Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 1828543 times)

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #900 on: February 09, 2011, 05:33:53 pm »
Final post from the blog, number 5.


Monday, January 24, 2011
There are real Natives who oppose Kiesha Crowther
I'm Oglala Lakota, there are many other Natives and non natives who oppose Kiesha as well. I happened to catch this bit of misinformation over on the tribe of many colors forum, and found it very interesting that they are telling their members that the people who oppose Kiesha are not Native. This is not true.

TOMC forum

Click on image to enlarge

The moderator, in response to a question about Natives in the United States opposing Kiesha wrote:

"The comments around that are supposedly from Native American sources... are not... they are just people who have not yet found love in their hearts trying to discredit the light".

What the moderator has done here is attempt to discredit all Natives that are opposed to what Kiesha Crowther is doing, by simply saying that there are no real Natives that are concerned. This is not true.

Another comment needing to be addressed:

Forum Admin TOMC comment

First of all, any and all contacts with Kiesha Crowther made by myself and many other Natives and non natives have all used their real names and real emails in order to try and begin a discussion with her about what she is doing with the regalia, feathers, and Sacred Ca'nupa. In response to these letters, Kiesha's assistant Jennifer Ferraro has sent out threatening letters in return, threatening to sue anyone with questions. Kiesha claims that no one wants to speak, only harass her. This is not true. There have been many who have tried to contact her, but she refuses to open a line of communication with anyone, including me. Kiesha's assistant Jennifer Ferraro recently called up and threatened the Salish Elders. This is not the way to respect our Elders.

Second, no one is against Kiesha's basic message of love, or her teachings about loving one another. This is a good message, but that message has been destroyed by her claims of being "shaman" for the Salish and Sioux tribes. This message has been destroyed by her unwillingness to respect the tribes, and Natives who struggle to preserve their scared traditions. No one wants Kiesha to stop talking about her message of love, but there are many who want Kiesha to stop advertising herself as shaman for the two tribes, wearing fake regalia in her ads, dishonest claims to ancestry, including claims to Don Alejandro who recently spoke out about not knowing her or recognizing her as a shaman for his council. Don Alejandro Statement

No one wants anyone to feel isolated or disempowered. No one is under "attack". There are many questions and claims that must be investigated and will continue to be investigated.

If you are interested in reading about how Natives feel about our protection of ceremonies, please start with Chief Arvol Looking Horse and his statement regarding that:


Kiesha's on-going appropriation of the Salish, Kootenai, and Lakota names in order to sell her workshops is very concerning to Natives, and non natives who wish to help preserve the traditions that are sacred to us. It is very real and important to us that other people all over the world of all backgrounds understand this.

Another member wrote:

Again, this is wrong. This is NOT about skin color. No one is saying they are better than another. It has nothing to do with this at all. It's about protecting our culture and ways. It's about honesty. It's about honoring our true medicine people for the tribes.

In the past six weeks, Kiesha Crowther, the woman who says that she is "shaman" over two tribes, including mine, has referred to the indigenous that oppose her as "dark", "low quality", "not of the light", "not of the heart", "black", "negative", "indian attackers", "not evolved", "not transcending", and "ignorant". Not only does she insult the indigenous, her forum administrator and moderators take part in this as well.

If Ms. Crowther and those who follow her find the Natives to be of "low quality" and  "dark", perhaps, stepping completely away from the Native "framework" as she described, would be the best thing for her to do, including dropping her malicious claims that she is the "shaman for the Salish and Sioux tribes".

Please listen to Francis Auld speak in this video about the language being endangered, and the struggle to hold on to traditions.

Francis Auld

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Doreen Lynne Bird said...
Thank you for this post. It has been bothering me how Kiesha has referred to us as low quality or dark/black/negative people. She's only angry because we will not approve of what she is doing. As many said before she wants our ceremony and clothing and all the fame that comes with her schtik, but she does not like ndns at all. She wants it all for herself so she can be 'little grandmother' the famous young fair haired child. I wonder if her followers know that she dyes her hair? Her hair is not a natural blonde. so many of these truths need to be exposed. If her followers still want to listen to her they are welcome to it but she can drop her act of being shaman because we all know now she's not. Also a thank you for opening the comments back up for old women like me who don't want to google account.
Monday, January 24, 2011 
Margie Judah said...
Kiesha will be forced to drop these claims soon. I phoned up to the Flathead reserve and they told me they are preparing to release a statement for all to see and there will be no mistaking this time that it is from them.

