Turtle Island are done with the old system and that we are BRINGING IN A NEW ONE.

Now is the time to carry the Idle No More wave into 2013 and bring awareness across the globe that it is the beginning of the upheaval of governments across the scattered pieces of Turtle Island as humans unite as one.

Mayan relatives were correct! The end of the world has happened and more humans are waking up every day!

Your future can be glorious if you UNITE!

Above a recent post from her FB page. Along with:

And I lost my pipe today.... I will be back in another lifetime to retrieve it. They are the keeper of the pipe for my next return.

Good example of (

Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: AnnOminous on December 31, 2012, 04:32:46 pm
She is in need of some geography lessons too.  Okotoks is in south central Alberta....Blackfoot Country.  Anishinabe Soto [sic] Country is in south central Saskatchewan.  But accuracy, legitimacy and credibility are obviously mere inconveniences. >:(
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: earthw7 on December 31, 2012, 07:19:41 pm
ok i should of never read this :(
Forgive me for what i say BUT>>>>>>>>>>
Only the Lakota have the White Buffalo Calf Pipe woman and she is not coming back as a woman but a buffalo
and not as a white woman, Anishinabe are Chippewa what are they doing with our story.
Then is has taken our movement Idle No More and think she has the right to call us to come.
This is not what this is about we are fighting for our lives not these fakes to fill their pocket with money
It hurts my heart that these people are out there, they do so much damage to the Native people
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: earthw7 on December 31, 2012, 09:35:18 pm
I check out her facebook page something is wrong with this woman
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: debbieredbear on January 01, 2013, 01:05:46 am
I also wonder about this. I wonder especially why so many white women seem to think THEY are WBCW. It seems so egotistical and arrogant to claim to be a holy person. There was a local couple, who are Indian, but kinda con artist types. Neither are Lakota and I won't name their tribes. They had a young daughter, around 12, and they started alluding to her being WBCW. The woman's own sister said "How can you tell?" And the woman said "Well LOOK at HER!! You can TELL!!" And all of these rich white people were running around talking about the little holy woman. Excuse me, this is a child, I wanted to scream. But they would not have heard me. They saw what they wanted to see. Sadly, the young girl became a drug addict at 14 and a mother at 15. And I blame her idiot parents.

One white woman I know was asking me about what a certain bird meant to Indians and I said, "what does it matter to you? You are not from a tribe. It should be What does the bird mean to YOU."

Ok, rant is over. I am just tired of these people running around claiming things like this.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: earthw7 on January 01, 2013, 05:04:04 am
what i dont understand is the White Buffalo Calf woman is a Dakota/Lakota story not any other tribe
then it is a buffalo that comes back not a woman, and why would we have this person come back as white
person who knows nothing about our culture, it is like people running around say they are Jesus.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: debbieredbear on January 01, 2013, 06:32:44 pm
I have tried to tell that to friends. That she came only to your people and not to everyone. That this is a specific prophecy for one group of people. Not the world as a whole. They do not get that. I think when that first calf was born, people got really caught up in it. And sometimes they cannot see beyond the end of their own noses.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: AnnOminous on January 04, 2013, 05:43:13 pm
Here's the latest from this crack-pot from her facebook page at  (emphasis mine)

THE END OF THE WORLD HAPPENED December 21, 2012 as predicted by Mayans.
The Answer to resolve the Human Condition
Any individual ANYWHERE in the world can obtain SOVEREIGNTY and be recognized as a person who wanders the globe.

I come back WHITE as White Buffalo Calf Woman for a REASON. Lakota Sundance Chief and Medicine Man David Swallow, Jr. explains the white buffalo, “It has come to speak to you…and it’s telling you something here…you have to listen It’s not an Indian thing; it’s for humanity.”

The Great Turtle Island Federation Peace Mission has been established to quite literally... save EVERYONE's assets.
This began as a Grassroots Movement in 1986 and they are IDLE NO MORE for it began repatriating the United States of America region with the first repatriation on October 20, 2002.

What many don’t know is that EARTH is really called TURTLE ISLAND and a Government has been formed called The Great Turtle Island Federation, which represents ALL people that live on it. Peace talks have already begun with the United Nations as to how we can unite together as one culture, one people.

You were once free and were tricked by the Trickster, Satan, Lucifer, Evil Forces call it what you may. What happened is that the vast majority signed away your life, or made a Deal with the Devil, which is a company that calls themselves a “Country” named as Canada, USA, Mexico, Jamaica, Haiti etc and you have unknowingly re-sided to live in within this companies rules and regulations even agreeing to pay them taxes of which 60% goes to the Crown Queen’s coffers at the Palace and 40% of it stays here. That’s not a country at all - that’s a dictatorship. This Deal you Made with The Devil, is being RESTORED, if you side with the Source of Creation, Source of the Three Sons.

These companies are the one running the TOP of the Illuminati Pyramid. The head of the Beast is the Crown Queen and the branches of Lucifer are the businesses called “Countries”. They have been constantly branching out with goals of more money, more money, more money and conducting a very toxic business on the lands that we live on and we all know what they’re doing is wrong.
How do we stop it? UNIFICATION

You can be from any area on the globe, Turtle Island, to join, you just need to be a person who wants to change their life for the better and is willing to live by The Great Law, want to help restore Mother Earth, live in peace and happiness which is EXACTLY what the SOURCE wants for you. You can be Baha'i, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jainist, Jewish, Native American, Shinto, Sikh, Sufi, Tibetan, or Zoroastrian, it doesn’t matter, you just need to be a person who wants to be unbound from the ties that restrict you.

The Great Turtle Island Federation Warrior Law as per the Warriors’ Hand Book - Karoniaktajen

“The Great Law has definite functions for the War Chief and his men (Warrior Society). They are charged with the protection, defense and welfare of the people. These duties may take many forms. Keeping the peace, teaching, public speaking, repossessing lost lands and human rights; and work of all useful kinds to promote the welfare of the people. Upholding the Great Law results in Peace – Righteousness – Power a noble work entrusted to the care of the Warrior Society.”

If you’re willing to uphold these laws, you will receive new internationally accepted identification acknowledging your allegiance to the global world, the Great Turtle Island Federation. This identification will assist everyone with Customs, TSA, cashing checks, renting cars, boarding planes, etc.

This identifies you with the ULTIMATE HUMAN RIGHTS as a person of the planet that is called Turtle Island. You are free to walk the globe and will have identification to prove where you come from, The Great Turtle Island Federation.

Sounds too good to be true? Well, that’s how the Creator restores the Earth every time and I’m always the Messenger.

The Great Turtle Island Federation is legitimate as it currently has a Convention before the United Nations (similar to the "Geneva Convention") and will have 7-13 Representatives that will travel the United Nations in the near future.

As with this awful system of paperwork, there are administration costs, IT’S STILL GRASSROOTS with costs for identification, phones, legal council, travel, licensing, certified copies and that cost right now is $150 for adult and $50 for children.

Now what about those that can’t afford the costs? Wouldn’t the world be a nicer place if those that had extra money would donate a bit so that those that don’t have money would be able to achieve freedom & sovereignty too? That’s how the Great Law works. Please, if you have anything extra to donate, please consider an uncorrupt charity like, as they are the non-profit organization that is supporting this World Peace Mission. has also stepped up to the plate and will also help the people to re-identify without having to use a Canadian SIN #/ US Social Security Number / Mexican #/s etc, as this is one of the problems that the Federation has encountered, otherwise it is a case of identity theft and theft by deception (People-Land Rights) Etc.

The Royal Pro and the Treaty of Ghent, Article 9 will assist with getting the Police to understand your rights. More will be shared on this later.

Now please – I ask you to share this with your friends, your neighbors, and the world, the reds, the whites, the yellows and the browns.

The Source of the Three Sons said that he would always be there for the people, the aboriginals were Keepers of the Land for a reason and it is time to UNITE the WORLD - please kindly spread the word.

These are the forms you will need to fill out and email

On a personal level, the things that have happened to me blow my mind, but I know who I am and I’d like to share it with you.

My white name was Leah Christine Sampson, I was Canadian but now am with the Great Turtle Island Federation. On July 10, 2012 I was finally acknowledged by the Government of Canada as aboriginal and was registered under the Indian Act as a Bill C-3 Gender Equality Act Treaty Indian HOWEVER I have renounced my ties and citizenship to Canada last week and re-patriated with the Great Turtle Island Federation. I am now SOVERIGN and there are many other aboriginals in the USA & Canada regions that have fought for sovereignty themselves. There are areas in Kelowna that have remained sovereign forever, and thankfully posted YouTube videos like this one:

Many do not believe that it is I, White Buffalo Calf Woman and I pray that your eyes have been opened or at least receptive to what I have to sing, for THIS IS MY SONG.

I am Aboriginal; we all are from somewhere here on Turtle Island. I am also a SOURCE of LIGHT and practice what I preach. I have an Indian Drum, and unfortunately sold my Jamaican drums when times got tough. I smudge regularly and I pray quite a bit for I thank our SOURCE all the time for what He brings into my life, whether it is good or bad. I know now that it all happens for a reason and now I have learned to just hand my life over to the SOURCE and go with the flow. What I did unknown to me at the time was to tap into the Network of Light that is enveloping the planet creating awareness on all levels.

I have been baptized three times, Roman Catholic, First Assembly, and lastly Apostolic Arc Pentecostal on Christmas Day 2011. I baptized my son, Strong Warrior, formerly known as Andre Jr. with sweet grass dipped in distilled, blessed water. I meditate and now have a temple in my house with all my Sacred Gifts, which I began doing after visiting Kim’s Nails and asking about her Chinese religion and the temple she had set up in her store. I practice Feng Shui, and placed a temple in the center of my home. It has Buddha, a cross, a running fountain, incense, crystals, my token stones, other earth stones, a medicine wheel, my medicine pouch, 52 Inspiration Cards from Eckhart Tolle’s A New Earth – Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, and a candle burner that I fill with distilled water and few drops of different essential oils. I have been doing this for over a year now.

I have taken a bit of everything from every culture I’ve ever come across and implemented what I felt were the parts that I was missing into my own life. I do morning prayers every morning when I open the blinds, I eat raw organic fruits, vegetables, herbs, seeds, nuts, berries and drink distilled water, I try to get outside in the sun as much as possible.

