Author Topic: Gullible and naive  (Read 6270 times)

Gullible and naive
« on: December 14, 2010, 04:49:48 pm »
I'm just making a comment after reading WineHippie's intro regarding being gullible and naive.

I want visitors reading through this forum to find this post and know that no one here that I've seen
faults a person for being gullible or naive. No one is born all knowing. There's many things we don't
know of, and we are often naive, and gullible. It is not a fault.

The fault lies with the perpetrators who rely on a person's not knowing and scams them. There are con
people in every walk of life. And they have to be really good at manipulating and exploiting people's
lack of knowledge in order to succeed. Most have had years of practice, and people are going to get
sucked in.

I don't want people coming through here to feel ashamed for believing or falling for or getting sucked
into one or another of these predator's lies. It happens to the best of us.

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline debbieredbear

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Re: Gullible and naive
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2010, 11:12:04 pm »
Thank you. I myself was nearly raped because I was gullible and naive. The perp told me no one would believe me but he was wrong: I found out many other women had this happen to them. He has passed on, but there are others. Yes, the perp is the one who is to blame because he/she uses people and twists truth. They seem to have a way of knowing who they can take advantage of, who will believe.

Re: Gullible and naive
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2010, 03:34:57 am »
I'm sorry to hear you went through all that!

The aftermath for some is spending the rest of their lives, or a good portion of their life,
feeling ashamed of how they were so stupid or some such.

No one who gets scammed by these perpetrators are stupid people. And I got concerned that there
could be people reading this forum, having been scammed, having had their beliefs manipulated and
twisted and left wondering how they could have been so stupid. But it goes for anyone who is harmed
by any kind of con person, or criminal, or fraudster. No one who gets hurt by such are stupid people.

It's human nature to want to trust other human beings. The fault and the shame and the stupidity
is on those who abuse that simple human trait. They are the ones who lose. They are the ones who
have failed.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2010, 03:49:56 am by critter »
press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline czech

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Re: Gullible and naive
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2010, 08:09:40 am »
It's human nature to want to trust other human beings. The fault and the shame and the stupidity
is on those who abuse that simple human trait.

Thank you, critter. This is a nice post.

Offline AlaskaGrl

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Re: Gullible and naive
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2010, 08:54:40 pm »
OK I have to admit, 8 or 9? years ago or so I went to a Pagan Meetup where one of the activities was a "Tsalagi Dance of Life" presented as Cherokee and I can still remember doing it in the line... and wondering.. Tai Chi ?  The resultant questions regarding what this was, and the Sweat Lodge and other issues caused a firestorm.   All because questions were asked on one of the earlier incarnations of the NAFPS board (with Michael Two Horses,) questions we asked of Indigenous peoples, who took the time to set us straight.  I'm not so much embarrassed by having DONE the "Dance of Life" as I really didn't know what it was at the time - I was naive.  I was there, we did it....  and ultimately we learned from it.

Never be afraid to ask questions, if one feels uncomfortable asking on list, ask a Moderator.


Offline WineHippie

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Re: Gullible and naive
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2010, 07:14:49 pm »
I'm just making a comment after reading WineHippie's intro regarding being gullible and naive.

I want visitors reading through this forum to find this post and know that no one here that I've seen
faults a person for being gullible or naive. No one is born all knowing. There's many things we don't
know of, and we are often naive, and gullible. It is not a fault.

i choose to feel that my naivete and gullibility served a positive purpose ...
even tho i have come to recognize the downside, flipside of same ...
if you knew of the hard protective shell i created around my self when
a child, and if you knew of the difficulties in breaking thru that shell when
a young adult, then maybe you would understand why i was open/accepting
and yes, vulnerable to, "messengers" bringing hope, peace, love ... i never
paid a penny for "enlightenment" but i dabbled in divination techniques, using
the i ching, tarot, astrology, the pendulum, meditation, crystals - i considered
all these things as tools i could use to focus in on what was going on
around me and inside me - i picked up bits of ideas here and there, sifting
thru books, music, art, spirituality, "self-help" (yuck), lectures, retreats,
traveling to spiritual places - i managed to hone my sense of discernment.
and yet i still feel gullible and naive because i know that i do not know
nearly enough, time is REALLY speeding up, and i continue to look for
signs of hope, peace, love ...

The fault lies with the perpetrators who rely on a person's not knowing and scams them. There are con
people in every walk of life. And they have to be really good at manipulating and exploiting people's
lack of knowledge in order to succeed. Most have had years of practice, and people are going to get
sucked in.

yes, i am feeling a bit of anger toward the imposters and i am
beginning to understand how the appropriation of ndn culture is racist ...
and yet, they are only partly responsible - the only way i can make
progress is to accept my part of the responsibility, learn & move on -
and, if asked, pass along what i have learned

I don't want people coming through here to feel ashamed for believing or falling for or getting sucked
into one or another of these predator's lies. It happens to the best of us.

thanks for understanding, will try to be a good ally

Re: Gullible and naive
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2010, 08:37:18 pm »
, time is REALLY speeding up,

I know that that is some sort of "concept" going around regarding some new age belief
regarding something or other..

But, they fail to explain why it is that EVERY generation feels the same as they age. It is no
mystery or 'new' thing that as you get older, time seems to speed up. That's just always been.

press the little black on silver arrow Music, 1) Bob Pietkivitch Buddha Feet

Offline kiya

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Re: Gullible and naive
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2010, 06:56:16 pm »
Hi everyone,

I am new to this site.  My mother raised me in a cult so I have seen how people come to cling to new and loving ideas when recovering from hard childhoods.  Perhaps that is why I am so strong about traditions.  I discovered my native heritage as an adult.  With my cult background I am very headshy of many I am a staunch traditionalist.  Although I am of Ute heritage... I pray in the Lakota tradition (there are no Ute sweats in Denver).  Don't be appologetic of your is a part of your growth.  Thanks to Spirit for guiding you to a site and community that will help you to find your truth.  blessings to you as you discover your path and may your ancesters walk with you.

Mitakaye Oyasin (We are all related), Kiya