She has to drop her claims to Don Alejandro now and I see she has removed all traces from him off her pages.

How can these people not see what a liar she is and how can they say that her message is good when underneath that lives a hugely dishonest woman who is about to make $24 thousand off of her workshop. Will she help the people freezing on the reservation this winter? OH I doubt it. She could care less as she lives in that fancy home of hers. When Kiesha's people are challenged to donate to the Pine Ridge Reservation they looked away and didn't get involved. I see on you tube where many asked them to donate. No one responded. These people don't live in their heart they live in their bank accounts. I can't wait until this all folds like a house of cards. She has no one left to claim. She is a white mormon with no native history to her family. Time to come clean and be honest. Kiesha's people need to start being honest too. What happened to living in truth too? Or is the truth too much for them to deal with so they rather live as liars?
Monday, January 24, 2011 
blackwolfcreek said...
@Doreen The comments have been opened back up to those who don't want to register. I appreciate your thoughts and your posts here and thank you for returning. All comments which turn to personal attacks on the indigenous will be removed.
Monday, January 24, 2011 
Doreen Lynne Bird said...
You read over there in their rainbow cafe threads you can see these people are hypocrites. Their board leaders are the worst. They spend time putting down the ndns and making snide underhanded comments against them. The mentality there is of entitlement and anger. They are like little children tantruming because they want the ndn ceremony and people are telling them NO. They all need to go back to their own culture and roots and learn to appreciate who they were born as. None of them seem to want to be who they are. Kiesha is having a seminar called 'remember who you are' but these people don't want that. They want to be ndns and they are going to be that even if it takes making up a past life or something. Making up a relation that isn't there like Kiesha did.
Blackwolf thank you for standing up against this. What you are doing is good and you have my respect.
Monday, January 24, 2011 
Anonymous said...
Hello. Thankyou for your blog. I have friends who have been in a dodgy cult for over 10 years now. Ten years is a long time out of people's lives and it's sad to see people hand their spiritual selves over to someone to exploit. No one had the sort of info about their cult that you're providing here. It may have made a difference early on.
So I'm sure that as well as protecting your own spirituality, you are actually taking steps to protect the spirituality of the people from the TOMC!
I also wanted to say something about my own spirituality- I am of celtic heritage. I began seeing auras, 'reading' energy and recalling past lives quite unbidden. I dont belong to any group and I'm confident that there are thousands, possibly millions of people like me. If a past life is recalled, to me it's silly to imagine that it's an invitation to appropriate someone elses's culture. IME, recollecting soemthing from a past life is a sign that there is something an individual needs to realise about their personal development so that they can move on. So it's not about 'oh, I think I was an indian and I need to dress up like one'. But it may well be 'I had an experience of pain once- I had contact with a healer- I am having a similar experience of pain- I am looking for a healer again...what did I do last time?' and to my way of thinking, the appropriate way of healing a past life experience is to look at the experience and take steps to heal it in the present.
The early 20th century mystic Edgar Cayce, who did a lot of past life readings, eventually stopped because he said that people were attaching themselves via the ego to the 'stories' from his readings, rather than the spirit of what was being presented for healing.
I hope you dont mind me posting all of this! I know it's a little off topic...Kiesha Crowther and her lies are challenging to me, too. I suppose my spirituality is new age, although I've never used that title- I feel that my spirituality is natural and experiential. Crowther is exploiting some aspects of my very real (unbought) spiritual experiences and possibly making it more difficult for others to open up with trust to their own experience of a universal source.
Monday, January 24, 2011 
GaiaConsciousness said...
Just because your Indian doesn't mean your right about everything

If "not of the light" is false
Then what are you about???

Because it's looking a bit like Jerusalem(all love) where multiple faiths fight over a Temple or Holy place
Now I'm not saying your wrong or right but
This is the pattern there (in that city) as I'm well your aware.
tit for tat and we are not coming to a conclusion??
Monday, January 24, 2011 
Anonymous said...
Would you walk into a Hindu temple and say "I'm sorry but I'm not taking my shoes off or washing my feet and hands because you people are living in the old way. We have a new way so stop doing your traditions that way. If you don't do it my way and accept my new way then you are not living in the heart. You are dark and negative".

