"I refer to the prophecy (and I do not have any idea what you meant with "Not the Nuage-Version of it" because I do not know any other variation of the prophecy then the one I am refering to) - and when you actually try to understand it you are going to find that the prophecy is clear in its formulations but open to interpretation."
Almost everything out there on the net about the prophecy comes from Nuage sources, nearly all of which I would not trust.
http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=eagle+and+condor+prophecy&btnG=Google+SearchAnd often that leads to some pretty bizarre claims, with self appointed "shamans".
http://ayahuasca.tribe.net/thread/a7b95ff8-bae1-4121-b3f5-5a2b93e9e43bIf you take a look at that link you'll see alleged elders and curanderos arguing back and forth, each one less credible the more you read. Wild claims that Lakota, Navajo, and Cherokee traditions include this prophecy, none of which is true as far as I know.
My personal favorite was the guy jokingly calling himself Rumbling Thunder Butt, which none of them seemed to get.
A couple interesting things from that last link:
Re: True Union of Eagle & Condor
Today, 1:15 AM
Actually the whole eagle/condor thing is a bit weird. The sacred bird of the Amazon is the harpy eagle, not the condor. That's a mountain bird, and since mountain shamans use huachuma, then ayahuasca wouldn't figure into it. Still, I suppose that a 'union between the eagle and the eagle' just doesn't have the same marketing appeal. Speaking of marketing, is it just me or does some of the blurb on his profile sound like bahai stuff?
It all sounds like twatty, quasi-mystical, new-age crap to me, anyway. Is there any money in it?

One of the self proclaimed elders was then exposed twisting the prophecy to suit his Bahai beliefs.
Apparently "Seven Thunders" believes his tale about his Native American origins won't come back to haunt him. Here is what he told me in email about his actual decent on February 13th:
"Regrettably, though mostly of Lebanese decent, my family uprooted from Lebanon (Miziara Region - NE of Tripoli, and about 25 minutes from Khalil Gibrans home) and relocated to the Caribean Islands. Hence, my first language is Spanish...I have only begun learning Arabic in more recent years."
The explicitly Baha'i angle of his work was also spelled out in the same email when he stated the following:
"So back to the essentials. I was introduced to the Bab and
Baha'u'llah completely by accidently back in 1993; however, as I later
understood, not by the mainstreem Baha'is. There was something about
this Doctrine that rung true, so I started to investigate. By 1994, I
was interested in exploring more deeply and went to learn more of the
Baha'i doctrine from the teacher of the person who had introduced me.
Oh dear God, what was that for! Before I knew it I was caught between
a student and a teacher both making claims to the same thing and
spewing venom on one another. This before I hardly had any deepening
in these matters, having come from a mostly esoteric/occult
By 1996, while working with certain native american tribes I took an
apprenticeship with a Lokata Medicine Man. Little did I know but his
primary sponsor in the mundane things of life was a Native American
Baha'i family - Mainstream Baha'i. My apprenticeship lasted until
1999, however my relations with this family lasted until 2003. Though
there were times when I would pose questions to them regarding the
Baha'i Faith, most of my dealings were related to the medicine ways.
The main reason for this is that given the expereinces I had already
had with 'Baha'is', I thought it best to observe and study quiety and
privately. More-over there was such incongruity between what they did
and what they preached, that I thought it prudent.
Off the chronology, I will also mention that in 1998, I went to live
in Egypt for a few months, and at that time took the opportunity to
visit Haifa & etc...Obviously not as a Baha'i 'Pilgrim', but just a
regular person interested in learning. When I arrived at Akka, the
day I went to the Shrine of Ali Nuri, Ruhiya Khanum was there
visiting. At first the guards were incredibly rude to me, and
suggested that I go visit the gardens as that was what people
preferred to do there.
What this guard did not know, is that while in Egypt, the medicine man
and his Baha'i apprentice brought me an internal memo from the Baha'is
of Canada written back in 1984 by Ruhiya Khanum. In this letter she
discussed the significance of the Native Americans to the unfoldment
of the Work as well as the beauty and significance of the Peace Pipe.
