Author Topic: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"  (Read 2037953 times)

Offline Freija

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #180 on: December 06, 2010, 12:07:52 pm »
Thank you for that post, Kathryn! Very well said!
And this is nothing against you, Spandex!

I could tell some horror stories about the "The Indians say....."-quotes that I, myself, passed on in books and lectures during my years "in darkness".  :-\  I got out of it, pretty much thanks to NAFPS and by spending time in Native communities. So I KNOW how easy it is to get fooled by all the garbage out there written or interpreted by non-Natives, sticking a "Native label" on everything just to get fame and fortune. I feel really sorry for Native leaders, chiefs, medicinepeople etc that continously see their names connected to lies and fantasies in which they have had no part.

I think it´s important for all of us non-Natives to be extremely careful and go straight to the source. And  when we do, I don´t see why the information should be forwarded. Prophecies and "spiritual advice" belongs to the Nation it was given to, UNLESS you have been asked - for some reason - to make it public.  And even IF that happened you´d have to make sure it is a joint decision among the Elders. (And why would they ask a non-Native to speak on behalf of them??)

So a sudden phonecall telling you to go out and be a "wisdom keeper" is pretty comical....
« Last Edit: December 06, 2010, 01:24:42 pm by Freija »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #181 on: December 06, 2010, 02:45:58 pm »
No offence taken, now or in the future! I appreciate it when my erroneous thinking is pointed out....I like it, and it will help to de-brief  :o others

Important, please read:

Official Statement from Salish Elders Regarding Kiesha Crowther
(click on link above this quote box to read in full) 

I'm sorry Kiesha. I grew up on the Flathead reserve. All of my family are scattered every where there. I have them from Arlee all the way to Polson, going east to west, and no one knows of you. I have spoken with tribal elders who have no idea who you are. At pow wow, I asked around to see if you were made a shaman over our reserve and our people. I had people laugh in my face...............(click link above this quote box read in full)

« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 09:42:18 pm by Spandex~Atom »

Offline earthw7

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #182 on: December 06, 2010, 02:47:13 pm »
Oh this post get more comical each day,
No the Lakota/Dakota have no propecies of a
a fair haired girl, no there is no connect to our
white buffalo propecies.
In Spirit

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #183 on: December 08, 2010, 11:52:00 pm »
Maybe they're getting her confused with Cinderella  ???

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #184 on: December 09, 2010, 12:08:21 am »
More bio and background including ('a white father')'motherin.html

Offline goozih

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #185 on: December 09, 2010, 09:37:09 am »
I wonder if this is a case of early childhood trauma ; the need to be special, delusions ,her stories' lack of coherence . Sad and scary.

Offline educatedindian

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #186 on: December 09, 2010, 09:59:48 pm »
That link has her saying she talks to beings in UFOs, believes in crop circles, and has seen lights from UFOs on a regular basis all her life. She also mentions growing up in a mostly Mormon community. The Mormons have quite a lot of strange roles for NDNs in their prophecies, and an obsession if they somehow can covert many or most NDNs somehow their version of the End Times happens. That, combined with someone whose been seeing visual hallucinations all her life, makes for a convincing explanation in her mind I think.

Some things on that site made me shake my head...

"....this first day of ceremony the heavens truly opened and a these pillars of light I had been seeing for some time began to grow outwardly... until soon they were one large pillar. Many people felt when it happened-- there was a gasp or an intake of breath. There was no denying the presence of the ancestors around us or the massive amount of energy that was flowing from the heavens that day."

That could have come from any TV preacher or other imitator of the story of Moses on Mt Sinai.

And then her ego really gets going. Notice how she claims to direct literally hundreds of Native elders supposedly from all over.

