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Offline debbieredbear

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nyone near Camden,NJ??
« on: January 30, 2006, 09:05:27 pm »
Shamanic teacher to offer public talk and workshops in Camden from Feb. 7 to 12

By Camden Public Library
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CAMDEN (Jan 30): Shamanic teacher Scarlet L. Kinney, MA, Founder and Director of Maine's Standing Bear Center for Shamanic Studies, will offer a series of shamanic events in Camden from February 7 through February 12. The first event is a public lecture titled "The Shamanic North: Feminist Aspects of Depth Shamanism", which she will present on Tuesday evening, February 7 at six p.m. at the Camden Public Library. On Thursday evening, February 9, she will present a shamanic storytelling performance at the Camden Public Library at six p.m. Both events are open to the public and are free of charge.

The talk and storytelling performance will be followed by the second in a series of four weekends of shamanic workshops to be offered in Camden by The Standing Bear Center for Shamanic Studies in 2005-2006. The weekend of workshops will begin with a drumming workshop on Friday evening, February 10, from 6:30 – 9 p.m. On Saturday, February 11, from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m., Kinney will offer an introductory experiential workshop on shamanic meditation, protection and movement. Also on February 11, from 2 – 8 p.m., she will offer a workshop on the North position on the Medicine Wheel Mandala, and Wolf medicine, which are both traditionally taught during the winter. The final workshop in the series, which is for women only, is titled "Meeting the Shamanic North Goddess "Nurturing Mother/Warrioress Woman", and will be offered on Sunday, February 12, from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Additional weekends of shamanic events will be offered in April and June, 2006.

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Re: nyone near Camden,NJ??
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2006, 09:10:02 pm »
Here's more:
Kinney, who founded The Standing Bear in 1994, was initiated into a shamanic path in 1988 by members of the Bear Spirit Clan, and later studied women's shamanic ways with a Native American shaman woman for three years. She then went on to earn her master's degree in Mythology with an Emphasis on Depth Psychology from Pacifica Graduate Institute, where her academic focus was shamanic mythology and psychology. Assisting Kinney with the lecture and workshops will be Camden resident and advanced shamanic apprentice Kristen Eckmann.

Kinney's public talk at the library will begin with a brief discussion of her theory of "Depth Shamanism", which she utilizes in her shamanic counseling practice and teaching. She will then explain the various ways in which the North position on the medicine Wheel Mandala, and the Goddess archetype of "Nurturing Mother/Warrioress Woman," which is found there, foster, protect and support the development of feminist consciousness in depth shamanic practice. Following a question and answer period, Kinney and Eckmann will demonstrate how they use sound and percussion to open a path into shamanic archetypal reality. Kinney will then teach attendees two shamanic chants from her original shamanic myth, "The Stone Heart Turtle People", which members of the audience will be invited to sing along with her and Eckmann during their storytelling event on Thursday evening.

"The Stone Heart Turtle People" is the performance version of the final chapter in Kinney's book of the same title, which contains a collection of short stories about growing up Irish Catholic in Downeast Maine in the 1940s and 50s. Kinney was inspired to write the book because of her powerful childhood experiences as a fifth-generation Irish American whose ancestors were forced to flee Ireland's County Clare during the great famine of 1948-49, never to return. The myth is an archetypal healing for the generational impact of forced emigration and cultural dislocation carried by her own family and by so many other Americans of every ethnic heritage.

On Friday evening, November 10, from 6:30 –9 p.m., Kinney will lead the second in a series of shamanic drumming workshops titled "Songs for the Earth" during which participants will learn the basics of Kinney's method of shamanic drumming. Techniques for "catching" one's personal songs in shamanic reality will then be taught. Kinney and Eckmann will shamanically support attendees as they "catch" their own songs to be sung to the earth as a way to restore and maintain environmental health. In this second drumming workshop in the series, participants will seek songs to be sung to air and wind. In the April workshop, participants will "catch" songs to be sung to water and rain; and in the June workshop to trees and plants. A limited number of drums will be available at the workshop for those who don't have their own drums. Those who wish may order Native American-crafted Taos Pueblo drums, which Kinney recommends for this kind of drumming, by contacting her at The Standing Bear Center for Shamanic Studies, (207) 667-4772.

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Re: nyone near Camden,NJ??
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2006, 09:11:21 pm »
Also on Saturday, February 11, from 2- 8 p.m., Kinney and Eckmann will facilitate a workshop titled "Journey to the North Position on the Medicine Wheel Mandala. In this experiential workshop, attendees will learn a special journey technique developed by Kinney specifically for mapping the shamanic reality of the medicine wheel Mandala, and will then journey into the North position to explore the landscape there, and to seek a teaching from Wolf, a shamanic North animal.

The final workshop of the weekend, "Meeting the Shamanic North Goddess "Nurturing Mother/Warrioress Woman", is for women only. Attendees will encounter this powerful goddess archetype, and awaken it within themselves, beginning to learn how to integrate this energy into one's sense of oneself as a powerful woman unafraid to find and express feminine authority. Kinney says of this workshop, "In spite of all the work women have done over the past century to liberate themselves from patriarchal oppression, concepts, and descriptions of femininity, many women still fear to discover and express their natural feminine authority within their families and within their communities. This workshop will point the way towards how one can begin to do so."

According to Kinney, "Nurturing Mother/Warrioress Woman is a North shamanic goddess archetype who personifies both a nurturing and an authoritative aspect of the feminine psyche. On the one hand, she is the "Great Mother" who nurtures all things equally, yet who has the power to bring civilization to a halt by withholding her bounty. On the other hand, she is a spiritual warrioress who holds a chalice in one hand and a sword in the other. The chalice contains the deepest needs of her soul, and she protects its contents with her sword, which she wields with the emotionless clarity of a samurai.
Kinney will teach participants in the last two workshops her special techniques for safely journeying into and returning from the archetypal reality of the Medicine Wheel Mandala. She will also teach shamanic meditation, movement, and a song that can be used for calling upon "Mother Light", the protective light and energy contained within the Earth. She will be available for private sessions in Camden on Monday, February 13. To schedule a private session, please call Kristen Eckmann at (207) 299-4015.

Workshop participants will be asked to contribute something delicious to share at potluck meals during the Saturday and Sunday workshops. There is a fee for each workshop. Those taking more than one workshop will be offered a discount. Pre-registration with a deposit is required for all workshops. Registration is limited to twelve persons per workshop. For more information and to register, contact Camden registrar Kristen Eckmann in Camden at (207) 299-4015, or Scarlet Kinney in Surry at (207) 667-4772. To learn more about The Standing Bear Center for Shamanic Studies, you can visit the Center's web site at