She also admoinishes those Persian Baha'is who as she says,
"Continuously miss the Bus" in there total lack of respect for the
customs of the Natives. She instructs the Persians to not as so much
as go near a Native if they are unable to respect them.
I found the guard to be so calous, that I pulled out this letter and
began to read it to the him. Naturally, he fell silent, and called
upon the Shrine Keeper. The Shrine steward was a nice enough man, who
told me that after Ruhiya left he would allow me into the shrine
alone. I showed him the letter, and the Peace Pipe which I carried.
I think this is a pretty significant story...Ruhiya died about 1-1 1/2
years later.
By 2000, I was introduced to Grandmother Ayahuasca, and this changed
everything as it represented a unification of many things in my life.
Then, in June of 2001, something very significant happened, which in
my view is the True fullfilment of Mustaghath. Around the first week
of June of 2001 I began to unexpectly have very profound dreams that
demanded I persue what I refer to as a golden thread. I researched,
and research and researched for weeks, until I found the Prophecy of
Mustaghath, and I knew this was what I was looking for...But I did not
know why. So I kept at it, until I found the answer, which is this:
On June 21, 2001, the Summer Solstice, the first Total Solar Eclipse
of the Millenium Occured. For all those that debated whether 2000 or
2001 was the first year of the millenium, this provided the answer.
In 2000 there were NO full solar eclipses, and the very first Solar
Eclipse of 2001 occurred exactly on the Summer Solstice. This
represented a seeding into the Earth of a new Current of Light - the
Light of He who is Invoked.
During this period, I was shown a prophecy of a great cataclysm, and
that it would occur within "ONE QUARTER turn of the Sun" from
Mustaghath...Namely by September 21, 2001. I told several of the
elders and my family about the prophecy. We all know what happened.
Needless to say, that even with "fore-knowledge", if we can call it
that, it struck me as a great surprise."
Being a soft Guenonian (a somewhat devotee to the writings of Rene Guenon) I am generally suspicious of anything that smacks remotely of counter-initiatic inversion or counterfeit esotericism, and when we have a white Arab boy trying to talk the talk of a curandero-shaman, I am doubly so. As such your own suspicions are well placed. It seems he has been doing this quite a lot with other people as well, which says to me he is fishing for disciples. Beware of this individual. Spiritual predator is written all over this one here...Scam is an understatement.
How is that for your 7th Thunder, Lobo??
You asked about the Qero. I would not trust most of what is said about that village anymore than I would trust most of what is claimed about Sedona here in the US. There are a huge number of dubious claims, most done for money or to impress outsiders, based on the false assumption that the Qeros were isolated for five centuries and thus somehow "purer" Indians or Incans.
"what is your problem (or that of any Native) when I try to find an Eagle-Dancer with whom I can perform this dance?"
Picture this:
A white guy with an interest in shamanism tells a Native elder (or more likely asks young mestizos who he's come into contact with, who in turn pass along the message) that he knows a lot about the prophecy and would like to be part of it. Not just that, but he wants a sacred traditional dance mixed together with his own new dance.
Can you imagine me going up to a Catholic priest and saying this?
"Hey, I know all about how you Christians view lambs and doves. I've got a new version of mass I'd like to do with you. Just turn over one of your altar boys to me. I'd like to hand out my own communion wafers mixed with yours. Mine are my own recipe."
How do you think he would look at me?
Mixing of traditions is not something to be done casually. A change in ceremony would be done carefully ***if it were to ever come at all***.
You mentioned that you've had bad experiences with plastics. I think they are likely to be the only ones interested, and for all the wrong reasons. You probably have had things like this happen:
A mestizo cab driver overhears what you want done and thinks "Who do I know who speaks a few words of Quechua that will impress this guy? I know! That old guy on the corner who hasn't worked in weeks. He'll do. Let's see how much money we can get out of him."