" Most of the men in the circle had no idea what was about to happen and it was probably just as well, since some of them would have probably wanted to exit then and there! I did not envy the men in the circle as I asked them to please stand and join hands. My heart wept for them so deeply as I instructed them on what needed to be done and what was being asked of themÉ to go inward, as deep as they could within themselves and witness all of these atrocities, to witness the grief and pain of the feminine, to feel and release these negative energies, not just in their own lives but for those lives that had come before them throughout history. As I spoke my whole body shuddered as the gut-wrenching sorrow and pain started to build inside of me, as I asked these good-hearted men to do such a hard thing. I must say now that the men in this circle were the strongest and purest hearts I have ever met and I love them deeply. I assured them I did not place any blame on them as individuals and I swore to keep them safe and grounded to Mother Earth and Father Sky the entire time. As I spoke of what needed to happen I had all the woman gather in a larger circle around them "...

The idea that a fairhaired allegedly mixedblood 30 year old woman who'd been raised away from her alleged people all her life would actually command several hundred NDN elders, tell them what needed to be done and they are supposedly lost without her guidance and protection...I don't think I've ever seen or heard of anyone that arrogant, that self deluded, EVER.

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #187 on: December 09, 2010, 11:08:08 pm »
... That arrogant, that self-deluded, and that racist.

Would all those white people who follow her buy this crap if she claimed she had called together the Catholic College of Cardinals, told them she was the new Pope, and then instructed them in the new way to lead mass? And that the Cardinals had all done as she asked, gratefully, and exclaimed, "Thank you massa! We don' know nuthin' witout YOU!!!"

Only someone for whom NDNs are romantic fantasies (and ignorant, childlike ones, at that) could believe something so patently racist and offensive.

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #188 on: December 10, 2010, 12:27:16 am »
I know what I'm looking foreward to, having had a ****load of encounters myself  :o  :-X ......

2010 with Shaman, Kiesha Crowther 5/10

"...There are many more things that are going to happen in year 2010...

...All of the secrets will be exposed...

...Knowledge of ufo's and higher intelligence, will be exposed...

.....or maybe not  :'(
« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 02:38:29 am by Spandex~Atom »

Offline Saga

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #189 on: December 10, 2010, 09:11:59 am »
Now she is telling the "tribe" to join her in this:

And wear crystals to connect mother eath, which is sooo important.

(And ofc she is moving to a new house, no wonder, should be able to afford it now...)
« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 09:14:49 am by Saga »

Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #190 on: December 10, 2010, 11:31:06 am »

Now she is branching into the Egyptian Sacred-Tourism business:

".......Egypt is magical and mystical and full of vibration and life. I am so excited to experience this place in the physical after being taught so much about it in the spirit realm. My heart is beating with more fervor and more passion just speaking of this place and recalling all of its gifts and promise… What an opportunity this is for not only me but for all those who will attend. Miracles are waiting to happen-- this is a promise!"

Q to Kiesha: Is this information you were taught so much about in the spirit realm just for the people who can afford your tour, or are you going to share this wisdom with us all?
(I suppose sharing it now would spoil the surprise for the tourists pilgrims.)

Accompanying Little Grandmother will be the expert guide Mohammed Fayed of Guardian Travel and his team of excellent Egyptologists who have worked for many years with expeditions for the Edgar Cayce Association of Research and Enlightenment...

This is the sort of thing that should be expected by tourists to Egypt who who fork out thousands for the privilege:

