General > Research Needed

Roy Barnes

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It is possible for someone who was adopted and raised by a christianity family, to become an authorized sundance leader?


--- Quote from: Sturmboe on August 10, 2014, 07:02:45 pm ---It is possible for someone who was adopted and raised by a christianity family, to become an authorized sundance leader?

--- End quote ---
what you mean "is it possible for someone not being raised in his tradition to become a leader of sid tradition".....cmon know the answer

I'll rephrase the question a little differently and mor common .

Must be someone who leads ceremonies or lives as a healer, having grown up in his culture?
If someone was adopted  as a baby or critter by a white family and thus torn from his culture, could he can come back after years or decades on the reservation and then become a ceremonial leader or medicine man (I can not find a suitable word)? Is this possible or not?
Natives who can not grow up in their culture, are different formed / affected in their human being and this character "being Native" can not be easily learned or acquired. Is there a lack in the foundation of native way of life to learn about it?
Anyone can acquire knowledge, how a ceremony is conducted, how to perfom healings. The question is not just "how" and from "whom" the knowledge is acquired, the question is: Can a person who did not live on the res, develop a deeper and correctly  understanding for this work? Or is this foundation missed?

The various opinions are determined controversial, the moderate opinions of one, the strict views of the hardliners. And it is surely different from the kind of ceremonie, the tribe etc.
I think this is a discussion by Natives ...

Short answer....remotely possible YES  but NOT very likely

Most of the old timers will tell you it takes a LIFETIME to learn....many will admit that they can live 10 lifetimes and still not learn anything...  So yeah we are all aware of adoptions and injuns whose parents may have chosen Christianity....but I don't think an instant Indian will carry any more weight than a twinkie.....nor do I think a holyman would pass that kind of thing down to don't know the minds of injuns....if someone is entrusted with that gift, they usually didn't choose that life...the life chose them....they are intended to serve their people.....if they are serving non-injuns and the like were they really chosen? Or are they just name dropping.....i can't drop big names too.....but I admit to being a less than zealous follower of my own traditions.....but I still hate seeing them abused


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