Author Topic: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman  (Read 701243 times)

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #120 on: April 16, 2008, 01:19:34 am »
Im waiting on some emails to varify the info..I'll post them here as soon as I get them...but Id appreciate any info anyone else can find also.

With respect,

There are no leaders in Unity

Offline Spaewife

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #121 on: April 16, 2008, 01:58:59 am »
There may be wiccans who take some of the practices from Stregheria, however, they can't be practicing Wicca and Practicing Stregheria.  the two don't meld.  But, from what we've seen of this one, she claims a lot of things that aren't possible. 

Offline dabosijigwokush

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #122 on: April 16, 2008, 02:25:34 am »
someone in canada should aleart the border patrol to be on the look out for this drum
bringing  human remans,and  blood born pathagens will be stopped at the border
they will not care about the feathers
on the usa side they will care about all the issues

if we cant stop her then distroy that thing she calls a drum

Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #123 on: April 16, 2008, 02:48:22 am »
I don't think Rachel Holzwarth and Jacque Zaleski are the same person. I've been trying to find something to connect the names, but haven't found anything. Did find some information which tends to prove they aren't the same woman.

On December 31, 1999 Jacque Zaleski was at WindTree Ranch in Arizona.

A DAY IN THE HYPE OF AMERICA, a feature documentary filmed entirely on December 31st 1999, offers a savvy critique of the hype and hysteria that made the arrival of the millennium such an anticlimax. Set against the cacophony of the unrelenting media circus, the stories of four Americans take us back into the heart of the millennial zeitgeist. A DAY IN THE HYPE OF AMERICA unveils a shrewd commentary on the conditions which have turned America into a culture of fear.

Meticulously weaving interviews and news footage with the stories of a new age survivalist, a fake street preacher, a funk musician and a Lakota Chief, A DAY IN THE HYPE OF AMERICA brings to light some of the extreme lengths Americans were willing to go to in order to make sense of the approaching midnight.

In the dusty expanse of Southern Arizona, Jacque Zaleski, the eccentric leader of a community of Wicca survivalists, is putting the finishing touches on her eco-friendly ranch in preparation for Y2K. On the rainy streets of New York City, the notorious performance artist Reverend Billy, dressed in his signature White tuxedo, is lambasting the corporate highjacking of the millennium, to the delight of left wing activists who follow his every step. “Children, one of the wonderful things about the millennium, is the promise that Times Square will be destroyed.??? 1158 miles Southwest of New York, the funk musician Lawrence Harvey is lazily passing from barber shops to radio stations, promoting and preparing for his millennium performance with the Funk group – Iris May Tango. While on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota, the millennium is that last thing on Albert White Hat Sr.’s minds. “To us one hundred years ago is just like yesterday.??? Instead, the Lakota chief is focusing his energy on leading his community in a 40-year tradition – the New Years Eve Pow Wow.

A DAY IN THE HYPE OF AMERICA reveals the ongoing tension between the real experiences of the American populace and the regurgitated stories of mass media. Through the strength of these four emotionally charged stories, the films brings a glimmer of hope: that in the face of a monolithic consumer culture Americans can still find meaning in their own communities and their own stories.

On December 31, 1999 Rachel Holzwarth was in Anchorage, Alaska.

[ November/December 1999 ]

Drumming In The New Millennium
by Ma Anand Suraj

The drum will belong to all the children of the earth and will bring the universal vibrational message of oneness with the theme: The Heartbeat of One Family, One Earth.  

"As We Drum, We Are One" is a theme the All One Tribe Foundation in New Mexico began to share three years ago with their vision of a global drumming event to celebrate the new millennium. For thousands of years, the drum has been the very heartbeat of community for the world's indigenous peoples. It has been used for rites of passage and ceremony, for celebrations of the seasons and cycles of life. At the turn of the new millennium, we are just beginning to remember and rediscover the healing power of the drum. The spirit and magic of the drum's universal vibrational language cuts through all ages, sexes, races, religions and cultures to bring the message of unity and oneness.

