Author Topic: Gary Adler AKA Gary FourStar & Many Horses Foundation  (Read 77146 times)

Offline listeningeagle

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Re: sweat lodge workshop?
« Reply #15 on: June 13, 2007, 01:00:07 am »
Violet Gail Eldridge is the president of the United Tribal Alliance. She said that Gary Fourstar has been designated treaties cheif.

Offline sapa

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Re: sweat lodge workshop?
« Reply #16 on: June 13, 2007, 03:12:10 am »

Hello All,
I am a new member and was just browsing through the posts when 2 names I am familiar with jumped out. My husband is lakota from standing rock rez although we do not live there right now.
Sometime ago we had 2 young ladies approach us about Gary Adler Fourstar and his authenticity. We cannot speak on anothers spirituality but my husband did know some Fourstars and contacted them. It seems that this man was made a relative through hunka ceremony by the elder Fourstar, the one he claims as father but carries no blood from that family or any other that they know of. The family said they are aware of some of this guys activities but cannot "undo" that which their father did. Only he can do that and he is walking with the spirits.

The other name is Tamira Madison aka T.S. Running Wolf aka Walks with Thunder. I have had many people ask me about this woman and her military background. Because of this interest I contacted the POW Frauds site to verify their methods for myself. This group is very thorough and would not risk prosecution from printing libelist remarks. They have access to a great many federal sources who while perhaps couldnt give pertinent info could at least verify military duty. According to them no one by any of the above names has ever served in any capacity in any branch of the military.
We have a son that was recently discharged from the armed forces having fulfilled his enlistment.  While deployed he  could not even tell us where he would be because of the "sensitivity" of the assignment but his military enlistment could always be verified. As for records burning up how do people get their VA benefits if all records are destroyed? There must be another way to establish service, another archive, something, right?
I hope this info helps in some way.

Offline listeningeagle

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Re: sweat lodge workshop?
« Reply #17 on: June 13, 2007, 04:19:43 am »
Type "Violet Gail Eldridge" in your google search bar. There are several articles from the SEC. She was involved in a scam that bilked millions from investers.

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: sweat lodge workshop?
« Reply #18 on: June 13, 2007, 04:52:31 pm »
sapa, thank you for your information. This helps.

listening eagle, wow! You found good info! Thanks!


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Re: sweat lodge workshop?
« Reply #19 on: June 13, 2007, 06:06:19 pm »
Sapa, She could gain entrance to any VA with a DD-214 or any for of discharge paper. That is if she chose to use a VA instead of IHS. The DD-214 has most information as far as AFSC and where served. Some times you have to look at Ribbons awarded. It's the personnel records that no one can find. I doubt if her's were burned. The Mart Building burned a long time ago before her time, and it was mostly Army records. She should have a DD-214 in her possession if discharged from the Air Force. On one Fla website it claims POW status, but who ever was speaking for her on her stated it was her Unit, and she was not with them. Also, states she was assigned to 459th Congressional Wing Air One(special assignment). That is Andrews AFB. Use to be where they kept Air Force One. Also, the person speaking for her stated her records were sealed. But you still should be able to verify Military Service. I doubt if she will produce her DD-214.  If the website that investigates fraud on the CMH and POW status cannot find anything, I would lean to their findings. frederica

Offline listeningeagle

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Re: sweat lodge workshop?
« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2007, 03:58:45 am »
One of the foundations on Gary Adlers Many Horses website indicated that he did work for them briefly, they were glad when he left, he did absolutely nothing for the foundation, he still owes them a 1000.00 dollars for a horse he bought but never paid for.  Quote " he is bad energy"

one moon

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Re: sweat lodge workshop?
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2007, 04:00:42 am »
This is out rageous. How can someone sell the sacred lodge?  ::) I don't understand this. Do these people get a "your now an official Shaman" certificate when they are done? My grandfather would roll over in his grave if he saw me doing something like what these people are doing. This is so obsurd! Thank god for this forum, as a way to tell people...

Offline listeningeagle

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Re: sweat lodge workshop?
« Reply #22 on: August 31, 2007, 01:18:57 am »
Glad this site is back online. Gary Fourstar states that he is an enrolled member of the Costanoan Rumsen Carmel Tribe of California. I found some intersting articles, Google , The jackpot casino carmel tribe. The short story is their PR firm, threatened to sue the  Catholic Mission for recongnition. As someone postedearlier, I find it strange that Gary adler Fourstar is an enrolled member of this tribe and not Jerome Fourstars, Garys fathers tribe. Also Gary States in the present tense that he is the son of Jerome Fourstar and was adopted out at birth. This would lead one to believe he is the biological son of Jerome Fourstar and adopted away from Jerome Fourstar. I find this very  mis leading or a downright lie.


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Re: sweat lodge workshop?
« Reply #23 on: August 31, 2007, 02:17:39 am »
What I remember his father was from Ft. Peck in Montana (Assiniboine),  but cannot recall him ever giving his adopted parents name or Nation.


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Re: sweat lodge workshop? and sundance
« Reply #24 on: September 02, 2007, 10:01:36 pm »
hi my name is angelo
i found a site
they have a sundance in germany also new age sweatlodges and all kind off new age stuff
they wanna build up a new sundance 20008 but its secret ,
you have to go and speak personal before you can get any informations .
but anyway  its under   indianerpfad
and the man behind is christian vogel it seems to be a lakota sundance
leadet by white people

Offline sapa

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Re: sweat lodge workshop?
« Reply #25 on: September 03, 2007, 02:53:11 am »
According to Carl Fourstar, the son of Jerome, Gary Adler was made a hunka relative many years ago by Jerome. The family is aware of his doings but their hands are tied.They cannot unadopt him as only the late Jerome can do that. He did sundance with the family many years ago but apparently things have changed from then to now. Additionally if you would contact the tribal office you will find he is not an enrollee. He lives in Woodstock Ga and screens the potential participants in his classes and lodges.


Offline sapa

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Re: sweat lodge workshop?
« Reply #26 on: September 03, 2007, 03:12:28 am »
Went to the site and surfed around. They did have a sundance 2007 and intend to have one 2008. From photos provided it appears to be mainly women. I will email them as to their intercessor and by whose authority they do this. Let ya know if I hear anything. Interesting sidebar, it seems their grounds and tree were vandalized after last dance by known people from within.....


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Re: sweat lodge workshop? and sundance
« Reply #27 on: September 03, 2007, 03:12:37 pm »

 i take another look on the indianerpfad site and found out u also can get a education there
to run a visionquest .and sweats
hi my name is angelo
i found a site
they have a sundance in germany also new age sweatlodges and all kind off new age stuff
they wanna build up a new sundance 20008 but its secret ,
you have to go and speak personal before you can get any informations .
but anyway  its under   indianerpfad
and the man behind is christian vogel it seems to be a lakota sundance
leadet by white people


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Re: sweat lodge workshop? and sundance
« Reply #28 on: September 03, 2007, 03:35:00 pm »
hi again
this christian vogel
call himself a heyoka and his shamanic roots coming from the lame deer family and from don augustin rivas in peru.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: sweat lodge workshop?
« Reply #29 on: September 04, 2007, 05:05:50 am »
Normally I would never bring up the actions of someone deceased. But with the claims being put out about him, I'm forced to.

Angelo, the late Archie Lame Deer was a ceremony seller in Germany for the last years of his life. Rivas I believe has also been discussed in here as less than reputable. I believe he's not NDN.