Author Topic: Climate change is endangering sacred land  (Read 13313 times)

Offline Sparks

  • Posts: 1442
Climate change is endangering sacred land
« on: August 03, 2021, 07:11:24 pm »
Interesting and alarming article about climate change, also about Traditional Ecological Knowledge:

Climate change is endangering sacred land. For these Native women, it threatens ‘everything we are.’
Wildfires and droughts are fundamentally changing the relationship between Native women and the land they steward

Ray Levy Uyeda July 30, 2021
Since time immemorial — before the European colonization of what is now known as the United States — tribes of the Pit River Nation have made annual pilgrimages to Medicine Lake in Northern California. The Pit River creation story says that the Creator and his son bathed themselves in the lake after making the Earth. Each year in late July, Pit River tribes return to the sacred region for healing and ceremonial practice. But two byproducts of climate change prevented them from doing so this year: wildfire and drought.
For many Native and Indigenous women, this is a cruel reality of the federal government’s extractive relationship with the land. And even as they navigate the impact of forced displacement from traditional territories and culturally significant land, state governments are turning to the traditional knowledge of some tribal nations’ burning practices to mitigate wildfires. Indigenous science and knowledge is the basis of the field of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK), a specialization that Chisholm Hatfield said is often either politicized or disregarded and rarely offered the same respect as Westernized, non-Native science.

Boldings in last paragraph indicate underlying clickable links in the original article. There are a total of 19 such links.

Same article here, but without the underlying clickable links: