Author Topic: The long-awaited fifth Melchizedek is now finally here!  (Read 43621 times)

Offline Peasant

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The long-awaited fifth Melchizedek is now finally here!
« on: October 20, 2010, 10:22:25 pm »

This is probably the worst '2012 Messiah' that i have ever found, in that he does a truly - TRULY terrible job and people actually believe him and attend his talks and workshops. He's the fifth Melchizedek - "a God's High Priest", he's from my country - listen to how he tries to put on a North American accent with a taste of South American spirit, and amongst other things he gives 4-day Galactic Master Wizard courses which should not be underestimated because "it is for the real hardcore Light Warriors". Someone on a forum i used to visit, posted a Call to Join his 'Mega-Ascension Meditation Group' on the forums and actually got some people to sign themselves up. He's got pictures of... ah you know, just check out the website.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2010, 10:18:48 am by Crescent »

Offline Saga

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Re: The long-awaited fifth Melchizedek is now finally here!
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2010, 11:20:09 am »
Ok, I am officially totally put out with the new age scene. :) Will go back to my cave and be happy not to ascent, the word starts to give me throwing up reaction nowadays anyway, lol. :D

And btw, this site you posted, puts it pretty well: "A shaman is someone who tells his own story, in other words, creates its own reality and believes in his own story, a shaman is a kind of director, he is convinced that he orchestrate and create his own story as he wants.....". Indeed, they do tend to create their own reality and believe in stories they make, do they? ;)

Offline E.P. Grondine

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Re: The long-awaited fifth Melchizedek is now finally here!
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2010, 07:15:36 pm »
Thanks for sharing this one. He really does put it all together in one spot.

Offline Peasant

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Re: The long-awaited fifth Melchizedek is now finally here!
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2010, 05:02:13 pm »
I want whatever he's smoking... just for one time, just to see what it's like  ;D

Offline Juliet

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Re: The long-awaited fifth Melchizedek is now finally here!
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2011, 03:44:59 pm »
Sounds like a comic-book title.

Offline Peasant

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Re: The long-awaited fifth Melchizedek is now finally here!
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2013, 01:41:49 am »
This guy, Senia Melchizedek, has got a new website:

Apparently his business is now doing so well that he's quit his normal job and is now purely focusing on this... stuff.
I'm not sure if Senia Melchizedek even belongs in the Fraud category as everything he says and does is so ridiculous, but apparently quite a few people in my country are buying it...  :o

A quick reading through his website reveals that he's claiming to have been initiated as a shaman in the "Q'ero" tradition of "Pampa MesaYok" which according to what I can remember from his previous website, involves a trip to Peru and paying money to be taken on a trip into the mountains and being initiated there in an "authentic ceremony" as an intergalactic multidimensional light-shaman... or something like that. On his website he also claims to have met "Maha Avatar Babaji" several years ago, from what I understand is a perhaps mythical Hindu saint or folk hero. Some have claimed to have met him between 1861 and 1935 (long before Senia Melchizedek was born) and he has been popularized by the Self-Realization Fellowship cult founder Paramahansa Yogananda, who claimed that he's an immortal being who possesses god-like powers.

I doubt if any follower of Senia Melchizedek will still be utilizing the critical thinking skills necessary to perform a basic internet search, but if any admin or moderator would like me to help at translating his website, let me know. Feel free to move this post to another sub-forum if you think it's necessary. Otherwise just have a laugh at this crude Google translation from this page: :

"Senia Melchizedek is an awakened spiritual teacher, he works from the Higher Consciousness of what we know as the I Am (I Am). He is a healer and a Seer. He is among others consecrated to the Holy places and mountains of India and Tibet awakened and illuminated by different Masters and Maha Avatars and also include in the Sacred Andes mountains of Peru in the Q'ero tradition as a Q'ero Pampa Mesayok by Don Alejandro and other Q'ero shamans.

The training of Senia started at a very young age that he became aware that he could observe and Light Beings etc. that continuous energy flowed through his body and hands. Often he was taken overnight by various beings of light or in his Merkaba also the light-body called to follow in various night schools in other dimensions. Lessons are:

At a very young age Senia came into contact with the Esoteric Society, they have trained him and consecrated in the Universal laws of the Lower and Higher Magic in varying degrees.

