Author Topic: Chris Kilham, exploiter and self-proclaimed plastic shaman / indiana jones  (Read 2605 times)


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"Chris is recognized as a chief in Vanuatu, South Pacific, is known in northern Brazil as “Maxipe” which means “black vulture” by the Macuxi indians, and has lived with and visited dozens of native tribes in Amazonia and in other cultures. Shamans in both Brazil and Peru recognize Chris as one of their kind and a bridge between worlds, and have engaged in numerous ceremonies to bolster his energy and support his work with medicinal plants and native cultures.

For 14 years Chris taught the popular ethnobotany course The Shaman’s Pharmacy through the Department of Plant & Soil Sciences at University of Massachusetts at Amherst. For the last three years he led an intensive immersion course in the Peruvian Amazon. Open to students of the Five Colleges in the Massachusetts Pioneer Valley, the course focused on medicinal plants, the Amazon rainforest, and native culture."