Anchorage 2000 New Year's Eve Celebration has caught the wave of the power of group drumming and is planning a drumming celebration to which everyone is invited! Anchorage 2000 plans to bring together the entire multi-cultural community of Anchorage to celebrate our unity and diversity through a year- long series of community events. The New Year's Eve event of "Drumming in the New Millennium" will celebrate drums and percussion from around the world. As Alaska is in the last time zone in the U.S. to turn the millennium, you are invited to join in this ecstatic celebration of world beat.

Anchorage 2000 has invited Alaska's Whirling Rainbow Center to share the Mother Drum at the New Year's Eve drumming celebration. Over the last five years, the Whirling Rainbow Center has held a dream of building a large drum that would travel around the world with a message of unity, peace and life. The Mother Drum Project is part of a vision of healing for all the children of Mother Earth for the next millennium.

The drum will belong to all the children of the earth and will bring the universal vibrational message of oneness with the theme: The Heartbeat of One Family, One Earth.

The Mother Drum will be the first universal drum of its kind. This large, eight-foot diameter, wooden, kettle-shaped drum, will be designed from the Mapuchas tribe from Patagonia in South America and Alaska Native peoples of North America. Since the Mother Drum is for all of Mother Earth's children, all native and non-native cultures in Alaska are invited to help with its making and first official use. The Anchorage Museum of History and Art has donated space so that the public can watch the birthing of the Mother Drum unfold. The Mother Drum building project is scheduled for September through December of 1999. The museum is also scheduling group drumming circles and drum making events to get us ready for the big night.

The Mother Drum will be initiated at a dawn dedication ceremony on Dec 31, 1999, at the Alaska Performing Arts Center in Anchorage. Later that evening, the Mother Drum will be broadcast worldwide as part of the Anchorage 2000 Night of Light, Drumming in the New Millennium celebration. Drums of all cultures will be invited and school children from all cultures will participate by making smaller "baby" drums. We will be asking children throughout Alaska to send us their poems, prayers and intentions for the next millennium. These will be hung as Rainbow Dream Flags from the Mother Drum and travel with her worldwide.

Anchorage 2000 expects as many as 20,000 people drumming at the New Year's Eve celebration. The celebration of our entrance into the new millennium will be guided by the heartbeat of the Mother Drum. From here, the Mother Drum will begin her worldwide travels. Many prophecies about the healing that might begin on Earth at the turn of the millennium referred to it as "beginning in the north and creating a healing wind around the world." The Whirling Rainbow Center feels that the Mother Drum Project is part of the fulfillment of this prophecy.

The Whirling Rainbow Center is recruiting craftspeople from the community to assist us in designing and making the Mother Drum. Specifically, we are looking for the following:

* Carvers, woodworkers, drum makers (or boat builders) and artists to give expertise on the design and making of both the drum base and drum stand.
* Skin Sewers to sew hides for the top of the drum.
* Hides to cover eight foot in diameter.
* Wood (Alaska Yellow Cedar) for drum base and stand.
* Seamstresses and sewing material for making the Rainbow Dream Flags.
* Funds and Sponsors to pay for supplies and artists.
* Video Production of the Mother Drum Project.
* Drummers, including women, men, and children from every culture to participate in the first playing of the Mother Drum on December 31, 1999.

For more information on the Anchorage 2000 events, contact the organizing committee at 907-258-AK2K or check out their website at

To get involved in the Mother Drum Project, contact The Whirling Rainbow Center at 907-688-2226 or email us at Come and celebrate with us the Heartbeat of One Family, One Earth for the new millennium!

Ma Anand Suraj has worked for over twenty years as an international healer, counselor, educator, ceremonial artist, and drummer. She is the co-founder and director of The Whirling Rainbow Center.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2008, 03:07:59 am by bls926 »

Offline Superdog

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #124 on: April 16, 2008, 04:47:30 am »
On the inquiry into the illegal possession of Eagle feathers there's another potential smoking gun right on her website.  In the "store" under "other ceremonial items" one of her products is Smudge feathers (misspelled  Next to the category is a picture titled "Other Ceremonial Items" with an Eagle feather.  It doesn't state clearly that she's selling Eagle feathers, but as a potential buyer wanting to buy smudge feathers I would be definitely be fooled into expecting an Eagle feather just like the one in the picture.