I smoke my pipe filled with sage, cannabis and tobacco and wear Vibram Five Finger shoes when I’m not wearing my moccasins. I learned about sustainable building, hemp, water issues, oil issues (Big Oil), mass-farming and groceries (Big Agriculture). I learned about Big Banks when I had to file Bankruptcy. I understand Big Pharma because I had two sick kids and also myself with chronic pain, migraines and fibromyalgia. I used prescription drugs to combat the pain for 31 years with the pain only getting worse, not better. I now practice homeopathy, acupuncture, Feldenkrais Methods, Yoga, physiotherapy. If I could afford it I’d get acupuncture, Reiki, massage therapy and chiropractic care too. I now understand a lot more ast o what harms the body and what heals it. I have walked the path and started healing my family first. It’s our food, our environment, it’s what we let happen to ourselves by voluntarily ingesting, inhaling and injecting stuff into our light bodies.

I had a Medical Marijuana license for Fibromyalgia with the Government of Canada and by December 21, 2012 my vaporizer broke and had figured out the conspiracy on the Tobacco industry (tobacco does not cause cancer, the filter, paper and treatment of the tobacco does) so I started smoking again. So many things have been switched around to defeat us and that helped my eyes open up even further.

I started putting these things in my pipe: organic sage, Government of Canada issued cannabis and raw tobacco from Tsuu T’ina Nation. I can’t find Salvia Divinorium because it’s illegal, so we can be sure that it’s good for us.

I was later told by the SOURCE that these sacred herbs are special because THEY are the HOLY GHOST that you INVITE into your body.

That’s why my legend of White Buffalo Calf Woman brings a Sacred Pipe grasp the stem with your right hand and the bowl with your left and pray to the Creator for the Holy Spirit, you become one with the earth again and connect. I can only explain it as it’s like plugging into His Source programming and getting all your content uploaded. The sun does this also. I was also intent on setting up a sweat lodge earlier in December in my back yard well before I found out about who White Buffalo Calf Woman truly was and in turn made a bathroom one after I purchased a shower head water filter (to filter out the chlorine) so I too now partake in long sweats every night.

I understand that chemicals are killing us as I use natural, organic products and essential oils for cleaning, baking soda, vinegar and essential oils I have discovered work better. I don’t wear perfume, make up, I try to wear organic natural fibers.

I started composting, reducing, reusing, buying second hand clothes and items, there is SO MUCH WASTE. I got a juicer for $3, and switched my son to natural juices, his distended belly due to an enlarged spleen. I’ve also been praying while touching him, learned about “priory” from attending my church, of which most of the time I’m the only whitish colored one. I wear a hat because that is respectful to the culture.

I understand what has happened to us a bit better through the teachings of Roger Bezanis, Kevin Trudeau, Eckhart Tolle, The Dali Lama, Ghandi, Wika, Aura’s and Light. I’m learning new stuff every day.

I learned many things when I stopped watching traditional cable television and started using the internet to watch documentaries and exchanged information with friends and discussed ideas of how to beat the system in place.

The greatest gift has been talking to people. I was tight for money and rented a room in my house and I met some wonderful people. I have done Hindu morning prayers with East Indian renters here on work visa’s and I’ve welcomed people with criminal records, I understand the system and how it works. Kevin & Shaun were aboriginal twins who were brutally traumatized in foster care. I listened to their pain and supported them through their journey while I went through mine, only to later have my own children apprehended. I have walked the path my friends. It took a lot of work, praying and understanding of the human condition to get where I have. A very nice gentleman named Joe from New Zealand who stayed here and I shared Sheesha and conversation with him when he wasn’t on the Pro Rodeo circuit.

I understand what many call the New World Order or the Illuminati, for this is the Iron Horse, Satan, Lucifer, the Trickster, sorry I do not know the names that all religions refer to the dark forces as or I would list them, but they are REAL and are responsible for the negative aspects happening in the world. I understand SuperStorms, Drones, Chemtrails, GMO’s, BPA’s and BPB’s, the Bluebeam Project and mind control that is happening on television and the media outlets, and know that there are devices that that beam thoughts into your head. I have not seen a UFO yet but I know that they’re out there as I had another renter named Joan, an amazing chef and her friend who saw them all the time. They had have even seen them transform, and described several beings to me. I thought they were crazy, but I listened and did not judge. Joan led me too look into crop circles and other alien beings. I know that they are indeed there and in time I will see them too. She also led me to Eckhardt Tolle who taught me that my Ego is Satan, and that I indeed was correct in my feeling that there indeed was Hell on Earth and were walking in it every day. He showed me out to stop Suicidal Ideology and be peaceful and in the moment, he taught me how to stop the thoughts, go with the flow and be at peace with myself.

I now also know that we are not the only planet in the world and are what is referred to as the Dark Star.

I am the merely a Messenger, a person who struggled to find my way and then a few days ago I find out that I am indeed who I say I am for I know I have had past lives.

I sobbed when I watched a documentary on Jesus’ Crucifixion it greatly disturbed me. I know from my therapy and Eckhardt that when an emotion rises it is unresolved issues coming to the surface that need to be addressed if you want to heal and help yourself.

What I know is that the Rapture happened on December 21, 2012 as per the prophesized for the end of the Age / World as predicted by the Mayans. The sun reaches a point where it does not move for 3 days (3 days dead), and then begins moving again and in 7 days from the 25th to midnight on the 1st of January are the days in which I received all of the information on how to restore the Earth and on January 1st. (12 Days of Christ Mass). We celebrate New Year’s Eve because it’s a celebration of the beginning of the Age that is carried forward every calendar year. We just began the Age of Aquarius and have started another 26,000 year cycle, so the Bible is being re-written for the Age of Aquarius. This means that John the Baptist and all of the other Figures in the Bible are walking around out there right now too, we’ve all been bodies of light that keep returning when the physical body dies and explains all the other Prophecies that have been fulfilled.

What I have gone through has been a very difficult birthing, but it was necessary to be who I am today, Akasha, Jesus Christ and many other names that I have reappeared as every 26,000 years at the beginning of every Age as predicted by the Mayans December 21, 2012 preciously on the Equinox it was the end of the Age of Pisces and we are now into the Age of Aquarius, the Water Bearer. I now know that we have past lives and that we are eternal beings of light, Spirit Science exists.

I have experienced reincarnation, and can confirm that it is indeed real and what death, rebirth and seeing the light is really like, for that’s the true birthing process.

So – write it down, in 26,000 years another rapture will happen and we’ll all return again to help restore the planet. The Aboriginals once again predict it.

I too wondered how Jesus Christ was going to reappear again, maybe a space ship? I honestly didn’t know how it would happen but now I do. This explains why Jesus suddenly was declared the Son of God at the age of 30; I always wondered how that worked and why Jesus didn’t know all his life that he was Jesus Christ.

First I was told to get back to my roots, change my name to my middle name Christine, then later my Facebook name to Standing White Buffalo and I was told to remember who I was and where I came from. I then stumbled upon Chief Arvol Looking Horse speaking about White Buffalo Calf Woman about six months ago and thought to myself, “Cool”.

I kept doing my thing, using my vaporizer, with just cannabis, doing my sweats, started improving my diet, lost more weight. Never did I think that I was Akasha, until December 21, 2012. I cannot explain the exhilaration I felt from the 25th to the 31st. I even forgot to help a friend out at her store, I was in a trance with ideas filling my head in a massive download on how we are to restore the world and why, it was what I would explain as a true paradigm shift.

I participated in an IDLE NO MORE Round Dance in Down Town Calgary on New Year’s Eve, it was something I just felt I needed to do. I took a sage stick and smudged praying for each and every one of them. I spoke with people, offered my guidance; police told me that the smudge was offensive so we agreed that I could do the outer edge. I had people come up to me and ask me if I could smudge them, and so I did. It was an AWESOME night, even if they turned up the music while we pounded our drums.

I’ve walked a mile in your moccasins and I feel your pain. I too figure new things out everyday as I walk the path that is laid out before me.

So please, please dear hearts hear my pure love ? message and heartfelt words and understand that we have all endured a lot of hardship and that it is going to get better but we must unit if we are going to rebuild TOGETHER.

I'm here to help guide people as to the way SOURCE wants it done. He wants Eden restored and tells me that I am to UNITE the people and help them live healthier, happier lives with this gift that he has given us, a do over. We are supposed to live long healthy happy lives and will if we follow his ways.

There are greater plans for Eden and Heaven on Earth. He has shared with me the ways that we must go in order to achieve that, we will be moving to sustainable living, organic farming, raw organic food, animal rights, no banks, no more mass-farming, and where righteousness is restored upon the planet as promised all the things that have been wrong can now be restored if you take the power back.

We have homeless people, aboriginals with poor housing and those people are to receive the empty houses now sitting vacant, to do this you must register with The Great Turtle Island Federation and enact the “Seizing lost lands clause”.

People will uphold the law and help each other out. Prisoners and the critically ill need homeopathy, natural treatments, not prescription drugs and confinement. They need therapy for emotional trauma, a diet change and a lifestyle change. We need to get the best organic raw food there first and get some therapy for them instead of treating them like animals, we are especially to respect our Elders and care for them at home, not in Nursing Homes, again trapped as caged animals.

Parents will get Parenting School on learning how to become better parents, children will be educated by Clan Mothers, those that love to teach. Not caged like animals with a nose in a textbook. Schools will be on survivalist skills, exercise, spiritualism, love, caring, understanding and nurturing all the things that we know that we now need. The future is going to get nasty, nuclear fall out and all and we must prepare our future generations for it.

We will talk to all religions and figure out what is corrupt and what isn’t and implement those UNITED teachings world wide for the greater good of mankind.

Greenhouses and open fields of heritage seeds, hemp, tobacco, sage, healing herbs and organic food will replace grocery stores; people will trade products they produce for services of others. We will put the seeds in the pyramids for they are our fertilizer and what the Egytions left for their future generations. Our sacred places are sacred, why? We need to share the information with everyone and the IDLE NO MORE movement truly is an aboriginal movement and was prophesized to bring about change in the world.

The Creator wants crops of sustainable heritage seed plants and building material like hemp and bamboo saving our trees from deforestation. He wants us to stop desecrating the land and to start respecting it. No more pipelines, mass transportation and oil, no more unnecessary torture to our animals. We will be moving into the direction of free energy and we will come together regardless of our race, religion or creed for the betterment of mankind but the key is that we have to do it TOGETHER, UNITED and EQUAL.

We all did this to ourselves and it’s time that we all figure out how we’re going to right the world again, these are the Creator’s instructions.