In Egypt, metaphysical tours are a thriving business, bringing in about 5,000 visitors a year, according to Mohammed Fayed, whose company, Guardian Travel, organized Ms. Billger’s tour. The price, usually a few thousand dollars per person, includes the expense of securing private time at the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx — sometimes thousands of dollars a group for an hour. Mr. Fayed’s business grew 45 percent from 2005 to 2006, and he expects another double-digit increase this year.
NO sound was heard in the burial chamber of the Great Pyramid as a tall, slender woman lay down in the pharaoh’s pitted granite sarcophagus, her flowing silver hair spreading beneath her. Her dozen or so companions in the dank room lifted their arms, palms upward, eyes closed in meditation.
As was prescribed in the training of priests in pharaonic Egypt, the woman had said, each member of the group had taken a turn in the sarcophagus; now she, their spiritual leader, occupied the space. Suddenly, her lips quivered, and a guttural moan escaped them, bouncing off the smooth stone walls and ceiling like an angry pinball. She climbed out of the sarcophagus, her face creased with determination, and formed the group into a circle, sitting cross-legged. In a deep voice, she read from the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, which she believes were translated from the ancient tongue of Atlantis......
Ms. Billger had everyone lie down. “When ye have released the self from the body, rise to the outermost bounds of your earth-plane,” she intoned, “and speak ye the word Dor-E-Lil-La.”
“Dor-E-Lil-La,” the bodies replied.
This was not a cult; the participants had met only two days before. They were in Egypt on a package tour......
“Other groups will be in there with bells and candles, jumping up and down like somebody’s going through their bodies,” Wael Khattab, this group’s Egyptian guide, commented as he observed their ritual from close by. “This is actually quite tame.”,,,,,,
In Egypt, metaphysical tours are a thriving business, bringing in about 5,000 visitors a year, according to Mohammed Fayed, whose company, Guardian Travel, organized Ms. Billger’s tour. The price, usually a few thousand dollars per person, includes the expense of securing private time at the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx — sometimes thousands of dollars a group for an hour. Mr. Fayed’s business grew 45 percent from 2005 to 2006, and he expects another double-digit increase this year.......
 Because their beliefs and practices differ so from those of the average tourist, tour organizers are careful to keep the metaphysical tourists, who call themselves “awake,” separate from the regular tourists, whom they refer to as “asleep.” Ms. Billger requires prospective clients to fill out an application in which they agree to support “the group energy for the greatest good of all.”.......
full article (realy worth a read lol) here:

Offline Freija

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #191 on: December 10, 2010, 02:44:36 pm »
The idea that a fairhaired allegedly mixedblood 30 year old woman who'd been raised away from her alleged people all her life would actually command several hundred NDN elders, tell them what needed to be done and they are supposedly lost without her guidance and protection...I don't think I've ever seen or heard of anyone that arrogant, that self deluded, EVER.

 :o  Well, many exploiters have passed by during recent years, wrongfully calling themselves sundance-leaders, medicinepeople or chiefs. But I agree, Al, this takes the prize!! This is sick. Totally sick.

NO sound was heard in the burial chamber of the Great Pyramid as a tall, slender woman lay down in the pharaoh’s pitted granite sarcophagus, her flowing silver hair spreading beneath her. Her dozen or so companions in the dank room lifted their arms, palms upward, eyes closed in meditation.

This sends shivers down my spine! I have been to that chamber, alone (the pyramid was sealed off for me thanks to an influential friend) and I have hardly ever been that scared. Couldn´t wait to get out. Anyone being the slightest sensitive would feel the presence of spirits in there.  (Which probably wouldn´t be that obvious when the room is packed with tourists.) And my personal opinion is that those were NOT good spirits.

We have NO idea what kind of ceremonies took place in that pyramid. Kheops was a tyrannical and cruel ruler, the Hitler of ancient Egypt. And people worship his burielchamber??! Lie down in his grave??!

This is the overall problem, as I see it, with New Agers fooling around with spirits and ceremonies not having a clue what they are doing. There is very little respect for the power they are dealing with, no concern about other people and the way they put them in danger. Scary!

Offline Defend the Sacred

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #192 on: December 10, 2010, 08:40:11 pm »
This sends shivers down my spine! I have been to that chamber, alone (the pyramid was sealed off for me thanks to an influential friend) and I have hardly ever been that scared. Couldn´t wait to get out. Anyone being the slightest sensitive would feel the presence of spirits in there.  (Which probably wouldn´t be that obvious when the room is packed with tourists.) And my personal opinion is that those were NOT good spirits.

We have NO idea what kind of ceremonies took place in that pyramid. Kheops was a tyrannical and cruel ruler, the Hitler of ancient Egypt. And people worship his burielchamber??! Lie down in his grave??!

I think these tourists have been seriously pre-conditioned by their group leaders as to what they will experience. I've seen this with a lot of Neopagans and Newagers who believe they are psychic, who think they are sensitive to spirits, but really are not. Most of these people are as sensitive as bricks.  They will walk into the most energetically scummy situations, smiling like bliss-bunnies, totally unaware of what is really there. They usually leave those sites more messed up than when they found them, and leave carrying ugly residues (or sometimes actual spirits) with them. Nasty stuff.