You see, every culture on this earth has a right to be respected. I don't think you read the entirety of this blog post. No one has said they are better, or that they are right about everything. Open your ears open your eyes. They are simply saying don't bastardize their traditions. And no, you do not have a right to their ceremonies or traditions no more than I do. I'm white irish. I have no right to use them as I want and neither do you. It's like saying you have a right to walk into that Hindu temple and demand to do their ceremonies your way. It does not work that way.
Monday, January 24, 2011 
Doreen Lynne Bird said...
Gaia, what are you talking about 'of the light'? I am an ndn and I don't call how I live as being 'in the light'. That is new age speak. I live by my beliefs which are to be honest, to treat everyone with respect, to love, and protect. I honor mother earth and father sky, all our two leggeds and flying ones. You have a different speech for what you call living in the light. I just live by what is good. You make assumptions that ndns don't live in the light. You have much to learn if you don't understand another's beliefs. It's better to learn than to put that person down and assume they aren't 'in the light'. That's not fair. Kiesha has been teaching her people that anyone who does not believe in what she believes is not a good person and that is where you set up many problems.
Monday, January 24, 2011

Offline Seeker 1000

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #901 on: February 09, 2011, 08:24:09 pm »

      Dear NAFPS peeps,

   This is the first time I have posted on this forum. I am concerned about and investigating the validity of Kiesha Crowther " Little Grandmother".

   I attended the workshop in Sante Fe, NM on Feb. 4th - 5th.

   On Saturday Feb. 5th in the morning Keisha announced to all of us that on Friday Feb. 4th her wallet, perscriptions drugs, checkbook and credit cards were stolen.
    She also told us that her employee Debbie had all of her daughters tuition money for college stolen from her purse as well. They were keeping all their wallets , money, Etc. in the back kitchen of the Sante Fe Center for Spiritual Living. Keisha explained to us that she was going to focus through this negative situation and continue the workshop. She told us that the police would come and question her and that we should stay seated and keep up the positve energy until she gets back.
When the police came she left for awhile and hats began to be passed around the room to collect money for Debbie and Kiesha. When Kiesha came back to the room
there was a giant pile of money in a paperbag waiting at her chair. When she saw the money she begin to cry a little and appeared to fight tears for several minutes.
She asked Debbie to come to the stage and she presented the money to Debbie and tearfully and joyfully said," Your daughter can now go to school."

   ? Why did they wait to call police until Saturday morn?
   ? Why did someone keep their school tuition in a purse , in cash, out in the open?

  Btw I did call the Santa Fe police dep. (1-505-428-3710) and they did receive a call Saturday morning and that the case number is 0111001777.
   is Kiesha a victim of theft?
   Or is this an elaborate con job?
    My heart is so heavy because there seemed to be so much love there,

    Please someone shed some light on this for me.


Offline czech

  • Posts: 76
Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #902 on: February 09, 2011, 08:30:10 pm »
This event has been mentioned by another person who attended, here:

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #903 on: February 09, 2011, 10:28:27 pm »

   is Kiesha a victim of theft?
   Or is this an elaborate con job?

Something doesn't feel right here does it? Anyone would know that the natural reaction from good hearted people to news like that would be to pass around the hat. I don't believe she wouldn't have been aware that would happen. It's not as if she didn't make what would be to many of us a considerable ammount of money from the workshops. She didn't need to mention what was stolen, just that an article of hers was missing, and this would have been explanation enough. Instead you got a sob story.

    My heart is so heavy because there seemed to be so much love there,

    Please someone shed some light on this for me.

Don't feel bad about being taken in by her ability to project emotions well, it's part of her modus-operandi, and anyone can be fooled by people who can do this, they are as good as the actors in films which also reach our hearts. They see it as a job, and it's their income. This doesn't mean that everything they say is false. If it was, there would be no feeling of rightness in their words and nobody would follow them, but what we get is a patched together and skewed version of reality with people who exhibit her type of sociopathic conscience-zero personality. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but what she has done as can be found reported here shows her as this type of being.. Please don't have a heavy heart.