There is much that I have to share with you as I am honored to be the one who’s here on behalf of our Creator.

These are the Age of Aquarius’ 10 Commandments

1. Treat Turtle Island and all that dwell theron with respect
2. Remain close to the Great Spirit
3. Show great respect for your fellow beings
4. Work together for the benefit of all humankind
5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed
6. Do what you know to be right
7. Look after the well-being of mind and body
8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good
9. Be truthful and honest at all times
10. Take full responsibility for your actions

Nvwatohiyadv = ? Peace To All Our Relations
Great Turtle Island Federation
Page: 50 like this.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: AnnOminous on January 04, 2013, 06:57:25 pm
I found a toll free number for the Muscowpetung First Nation
Band Administration Office:  1-866-848-4747.

I'm sure they would be interested in knowing that Leah Sampson is not only claiming status with the Muscowpetung First Nation, but also that this Nation will be overtaking Indian Country.  I wonder if they are aware that their Nation of less than 300 people is planning to over take vast portions of Canada/US because of one woman's delusions of being White Buffalo Calf Woman, formerly Jesus Christ????

Perhaps you would like to phone them and ask if she is operating with their knowledge, consent and approval.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: earthw7 on January 04, 2013, 08:06:35 pm
what is wrong with people this woman is high on drugs, she has mixed so many things up that nothing makes sense.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Epiphany on January 04, 2013, 10:24:33 pm
She's running a version of the Sovereign Citizens Movement (

The strange subculture of the sovereign citizens movement, whose adherents hold truly bizarre, complex antigovernment beliefs, has been growing at a fast pace since the late 2000s. Sovereigns believe that they — not judges, juries, law enforcement or elected officials — get to decide which laws to obey and which to ignore, and they don't think they should have to pay taxes. Sovereigns are clogging up the courts with indecipherable filings and when cornered, many of them lash out in rage, frustration and, in the most extreme cases, acts of deadly violence, usually directed against government officials

Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Epiphany on January 04, 2013, 11:06:34 pm
There is now a Staggering White Cow Facebook page in response (referring to Leah as "Buffalo Thigh Woman") (

According to Buffalo Thigh Woman....

She claims under her law... Gods law... All parents will be forced to take parenting classes that to become better parents... which is to be defined by her... While smoking and abusing sacred herbs....

She also demands world domination.

And that Satan is the cause of all the woes of native people.

Some garbage about illiumanti, Mayans predicting the world ending... (I apologize to those Mayan friends here... Most of us here are intelligent enough to know that the Mayans did not claim Dec 21st-23rd was the end of the world....)

Then she steals some sections from the Great Law of Peace as if she wrote them... So now she is also insulting the Great Peace Maker... -_-

She demands $150.00 from all her adult "citizens" and $50.00 for their children.

Must be a hellave a drug.

I am Staggering White Cow, and I have spoken.

Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: educatedindian on January 05, 2013, 02:41:36 am
Sampson admitted on her page to a long series of treatments for serious mental illness.


Al, I have seen several psychiatrists, counsellors, doctors, you name it. They push drugs, but some have certainly helped. I've gone from suicidal ideology to complete peace. It can be done, but you do need to detox yourself. I pray for those that do not yet understand.

Her page also has a photo of herself and her son playing Indian, applications to that sovereign citizen group. She has a few dozen subscriptions plus a few admirers like Ronald John and Lee Moore.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: AnnOminous on January 05, 2013, 05:50:43 am
Sampson also admits to having her children apprehended and removed from her care.  In Alberta, children are not easily removed from homes because the provincial mandate is to keep families together.  She states "I healed my emotional trauma through therapy after my kids were taken away."  I think she left her therapy sessions far too soon.  :-\

Her buddy Ronnie seems like a real piece of work.  His fb name is Ronald John, but his name appears to be Ronald (Ronnie) Follgard.  He attended high school in Okotoks, where Sampson currently lives, so perhaps this is their connection.  He claims to be a "self-realization neophite [sic]" and works at Global Paradigm Shift which is described on facebook as a "community page about Central Intelligence Agency."

I didn't get a call back yet from the Muscowpetung First Nations band office.  It's rather insulting that Sampson can't even spell the name of her supposed tribal affiliation, Saulteaux. 
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Camilla on January 05, 2013, 09:26:08 am
I think this makes at least a dozen people who have now claimed to be WBCW, each of them crazier than the last.
Interesting how none of them that I'm aware of are Lakota, or even NDN.

Hi Kathryn! ....I say...what Lakota or NDN person would ever dare to claim such a thing? What person - even not Lakota nor NDN, but having the smallest common sense and an average mental health - would dare claiming to be WBCW? Mental hospitals are full of people claiming to be Napoleon or Tutankhamon....I'm afraid this poor one is of the same kind. She probably needs healing and help.
The sad and bad thing is that probably someone believes and follows her...
Happy Saturday everybody
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Superdog on January 10, 2013, 10:39:57 pm
Honestly....I feel kinda sorry for her.  All her talk about sovereignty is related to a group called the Great Turtle Island Federation....

After reading their page it wasn't hard to figure out that this page is being run by the United Nations of Turtle Island folks (ahh crap...i typed their internet handle is probably gonna get declared war on again).  A quick check of the UNOTI site shows they have indeed changed their name to the Great Turtle Island Federation. might want to take notice in the threads we have on them....

Leah seems to be have taken the hook completely with their philosophy...but it kinda fits with her megalomania so its not unsurprising.  However, when reading their page...they denounce her openly as having no affiliation with them.  Comically, she seems to feel she's been sent by God to them......
(change the highlights to "posts by others")

She keeps asking serious questions about how to approach her bank when she reclaims the land her house is on and if the GTIF has an option for healthcare since she's opted out of being Canadian will be interesting to see if they respond about these things as....some of their more serious members probably wonder about the same thing.

Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: earthw7 on January 11, 2013, 03:52:49 pm
it seems this woman facebook page has come down
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: AnnOminous on January 11, 2013, 06:53:20 pm
Her page is definitely still up.  Last week she posted this:
I have haters following me, they must have reported it. Forgive them, for they know not what they do. They are sick with disease and Satan right now. Extend them love, they are the ones that need it the most.
Then she banned/blocked everyone who made comments on her page that she disagreed with, deleted their posts, and completely white-washed her page.  Now only those who support her can post to her page, or even see her page or comments she has posted to other pages, unless you have an alternate facebook identity.

She is actively recruiting people to support her mission and was apparently reported:
7 January 2013
FYI: I've been blocked from sending messages for 4 days and 14 hours more lol. Post on my wall or email:
I sent out too many friend requests..... and they don't know me lol

Recently she posted numerous photos of herself on a day-trip:
Visited a Sacred Place Today, The Big Rock, Okatok

A crow was waiting for me, as were all of the ancestors. It is a very spiritual place. I see why my grandparents gravitated here.

She continues to rant on about the virtues of alternative healing and her strict diet that she claims "heals all diseases."

Some recent comments she made about The Great Turtle Island Federation:
In order to enforce these laws, Humans need to understand their rights, become SOVEREIGN and enforce these laws. This can be achieved through The Great Turtle Island Federation, and these laws have to be enforced by the Queens Police under the Treaty of Ghent, Article 9 or police can be charged under Treason, and spend up to a life time imprisonment in The Queens jail system for not protecting the people.
In order to come together and have power, we must first each claim SOVEREIGNITY and not be tied to these countries playing a world game of war. We the people then make the laws, do you see why the Great Turtle Island Federation was established? To give you the power to no longer be held in their system of taxes and corruption. As a free individual you have no allegiance to any country and can start enforcing new environmental laws to save Mother Earth.

And of course her own rise to power is ongoing:
If you are having problems with ascension this explains how Karma has still kept you here. The rapture started December 21, 2012 and we're going through it right now. When people start to disappear, please do not be scared they are moving into the 5D Dimension. I've already tapped into it, but can't disappear.. Yet :)

She is still claiming to be native:
You may wonder what Native Americans have to do with the Pleiadians, but the stories are in their legends, much of which has been encoded, kept secret or hidden. In certain Cherokee legends, it is said that their people originated in the Pleiades long, long ago. They claim to have come to this world as Starseeds to bring Light and knowledge. If the stories are true ;) ;) then modern day Cherokee, as well as other Native Americans, and many of us with Native American blood contain Pleiadian genes!

And is still a megalomaniac:
Tonight I pray to the Creator, the Source of the Three Sons, to help me bring back each tortured soul that has been reborn over and over and over into enslavement be set free. Even if I have to do it, one by one it will be done for its your word.

She posted this on Ronald John's page yesterday:
Ok, so the aboriginals speak of a white disk in the sky that burns everything up. This is clearly the moon. The most recent crop circles indicate this planetary change also. I've been meaning to talk to you Wayne, I'm channelling and in 4D and I think 5D. Not sure I completely understand them yet. I know also that I've tapped into my past lives, and am Akasha, sent here by the Source of Three Sons. My name for the Age of Aquarius is White Buffalo Calf Woman. I have to go pick up my chanupa (pipe) from Chief Arvol Looking Horse. I need to know what you know so please share  I believe every word you speak about.

And this:
I spoke to a very nice East Indian Shop keeper yesterday, we were discussing urine therapy, he shook his head, "they don't understand", he said. I completely agreed  yet another conspiracy proven and added to the list. Now please, go seek sovereignty with the Great Turtle Island Federation, stop paying your mortgage, property taxes, income taxes ET al and reclaim the land beneath your feet as SOVEREIGN and devoid of taxes. and the police can't even arrest you, they have to enforce OUR laws. eventually all poisons will be illegal and all natural remedies, legal. Ask admin to email you the forms, or PM me your email address. They just opened the doors to everyone (was native American Indians before).

Do it before they get bombarded, as a friend or a friend of a friend I offer this information to you first

Follow me, I'm in the Kingdom of Heaven and asking you to please follow me.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: educatedindian on January 11, 2013, 08:32:54 pm

And this:
...Now please, go seek sovereignty with the Great Turtle Island Federation, stop paying your mortgage, property taxes, income taxes ET al and reclaim the land beneath your feet as SOVEREIGN and devoid of taxes. and the police can't even arrest you, they have to enforce OUR laws...

Follow me, I'm in the Kingdom of Heaven and asking you to please follow me.

A part of me really wants to see this happen, and stand back and be amused when they wind up jailed and/or homeless because of their delusions. There's a similar delusional militia type, "Irene Peace" who spouts the same claims and lost her home, and now wanders around giving workshops to make ends meet.