This is the overall problem, as I see it, with New Agers fooling around with spirits and ceremonies not having a clue what they are doing. There is very little respect for the power they are dealing with, no concern about other people and the way they put them in danger. Scary!

Exactly. They convince themselves they have skills and knowledge they don't have, they have no checks and balances, and it's all pay-to-pray so they don't even have the interdependence and feedback of peers that one has in a traditional community. Any training they've received, if they've received any at all, was usually also pay-to-pray, by similarly deluded people, so they don't have real elders. Most of them, when you mention "Elders" think only of the spirits they think they channel, or objectified POC they met briefly (and maybe got their picture taken with!) at one of those exploitative fake elders gatherings.

And how many of the "spiritual" tourists have even tried to talk to people from the region about what they and their ancestors believed? Or what they believe today? The tourists instead rely on the writings of white English and American occultists, who also "channeled" the information about what ceremonies are to be done there, what the imagined history is, what spirits they think are there and what they will think of outsiders howling in their desecrated tombs.

Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #193 on: December 10, 2010, 11:57:26 pm »
This sends shivers down my spine! I have been to that chamber, alone (the pyramid was sealed off for me thanks to an influential friend) and I have hardly ever been that scared. Couldn´t wait to get out. Anyone being the slightest sensitive would feel the presence of spirits in there.  (Which probably wouldn´t be that obvious when the room is packed with tourists.) And my personal opinion is that those were NOT good spirits.

We have NO idea what kind of ceremonies took place in that pyramid. Kheops was a tyrannical and cruel ruler, the Hitler of ancient Egypt. And people worship his burielchamber??! Lie down in his grave??!

I think these tourists have been seriously pre-conditioned by their group leaders as to what they will experience. I've seen this with a lot of Neopagans and Newagers who believe they are psychic, who think they are sensitive to spirits, but really are not. Most of these people are as sensitive as bricks.  They will walk into the most energetically scummy situations, smiling like bliss-bunnies, totally unaware of what is really there. They usually leave those sites more messed up than when they found them, and leave carrying ugly residues (or sometimes actual spirits) with them. Nasty stuff.

This is the overall problem, as I see it, with New Agers fooling around with spirits and ceremonies not having a clue what they are doing. There is very little respect for the power they are dealing with, no concern about other people and the way they put them in danger. Scary!

Exactly. They convince themselves they have skills and knowledge they don't have, they have no checks and balances, and it's all pay-to-pray so they don't even have the interdependence and feedback of peers that one has in a traditional community. Any training they've received, if they've received any at all, was usually also pay-to-pray, by similarly deluded people, so they don't have real elders. Most of them, when you mention "Elders" think only of the spirits they think they channel, or objectified POC they met briefly (and maybe got their picture taken with!) at one of those exploitative fake elders gatherings.

And how many of the "spiritual" tourists have even tried to talk to people from the region about what they and their ancestors believed? Or what they believe today? The tourists instead rely on the writings of white English and American occultists, who also "channeled" the information about what ceremonies are to be done there, what the imagined history is, what spirits they think are there and what they will think of outsiders howling in their desecrated tombs.

and to think.. all this could be avoided, solved, resolved in one very simple action. Respect.

« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:12:01 pm by Kathryn »
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Offline Spandex~Atom

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Re: Re: Kiesha Crowther - "Little Grandmother"
« Reply #194 on: December 11, 2010, 12:38:56 am »
I wonder if Kiesha will mention to her group, while in the King's Chamber, that it was used by Aleister Crowley to perform the ritual called Goetia, which involves calling on angels and calling up demons.
I wonder if she will use her alleged powers to try and cleanse the place...
if she is as easily subject to her emotions as she portrays in her videos, it could be an interesting experience if she spends some time there alone, as the Great I AM. I wonder what the spirits there will make of her, lol.... 'Good eats'.