A few years later Senia Melchizedek students came from the Nagual Carlos Castaneda against. They taught him the arts of Dreams, Sneaking, Magic movements and how to navigate with it. Consciousness Senia has also had periods of learning at the Toltec shamans in Mexico, Africa and other places of the world.

At one point he started to delve into other energy systems and in various spiritual movements. He continued to develop his psychic abilities and for more than a year to travel around Europe: Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, England and outside Europe: Los Angeles, Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Thailand, India, Tibet and various other places where he met various Awakened and Ascended Masters and Maha Avatars. They have initiated him and taught in various spiritual currents into a state of higher consciousness and true awakening.

More than 30 years he enjoyed spiritual training of many spiritual masters and awakened around the world, such as the students of the Nagual Carlos Castaneda, other Toltecs, Q'ero Shamans, Maha Avatars, the Esoteric Society and many others. Senia Melchizedek has had more than 65 spiritual teachers, each with their own knowledge. After 30 years of personal and spiritual growth, he started to understand what his strength and that he is one of the Melchizedek beings here on earth who are here to help in the great transformation of the astrological Piscean Age to the Aquarian age. This is an era of true Love, Truth and Unity (Melchizedek are High Priests of God of all Top of the Universe). This was confirmed to him by the Mystical Society and others such as the Toltec shamans, Indian Gurus and Maha Avatars and Media 12 which Daan Akkerman is known, he has written several books such as Illness, Karma and the path to healing, Atlantis, Large rotation etc.

Senia Melchizedek is one of the few Westerners who is consecrated as a Pampa MesaYok, a shaman in the tradition of the Q'ero inaugurated by Qero Don Alejandro in the Andes Mountains of Peru, and he is a Master Energy Facilitator, a psychic healer and a Seer.

Senia is working to integrate a Higher Planetary Consciousness and helps us to integrate Mother Earth, Father Cosmos, Energies of the new Multidimensional and Galactic energies. He does this together with his team which we know as the Ascended Masters of the White Brotherhood.

Senia Melchizedek: Now is the time to come back and be with your Higher Self fully connected - I Am and with your own heart and pulse of Mother Earth and Father Cosmos (Unity Consciousness).

Senia would also like to invite you to return to your heart, the Path of Remembrance, back you the Path of Unity, the Path of Unconditional Love that full unity and Divine-the can. I experienced Ben-Essence.

Senia Melchizedek gives various trainings and he is the founder of such:

* The Path of Remembrance (Inca shamanism)

* Angel Light Angel Light Facilitator and Teacher Training (Angels workshop)

* The Path of Inner Mastery (a workout where you are trained as a psychic healer and learn to work with your psychic abilities)

* Inner Mastery Intensive. (Develop your ability Seers, Prophets, feel Bright, Bright and know your intuition)

* Walking With Divine, I Am The Essence (Retreat training)

* Walking with Divine Classes.

Senia also gives the Avatar of Synthesis Master Class. This is a totally new workout designed by Senia itself with influences from various spiritual movements which the best aspects of various systems are merged. The training is designed and intended for the real hardcore energy workers who want to take back their birth right and want to develop. Their full potential Senia also gives the White Powder Gold (Ormus) and various Ascension & Awareness training. Senia Melchizedek training is therefore very specifically what you will find nowhere else. Look at workshops for the full range and agenda for dates and rates.

Senia Melchizedek is looking forward to be working, to help your process of remembrance, ascension, unity and awakening to full Mastery and you to receive in one of the training at Lotusjoy Esoteric School of Inner Mastery, Inca Shamanism, Ascension with everyone , Consciousness, Spiritual & Personal Growth.

Quote of Senia Melchizedek:

"The one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd, those who walk alone are often found in places where no one has ever been.

Never Limit also your consciousness and you leave safe island and explore the unknown."