But part of me also wonders when some rightwinger will start pointing to her and the "federation" to try and discredit legit NDN movements like Idle No More.

Superdog, I didn't see where the federation denounced her.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Superdog on January 11, 2013, 09:13:44 pm

A part of me really wants to see this happen, and stand back and be amused when they wind up jailed and/or homeless because of their delusions. There's a similar delusional militia type, "Irene Peace" who spouts the same claims and lost her home, and now wanders around giving workshops to make ends meet.

But part of me also wonders when some rightwinger will start pointing to her and the "federation" to try and discredit legit NDN movements like Idle No More.

Superdog, I didn't see where the federation denounced her.

You just may get your wish....on the GTIF page she wrote:

"I have a question about reclaiming lost lands in the Canadian region of GTIF.

I'm about to inform the bank that has the mortgage on the house that I am claiming the land and all that is on it under the "Reclaiming Lost Lands Clause". I'm claiming m neighbors house too since I'm in a joint unit.

Is there any statutes et all that I can refer to?

Btw, I don't want to do any paperwork either, that's colonial thinking ;)"


Gotta love it....their own craziness haunting them in a big way. 

But they don't like her.  A few people have posted to notify them of her, but GTIF seems well aware.  If you change the tab in the middle of the page to "posts by page" you get this post by GTIF:
Jan 5, 2013
"As We Had Stated Before On Our Website, The Great Turtle Island Federation Can Not Endorse Nor Be Responsible For Claims And Titles Made By Individuals. We Respect All Peoples Cultures Of The World And By Doings So We Are Honoring Our Ancestors And The Creator Great Spirit Mystery Of Life. Sgi Wado "Thank you"Nvwatohiyadv "Peace" To All Our Relations""

Followed up by:
"If A Nation Makes The Clam Of Who Their Respective Representatives Are, Or Who Their Chiefs Are And What Treaty They Are Asserting, Then They Have That Right To Do So. But, If They Claim To Be The Reincarnation Of Jesus, Or Sitting Bull, Or Of Another Spiritual Deity And Also Claim That They Represent The Great Turtle Island Federation As Well, Then We Will Deny That We Have Anything To Do With That Individuals Claims, So What We Are Stating Is That We Cannot Be Responsible For The Individuals Claim. No Disrespect To Anyone Or Any Spiritual Being Or Religious Group Is Intended, We Just Do Not Wish To Be Involved With The Controversy Around Such A Claim And Would Rather Stay On The Specific Peace Mission To Resolve Issues Of Conflict Instead Of Creating Another Issue Of Conflict. Sgi Wado "Thank you" Nvwatohiyadv "Peace" To All Our Relations"

She's not mentioned by name in these posts, but it's pretty clear, along with other the other members posts about her, that they are trying to actively separate themselves from Sampson.

Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: AnnOminous on January 12, 2013, 02:15:25 am
Superdog--I wonder why GTIF doesn't just revoke her membership and send her money back if they really want to distance themselves from her. :)

Honestly, checking in on her fb page is like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

A quick google check reveals a fair bit of information about her.  Her maiden name is Leah Christine Sager, DOB 30/07/73.  She graduated from Foothills Composite High School in Okotoks AB in 1991.  She has gone by the surnames Sager, Poohachow and Sampson.  She worked for awhile at the Okotoks Chamber Office, and ran Leah Sager Designs out of her home on Banister Drive in Okotoks.  There are various email addresses, phone numbers and even residential addresses for her--obviously she is not concerned about protecting her privacy or that of her children.

Sampson's latest fb rant is as follows:
Standing White Buffalo
2 hours ago near Okotoks
I spoke to Alberta Health today as a Sovereign Individual from the Great Turtle Island Federation. We determined that I cannot use my former Canadian Identification, I technically don't have a birth certificate hahaha.

I am to fax my new GTIF Identification to Alberta Health and they will establish a new account. It's Identy Theft of a person that doesn't exist any more.... you can't work in both dimensions ;)

This new path is AWESOME! Do you want to stay in 3D or join me in 4D?

And later:
Standing White Buffalo
I also spoke with Children & Family Protective Services today, they have acknowledged and confirmed my Soverignty and understand that their court order (6 month Supervision Order IS NO LONGER VALID

They do think I'm on a "slippery slope" lol and wanted me to talk to a Psychiatrist (surely for prescirptions to dumb me down)... and wanted to get a hair drug test. Which I opposed, how many hairs do they rip out? 200? I'm tempted to not waste my precious urine on a drug test either lol

I'm done with their games, I have rights.

What this means, is that if ANY kid is in FOSTER CARE or under any Canadian Laws, if you have claimed Sovereignty, Canadian laws are no longer vaild. Great Turtle Island Federation laws, TRUMP theirs.

Yes, us Indians have some issues to resolve... but didn't we all?

The Time is NOW, Idle No More - I got my moccassin kick!
about an hour ago •

The fact that Sampson is contacting provincial government agencies (ie Alberta Health, and Alberta Child and Family Services) encourages me to think that she is raising red flags on herself with people who can, and hopefully will, intervene on behalf of her children.  I'm certain there will be further notification to these agencies by others.

In the meantime, I hope that people who may be interested in her dangerous and self-aggrandizing claptrap will google her name and read this thread.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Superdog on January 12, 2013, 03:52:53 pm
Superdog--I wonder why GTIF doesn't just revoke her membership and send her money back if they really want to distance themselves from her. :)

I got a couple of good reasons why they wouldn't do that at this time..

1.  They're not in the business of giving back money.
2.  It goes against the grain of all that they profess in their mission...but as the days progress with her....that may change.
3.  Their dealings with her are still developing....the relationship has just begun..  ;)

It seems like a perfect storm of crazy meeting crazy so I'm kinda sitting back with popcorn watching the whole thing.  I do feel bad for her kids's really sad to watch someone you love disappear from reality and I can sympathize and I hope they are in good care.

Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: earthw7 on January 12, 2013, 04:33:58 pm
Her facebook page is gone now
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: AnnOminous on January 12, 2013, 05:46:00 pm
@earthw7:  Her page is still up.  Please read the first part of reply #21.....  If you can't see her page, it is because she has blocked you specifically.  She blocked everyone who posted views which challenged her own.  Which is why I'm including several of her posts here--so those of you who can't see her page have current information.

@Superdog:  GTIF must be enjoying their notoriety. :)  At least Sampson has stopped speaking on behalf of Muscowpetung Saulteaux First Nations, and is now referring to "her" part of the country as the Canadian region.  I agree with you on the kids.  That's what adds a layer of tragedy to this whole story.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Mahekun on January 12, 2013, 10:45:19 pm
This lady is nuts with a side of nut butter.

She claims she has proof of her aboriginal ancestry; does she actually?
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: earthw7 on January 15, 2013, 03:03:10 pm
oh so that is why i cant see her
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Defend the Sacred on January 16, 2013, 05:36:54 am
Now she's spamming the #IdleNoMore feed on twitter. You can report her for spam. @StandingWhiteBu
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: AnnOminous on January 16, 2013, 07:21:28 am
So now she thinks she's Mohawk, Kathryn?

She posted:
O:nen sewatahonhsi:yohst kentyohkwa, I am onkwehon:we, Shonkwaya'tison has sent me. #idlenomore "Standing White Buffalo on Facebook.

Goodbye [sic] listen well people, I am Mohawk First Nations, Creator has sent me  (blah blah blah)

Her Aboriginal claims so far include that she is Anishinaabe, Saulteaux, that her grandmother was Dakota, but that now she is Mohawk? ? ?

This woman is absolutely certifiable. 
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Mahekun on January 17, 2013, 04:46:15 pm
I'm sensing undiagnosed schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: AnnOminous on January 18, 2013, 05:46:46 pm
In case any of us were wondering about Sampson's aboriginal ancestry, she posted the following this morning:

Standing White Buffalo shared a link.
47 minutes ago near Okotoks
Well this explains it all... I'm pretty sure I'm Lakotah, Sioux, Cree, Dakotah, Romania (don't know the tribe names), and France (don't know the tribe names)

I extended that another generation, my two children have different fathers. One is of the Doukhobor Tribe from Russia and others. My other child is of Jamaica Maroon Tribe now as well.

We are ALL Aboriginal :D

I'm appalled with this woman's ignorance on so very many levels that I'm speechless.  Her incessant promotion of drinking her own pee whilst smoking pot in her "sacred pipe" has rotted a few more brain cells.


Edited to add:  This is the video Sampson links to  It's a very poor quality video promoting the view that there are no real Indians left because of regional inter-mixing with white/black/latino people.  The narrator says "Natives are a rainbow of people" and says that information from traditional elders should be shared with everyone so the cultures don't die. :/
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: earthw7 on January 18, 2013, 06:23:41 pm
oh my hey we are still here
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Epiphany on January 19, 2013, 12:55:09 am
She's active on YouTube now too, posting comments (spam) on videos. (

Standing White-Buffalo commented 6 days ago

I saw the White Buffalo Calf when it travelled and was at the Calgary Zoo, perhaps in 1998? It was many moons ago. It called to me -3 then, but I understand more now. My Kukum was born in the Devil's Lake, Dakotah. Area and fled North after Wounded Knee, to where we are today. Thank you for the message.

Standing White-Buffalo commented 1 week ago

No theory there, you're bang on. Can the Creator of this Series contact me on Facebook "Standing White Buffalo". I am Akasha, and have returned as White Buffalo Calf Woman to the Native Americans for the Age of Aquarius sovereign with the Great Turtle Island Federation

Standing White-Buffalo commented 1 week ago

I'm sovereign and did it with the Great Turtle Island Federation. Identification for travel and everything. They have a GTIF Convention before the UN right now. Add me on FB "Standing White Buffalo"

Standing White-Buffalo commented 1 week ago

I got Sovereign identification through the Great Turtle Island Federation. Allows international travel. Add me on Facebook "Standing White Buffalo" I KNOW how to beat them :)

Standing White-Buffalo commented 1 month ago

I'd be interested in hearing about these improvements in the hopes that if they make sense I may implement on my reserve. I too have had visions during meditation on the many things we can do to improve our nations.

Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Epiphany on January 19, 2013, 01:02:52 am
She just posted this on her FB page:

Another lesson to be learned. The Crown's Police and Child and Family Services just apprehended my child..... I let them in the house. I shouldn't have but I wanted to be peaceful.

All will be resolved in court, I'm sure... this is just another road that must be taken.

I have contacted the International Legal Defence Chief Robert Swift Arrow Rose and my Ambassdor Ararita, The Anishinabe Federation of Sovran Nations of The Great Turtle Island Mar 30, 2009 to present

(Chief Robert Swift Arrow Rose ( )
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Epiphany on January 19, 2013, 01:23:32 am
She's been busy on her FB page, yesterday began promoting (

Earlier today she posted quite a bit, before she announced that social services picked up her child, here is some of it.

I was just laughing to myself.... I wonder if history does repeat itself... If it does this will happen.... war again with the whites.

The indians are gathering now in the round dances under a movement called Idle No More. It's told that it will be a time of unification, if us indians don't stop running around pissing off our friends and allies, this could go peacefully.

Have we not learned from the battles our Ancestors fought? Will we run crazy against the whiteman and be slaughtered like our Ancestors? Or will we take the lessons that we have learned, and save the whiteman from themselves?

We know what has been prophesied. A black hole will come one day, so will the white disc in the sky, it has played out in our solar system and intergalactic systems for billions upon billions of years. We think we're the smartest ones out there, and to be honest. We're not.

We all knew Aliens existed, but how would they contact us? This is how they contact us, many of us "humans" are chanelling, figuring out our past lives, our roles here on Earth, how our souls reincarnate, the rituals that we are supposed to be participating in to restore the world. We're ALL alien :D, some have just tapped into it quicker than others.

We know the path that the Creator has laid out for us. You too will figure it out eventually, we are all here to help you.

If you don't know how this is going to play out, collectively we do. It begins with one person deciding to save Mother Earth, Gaia and sharing the word on how to help her. I'm here to help you too, we all are.

Your human vessel needs to be purified if you want to go to Heaven. It's pretty simple. Start eating raw organic heritage heirloom seed fruits, vegetables, herbs, seeds, nuts, berries, drink distilled water, then urine, then saliva. We're evolving into our next forms. Exciting times hey? ?

I was led down my path and share the information as it is revealed to me. That's how this goes. If you want to obtain enlightenment and walk in Heaven. Follow our words. Pretty simple. :)

If you have some information to share with me feel free to post it on my wall. I will read everything :D

Many have figured out how to cure disease. Read my wall, the education that I post. The scientific evidence is there if you research it. Ask and ye shall receive.

Know that there are tricks along the way though, tricks generally involve money unless it's a fair trade for the services that are required to bridge the two worlds.
Indians vs. Colonialism United Nations of Turtle Island vs. the United Nations. We still have to work together with their stupid paperwork, so yes the GTIF does have administration costs.

Here's the free information I offer from my world, and how I got here:

Go through my wall and you will see the journey I made out of Hell and into Heaven.

Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Epiphany on January 19, 2013, 01:53:37 am
More from her FB:

I told the family preservation worker and my psychiatrist of my health accomplishments. My psychiatrist told me that it appeared that I had studied very hard, educated myself in any means possible to conquer my disease.

    I posted it on my wall a few days ago... I have to document everything now lol.... that's why I'm so public about my life. I've walked the path, I know the way

    I share my findings with everyone and not everyone can wrap their heads around it. They're just not blessed yet

    I was abusing my kid. I was neglected as a child and my parents did the best they could based on how their parents taught them. Now here's where Residential Schools come into play. I truly believe that because my Kukum and those mothers before were forced to attend these schools they missed out on the opportunity to learn mothering from their mothers.

    This leads to a vicious cycle. How many aboriginal families are taught parenting skills? None until you're in the money making system.

    Canada damaged us and I found a way to stop it. We need to have all of our Nations learn how to be parents, and this is where the job of a social worker should be fun! We're all damaged, we all can be better parents, but who's gonna teach us?

    Councils of Clan Mothers and Clan Grandmothers.

    The long and the short of why AJ was apprehended
    1.) Because they know not what they do.
    They can't wrap their head around the fact that I'm Sovereign, that THERE IS another GOVERNMENT out there called the Great Turtle Island Federation and that it Trumps Canada.
    2.) I started doing Urine Therapy
    3.) Because I smudge my child with Sage (I'm upset about that reason, but again - they know not what they do.)

    I was also brutally honest about my medical discoveries and they can't understand those.... YET.

    I have also told them that I don't believe in prescriptions or vaccinations, that I agree with the Jehovah's Witness religion that blood transfusions are bad (still think that we need to offer realtime transfusions with both the living donor and recipient in the same room though, it would be run IV from source to source.) We need people banks to call when we do need blood. Not a bank that makes money.

    I have told them that I drink distilled water and that it has healing properties, that I smoke tobacco because when I researched it I found out that it's a natural expectorant. It's sacred to us aboriginals for reasons, you know! I told them that I smoke Marijuana and now as a soveriegn Citizen I won't be able to buy it from the Government of Canada as that Prescription is for Leah Sampson, not Akasha, White Buffalo Calf Woman of the GTIF. I told them that I would source it from the cannabis dispensary in vancouver, and that it will be ORGANIC lol not chemically treated the GOV of Can.

    I basically was brutally honest with them about how I turned my life around, but forgive them... they know not what they do.... and about to get educated

    Much Love everything in life happens for a reason!
    United Nations of Turtle Island
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: debbieredbear on January 19, 2013, 02:56:48 am
All I can say is bless them for removing her poor child. This woman is getting crazier and crazier by the second. She needs to be institutionalized because she is delusional.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Mahekun on January 19, 2013, 07:29:40 am
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the real reason (not her perceived reason) that they took her kid was probably because she was busy channeling her rainbow ancestors in 5D and doing taste tests of her pee while the kid quietly went without a meal for the second day in a row.

You'd think that a holy being such as WBCW would be able to care for her own child. Guess reincarnation must really wear her out!
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: AnnOminous on January 19, 2013, 08:05:32 am
It's eerie and disturbing that she seems almost euphoric about her 3 year old son being apprehended tonight....that this somehow gives her opportunity to further her cause and edumacate the dumb authorities who just can't understand that she's SOVEREIGN and above any and all laws.  Ya right.

I know that at least one person reported her to both Police and Child Welfare this week, encouraging them to read both her facebook page and this thread.  So it would seem that the youngest child is now receiving some help and support, but the 17 year old is still vulnerable and with his mother.  I hope that when she crashes--and she WILL crash--that this young man is not further injured or damaged.  It's hard to even imagine that she is willing to give up her family in pursuit of her delusions of grandeur.

It's a tragedy really.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Superdog on January 19, 2013, 02:14:48 pm
She's getting some pretty horrible legal advice from one of the GTIF "ambassadors" called Embassador Ararita....



Standing White Buffalo: So on Monday I go to court of queens bench, file a statement of claim, suing "For the writ of denova" on the grounds that I am sovereign?

Embassador Ararita: no file the writ because they are using incorrect grammer




Embassador Ararita: every-time they take you to court file the writ for the same reason because they will never use correct grammar

Standing White Buffalo: Ok, I just finished the first video, I have many more thanks for your help . I'm hoping the Judge understands

Embassador Ararita: oh yea the judge wiill know, but arm yourself with the understanding of David Wynn Miller is saying, .......



----------------------------------------------end of quoted material----------------------------------

It continues on...much along the same lines.  Some really horrible advice.  If she presents this to a court there's no chance she's getting her kids back.

A few notes....Ararita seems to be addressing the "writ of de novo" (not de such thing).  Basically, it's a new trial because of some impropriety in the previous trial.  Evidence is presented new as if the previous trial never happened and new evidence can be introduced.  But these types of trials are at the discretion of the it can be denied.

He keeps on ranting about grammar.  Apparently, he's under the belief that Child Welfare (or maybe even the government of Canada) is a corporation and believes that subjects them to a Universal Commercial Code for Corporations and one of those codes says you can't change grammar....he also believes the judge thinks he'll be fired for not conforming to this code so he will grant De Novo everytime on the grounds of incorrect grammar....smh...

Hard to say where he's even basing his law interpretations on (US or Canadian laws), but he references writings of David Wynn Miller who is an activist for the Sovereign Citizen Movement.  He's been in the news since the Tuscon shooting because the shooter (Jared Lee Loughner) ranted similarly about government and grammar and there are a lot of people who believe Miller's craziness contributed to the spiral that led to the shootings.  Miller has come publicly as not knowing Loughner, but he agrees with his sentiments and stated that Loughhner repeated things on youtube that were posted on Miller's own website.

A similar spiral may happen with Sampson....praying GTIF doesn't turn her into a monster by stringing her along like they are.  She seems ready to present herself in court on Monday with this nonsense.

Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Epiphany on January 19, 2013, 06:46:32 pm
Leah writes "they know not what they do" several times as if she is a biblical martyr - lots of delusional martyrdom in her posts plus she's written about being suicidal in past. Now she has a righteous cause to center her delusions around. And she's being pumped up by fans and sovereign b.s.

Hopefully both her children can be taken to safety and she can finally accept the help she very much needs. So far she doesn't sound like she has any rational self-insight. We don't know all the details about what is going on, but she sounds like a danger to herself and possibly others.

She may keep trying to claim that this is all about her being persecuted for her beliefs - but she's wrong. 

I'm just the lamb that has to go through it first and be sacrificed.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: critter - a white non-ndn person on January 19, 2013, 08:20:13 pm
I went to the store and bought milk.  Um.. 2 verbs. Sentences can have 2 verbs. It happens all the time. One crazy consulting another crazy. 
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: critter - a white non-ndn person on January 19, 2013, 08:22:19 pm
This just tickles me silly. Please.. sue me for incorrect grammar. Please. I beg you. I haven't had such a good laugh in a while. I'd love to see the judges face when this suit hits his docket.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Epiphany on January 20, 2013, 05:07:20 am
This Sovereign stuff she's fallen for is horrendous. Leah now is promoting David Wynn Miller ( David goes by ":David-Wynn: Miller" - using weird punctuation in names is common for sovereign citizen believers. Oh, he's King of Hawaii too. Superdog wrote of Miller earlier in this thread. ( (

So she believes she is White Buffalo Woman, Akasha, reconnected to her "aboriginal roots", "pretty sure I'm Lakotah, Sioux, Cree, Dakotah, Romania (don't know the tribe names), and France (don't know the tribe names)", and that she is a visionary leader who is "beginning to see the Matrix more and more every day", along with all the other stuff she's doing ......... while falling into the far right leaning crazed conspiratorial sovereign citizens movement vortex.

Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: AnnOminous on January 20, 2013, 07:27:14 am
Sampson has removed quite a bit from her page recently, including the photo of her and her son playing indian, several personal photos of herself, some "marijuana is the best" rants, and a few of her most delusional "channeling" monologues.  Oddly, she now has a rather large gap in her posts...from 31 December to 12 January.  She deleted one of the most incriminating posts which contained this message from the "Intergalactic Council" to her followers :

This is a bang, bang shoot 'em up time on the planet.  Everyone and everything is a target.  It is unfortunate that some who are targets are innocent and others are the perfect bull's eye....We do intend to enforce our words and we have the powerful tools to back up our words.

Maybe she has begun to reconsider some of what she posts on public social networks, especially at this time when we've all been so sensitized to gun violence and the loss of far too many innocent lives.

Still, she is not in touch with reality at all.  Earlier today, even after having her child removed from her home last night (and boasting  that she refused to provide boots or a coat for the child's departure on a winter night), she writes:

I'm beginning to see the Matrix more and more every day. I took the red pill, have unplugged and have never been happier.

I don't think that's happiness, Leah.  I think that's dissociative mania.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: critter - a white non-ndn person on January 20, 2013, 04:41:19 pm
Maybe she removed the most crazy stuff in hopes her child will be returned.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Superdog on January 20, 2013, 05:28:29 pm
Maybe she removed the most crazy stuff in hopes her child will be returned.

Still plenty of crazy left on her wall...I'm not sure if that was her motivation.   Her online behavior is somewhat manic so there's no telling why that happened...

Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Epiphany on January 20, 2013, 06:36:01 pm
Leah is promoting David Icke now too.

She's posted this David Wynn Miller video with the caption of "He's brilliant!".! (!) In this video Miller claims that he got his "kids back" in child custody hearings because he proved some grammar thingy to the judge. Miller explains his "King of Hawaii" claims too though his explanation is nonsense.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: ShadowDancer on January 21, 2013, 04:24:02 am
This woman confuses me through the use of the name "Akasha".  The first thought that crossed my mind was that it is the name used for the vampire queen in the books by Anne Rice.

Secondly, it is a Hindu word/name, so why is she using it in conjunction with White Buffalo Calf Woman. 

It just doesn't compute. 
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Epiphany on January 21, 2013, 06:02:31 am
There's a Facebook page: Akasha - Cosmic Conscious that Leah is recently active on, doesn't appear to be her page but ya never know.

They have this:

Akasha is the Sanskrit word meaning aether. It embraces all the elements - air, fire, water and earth. It is the womb from which everything has emerged and into which everything will ultimately re-descend. It is the birthplace of all things.

Akahsa contains a record of everything that has happened and everything that will ever happened.

Sages, mystics and shamans from many philosophies have accessed wisdom and knowledge from the Akashic field through meditation and visions.

This page has been created for those who wish to access Akasha through meditation and gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of who we are and where we are going.To connect with like souls and share insights for a deeper awareness and healing.

Leah has posted on this page:

Standing White Buffalo
    Who am I? I'm a Pleiadian. You may wonder what Native Americans have to do with the Pleiadians, but the stories are in the legends, much of which has been encoded, kept secret or hidden.

    In certain Cherokee legends, it is said that aboriginal people originated in the Pleiades long, long ago.

    I come to this world as a Starseed to bring Light and knowledge and speak through Standing White Buffalo.

Standing White Buffalo
    I'm here!

    I've figured out what our mission is again this time around.

    Everyone who is a citizen that has re-sided with Canada, USA, etc are the souls that we are saving for they truly the ones that signed a "Deed with the Devil" and commited their life to Him, the Iron Horse.

Back to her own page, this is concerning, because she is acting as if she can speak for the movement, which she cannot:

I think we're at war. To label it, #IdleNoMore War,

Chief Theresa Spence began a hunger strike December 11, 2012 which is how aboriginals make stands. Prime Minister Stephen Harper is a puppet, the true person that refuses to speak to the Chief's is Governor General David Lloyd Johnston, sent here as the Queen's Representative.

The Queen is not acknowledging the uprising as to keep it quiet. How long does it take a society to realize that war was declared on them?

In my opinion the moment the Governor General David Lloyd Johnston refused to speak to the Chiefs - That is a Declaration of War.

Can anyone prove me wrong in that line of thinking?
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Defend the Sacred on January 21, 2013, 06:27:33 pm
"Akasha" means one thing to the traditional people from the culture the newagers have vultured it from, and another to the newagers who have stolen and redefined it. Mad White Cow has no idea what it really means, just as she has no idea what the NDN stuff she's stealing and misrepresenting means. I think she hears other newagers babbling this stuff and she just seizes on random words and concepts and runs into crazy-land with anything she can swipe and run off with.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Epiphany on January 22, 2013, 12:47:28 am
Since not all of us have access to Facebook and things on Facebook can disappear at any time, here is a recent post from Leah Samspon.

Reasons given by Carol Davis Why my Son AJ was Apprehended by Child and Family Services (this is my take on the conversation - they right down what you say, I'm writing down what I thought was said.

1.) I have a different Belief System. I practice Shivambu (urine therapy), smudge myself and my kids, became a Rastafari, Jehovah Witness so some extent, a Mormon I suppose because I stock food supplies.

2.) Marijuna - I have a medical marijuana license and was under the impression that because I was sovereign and giving up my other identity, I wouldn't be able to order my marijuana through the government anymore and would have to get it from the Vancouver Cannabis Dispensary again, the previous case worker didn't have a problem with it. I was searching for by MM License back then.
I still have 20 grams of Government Issued Prescription Marijuana in my possession - LEGALLY until April 2013 when my prescription ends. What I did not know is that I'm a dual citizen and have my hands in both systems right now. How many sovereign people out there can lend a hand here?

3.) That I would not seek medical treatment for my child based on my beliefs.

I indicated that was untrue, I don't believe we should do blood transfusions frivolously, if we can avoid it, then I think we should and that's why the Doctor and that why all four of us agreed to postpone a second liver biopsy. However, really you gotta decide on a case by case basis.

That I would not seek medical treatment for myself. They were concerned about me, so I went and saw the Shrink, apparently his report, was interpreted incorrectly. I'm delusional because I think the exists.

They did not contact anyone there to confirm if it did in fact exist, they just assumed I didn't know what I was talking about. They have never heard of a person becoming sovereign before, so because of this, I was deemed as crazy, not intelligent or maybe by some stroke of luck got involved with something different than what they've seen before.

4.) Not allowing them to seek further consent. I said, "really, if you want it that bad you can have it, come on? Really, you took my kid because I verbally said don't contact anyone?" It was not questioned, just documented as said.

So, yes I did violate that term, whoa they mean business. Apparently they're seeking a Permanent Guardianship Order.

Sadly, my sister will be happy about this, that makes me cry.

Hard day here on the homestead without the little one running around. I gotta go and do some ceremony, the rocks are ready for my sweat lodge .

Peace ? Forgive Them For They Know Not What They Do
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: AnnOminous on January 22, 2013, 02:58:33 am
I'm absolutely disgusted with the GTIF.  At this point, I see Sampson as a victim of this ridiculous organization.

It's hard to know where and when she was making decisions with a sound mind and body.  She has been candid regarding her long history of psychiatric involvement and treatment.  Obviously her mental health took a huge nose dive between xmas and new year's when she says she was in a trance for 5 days receiving information from the "intergalactic council" who told her she was Jesus and WBCW.  Just a month prior to this, she received her membership to the GTIF.  I assume there was communication between the parties, as a woman on social assistance would not part lightly with the $250 required payment to GTIF for membership papers for her and her two children.  So they took her money gladly, and then shortly after renounced her.  I think the GTIF is just a big money grab, and those who are most attracted to their fraudulent policies and promises are those who are either in trouble with the law or other social systems, or are too delusional to make informed and rational decisions.

Yes Sampson has made some stupid choices.  Most would not choose some mythical organization that uses sovereignty as the carrot at the end of the stick over their own children.  But I tend to believe that there was some pretty major brainwashing that occurred when she was in the initial stages of researching the GTIF.  I think it likely that they said whatever they thought she needed to hear.  And in her psychosis, they were promising her the eden she thought she could "restore" and control as christ-incarnate.

GTIF has lost nothing.  They have actually benefited from their involvement with Sampson not only monetarily but also through a ton of free advertising and promotion by her.  Sampson has gained absolutely nothing and has lost a lot:  her child, her credibility and her money. She found herself alone at the bottom of the rabbit hole.

So where is GTIF's accountability?  They can continue to entice the vulnerable and blow smoke up the backsides of those with more hope than common sense or sanity?  Is what the GTIF doing illegal, or more so unethical?  And just where is that line in the sand?
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: AnnOminous on January 22, 2013, 04:15:27 am
Just a note:  Earlier today Sampson tweeted "StandingWhiteBuffalo ?@StandingWhiteBu

@Plenipojudge is the twitter account for a ":Monte-E:Mueller".

A google search for ":Monte-E:Mueller" leads to a David Wynn Miller page:

Wonder how much experience he has in the fields of apartheid and genocide against humanity  ::)
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: AnnOminous on January 25, 2013, 11:26:53 pm
Sampson has now removed all evidence from her fb page about her previous claims to being WBCW/Jesus/Akasha.  There are no more "follow me I am restoring the world" claims whatsoever.  Don't know if this is a ploy to try to redeem herself with TPTB, or if she realised that she was broadcasting her break from sanity and was lying in order to garner support for her delusions.  Either way, she seems to be side-tracked, at least for the moment.

Wondering if Admin could add "Standing White Buffalo" to the title of this thread to help those who might be trying to find out more about her, now and in the future.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Defend the Sacred on January 26, 2013, 05:30:58 pm
Wondering if Admin could add "Standing White Buffalo" to the title of this thread to help those who might be trying to find out more about her, now and in the future.

Good idea. On it.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: AnnOminous on January 30, 2013, 08:00:05 pm
Standing White Buffalo shared a link.
4 hours ago
This one is for AnnOminous, I understand she belongs to a group that think I'm a new age fraud and phoned Children Services to take my son away. That's pretty egotistical AnnOminous, you don't know me AT ALL!

It has been clearly documented that my son was in excellent health while in my care. It was also documented that my mind, body, and spirit are in good health too, but your renegade group with Superdog and others did not have access to such priviledged information and yet in your expert medical opinions your group has determined that my child needs to be saved from me, and called me in. These haters need to be saved from themselves.

AnnOminous, it is sad that you and your friends have nothing better to do than stalk us, and then put us down because your brain cannot comprehend what we are speaking about.

Within 5 days of apprehension my son was throwing up, something he only does in Foster Care, within 8 days, he was bleeding internally, Day 10, he had to have a blood transfusion. Why? He has severe liver and spleen issues. For those that dont know your spleen is your IMMUNE SYSTEM, your liver detoxifies the body.

AJ went from a safe, healthy chemical free environment into an unsafe, toxic, chemically loaded environment, causing his body to succumb to the poisions, it was so severe that he was bleeding internally and got a blood transfusion because of this exposure!!!

He's still in the hospital, unknowingly these strangers who are zombies that have no clue what's really going on in the world and think that they are experts exposing new age fraud! If only they knew how far behind they were, their world makes no sense to them and they are struggling to find answers that they WANT to hear. Get out of your comfort zone if you want growth, unlearn your old ways and learn new ones.

Get some therapy AnnOminous and your sheeples, you are sick and need help the most. My son nearly died because of what you did, do you feel pretty important now? I hope your feel like shit, but I doubt it given your mental state.

I pray that you pull your head out of your ass and open your eyes! All three of them! (google Pineal gland, yours must be hard little pebbles calcifying in your head), because you are definitely not a brilliant group, more like the village idiots who don't understand The Matrix of Illusion.

I received this copy of Sampson’s latest fb post from her friend/family member who called Family and Child Services several times out of concern for Sampson’s mental health and her ability to care for her children.  As Leah had previously posted the name and phone number of her Case Worker, it made it easier for him to follow up.  Leah wrote that the Case Worker “has issues in her competency to do this job,” and listed personal information about the Case Worker, and he wanted her to know what was being written about her on a public social network, in addition to his concerns about Leah and her children.

Knowing that Leah visits NAFPS, I’d like to say this to her:

Leah, you are not White Buffalo Calf Woman or Jesus.  You are not aboriginal, you are not sovereign, and you are not here to save and restore the world.  Period.

Leah, your delusions of grandeur have become delusions of persecution, a serious sign of mental illness.  Do you really think that phone calls to Child and Family Services would be taken seriously if there was not already a grave concern for the well-being of your children?  Who reported you the first time your children were apprehended?  You should check with your family and friends who have been around for a long time before you recklessly accuse others of being in the wrong.  The only one in the wrong is you.

It is a terrible thing that your son is paying the price for your choices.  The cocktail of prescription and non-prescription drugs you took and abused during your pregnancy has resulted in a very sick child according to your own admissions.  This is a direct result of YOUR choices.  To publically broadcast your delusional ego yet again resulted in your child being apprehended.  This is a direct result of YOUR choices once again.  You have no one to blame but yourself.  No amount of name calling, blame-shifting, justifying or denying can change that.  No one is out to get you (that’s the delusions of persecution talking).  Your friends and family are very concerned about you and your children, and want to help and support you back to mental health and well-being.  Their primary concern, of course, is the children’s welfare.

Thank-you for naming me in your post—others will now be able to find this thread by googling my handle here.  Thank-you for your childish and resentful accusations—others will now see you for who you really are.  Thank-you for publicly redirecting blame and for hurling silly and hateful comments towards NAFPS—and for allowing all to see that you are a fraud and a mere human being who has no influence whatsoever in creating or restoring a world to peace.

Your son did not “nearly die” because of what your friends and family did or are doing.  They are trying to help you and your children out of love.  You have people in your life who truly care about you and are very concerned.  Please accept their help. 

Edited to add:  Apparently Sampson is not deleting certain posts from her fb page as previously noted.  Rather, she is changing them from public to private and I'm told they are all still there for her friends to read.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Mahekun on January 31, 2013, 06:24:18 pm
I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure that an omnipotent being of peace and harmony would be above calling people "village idiots".
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: AnnOminous on February 08, 2013, 06:49:26 pm
Sampson is back on another tirade, this time promoting

Yesterday she posted in her now familiar megalomaniac style:
WORLD - ARE YOU READY FOR THE BIG REVEAL???? Calgary is going to become an International Hot Spot - (not to mention an Intergallactic one lol).

Everyone is watching and waiting, on pins and needles, knowing something BIG is about to happen - no one has an idea but a select few - it's an honor to be one of the first welcomed into the Sacred Hoop.

When you're ready, so are we :)

Today she posted:  (emphasis mine)
For many It's hard to believe in something until they see it with their own eyes.

Well, you think you have two eyes, whereas we have three. Who has all Three open???? Conspiracy Realists, Angels, Lighworkers, Healers, Shamans et al.

We have been teaching you how to awaken. Some have been listening, but many have not. We're going to be all over the place soon, many will come in all kinds of species. If you haven't watched Hunger Games, I suggest you do - Everyone is watching us, and for those of you who haven't figured out that we're playing Avatar, Star Trek... Well LMFAO! The game is over, humanity won, we don't have to go to war anymore! Btw, A WOMAN won the game for all of us.

The Big Shift is Here! We will be in our Inipi Ceremony at 12:20 am at the time of the New Moon for the Chinese New Year Sunday, February 9th pouring moon blood! It is the end of the year, and the rebirth of our new beginning!

Isis is so excited and so tired, she had Judah in her house and tamed the beast successfully. There are many things for all to see soon.

Please cleanse your bodies to rid yourselves of your disease,
We have come to show you how to be eternal - and yes FFS, it involves drinking your own amniotic fluid, what is incorrectly named urine. Get over it, you were created in The Creators image - and are. YOUR OWN PERFECT MEDICINE by Martha M. Christy there are PDF books available online!

When asked on her facebook page what this was all about she responded:
it is our story from before Creation and our future. It is written by the Source! Read the Manuscript first, it is .... The Manuscript of our lives that we have been looking for. God has returned to Earth... I am a messenger, I keep telling people that and they laugh and think I'm crazy.... While I giggle hysterically on the inside to myself and say to myself, "they have no fucking idea hehehehe". I push out a love energy for each person reading or listening to "finally get it", the Messiah has been resurrected and shit is going on behind the scenes like crazy. Watch what the President of Ireland does is a very strange website.  Sampson's connections seem to be through her fb friend Dennise Neilson, whose self-description is:
About Dennise
Sacred Two Spirit to IsIs, Head Bear Clan Mother of Tiamat Ki Earth.
works with Sun Ke Temple Trust
Found on Web site

On the Sunke Temple website, in the FAQ section, there is the question "What is the Sacred Canupa?"  Here is an excerpt of the response:
“The sacred medicine that must be smoked in the Sacred C’anupa is the Tree of Life, Kaneh Bosm [ie marijuana].  No other medicine qualifies as the Breath of Life.  The sacred C’anupa is also known as the sacred Womb of our “Divine Mother.’  There are no stems (penises that are allowed or permitted to penetrate our ‘Divine Mothers’ Scared [sic] Womb).

There is a youtube video interview of Dennise Neilson (it's over 2 hours long) here:
I'm only a few minutes into listening to it, and so far Dennise has talked about holding sweatlodge ceremonies and supporting sundances while being a firekeeper (I wonder what the Pablo Russell connection might be).

I'll start a new thread in Research Needed for Sunke Temple Trust and Dennise Neilson.

Pouring "moon blood" in "inipi ceremonies" whilst smoking marijuana in "sacred canupas"???  I sense more train-wreckage happening for Sampson.

Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: Latvia on January 08, 2015, 05:22:33 am
I knew Dennise and she has now passed away. Probably for the better, because this sunketemple stuff is messed up.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: educatedindian on April 17, 2015, 12:26:05 am
Court judgment was issued in relation to Leah Sampson.

A.S. (Re), 2014 ABPC 300:

In the Provincial Court of Alberta

Citation: A.S. (Re), 2014 ABPC 300
                                                                                                                     Date: 20141219
                                                                                                         Docket: 130265002W1
                                                                                                                  Registry: Calgary

In the Matter of The Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act,
R.S.A. (2000) Chap. C-12
And in the Matter of: A.S., Born December, 2009....
                     Decision of the Honourable Judge E.R.R. Carruthers


[1]               The subject of this Hearing is an application for a Permanent Guardianship Order (“PGO”) by the Crown pursuant to the Child Youth and Family Enhancement Act (“the Act”) in respect to a medically fragile young boy who has just turned five years of age (hereinafter referred to as “the child”). The child has been in the care of the Director on two occasions. He was first apprehended November 30, 2011 (Apprehension 1), and was the subject of a Temporary Guardianship Order (“TGO”) from March 3, 2012, until he was returned into the care of his mother on September 7, 2012, under a Supervision Order (“SO”), following a Parenting Assessment by Mr. Dave MacLeod, see Exhibit 1, Tab H. The assessment period was March 30 to May 24, 2012 (Parenting Assessment 1). The child was apprehended a second time January 18, 2013 (Apprehension 2), due to apparent concerns that his mother had begun to identify strongly with her aboriginal roots and had declared herself a member of a sovereignty group and as such, no longer subject to the law. At the same time, she was advocating alternative medical procedures and the Director’s delegates had concerns that this might compromise the medical treatment of the child. Mr. MacLeod was then commissioned to do a second Parenting Assessment (Assessment 2), which was undertaken through the period October 8, 2013 through January 30, 2014.  The child has been in care of the Director since Apprehension 2, well in excess of the statutory maximum time in care contemplated in Section 33 of the Act.

[2]               The mother’s insistence in alternative medical treatments, her demands that a firm diagnosis be made and her termination of the child’s primary treating physician resulted in an application for a Treatment Order, which was granted on February 22, 2013. The application for the Treatment Order and the transcript of the Hearing is found in Exhibit 1, Tab C.

[3]               The father of the child is a man of Jamaican ancestry, whom the mother met while on vacation in that country. She later returned to Jamaica, apparently with the intention of becoming pregnant by him. That occurred, the father applied to enter Canada and arrived in 2009, the day before the birth of the child. The father consented to the PGO on the first day of the Hearing.

[4]               The relationship of the mother and father was apparently characterized by domestic violence, which resulted ultimately in the mother making a complaint to the RCMP in 2011 with respect to incidents that occurred in 2010. The father was charged with seven counts, including sexual assault and threats to the mother and her older son. The father was arrested and detained in custody for over two months before he was able to arrange bail, which was apparently posted by the mother’s sister and her husband. The first count went to trial on August 3, 2012, with the father being acquitted and the other six counts being withdrawn. Father has maintained his innocence of these charges throughout.

[5]               The Hearing commenced on April 4, 2014 and concluded on October 31, 2014, occupying some or all of 13 days. There were a number of reasons for the truncation, including the availability of witnesses, the availability of court time, the mother’s loss of counsel and delay in finding new counsel, the length of the mother’s evidence, availability of the Court, a snow event and mother indicating that she wished to have an independent Parenting Assessment.


Courtney Roma

[6]               The Crown called four witnesses. The first witness was Ms. Courtney Roma, the caseworker who had been the caseworker for the bulk of the time the child has been in care of the Director. She introduced various exhibits, including a two-volume trial binder, Exhibit 1, excluding material under Tabs E and F. The Court had directed that material to be excluded, as it was of the view they were not relevant and any probative value was outweighed by their prejudicial effect given that mother had apparently abandoned the sovereignty position being articulated thereunder. The material in these tabs were later entered as Exhibit 14 for the purpose of cross-examination. Ms. Roma specifically identified various assessment reports and other documents from the Director’s files found at Tab G of Exhibit 1, most of which she had prepared and the rest of which she had reviewed and adopted. She particularly noted documents under Tab M where the mother had made certain Facebook posts which reflected that the mother had apparently recorded telephone conversations and meetings with Ms. Roma and posted her transcriptions of those conversations on Facebook, including a photograph of Ms. Roma. All of these were posted under the name of Standing White Buffalo, a native name, which the mother asserted she was entitled to use. The caseworker described the Director’s involvement since 2010 basically as outlined in her documents contained under Tab G of Exhibit 1. The concerns of the Director have developed over the period of involvement, but essentially revolve around the mother’s mental health and her capacity to care for a medically fragile child. Her mental health has manifested itself in an aggressive, belligerent and confrontational attitude, which has soured relations with the caseworker and Child and Family Services (“CFS”), as well as the medical team charged with the care of the child. She testified that for most of 2013, the mother had not engaged with Ms. Roma and frequently refused to speak with her....

[12]           Mr. MacLeod described the involvement of the mother with Ms. Blackshear throughout and quoted extensively from a number of the documents filed. These documents were part of Tabs E and F of Exhibit 1 (Exhibit 14).

[13]           The quoted documents did not appear to make any sense, using the kind of pseudo legal language described in the so-called Freeman cases (for example see the comments of Rooke, ACJ in Mead v. Mead, 2012 ABQB 571 (CanLII)). The claim filed by Ms. Blackshear was dismissed by the federal court on May 31, 2013: Blackshear v. Canada 2013 FC 590 (CanLII). The Court said, at Paragraph 4, the allegations are, for the most part, unintelligible and consequently difficult to summarize.

[14]           The mother later maintained that she had disassociated herself with Ms. Blackshear, although that did not appear to happen until Ms. Blackshear was deported.

....Mr. MacLeod notes at the top of Page 24 of Assessment 2 as follows:

[The mother] has apparently remained involved to some degree with a psychiatrist, and in the two psychiatric consultation notes available in the context of this assessment, Dr. Cameron has indicated that he does not see active symptoms of psychosis and does not consider there to be any need for psychotropic medication. It is not within the scope of expertise of this assessment to offer comment about medication specifically, although it is within the scope of the assessment to comment on the nature of [the mother’s] delusional thinking and, in that regard, it could be said that her delusions are more a product of personality than a textbook psychosis. Conventional wisdom suggests that it is possible to medicate mood and energy, and to medicate the structure of thinking, but it is not possible to medicate the content of thoughts. [The mother’s] proneness to delusions is born not so much of a free standing psychosis, but more of a personality that seeks to create or, better yet, to endorse a prescribed identity for herself. It is therefore not necessarily surprising that a psychiatric opinion would reject the use of medication, especially because there is no apparent urgent element of risk and her symptoms are not so invasive as to seriously destabilize her day-to-day life....

[33]           The child also developed portal hypertension with varices which results in upper intestinal bleed. Therefore a surveillance endoscopy was necessary in order to see what was occurring. These endoscopies were initially every three months and later every six months. At the time Dr. Martin gave evidence, he had had ten procedures, the last one being in September 2013. They were also monitoring the child’s response to dietary interventions and wanted him on a consistently high caloric intake....

[35]           Dr. Martin said that he had been the child’s treating physician except for a brief period in 2013 when he had been removed from his care. The removal was as a result of an email sent by the mother on February 4, 2013 to the provincial and federal heads of political parties, the head of Alberta Health Services, the head of the Calgary Health Authority, the Alberta Children’s Foundation and ACH accusing the medical team, in general and himself in particular, of negligence, verbal abuse, emotional trauma, wrongdoing, medical misconduct, apartheid and genocide, together with documentation of the benefits of urine therapy. She asked that he be removed from the case....

The Court heard it was in this period that the mother was heavily engaged with the Turtle Island Federation with Ms. Blackshear, and that she was involved with pursuing a case in the International Criminal Court (“ICC”), using this case as a basis for that action.....

[45]           Her observation of the mother over the past year is that she is calmer, making better decisions in regards to who she picks as her support people, and is being more thoughtful and more insightful. She noted that she thought previously some of her support people were inappropriate and noted Ms. Blackshear in particular. Ms. Dreyer felt that at that time, mother was desperate to get her child back, so she latched onto this woman hoping that through using the ICC, she could get the child back into her care. The mother then stated to Ms. Dreyer that she had come to the realization that this was not working and then she came in and started to make better decisions, such as fostering healthy, culturally appropriate connections with Elders within the Métis Society and Aboriginal Services. Ms. Dreyer believes that is when she reconnected to the mental health services.

[46]           I have noted some inconsistency here: in Mr. MacLeod’s evidence, the mother said that she had always known that Ms. Blackshear was a fraud. Whereas Ms. Dreyer indicated that she had this insight when she reconnected with Mental Health Services in April 2013. Yet Ms. Singh’s evidence indicates the mother continued to live with Ms. Blackshear full-time until August, and even thereafter had Ms. Blackshear coming to court to represent her.

[47]           Ms. Dreyer said that Dr. Cameron had given her a diagnosis of PTSD and Borderline Personality traits and that was the diagnosis they were working on in their therapy. She had little contact with the mother until recently when they reconnected through Facebook. She had observed the mother and child once and noted that the child appeared comfortable with the mother....

[70]    ...she was also making statements that sounded quite delusional to a casual observer, such as she was looking into drinking her own urine. He said this sounds pretty bizarre, but she had been researching it, and said it was something that Ghandi did daily, thus it was not a delusional thing she came up with of her own accord. She was also smudging with sage, but for some reason, it appeared as if she was smudging with marijuana and salvia and exposing her baby to those substances, but from what Dr. Cameron could gather in talking to her, this was not the case.

....The Mother

[99]           The mother testified over four days. She testified following all of the witnesses, except Ms. Ganchar and Ms. Moore’s cross-examination. In spite of taking extensive notes, I found her to be a poor historian, inconsistent, evasive and self-serving in her responses. In fact I noted that the mother’s presentation and demeanour were largely congruent with Mr. MacLeod’s findings in Assessment 2, in that she would say different things at different times, had an answer for everything and tended to blame others rather than taking personal responsibility for the outcomes of her behaviour. There was a sense of superiority about her.

[100]      By way of example, in describing her involvement with Ms. Blackshear, in Mr. MacLeod’s Assessment 1, she spoke of Ms. Blackshear with reverence, whereas in Assessment 2, she told Mr. MacLeod that she had known all along that Ms. Blackshear was delusional and a fraud.

[101]      In her evidence, the mother said that she was using Ms. Blackshear in an attempt to get the child’s case before the ICC. She said in effect that “I was using her and she was using me.”

[102]      Ms. Singh’s evidence was that the mother had been living with Ms. Blackshear full-time from before April 2013 (the mother said March 2013) until at least June 2013, and did not raise any concerns about Ms. Blackshear to Ms. Singh until August 2013. She had introduced Ms. Singh to Ms. Blackshear when Ms. Singh needed a place to live with her two younger children. Ms. Singh lived in the house from April 20, 2013 until October 2013....

[121]      While there is no evidence to indicate that the mother is incapable of providing for the day-to-day needs of the child, it is clear that her personality is such that she is not capable of sustaining relationships with anyone who does not agree with her, has difficulty believing that she is wrong, has a tendency to be hostile when she does not understand situations and does not have the educational platform or the background to be able to sort fact from fiction in acquiring information from the internet. It is well known that there is as much fiction as fact in material to be found on the internet....

[129]      Finally, (c) given the evidence of the difficulty in treating personality based disorders, combined with the length of time that this child has already been in care, the Court is required to make the finding that the child cannot be returned to the custody of the mother within a reasonable time.

[130]      A Permanent Guardianship Order is therefore made.

[131]      With respect to access, there may be access to both the mother and the father in the discretion of the Director including the discretion as to whether there should be access, whether that access should be supervised or unsupervised, and with respect to any conditions or other requirements that might be made with respect to such access. That access will terminate upon the child being placed in an adoptive or potentially adoptive home.

Permanent guardianship by the state was ordered. .
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: AnnOminous on June 09, 2015, 08:37:28 pm
I don't think many people are happy when kids are taken away from their mother, but this case is an exception. I'm not only happy but relieved that the system did what it needed to do to protect this child. From reading public posts on Leah's fb recently, it sounds like she is too. Until the last day or two she has been back on fb as "Standing White Buffalo" doing what Leah does best--bull-shitting and self aggrandizing. I went to pull a few quotes off of her page just now but see she has either blocked me or de-activated her page once again.

Good work NAFPS.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: AnnOminous on June 11, 2015, 07:37:23 pm
Leah Sampson
11 June 2015
Some days I wonder why I'm here. Then I remember my First Nations name Standing White Buffalo Calf Woman and know that my soul is in charge. Btw, The English translation on that name is Jesus Christ. People wonder why I'm so disciplined? Try living with that name.

The more things change the more they stay the same.
Title: Re: Leah Sampson, "Standing White Buffalo" claiming to be White Buffalo Calf Woman
Post by: educatedindian on October 07, 2018, 12:49:32 pm
On her FB, Sampson is posting a video about drinking urine and using urine as eye drops. And she's... demonstrating. She's being so mercilessly mocked one starts to feel bad for her.