Offline goozih

  • Posts: 34
Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #904 on: February 10, 2011, 01:47:43 am »
I happened upon a presentation of hers in Santa Fe while looking for another event (not a new age one FYI) and decided to check it out. I left after about 1.5 hours with a rather sick at heart feeling and in my intuitive gut realized she was not for real. Her stories about experiences with animals did not add up and were way too outlandish. She started the lecture yesterday with a "negative story" about herself and her assistant being robbed of money, credit cards, driver's license, and her colleague (I think she was some type of organizer) being robbed of her child's private school tuition money that was in her purse. She put a new age spin on the event and waxed philosophical about it, and stated that she would be called out for a police interview. Then she went into her guided meditation and, IMO has a hypnotic/trance like effect, planting seeds of such "love" and "compassion" that when she was allegedly called for the police interview (she claimed to have left her belongings in the kitchen, the event took place in a church) that several people passed the hats for a collection to help. Why would anyone leave that much money for tuition, in a purse, at an event like this? The thing is even I was taken in at first and pitched in, then in hindsight realized, what a con artist! And, she is good at this!

The whole thing smacked of phoniness - her assistant did not even seem surprised by any of this (the donation). There are no police reports in the paper that reference this. I came home and researched her and came across this forum. Just want to let others know about this scam and, feel sad about the vulnerability and lack of discernment among the participants.

Dear NAFPS peeps,

   This is the first time I have posted on this forum. I am concerned about and investigating the validity of Kiesha Crowther " Little Grandmother".

   I attended the workshop in Sante Fe, NM on Feb. 4th - 5th.

   On Saturday Feb. 5th in the morning Keisha announced to all of us that on Friday Feb. 4th her wallet, perscriptions drugs, checkbook and credit cards were stolen.
    She also told us that her employee Debbie had all of her daughters tuition money for college stolen from her purse as well. They were keeping all their wallets , money, Etc. in the back kitchen of the Sante Fe Center for Spiritual Living. Keisha explained to us that she was going to focus through this negative situation and continue the workshop. She told us that the police would come and question her and that we should stay seated and keep up the positve energy until she gets back.
When the police came she left for awhile and hats began to be passed around the room to collect money for Debbie and Kiesha. When Kiesha came back to the room
there was a giant pile of money in a paperbag waiting at her chair. When she saw the money she begin to cry a little and appeared to fight tears for several minutes.
She asked Debbie to come to the stage and she presented the money to Debbie and tearfully and joyfully said," Your daughter can now go to school."

   ? Why did they wait to call police until Saturday morn?
   ? Why did someone keep their school tuition in a purse , in cash, out in the open?

  Btw I did call the Santa Fe police dep. (1-505-428-3710) and they did receive a call Saturday morning and that the case number is 0111001777.
   is Kiesha a victim of theft?
   Or is this an elaborate con job?
    My heart is so heavy because there seemed to be so much love there,

    Please someone shed some light on this for me.


These could be legitimate posts but I would get more info before getting excited about them.

Offline nemesis

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #905 on: February 10, 2011, 07:41:33 am »

These could be legitimate posts but I would get more info before getting excited about them.

I am not sure that I understand what you mean.

To me they both appear credible and also to be indicative of Kiesha's blatant greed and BS.

Am I missing something?

Offline goozih

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #906 on: February 10, 2011, 08:21:14 am »
I would believe Kiesha to be that greedy, and I would also expect her to be sneaky as well.I would get evidence before I run with this info.Just sayin....

Offline Saga

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #907 on: February 10, 2011, 08:44:56 am »
I think I am missing something too... I think most of us think that she would make up a story like this... So are you referring into the police part of the story, when you say not getting too excited about it Googiz? Because at least I think that the story about asking money is completely true, what ever the part with the police is... I think that if there is a report, it is for backing up the story... Or maybe she had something stolen, but it still doesn't explain why to ask money when she gets 20 000 from the workshop... who knows.

Btw, if none has mentioned this before, she is now doing webcasts too to "teach"... They are free, but... the address in the webcast site says more or less again that she is THE ancient wisdom keeper. Oh, and of course the text on webcast site says that she was initiated by native american elder...