On a side note...all hands may be on deck at Whirling Rainbow.  The first time I checked the site it was stripped bare except for the home page.  Makes me wonder if the content is changing.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2008, 05:00:10 am by Superdog »

Offline Superdog

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #125 on: April 16, 2008, 05:16:35 am »
Yep...the info was changed a little bit.  The added their own account of what happened at Weymouth, MA.  She's still accusing Hartman and others of being drunk and high at the time.  One line I found interesting written in bold letters in her account.

"When we are asked what tribe we come from, we are clear that we come from only one tribe, the Tribe of Humanity. Our Whirling Rainbow Foundation is a multicultural organization and promotes universal teachings of peace, unity and loving compassion that belong to all peoples"

Now ALL OF A SUDDEN because it's convenient to her....she's not Seneca...


Offline matt e

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #126 on: April 16, 2008, 05:17:20 am »
I just checked the site, all pages seem to be working fine, i clicked on a buy button. They use paypal. Perhaps someone could get an Elder or Chief to contact paypal and let them know that these people are frauds.

 Paypal can be a bear to deal with, but if some one of sufficient status contacts them, they will suspend the account first, and ask questions later. It would be best to get people from different tribes to contact them. that will put an end to their online sales.

feel free to share any post I make as long as you give me credit. I want everyone to know who to send the hate mail to.

Offline bls926

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #127 on: April 16, 2008, 05:53:30 am »
The Whirling Rainbow Foundation


White Eagle Medicine Woman (Suraj Holzwarth) Seneca Metis
President of the Board/ Program Director

Rande Bozelle: Cherokee Metis
Board Vice President

Kathyrn Farley: Iroquois
Board Treasurer

Tymoreye' (Samantha) Elliot: Cherokee Metis
Board Secretary, Program Contracted Artist

Other Project Contracted Artists:
Marge Bouwens- drum cases
Lindy Morningstar- medicine pouches
Lauri Calandri-medicine pouches
Joan Johnson- bead and featherwork
Leslie Kerr- beadwork, medicine pouches
Elenor Wilde- beadwork, regalia
Sandi Sturm, Alaskarama- web design
Brad Swenson- audio/video production



Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #128 on: April 16, 2008, 08:36:43 am »
Some comments from White Eagles Newsletter:

I attended the ceremony of Grandmother Drum in Ea. Weymouth Mass. on Friday night at the Chapman Middle School, and was mesmerized!  Unfortunately, the events were disrupted by a few who simply seemed hell bent on creating chaos. I got the word that there was a talking circle at 4PM today, for those of us who had attended, but I was unable to make it.

Although it was a disheartening way to end an otherwise joyful evening, I just wanted to tell White Eagle that her courage in the face of possible danger was impressive, and just reassured me that when you're doing the right thing, there is no fear in you; so perhaps the events that took place can be looked upon as a re-affirmation of continuing with this important project. There will always be elements that are beyond our control, and these elements will try their hardest to break the chain that Grandmother Drum Project is weaving, however. I think Grandmother Drum is an impressive force that will continue on her way around the world and draw to her the elements that will share and live her cause, and her mission will be accomplished in the reflection of changed lives.

My prayers and thoughts are with this project, and I will continue to monitor Grandmother Drum on her journey.  Please be lifted up by these prayers and thoughts.  I feel like my life was changed on Friday night, by the resounding beat of Grandmother Drum pulsing thru me, and it was my honor to be there. I will remember that night always, and if I get opportunity to attend another ceremony, I will most enthusiastically do so. In light, Love, and Peace- Sylvia daSilva???

“I find myself compelled to share my feelings of respect for you. I was in attendance at the prayerformance in Weymouth, MA on April 4. Although I was traveling and unable to attend your events on the following days, I appreciated the invitation. Your encouragement to integrate the unpleasant experience of Friday evening I found to be a sign of a true healer.