Offline Peasant

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Re: The long-awaited fifth Melchizedek is now finally here!
« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2013, 02:09:03 am »
He's also written an article about his recent Ayahuasca experience guided by a "real shaman from Ecuador", in which the recurring theme is how incredibly much his private parts were shrinking:

Google translate: "This was my first time that I was going to do what I found very exciting but also a bit unsure about was a real ahyuasca ceremony day ayuascha I could not eat anything except a very small breakfast in the morning, I just ate some crackers and a cup bouljion and for the rest I drank a lot of water.

In the afternoon I lie down as the ceremony began only at 21.00 o'clock in the evening I decided just to rest and a few hours to go to sleep so i kept enough energy for the evening and night.

A friend of mine who also Ron was going to do the ceremony came to pick me and I must confess that I was terrible at all certainly looked at 2 or 3 weeks to ayuascha ceremony to go since I do not really know what awaits me stood, Ron stood at the door and rang the bell and I opened the door and we gave each other a hug, he helped me to put my sleeping bag, mat and bag in the trunk of the car and was once Ron arrived at my house began nerves by vultures, my body pffff what a nerve, but I was determined to do the ceremony because a bit has at least one ayuascha experience had a shaman so I went for it.

Years ago I would have settled LSD, ecstasy, mushrooms etc.. used but this was something totally different and I was fully aware of me.

When everything was in the car we went, it was a very special ceremony ayuascha be because there was a real ayuascha shaman from Ecuador to the Netherlands to do the ceremony and guide.

Once at the destination we stepped out of the car and we dragged our stuff, we were led to a large clearing where a big tepee stood around and were all artistic objects, it dawned on me until later that we on an old abandoned military area were what was squatted by squatters.

When we entered inside the tipi we saw people everywhere sitting and lying in the middle of the tipi was a very large hot campfire and the atmosphere was great, the energy that was super, Gwen (Shamanic a friend of ours) caught us and we gave each other a hug and she had in my mind a place reserved for me because it was full and busy everywhere except between her and Fred (another friend who was there), they had a place reserved for me between them and I felt a lot safer since Fred and Gwen ayuascha experienced drinkers felt very nice for me.

I put my mat and sleeping bag on the floor and then Gwen said of, I'll get you to meet Miguel de Ayuascha shaman, I stood up and walked her to him, I wanted to give him a hand but he grabbed me right , and gave me a loving hug and welcomed me, I was in my delighted and felt totally included me in the group even though I had not met in the teepee, everyone I asked Gwen where the toilet was, she walked with me note to show that the squatters had made a toilet and we walked to an open area next to the tipi and I saw that they had made of sticks which is approximately one and a half feet tall with a cloth around it a sort of triangular pyramid-like figures , they had dug a hole for when you would get diarrhea burden in the middle you could do, sawdust etc.. therein lay beside the hole and I did not think of here I'm going to hang up his life days with my ass and hoped I would get diarrhea. no charge

When we came back in the teepee Miguel began to prepare for there was another shaman who helped him or rather the people helped if they needed anything or if they had to go out and they could not walk etc. which obviously with me yet sometimes might come in handy ..

Before we started the ayuascha Miguel began the shaman to invoke the spirits and the ceremony was officially started and I thought to myself, okay, let's go to the end because I'm a Warrior, but I had no idea what I was ahead and my Warrior Shelf was put to the test.

We started sniffing tobacco water and that was in each nostril, "oh my god" which burned to say and my nose and everything in my head was completely pulled open and then I felt a slight high effect, it was long ago that I drugs had and knew the high impact what is was nice, despite the pleasant feeling started again to play on my nerves violently and I literally felt that my penis began to shrink including my balls, at that moment I knew anything violent stood happen because the last thing I was doing was denying my body signals.

Miguel grabbed a large Coke bottle and poured a small glass with half ayuascha for the participants, I saw the glass in going round and Miguel donated personally to everyone and looked at the amount they needed, I held the glass in focus the holes and saw the amount ayuascha in the glass go and so knew what I would get, or so I thought, as Miguel stood beside me when I saw Fred again that he almost gave the glass half full for him, Fred drank it and Miguel then stood with me, I had no time to think or feel me even more nervous because this was the big moment that I was drinking, Miguel looked at me and poured the glass almost half full, he looked at me again and poured something and now it was the glass half full and when he looked back at me and gave something in my glass was almost three quarters full and I did not look at it and took the glass and drank everything, in my mind what it tasted like beer I will not drink, and I washed some with water.