Saturday, February 19th at 10am, MST - Mountain Standard Time
Join Little Grandmother for a 20 minute Live Streaming Broadcast—the very first in a new series of live broadcasts to the global tribe of many colors which will be monthly and ongoing. This is a FREE event, open to all.

We hope that people over the world will tune in and come together as one heart for the purpose of healing ourselves and our precious Mother Earth. Little Grandmother will be sharing some simple, powerful techniques she has been taught by Spirit to anchor ourselves to sacred earth energy and raise our vibration, helping to heal the planet and restore and replenish ourselves at this time. Together we will offer our prayers and intentions for healing and help to raise the love vibration on the planet!

To take part in this event, please go to:
(quote from

"Kiesha Crowther, also known as "Little Grandmother," was initiated as shaman at age 30 by a Native American elder and was told that her task was to be shaman and Wisdom Keeper of the “tribe of many colors.” "
"Since being initiated on her path as shaman and Wisdom Keeper, Kiesha has begun to share teachings and to conduct ceremonies and healings for individuals and Mother Earth. She feels her  responsibility to be carrying and communicating earth wisdom and the ancient knowledge for our current age. Toward this end, she has released videos of her talks, which are freely available on YouTube and which have been viewed by hundreds of thousands of people so far all over the globe."

(quotes from

But then, there's this little note written in small font in the bottom of the ancientwisdomkeeper page:
"Registration fees are non-refundable. If you are unable to attend the seminar, then the registration fee can be applied to another seminar or class at a later date. We reserve the right to change or cancel a seminar due to low attendance or unforeseen circumstances. In the event that the seminar is canceled, the registrant will be allowed to transfer their tuition to another scheduled seminar."

So... the webcasts are free... but you need to pay to register so you can see them... so they are not actually free and you wont get your money back in any circumstances, but are able to use them to something else, bit like in those cheap stores where you can change the broken product but they keep the money? :p
« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 11:31:47 am by Saga »

Offline Seeker 1000

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #908 on: February 10, 2011, 04:29:40 pm »

      Hello all,

   I have had a a few good nights sleep since I attended the Kiesh workshop last weekend. I am absolutley convinced she is a fraud and a con artist.
   By the way at the workshop she never asked for money, BUT she didnt call the police until mid saturday morning so that her workshop
would be interupted and she could play this drama out in front of all of us. Her items where supposedly stolen Friday afternoon, so why wait to call the police until
mid saturday morning. Also she told ridiculously sentimental and impossible stories about her pets that made everyone cry and resulted in over an hour of sentimental pet stories. The workshop was from 10 - 4 friday and saturday. With all the drama and all the bathroom breaks and then all the invitations from other peoples stories we actually only had about 3 - 4 hours of keisha talking.

 Keish tells everyone to not focus on keish and make het the center , but when she preformed sacred ceremoney there was an outer circle, and inner circle , and right in the center was keisha. She was surrounded by clear quartz crystal and she was deep in meditation.

 Personally this is a huge growing experience for me. I am going to go back to my roots and i will grow from all this. I have been telling my family that I consider Keisha to be a" New Age Benny Hinn"....I quoted thank for all the feedback guys. I could say so much more and if anyone has questions for me please ask.


Seeker 1000

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #909 on: February 10, 2011, 05:10:54 pm »
There is one other thing that does not add up about Crowther's story. Her children look to be about 8-10 years old. There are posted photos of them on her website.

(No doubt done to answer concerns that she has neglected or abandoned them to pursue her "calling." Crowther is separated from her husband. He has custody of their kids and lives in another city with them, about half a day's drive away. The family source I spoke to said she sees them infrequently, and all of her family miss her and don't understand or agree with this "calling.")

So why beg for donations for supposed stolen college funds? She (and her husband) have a decade or more to get the money.

Why would anyone carry around college funds for a decade from now?

Why not simply pay for college funds with the enormous amounts she is already making? One ceremony selling workshop could pay for someone's college at a public school, with plenty left over.

And if there's this supposed concern she won't have funds for her kids' colleges, perhaps she should consider living modestly instead of in a 350,000 dollar home.

Even if the entire story is not a lie or scam, it certainly is incredibly careless and sloppy use of funds. How much else has disappeared because of incompetence? Keep in mind that Crowther has already gone bankrupt before.