Every word you expressed that night was a healing unto itself. Your guides must surely be elated with your dedication and sincerity. I can only imagine this is not an easy task you have embarked upon, yet a highly noble one. Blessings be with you and Grandmother Drum.???Namaste, -Phoebe Sol

I see she did not give BOTH sides of this event

Hartman and the other protesters were not drunk...nor were they under the influence of narcotics...this goes back to the mentality that we as native people are 'obviously' alcoholics and junkies in the eyes of the surrounding society....which bites like a big dog....and has NEVER been accurate....she's just using this 'false perception' as a means to finger point and to draw the attention away from what she's personally if to say "Oh it doesn't matter what they had to say...they were drunken Indians!! They were under the influence of drugs!"....well they were not...and they also went there to protest in a peaceful annoys me how she twists the story...yet I guess we should not expect anything other.

bls926 I too share the opinion that the two cannot be the same person due to information on the net putting them in two different places at once....but many others are convinced they I am still waiting on confirmation from Wanbli as to their sources...some highly strange pictures came to light last night also...ones I could not post here due to the content (Nude pictures, male and female...involved in some kind of strange dance/ being White Eagle...not a good sight for the eyes)...I guess we shall see what comes to light today.

Matt e...I've contacted have others...but they have yet to act.

Superdog...she's going to do what all fakes do once caught out...she'll switch check on the nation she claims to be from...and find she is not...then she switches to another...apparently under the impression our people are dumbasses....the only dumbasses I see out there are the ones paying for her 'performances' all matters very little what everyone can do to close her down...she'll come back as long as there are people out there willing to part with their $$$$$'s....she's made herself quite a profit thus far...this is easy money for her...she's going to do whatever it takes to continue.

With respect,

There are no leaders in Unity

Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #129 on: April 16, 2008, 10:07:16 am »
She has changed her site.  She now uses Pay Pal.  She was asking for payment by check to be made to her alaska women before. I wonder if Pay Pal is sending the money to the same account she was using.  If so do they know that organization was closed down 'involuntarily'?
Has the IRS been contacted and told she has not filed her biennial (twice yearly) reports? not even once.  Or that she (Suraj Holzwart) is the same woman (Rachel Holzwart)  who ran the Alaska women's foundation and only filed once in all the time she had it.  I forget the length of times, but it is on the links specified in one of the earlier blogs.
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
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Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #130 on: April 16, 2008, 12:57:10 pm »
Here is a link with another video of her performances, keep in mind she told the Unitarians she was Jewish and Irish, almost everywhere she says she is Seneca Metis or Seneca and Celtic, in the Butterfly Garden Association she says she also has Italian and German heritage.
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
-Helen Worischeck

Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #131 on: April 16, 2008, 01:15:13 pm »
I must be up to early for everyone else, anyhow check this out.  It is listed under their "Native American" web page on this site.
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
-Helen Worischeck

Offline Ric_Richardson

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #132 on: April 16, 2008, 01:19:04 pm »

Seneca Metis? Cherokee Metis?

Once again, it seems that some people are claiming to be Metis, in order to make claims to be legitimate Aboriginal people when they are found not to be members of the First Nation communities that they formerly claimed membership in.

Learn more about the Metis and you will find that these people are NOT Metis and do not represent us!  


Offline Half-Wolf

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #133 on: April 16, 2008, 01:26:15 pm »
On the subject of Cherokee Metis.  Having spoken only yesterday to the Cherokee Nation, if you have lineage of just one ancestor you can prove as Cherokee on the Dawes Rolls, they will adopt you back into the nation.  So saying you are Cherokee or Cherokee Metis and not being in posession of a status card means you are probably lying through your teeth or a "My great grand mother was a cherokee princess" wannabe.
"Live in this world today for tomorrow's children to live in this world."
-Helen Worischeck

Offline Tsisqua

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Re: Suraj Holzwarth aka White Eagle Medicine Woman
« Reply #134 on: April 16, 2008, 02:22:08 pm »

Half-Wolf: Seems White Eagle is advertizing for her April 19th 'performance'...but there is an email option at the bottom of the page where many are now contacting.

Also...we've discovered this morning that White Eagle and Jacque Zaleski are in no way Im glad thats out of the way.
There are no leaders in Unity