Now it was waiting for the impact, 30 minutes had passed and I saw a number of participants who first had drunk that they had to surrender the ayuascha so I knew it was my turn true, I followed soon after and threw up but nothing came out, yuck what a dirty feeling, my balls now reduced even more and I threw up what I have as a very annoying experience, a number of times I looked at Gwen and asked her if this is so by, the whole evening go and they assured me that that was not the case so I was again slightly reassured but still felt a slight panic, I lay down and tried to find some peace and vomiting subsided some so I could relax me, I felt what stoned and suffered from a lachkik and started getting some to laugh and I thought if it is then this is a Peule of pie and a big party, now what did I do mistaken.

When we were about an hour away began to do ayuascha are violent and it came in a kind of gusts, and when it arrived I was so terribly stoned I did not know how I did, I could not even move my arms and could only lie.

Miguel de Shaman started singing and it was a pretty annoying sound because I only heard nininininininini and I always heard hissing I could not bring home and ayuascha became ever fiercer and fiercer, and I thought of oooo my god where am I I started to want to go home NOW, but that just did not work and had this whole roller coaster ride from sitting.

At one time I was this crazy that I felt that I started to lose my consciousness I felt my consciousness so fly away with my etheric hands I tried to catch my consciousness but could for a yard, ayuascha was too strong and took my consciousness along and I lost consciousness and fell off when I regained happened exactly the same again, I lost my consciousness and I tried to capture still and poof away I was, this happened a total of 3 times in a row which really terrible was, I was still rather be dead instead of this so full longer need to keep.

When I awoke I was still this crazy as a door but I knew I had to stay calm and not to oppose me, I saw that Miguel was on and the other participants a shamanic healing began to give, I'll just explain what a shamanic healing, it was a purification of spirits and heavy energy that you carry in your energy field or body, Miguel had a very large leaf from the jungles of Ecuador took it and I saw that he did something with it but thought I'd see as it is with me because I was still so slate as a door, in the meantime I went and watched my thoughts were and everything was in a cartoon form, I saw the lies of my ego and I could pick up as and throw away from my memory, it was weird that I saw everything in a cartoon and I thought then as I am of this, I'm pretty crazy, I saw snakes crawl together which is a bit like a tattoo I have, when I saw these images I heard the Shaman in the background singing with his terrible ninininininini sounds, in my peripheral vision I always heard that hissing again and it was getting stronger and stronger, I turned around to ask if he could hear it in Fred but I saw that he was too heavy, he was some muttering to himself I could not understand well late but I thought and turned me back my own way, I also had my Mesa (which my medicine bag is) taken and was placed against the side of my head what I used half as a pillow, I asked the Queros the medicine men in the infinity and the White Brotherhood and the Archangels if they wanted to assist in this process vehement me.

My perception was so special, I always saw a kind of black lightning in the middle of the tipi and then suddenly stood Miguel at me in Spanish that said to me that I had to sit upright phew that's impossible because I thought my body felt like rubber and I had absolutely no strength, sit up he said sternly and with all my strength I tried to sit up straight, I fell again and again and again I crawled up to sit right, he had the great leaf out of the jungle in his hand and started me with it on my head to store and began again to sing that awful ninininini song I felt my nausea resurgence but I refused it to surrender, yuck what a horrible fucking feeling was that say, Miguel also had a large bottle in his hands that consisted of homemade florida water, an alcoholic drink with herbs in it, he took a sip and spit it all over me, the smell was so overwhelming that I like my bucket had to address to surrender and I went all the way loose, this is too much for me I said softly, let me lie down and die, but Miguel told me to sit right because he was not ready, I felt so very helpless and did not know what to do because my body just did not work with it, after about 5 minutes (which seemed to last an eternity in my opinion) he continued to Gwen and I thought of "Yes I can finally lie down again and I was freed from that awful sitting position. It felt very bad because my penis was so small.