Even a rookie traveler knows better than to carry wads of cash. How stupid is it to not carry traveler's checks or use a wire transfer?

Offline Freija

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #910 on: February 10, 2011, 05:17:41 pm »
If I understand it right it was Debbie´s daughter´s collegefund that went missing.
Why she was walking around with all that money, I don´t know.  ???

Offline Seeker 1000

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #911 on: February 10, 2011, 05:21:07 pm »

     hey there,

    The cash may have been for college or a private school. I dont remember, but the cash belonged to Debbie a personal assistant to Keisha. The money that was taken that seemed to disturb Keisha the most was the money out of Debbies purse for her daughters school, whatever school that may be.
    Keishas workshop brought in $30,000. Her camraman Bob Seeton works for free. She has two assistants Debbie and another women, and her main helper is her lover and companion Jennifer. I figured after all expenses and after the mound of cash that was gathered for her she put in her pocket between $40,000-$50,000.
Pretty nice wages for 3 hours of talking....i need to get a new


  seeker 1000

Offline Seeker 1000

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #912 on: February 10, 2011, 05:53:23 pm »

                                                 Facts(?) I learned at the Keisha Crowther " Little Grandmother " workshop in Sante Fe, last weekend

       1) Keisha Crowther is a lesbian and has a lover Jennifer    ( Hey, love who you want, no biggy to me)
       2) Rolls her own ciggerettes and takes a lot of smoke breaks   ( Hey, I enjoy a good smoke now and again, no big deal)
       3) Talks to animals                                       ( Umm, ok feep going)
       4) Has direct communication to the metaphysical world and has special knowledge from Great Spirit about hidden mysteries    ( ok, continue)
       5) Keisha vibrates at a higher frequency because she lives from the heart and loves everyone     (  thats groovy )
       6) According to Keisha mother Earth will destroy all those living from ego or the mind or fear which is a lower frequency  ( Sucks for them, so glad I have Keisha)
       7) Keisha was beaten and abused daily on the the cruelest levels by an uncle   ( no comment, abuse sucks, but is this a lie?)
       8) Kieshas sister had heart problems and her mom was always focused on her sister   ( no comment)
       9) Kiesha reads crop circles             ( ok?)
     10) Kiesha talks to star beings and knows where they live  ( ok? )
             The list could go on.....I am blown away that I actually thought she was the real deal....I have so much to learn....


  Seeker 1000           

Offline czech

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #913 on: February 10, 2011, 07:19:59 pm »

I am blown away that I actually thought she was the real deal....I have so much to learn....

Do not worry, Seeker. There is more of us who feel embarrassed now that we let ourselves get carried away by those touching stories. It has been an invaluable learning experience for me. Finding this forum has changed my outlook on many, many things.

Offline Saga

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Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #914 on: February 10, 2011, 07:35:51 pm »
Isn't number 6 a perfect example of fear-mongering and fundamentalistic christian style of preaching of doom for those who don't follow the one truth?

number 4... We all have way to link into spirit and learn all the mysteries, she is not special in any way other than speaking about it out loud and thinking that her message is for all and not just for her personal growth and use like most of the spirit messages tend to be...

number 7... she has talked about hard times in childhood briefly earlier (and in one video she talks about living in the woods from 8-12 years old, because she had to run away from home and animals fed her while she lived there - a story, which is hard to believe since she has graduated from schools and living in the woods on those years most important for learning.... well you know, if being able to think even a minute that THIS story could be true... I don't think she would have any sort of degrees if she would have been living in the woods in 4 of the most important years. Of course she might have spent lots of time there tho. :)), but I am not sure into what extent these stories are true... to tell something like that in large public gathering that is not a therapy session usually means that you are giving image of being a victim and waiting for a special treatment and empathy because of it... yes, it sucks to have hard times of any kind as a kid, but it shouldn't be used like that and most of the people who have gone through rough periods, don't tell it to large groups of people in public... (unless they either like drama or are so lost and tied in their past that they bring it up in every occasion and should work for the issue OR use the story for other means). If however any of the stories are true regarding this, I am very sorry for her going through the rough times, what ever I might think about her actions....

« Last Edit: February 10, 2011, 07:44:09 pm by Saga »