Most of the sites on her say she's "serving her community for 15 years". On this site she describes herself as a Mexican-American with Mayan ancestry.*jDqlr7GYLIPtMyj3GsS8By1Xv0E6LaujFc-kX*rN/MayansvMonsanto.pdf
So why does a Mexican/Mayan go to Lakota healers to learn and claim to do Lakota healing and ceremony? There's no shortage of Mayans, including in the Bay Area. There's also no shortage of Mexican curanderos. So "her community" is seemingly anyone who comes to her for healing in largely wealthy Marin County, right next door to the often poor Latino and NDN communities in Oakland and SF.
She does seem to want to do good on a number of issues, such as sacred sites. I don't see any sign of building up a cult, abusiveness, peddling workshops, etc. The main questions are if the people she claimed taught her actually did, and why choose a tradition not your own? Those, plus ceremony selling of course.
Her other "teachers" listed include Sashana Proctor, a faux feminist pushing feel good "initiations" into made up clans for a group calling itself Wisdombridge. Unterman is a common enough name that it's hard to pin down who she means. There's a hypnotherapist that may be her.
Adyashanti AKA Steven Gray is a white Buddhist teacher.'s a long list of websites accusing him of being a fraud. (See comments) (comments)'m guessing this may be the Francesca McCartney she refers to. of her other teachers Kaplowitz, Campbell, and Riverbend are part of these extremely vague feel good courses. don't see any harm done by these courses, except to the hole in your banking acount. I also don't see who they do much of anything at all.
Gutierrez seems to have cobbled together her ideas and practices from all over, quite a mishmash.