After a few hours I felt I had to pee but had no energy or strength to stand and I had something of oh I love it though, in the time between ayuascha came in gusts and I went like a rocket in the roller coaster of ayuascha note, I had a slight numbness in my balls and the visions came around, gosh I had been busy, Fred asked me how I was doing and I said I was this crazy and that the a recognizable feeling was the ayuascha, and it was really because I knew ayuascha, it felt to me like a violent fever with severe flu at least if I have a fever and flu had and I went to sleep then I recognized this feeling and I saw visions and immediately I thought of: I will ayuascha as I've always known this and have felt? Yes I said, I'm ayuascha and poof there I went on the roller coaster with ayuascha.

The feeling of urination was getting stronger and stronger and I realized that I had stopped the already over 5 hours and was now about to burst, how do I do this now I thought?

I feel as limp as a dish cloth and you may not get up but knew that if I did not go now, I would have Fred & Gwen totally under pissed and I'll have myself never forgive all my life, so I picked up all the energy which I could only find two together and got up and walked barefoot directly on the fire and thought of Now I roasted peanuts, at that time was the other shaman and stopped me and grabbed me tightly, I said I had to go outside and he helped me to the exit of the tipi.

Once outside I saw just about 15 to 20 feet away homemade toilets and thought still no no I'm not going to save and turned a quarter turn and peed directly into the bushes next to the tipi,.

Apparently my pisstraal was so strong the flow that a woman at the entrance was in the teepee heard it and looked out at what happened and laughed very hard when she saw me pee so I felt what annoyed me, and I ayuhasca wanted to apologize because my penis had made me so small I did not make a joke with a remark that my penis was a little shy in unfamiliar surroundings but that did not matter because as I heard ayhuasca ayhuasca say love yet again with those silly jokes and be serious, oops I felt caught me by ayhuasca and kept my mouth shut.

Once excreted through urine stumbled in the teepee back inside where the auxiliary shaman grabbed me again and escorted me to my place, I found myself delivered from a big fight and realized how heavy I have not had it with that full bladder of me and was love happy that I did not have to defecate or suffering from diarrhea like many others, I myself had never seen so top hole on my heels because I was confident in my ass hole cases with other people's shit on my ass, oh well shit happens but fortunately not for me. My penis though were still tiny.

I glanced at my phone to see what time it was because I thought it gave been and wish it had worked, it was now five o'clock in the morning and I was still in the roller coaster where my belt buckles are firmly had and then came ayhuasca again and took me into a deep trip, I heard Miguel say that if someone wants to sing that may, at the same time and then I thought oh no dude still do not because who knows what everyone looks stalls and you can all the time listening to that caterwauling of others because I thought of him bad enough let alone that some jantje smit also another begins, and then someone began in Spanish with a hoarse voice sing what still sounded pretty fun and I enjoyed singing along with ayuhusca that went as 15 minutes and then someone else took over, the person who took over was a french beautiful young lady with frizzy hair just incredibly beautiful as a big afro, her face was beautiful and they also had something of an outside nature race of the Pleiades, she picked up her flute and began to play and I thought at that time, hey that's the Eagle F Sharp or the High Spirit Flute I also have and enjoyed her delicious flute concert.

I myself was not able to play anything at all because I was still long and found it fine with me.

When these oh so beautiful french Pleiadian alien beauty had finished the flute, I saw in my peripheral vision a large UFO-like metal round emerge disk and when it came, this was the best music concert I had ever heard in my life this young man played the Hang Drum.

He began to play and at that time I was the one insight after another and it seemed to downloads that from nothing came in to me and I understood everything, I saw everything and knew everything as a whole and with that amazing magic show of the Hang instrument everything fell into place, it was delicious and he would have certainly played an hour which was simply magnificent. feeling for my

By now we were a while longer and it was light outside and I saw that people began to awaken the ahyuascatrip and myself sat there completely and flipped a bit because I was done with it but apparently ayuascha not with me, I asked Fred how he felt and he said that again began to come in while I was still in a cool trip and felt some panic come up because it did not decrease with me, that moment came Miguel again along with the tobacco water and we could go sniffing again, he said it was important to inhale tobacco water because then you would be faster to come, so I took a best snuff in both nostrils and I became as still high so I regret was that I did it, but after about 15 minutes that feeling was sunk and it went a little better with me, only it was the ayhuasca still vehemently working with me so I thought that it was better to just take a breath of fresh air because it was Finally 9:00 in the morning, gosh what a heady trip.

