Author Topic: Have anyone heard of Gayokla Nichi?  (Read 13318 times)

Offline Ann

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Have anyone heard of Gayokla Nichi?
« on: June 24, 2009, 01:46:59 pm »
Have anyone heard of Gayokla Nichi? Suppose to be a native traditional healer. He is with the Native American leadership Alliance. Has a you tube interview called 'natural healing and the spirit world.'

Offline ny1

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Re: Have anyone heard of Gayokla Nichi?
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2009, 02:06:43 pm »
Just checked out that video,  judging by his accent he sound latino, and I doubt people from the  plains tribes used Avocado leaves

Offline educatedindian

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Gayokla Nichi, Native American Leadership Alliance, the Moonies
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2009, 07:16:35 am »
This site says he's of the Sac and Fox.

I went to the Sac and Fox Nation powwow a couple years ago. I don't recall their regalia looking anything like what Nichi is wearing.

The NALA site describes him as simply being from California.

Strange mistakes on that site, for example saying the Incans are in Guatemala. About a thousand miles off.
And a tribe called Amazons in Colombia.

Nichi certainly chooses to associate with some very questionable characters, for example conspiracy theorist and anti Semite David Icke.


messianic201205-01-2008, 06:20 PM:

This is in response to the idea to have a radio channel for David Icke.

You could ask David Icke if he would like to be interviewed on Defining Moment TV Host,Bret Moss. USA Host,Ajay Rai. Europe
The Real Phenomena Underlying the Theory of
Reincarnation,Interview with Edward Hartley, Bromley
Coordinator of the Universal Peace Federation,
London,U.K.,he talks about his near death experience.
Native American Spirituality,Gayokla Nichi
Natural Healing and Spirit World.
Interview with Gayokla Nichi, Native American Traditional Healer & Executive Council Member of the Native American Leadership Alliance.

Inspired by the James Whale show on Talk Sport, we're looking at having our own radio station on where we could interview David and have people ring in and ask questions to the man himself. We would also have other guests on from time to time and also look at giving forum members the chance to get involved in the same way as with the videocasts.

Can you please let me have your views and opinions. Would you be interested in listening and ringing in?

If there's enough interest Sean and myself will attempt to get something up and running.

Many thanks.


Worst of all is that NALA and Nichi work with the Unification Church and Reverend Moon, better known as the Moonies. I have no doubt that the leaders of NALA are sincere about peace, but also think they are letting themselves be used by Moon.

Reconciling the Abrahamic Faiths       
By Rev. Michael W. Jenkins, Co-Chair, MEPI-USA     
Friday, October 31, 2003

....This work was inspired by the Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon and continues to be guided by them. We sincerely thank them for their sacrifices for the sake of historical reconciliation and for their reminder that we all come from the one God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The time has come for us to all become one reconciled family....

Speaking on behalf of the marchers, Haitham Bundakji, vice chairman of the Islamic Society of Orange County, California, proclaimed: "We believe in and love Moses, Isaac, and Ishmael. We believe in and love Jesus. We believe in and love Muhammad. We believe in and love Father and Mother Moon."

....Two Native American leaders, Gayokla Nichi Ayala and Chief Manual Hamilton, came on stage and wept as they joined in.

People surged forward in a spontaneous response to the heavenly spirit drawing people together. An Israeli woman said she never believed she would see the day when Muslims, Christians, Jews, Druze, and American Indians would dance together in Jerusalem for joy. She never expected to hear consecutive readings from the Torah, Bible, and Qur’an in a land where those faiths historically have been deeply divided.

She could only conclude, "This is a day of the Messiah!"

Dr. Chang Shik Yang, MEPI co-chair, summarized a recent message by MEPI founder Rev. Sun Myung Moon entitled "The New Elimination of Boundaries and World Peace."

....The world in which we live is divided by thousands and tens of thousands of boundaries. How can they be dissolved?
According to Rev. Moon:” When we come to know with certainty the tradition of the heavenly world, a realm of liberation will appear in the spirit world and in the earthly world." He explains that true people embody true love and live for the sake of others. They make it possible for their partners to become owners of true love. They sacrifice everything for the sake of their partners and enable them to dance and live within true love. They are heirs to the heavenly world and are protected and loved by the heavenly world.


More ties to Moon, even a listing of Nichi as a follower of Moon.


NATIVE AMERICAN INDIANS who are following Rev.Moon ______________ JOIN Ambassadors for Peace ______________ Interview with Gayokla Nichi, Native American Traditional Healer & Executive Council Member of the Native American Leadership Alliance.
Giving the Keynote Address entitled “Common Legacy: Common Values” was Dr. Chang Shik Yang, Chairman of the American Family Coalition. Dr. Yang’s speech stressed the common ground that all Americans have in faith and family. He referred often to the Founder, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and his vision for America and indeed the world. His inspirational, yet penetrating, words laid out the challenge that the ALC had find common purpose beyond the diversity of the participants and to set the tone for a bright new future for America .       
     ....Dr. Chief Robert Joseph, Chairman of the Native American Leadership Alliance and Ambassador Sam Zakhem, former U.S. Ambassador to Bahrain , then gave commentaries.


And the website Nichi is always on is hailing Moon as the second coming of Christ.
Is Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon Fulfilling the Second Coming of Christ? (Part I)
Interview with Dr. Tyler Hendricks, President of the Unification Theological Seminary in New York. 

Offline Ann

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Re: Have anyone heard of Gayokla Nichi?
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2009, 10:22:10 am »
Thanks for the responses..The Sun Young Moon connection turn me off as well.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Have anyone heard of Gayokla Nichi?
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2010, 02:12:05 pm »
Got messages from a very angry supporter of Ayala's. Basically they defend him very strongly and do their best to ignore his ties to and defense of Moon and his Moonies. I can't say much more than paraphrasing the supporter. I asked if I could post their defense of him. But they were so angry, they don't even want that, nor to talk anymore about the subject.

The Ayala supporter also says Ayala is Blackfoot, not Sac and Fox, and is a traditionalist who stands strongly against exploiters and ceremony sellers. The supporter went on to say Ayala is related to actor Saginaw Grant.

I thank them for the correction about his tribe and point out that no one has ever said Ayala was an exploiter or a fraud. Only his ties to the Moonies were in question, and that still seems to be the case.

Offline tecpaocelotl

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Re: Have anyone heard of Gayokla Nichi?
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2010, 08:40:51 pm »
The Ayala supporter also says Ayala is Blackfoot, not Sac and Fox, and is a traditionalist who stands strongly against exploiters and ceremony sellers. The supporter went on to say Ayala is related to actor Saginaw Grant.

How are Saginaw Grant related to him since Saginaw is Sac & Fox?