I went stumbling out and that was little better than last night and felt the sun shining in my face, the fresh air did me good but it did the operation of the ahyuasca not less be when I decided to just sit down at outside to arrive.

After about 30 minutes I had sat outside inwards again as the ceremony concluded, Miguel thanked the spirits who had helped us and finished the whole thing off, when there were some dishes brought along with chunks of beef, vegetables and maize which you could eat but I got it for no possibility of my throat back and have it in a paper towel wrapped to give as an offering to the fire at that time Ron asks me if I was ready to go and inside was my answer Noooo because I was still pretty in ahyuasca trip, the other auxiliary shaman saw that and gave me the advice that if I was at home than to eat what I find with a nice big glass of cola there and then I quickly recover again, Ron had bought two bottles of coke for both of us so we quickly arrived at, on the road at the gas station Ron was chicken sober and felt super fit but me.

Once at home I stumbled out of the car which Ron laughed and I saw the compassion in his eyes which I realized that I was literally in the ahyuasca trip was what was just super intense, later when I had spoken with Gwen she also said that this the strongest ahyuasca was that Miguel had ever made and everyone had slightly complained or said anything about, all in all I + - 30 hours into the trip ahyuasca been in place from 8 to 10 hours where everyone had talked about on Friday night at 21:00 ahyuasca began the ceremony and I was not sober on Saturday night at 2:30 pm to be precise, and what pfff trip but I did not want to miss it because I have seen and learned, Ahyuasca has given me a great lesson learned about letting go of control and has given me many insights about who and what I am and also the old me slain so I could be born again ahyuasca has literally all my puzzle pieces put in place.

Ahyuasca thanks for the great insights and gifts you have given me, it was a very strong inner struggle with myself but I triumphed because I have taken the step to do the ceremony and the confrontation with my inner to go and I found the subsequent great but it was definitely my last trip ayuascha."

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Re: The long-awaited fifth Melchizedek is now finally here!
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2013, 03:55:44 pm »
On his website he also claims to have met "Maha Avatar Babaji" several years ago, from what I understand is a perhaps mythical Hindu saint or folk hero. Some have claimed to have met him between 1861 and 1935 (long before Senia Melchizedek was born) and he has been popularized by the Self-Realization Fellowship cult founder Paramahansa Yogananda, who claimed that he's an immortal being who possesses god-like powers.

"Baba" just means father or respected male elder/teacher. "Ji," appended to a name or title, is a term of endearment.* So "Babaji" just means, roughly, "Beloved/Dear Father/Teacher"

There are many, many respected elder males in Hindu (and related) communities who are addressed as "Babaji" by their familes and/or followers. But when newagers, especially the rebirthing crowd, gush about "Babaji," they usually mean this one:

They don't like to discuss details, but I think they're saying that this guy from the 1970s was an incarnation of the other one? I'm not sure. Either way...

During my run-in with the rebirthers, many of them kept pictures of this dead guru on their makeshift altars. The creepy thing is, one of the pictures they used was a post-mortem picture. They would not admit he was dead. The man died of a heart attack, but his followers would say, "On this day [death date] he opened his heart to the world!" They would do rituals with flower petals and claimed they were passing on Babaji's blessing. (Note - I've been to traditional Hindu ceremonies where flower petals are used; the nuagers are doing it wrong.)

So when they talk about "meeting Babaji..." they are talking about some kind of spiritual or, more often, imagined experience where they think they met his disincarnate spirit. When they claim to be followers or devotees of Babaji, they might mean whatever teachings this man left behind... but more often they mean they have imagined that he is psychically sending them messages from beyond the grave. As you can see from the above links, there are nuagers who claim to channel him. Or something.

I believe in the existence of spirits. I believe that some ancestors watch over their descendants. I believe that healthy spiritual communities have ways of determining what is legitimate spirit contact and what is self-aggrandizing hallucination/illusion. Want to guess which category these nuagers fall into? ;)

ETA: * Please see ska's clarification below. The meaning I learned from American converts to Hinduism is not true to the traditional meaning in Hindi/Punjabi and other languages from India. It's more a term of respect than endearment.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2013, 06:39:39 pm by Kathryn »


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Re: The long-awaited fifth Melchizedek is now finally here!
« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2013, 05:57:24 pm »
On a Babaji note, specifically Babaji Haidakhandi as Kathryn writes photos of this man are on many rebirthers altars and in their books. (These video clips are interesting, I only watched the first few minutes, I don't understand his interactions with children.)

I lived at Leonard Orr's place at Campbell Hot Springs in the mid 1980s, Leonard Orr says he founded rebirthing, fire meditation, and that he is a young immortal. He had us do pseudo Hindu rituals, he taught his own spin on things without any context or proper training. He was the guru, the cult leader, he promoted images and his own stories of this Babaji, so everyone listened and followed along, and many still do.

I don't know if Leonard Orr's version of this Babaji has much in reality to do with the actual man Leonard can invent anything he wants and claim it was from a vision of Babaji talking with him. interview with Leonard Orr, includes his claims about "Babaji" plus this bit:

Orr: There are some in American Indian tradition. About 15 years ago I heard about a group of American Indian spiritual teachers and leaders that formed a physical immortality group. I haven’t personally met anyone in that group but I heard about it. One of my students told me about those people and gave me a couple of names but I’ve never been able to organize a meeting with those people. My time is kind of loosening up a bit so I am interested in meeting those people.
One of my close friends and students from the early days knows one of the American Indian immortals who can turn his body into hawks or animals. He has had several meetings with that person. I haven’t had a chance to get together with him since he told me that and to actually go meet that person who has become his teacher. So, they are around.


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Re: The long-awaited fifth Melchizedek is now finally here!
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2013, 02:32:45 am »

On his website he also claims to have met "Maha Avatar Babaji" several years ago, from what I understand is a perhaps mythical Hindu saint or folk hero. Some have claimed to have met him between 1861 and 1935 (long before Senia Melchizedek was born) and he has been popularized by the Self-Realization Fellowship cult founder Paramahansa Yogananda, who claimed that he's an immortal being who possesses god-like powers

If that is the case, then that would be this person/entity. 

The northern Himalayan crags near Badrinarayan are still blessed by the living presence of Babaji, guru of Lahiri Mahasaya. The secluded master has retained his physical form for centuries, perhaps for millenniums. The deathless Babaji is an AVATARA. This Sanskrit word means "descent"; its roots are AVA, "down," and TRI, "to pass." In the Hindu scriptures, AVATARA signifies the descent of Divinity into flesh.

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Re: The long-awaited fifth Melchizedek is now finally here!
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2013, 01:21:37 pm »

just a tiny clarification:

"Ji" is not really a term of endearment but more a term of respect in Hindi/Punjabi and other languages from India. 

When we say "mamaji" or "papaji" we are saying "respected mother" or "respected father".

In our languages, Babaji is a common way to refer to an older man, a respected teacher, or even God. 

best, ska

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Re: The long-awaited fifth Melchizedek is now finally here!
« Reply #11 on: August 10, 2013, 06:33:57 pm »
Thank you for that, ska. The "endearment" thing is what I learned, but it was mostly from American Hindu converts - many of them white - who did not grow up in the culture. Thank you for clarifying :)


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Re: The long-awaited fifth Melchizedek is now finally here!
« Reply #12 on: August 11, 2013, 01:52:42 am »
Sorry, Kathryn and Piff.  I did not understand at first, but I do now.  The Babaji you were referring to claimed that he was a reincarnation of the one I was referring to, which was written about in Yogananda Paramahamsa's book "Autobiography of a Yogi".

However, he only appeared from 1970 to 1984, 14 years, instead of the hundreds and perhaps millenniums that the other Babaji existed. 

Also, he appears to have aged in the few photos and videos they have of him, plus he looks very well-fed.  According to Yogananda: 

An avatar is unsubject to the universal economy; his pure body, visible as a light image, is free from any debt to nature. The casual gaze may see nothing extraordinary in an avatar's form but it casts no shadow nor makes any footprint on the ground. These are outward symbolic proofs of an inward lack of darkness and material bondage. Such a God-man alone knows the Truth behind the relativities of life and death.

The deathless guru bears no marks of age on his body; he appears to be no more than a youth of twenty-five. Fair-skinned, of medium build and height, Babaji's beautiful, strong body radiates a perceptible glow. His eyes are dark, calm, and tender; his long, lustrous hair is copper-colored.

As his undecaying body requires no food, the master seldom eats. As a social courtesy to visiting disciples, he occasionally accepts fruits, or rice cooked in milk and clarified butter.

Yogananda also said he remains in seclusion in the mountains, and Babaji Hairakhan seemed to be surrounded by crowds (especially young children it seems).  Babaji supposedly speaks mainly in Hindi, but he can converse in any language, but in a video online I saw of Babaji Hairakhan, he is speaking in Hindi with an interpreter speaking in English.

I also noticed on his website that his disciples had a viewing of "Three Magic Words" (Gudni Gudnason's movie) in May 2013.  Interesting connection!

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Re: Senia Melchizedek and Freya Melchizedek
« Reply #13 on: September 24, 2019, 01:23:13 am »
This guy is still very active, now joined by his wife. I suggest moving this thread to "Frauds".

Main pages: &

See also:

11 videos here:

Esoteric Teacher of Consciousness
-Body Language Expert
-Public Speaker

Esoteric Teacher, owner & founder at One Consciousness Academy
Lives in Dieren
Married to Freya Melchizedek
Joined on December 2008
Followed by 7,364 people
Manages One Consciousness Academy

Some of the links in there: [Freya Melchizedek; see below]

His wife: [Compare husband's Intro; above]
-Esoteric Teacher of Consciousness
-Body Language Expert
-Public Speaker

Owner and Founder at One Consciousness Academy
Married to Senia Melchizedek
Joined on March 2009
Followed by 676 people

Why do I think they are frauds (my bolding):

Our Story
Senia & Freya Melchizedek are Toltecs of the arts of the shamans of ancient Mexico, and the founders and teachers of One Consciousness Academy.

O.C.A. stands for One Consciousness Academy, or freely translated: the Academy for Unity Consciousness. They are therefore an Academy focused on the evolutionary development of human consciousness in this special New era (Aquarius), better known as the Golden Age.

The Golden Age provides opportunities for us all to develop into completeness, provided that that is something you really want. More than 30 years of experience and knowledge of different spiritual traditions are brought together in a unique learning school. Old esoteric knowledge is translated to this time to guide you on your unique journey of discovery of your true potential. All in understandable language and well-founded,  practical and applicable.

One Conscioussness Academy does not work from a religion. All people with every possible religious background are therefore welcome to follow our seminars, events & online training. The condition is that you are willing to reconsider existing beliefs and that you are open to learning.

The core of our doctrine consists of esoteric knowledge that is as old as humanity itself but has been hidden and suppressed through the ages. Today, more and more of this knowledge is supported by scientific breakthroughs in Quantum physics.

Our goal is to put people back in their own Power and in their true Essence without identification of the I Consciousness. You can put someone back in his or her own power in many ways. An agreement in all these ways is that there is no room for victimization; you have to take responsibility yourself in order to grow. Are you willing to take responsibility for your own life? And claim your Mastery back? Do you want to get to know yourself at a deeper level? Then you are at the right place at O.C Academy.

Senia & Freya Melchizedek both have different skills that they combine beautifully and are Spiritual Teachers of Consciousness. They both embody different qualities and are Master Facilitators in such as Meditation, Body Language and Micro Expressions, Energy healing, Emotional Bodywork, Paranormal such as Reading and Mediumship (Channeling),  Toltec shamanism of the arts of the shamans of ancient Mexico, Ancestral work, Hypnosis, and they know & experience different states of Awakening.

You can find more information about their work on the website

The "Toltec Shaman" fraud complex has been debunked dozens of times in this forum, e.g. here: [Miguel Ruiz]